
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: AM

Results in the term's title:

·  absolute pathname
·  Adam7
·  Adamakegen
·  Ada Programming Support Environment
·  Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program
·  Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  Advanced Program-to-Program Communications
·  Advanced STatistical Analysis Program
·  A Hardware Programming Language
·  A Language Encouraging Program Hierarchy
·  AM
·  am
·  Amanda
·  amateur packet radio
·  Amber
·  AMD
·  AMD 29000
·  AMD 29027
·  Amdahl
·  Amdahl Corporation
·  Amdahl' s Law
·  AMD Am2901
·  AMD Am2903
·  AMD Am2910
·  AMD K7
·  American National Standard
·  American National Standards Institute
·  American Society of Mechanical Engineers
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  American Wire Gauge
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  America' s Multimedia Online
·  AMI
·  Amiga E
·  Aminet
·  AML
·  AML/E
·  AMO
·  Amoeba
·  AMP
·  amper
·  Ampere
·  ampersand
·  Amplitude Modulation
·  amp off
·  AMS
·  An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming
·  AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol
·  application program
·  Application Program Interface
·  Application Programming Interface
·  Applications Programming Interface
·  A Programming Language
·  aspect-oriented programming
·  Association of American Publishers
·  Automatically Programmed Tools
·  autostereogram
·  backgammon
·  Bad command or file name
·  bamf
·  basename
·  Basic Programming Support
·  beam
·  beamer
·  beam search
·  Berkeley Internet Name Domain
·  Betamaxed
·  bleam
·  Block Diagram Compiler
·  Bloggs Family, the
·  brain-damaged
·  Burst Extended Data Out DRAM
·  Business Application Programming Interface
·  Calendar Application Programming Interface
·  call-by-name
·  CAM
·  CAM-6
·  Cambridge Lisp
·  Camelot Library
·  camera ready
·  Caml Light
·  Campus Wide Information System
·  candygrammar
·  canonical name
·  cargo cult programming
·  Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation
·  CASE framework
·  Ceramic Pin Grid Array
·  CGI program
·  cgram
·  Client-Server Analyst Programmer
·  Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
·  Common Program Interface
·  Community of Massive Gaming Agency
·  complex programmable logic device
·  Computational Fluid Dynamics
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  computer program
·  Concurrent Constraint Programming
·  configuration programming
·  constraint functional programming
·  Constraint Logic Programming
·  Continuous System Modeling Program
·  contract programmer
·  Control Program
·  Control Program for Microcomputers
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  Data Flow Diagram
·  data frame
·  datagram
·  Datamation
·  deamon
·  definitional constraint programming
·  diameter
·  Diamond
·  dictionary flame
·  digital camera
·  Distributed Logic Programming
·  Document Examiner
·  domain name
·  Domain Name Server
·  Domain Name System
·  downstream
·  DRAM refresh
·  DREAM 6800
·  Dr. James H. Clark
·  dynamic adaptive routing
·  Dynamic Address Translation
·  Dynamically Linked Library
·  dynamically scoped
·  dynamically typed
·  dynamic analysis
·  dynamic binding
·  dynamic database management system
·  Dynamic Data Exchange
·  Dynamic Data Linking
·  dynamic DBMS
·  Dynamic Drive Overlay
·  Dynamic Execution
·  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
·  Dynamic HTML
·  DYnamic LANguage
·  dynamic link
·  dynamic link library
·  Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System
·  dynamic RAM
·  dynamic routing
·  DYnamics ANAlyzer
·  dynamic scope
·  dynamic scoping
·  Dynamic Systems Development Method
·  dynamic translation
·  dynamic typing
·  eat flaming death
·  El Camino Bignum
·  Electrically Alterable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Emulator program
·  Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  entity-relationship diagram
·  Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology
·  evolutionary programming
·  examining the entrails
·  exclamation mark
·  exclamation point
·  Execute Channel Program
·  Executive Systems Programming Oriented Language
·  expanded memory page frame
·  Experimental Programming Language
·  Extended Affix Grammar
·  Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Fast Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Ferroelectric RAM
·  field-programmable gate array
·  filename extension
·  flamage
·  flame
·  flame bait
·  flame off
·  flame on
·  flamer
·  flame war
·  flaming
·  Flash Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  frame
·  frame buffer
·  Frame Check Sequence
·  frame grabber
·  FrameKit
·  FrameMaker
·  frame pointer
·  frame rate
·  Frame Relay
·  Frame Relay Access Device
·  frames per second
·  Frame Technology Corporation
·  framework
·  Framework 4
·  framing specification
·  Frobozz Magic Programming Language
·  fully lazy lambda lifting
·  fully qualified domain name
·  functional program
·  functional programming
·  functional programming language
·  Gambit
·  games
·  game tree
·  gamma correction
·  gamut
·  Gene Amdahl
·  General Activities Simulation Program
·  General Aerodynamic Simulation Program
·  generic programming
·  Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface
·  genetic programming
·  Genken Programming Language
·  Gibson, William
·  Glammar
·  Godzillagram
·  Gosling, James
·  grammar
·  grammar analysis
·  grammatical inference
·  Great Renaming
·  Hamilton
·  Hamiltonian cycle
·  Hamiltonian path
·  Hamiltonian problem
·  Hamiltonian tour
·  Hamilton' s problem
·  hammer
·  Hamming code
·  Hamming distance
·  Hamming, Richard
·  hamster
·  hostname
·  Houston Automatic Spooling Program
·  Hungry Programmers
·  IAM
·  Industrial Programming, Inc.
