
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: 990

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Results in the term's text:

·  ABC
·  ABCL/1
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  Advanced Technology Attachment
·  Aluminum Book
·  Apollo Computer
·  Apple Attachment Unit Interface
·  applet
·  Architecture Neutral Distribution Format
·  ARM
·  as31
·  Ashton-Tate Corporation
·  autoconf
·  Avalon/C++
·  Avalon/Common LISP
·  Back End Generator
·  Berkeley EDIF200
·  bignum
·  Bird-Meertens Formalism
·  boundary scan
·  Bourne shell
·  Business Software Alliance
·  C++
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  Charme
·  CHIP-48
·  Clive Sinclair
·  CLP(R)
·  Cocol/R
·  Coco/R
·  Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
·  Common Lisp
·  Concurrent ML
·  Concurrent Object-Oriented Language
·  Core War
·  cyberpunk
·  dBASE
·  death code
·  DigiCash
·  digital camera
·  Digital Signal Processing Language
·  disk drive
·  Distributed Network Operating System
·  DOS Protected Mode Interface
·  DPS-6
·  DS1
·  DSP/C
·  Ease
·  Edward Yourdon
·  electronic funds transfer
·  electronic mail address
·  Ellie
·  EML
·  es
·  event-driven
·  eXtended Graphics Array
·  Fast Ethernet
·  Finder
·  Flynn' s taxonomy
·  FMQ
·  Fortran 90
·  functional specification
·  Gateway 2000
·  GEM
·  Gerald
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  Glisp
·  gopher
·  Graph-Oriented Object Database
·  GVL
·  Herman Hollerith
·  Hermes
·  high moby
·  Hope
·  Human Interface Technology Laboratory
·  Icon
·  Iconicode
·  information superhighway
·  Internet
·  IP Telephony
·  ISO 9735
·  ITS
·  Janus
·  JavaServer Pages
·  John Vincent Atanasoff
·  Kaleidoscope
·  Kali
·  KAP
·  KL1
·  Kyoto Common Lisp
·  Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  Leda
·  linear type
·  LLGen
·  LML
·  LO
·  Loglan-88
·  LPS
·  Lucy
·  luser
·  Macintosh Operating System
·  MAS
·  mcvax
·  mcvert
·  Media Converter
·  Melinda
·  Meta-Crystal
·  Micro Interpreter for Knowledge Engineering
·  MIX Communications
·  ML Threads
·  Modula-2*
·  Mosaic
·  Multimedia Personal Computer
·  nanotechnology
·  network, the
·  newgroup wars
·  Newsqueak
·  Oberon-V
·  Objective CAML
·  Object Oberon
·  occurs check
·  Open Software Foundation
·  Orca
·  p2c
·  Parallel SML
·  Pascal-FC
·  plan file
·  plants
·  PLisp
·  Ponder
·  Prolog-III
·  ProSet
·  Prospero
·  Quadralay Corporation
·  Red Book
·  refactoring
·  removable disk
·  Request For Comments
·  RISC System/6000
·  robot
·  RTC++
·  RT-PC
·  Ruby
·  Scheme
·  Scheme-Linda
·  screen saver
·  SETL2
·  Show-And-Tell
·  SIL
·  SIMulation ANalysis
·  snacc
·  software rot
·  Solve
·  SP
·  Spec
·  SPLash!
·  SRL
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
·  Sticks&Stones
·  Strand
·  string
·  Subset-Equational Language
·  supercomputer
·  Sure
·  surfing
·  talk
·  The Cuckoo' s Egg
·  thin client
·  top-level domain
·  TPL
·  Trojan horse
·  Turbo C
·  UAN
·  Undernet
·  user interface copyright
·  vanity domain
·  Video Electronics Standards Association
·  virus
·  viz
·  White Book
·  Windows 3.0
·  Xemacs
·  Yet Another Compiler Compiler
·  Z++


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