·  initgame
·  Initial Microprogram Load
·  Initial Program Load
·  Initial Program Loader
·  Intermediate Distribution Frame
·  Intermediate Programming Language
·  International Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
·  Internet Server Application Programming Interface
·  JaM
·  jam
·  James Clark
·  James' DSSSL Engine
·  James Gosling
·  James H. Clark
·  Jean E. Sammet
·  Joy, William
·  kamikaze packet
·  Kamin' s interpreters
·  key frame
·  Klamath
·  Knights of the Lambda-Calculus
·  Lambada-Calculus
·  lambda abstraction
·  lambda-calculus
·  lambda expression
·  lambda lifting
·  LambdaMOO
·  Lambda Prolog
·  lamer
·  lamp-post error
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  linear programming
·  Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System
·  LISP, Objects, and Symbolic Programming
·  literate programming
·  log
·  logic programming
·  Mail Application Programming Interface
·  Main Distribution Frame
·  mainframe
·  mainframe programmer/analyst
·  Malamud
·  Mathematical Analysis without Programming
·  Messaging Application Programming Interface
·  Messaging Applications Programming Interface
·  metaprogram
·  mickey mouse program
·  microprogramming
·  Microsoft Mail Application Program Interface
·  milliLampson
·  MPEG-2 Low Sampling Frequencies Extention
·  MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding Scalable Sampling Rate
·  multiprogramming
·  Multi-tasking Program for Microcomputers
·  Musicam
·  name capture
·  named
·  named pipe
·  name resolution
·  name service switching
·  namespace
·  nastygram
·  NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol
·  .NET framework
·  NEW Programming language
·  New Testament
·  Next Program Counter
·  Nibble Mode DRAM
·  Objective CAML
·  object-oriented programming
·  object-oriented programming language
·  occam
·  occam 2
·  Occam' s Razor
·  Office By Example
·  Old Testament
·  One Time Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Operating System/Multiprogramming of Fixed Tasks
·  Page Mode DRAM
·  Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  PAM
·  Pam
·  Paradigms of AI Programming
·  param
·  parameter
·  parameter RAM
·  parametric polymorphism
·  paraML
·  paranoid programming
·  pathname
·  pathname separator
·  perfect programmer syndrome
·  pictogram
·  Pleuk grammar development system
·  pnambic
·  polymorphic lambda-calculus
·  PPLambda
·  Pretty Amazing New Stuff
·  professional programming
·  program
·  Program Composition Notation
·  program counter
·  Program Design Language
·  Program Evaluation and Review Technique
·  Program Information File
·  Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  Programmable Array Logic
·  Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  Programmable Logic Controller
·  Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Programmed Data Processor
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  programmer
·  Programmer Brain Damage
·  Programmer' s Cheer
·  Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System
·  PROgrammer' s Microapplication Language
·  Programmer' s Switch
·  programming
·  programming fluid
·  programming language
·  Programming Language/Cornell
·  Programming Language/Systems
·  Program Temporary Fix
·  program transformation
·  pure lambda-calculus
·  QAM
·  Qlambda
·  Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  Query By Example
·  RAM
·  Rambus DRAM
·  Rambus, Inc.
·  RAM disk
·  RAM drive
·  rastergram
·  Real Programmer
·  Real Time Streaming Protocol
·  relative pathname
·  Report Program Generator
·  Resource Description Framework
·  Richard Hamming
·  Roskind grammars
·  SAM
·  sam
·  SAM76
·  Samba
·  same-day service
·  samizdat
·  Sammet, Jean E.
·  sample
·  sample rate
·  sampling
·  sampling frequency
·  samurai
·  Scalable Sampling Rate
·  Scheduling Application Programming Interface
·  scram switch
·  scream and die
·  Screamer
·  screaming tty
·  secondary damage
·  Second-Order Lambda-calculus
·  shadow ram
·  shambolic link
·  shitogram
·  Single Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Single Image Random Dot Stereogram
·  single program/multiple data
·  sitename
·  spamdex
·  spamming
·  Speech Application Programming Interface
·  Speech Recognition Application Program Interface
·  spelling flame
·  stack frame
·  Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
·  state diagram
·  state transition diagram
·  static RAM
·  steam-powered
·  stereogram
·  Storage Allocation and Coding Program
·  stream
·  streaming
·  Streaming SIMD Extensions
·  stream-oriented
·  structure diagram
·  structured programming
·  subject-oriented programming
·  superprogrammer
·  SweetLambda
·  Symbolic Assembler Program
·  Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program
·  Symbol Manipulation Program
·  Synchronous DRAM
·  Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Synchronous Graphics RAM
·  system programming language
·  systems programmer
·  systems programming
·  tag name
·  Teamwork
·  Telephone Application Program Interface
·  Telephony Application Programming Interface
·  tiger team
·  toy program
·  trampoline
·  Transient Program Area
·  Trouble Came Back
·  typed lambda-calculus
·  Uniform Naming Convention
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  University of Durham
·  Unix brain damage
·  upstream
·  USAModSim
·  User Brain Damage
·  User Datagram Protocol
·  user name
·  vampire tap
·  video RAM
·  Vietnamese
·  Virtual Control Program Interface
·  visual programming
·  visual programming environment
·  visual programming language
·  voodoo programming
·  Voronoi diagram
·  Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
·  WAM
·  Ward Cunnigham
·  WarGames
·  webcam
·  William Gibson
·  William Hamilton
·  William Joy
·  Window RAM
·  Windows Internet Naming Service
·  Wolfram Research, Inc.
·  word spamming
·  Yamaha
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  zigamorph

Results in the term's text:

·  0/1 knapsack problem
·  100BaseFX
·  100BaseT
·  100BaseTX
·  100BaseVG
·  100VG-AnyLAN
·  10base2
·  10base5
·  10baseT
·  120 reset
·  1-2-3
·  1394
·  1541
·  1581
·  16000
·  16450
·  16550
·  16550A
·  16650
·  16750C
·  16 bit
·  16-bit application
·  16C550
·  16C750
·  16C850
·  1802
·  1NF
·  1TBS
·  1.TR.6
·  2
·  20-GATE
·  2780
·  2B1D
·  2B1Q
·  2B+D
·  2NF
·  2.PAK
·  32000
·  3270
·  32-bit application
·  3780
·  386
·  386BSD
·  386SX
·  3Com Corporation
·  3DNow!
·  3DNow! Professional
·  3DO
·  3GL
·  3NF
·  3Station
·  3-tier
·  404
·  4.2BSD
·  431A
·  4510
·  473L Query
·  486
·  486SX
·  4GL
·  4NF
·  51forth
·  56 kbps
·  56k line
·  586
·  5ESS Switch
·  5NF
·  5th Glove
·  6.001
·  610
·  6309
·  64-bit
·  6501
·  6502
·  650x
·  6510
·  65816
·  6800
·  68000
·  68020
·  68030
·  68040
·  68050
·  68060
·  6809
·  680x0
·  686
·  68HC11
·  68LC040
·  6x86
·  754
·  80186
·  80188
·  80/20 rule
·  802.11a
·  802.11b
·  802.11g
·  802.2
·  802.3
·  80286
·  8031
·  80386
·  8048
·  80486
·  8051
·  8052
·  8080
·  8086
·  8088
·  80x86
·  822
·  82430FX
·  82430HX
·  82430MX
·  82430VX
·  8250
·  8.3
·  8450
·  8514
·  8514-A
·  88000
·  88open
·  8-bit clean
·  8N1
·  8 queens problem
·  8 queens puzzle
·  8x86
·  90-90 Rule
·  9PAC
·  :-)
·  =
·  @
·  A#
·  A-0
·  a1
·  A1 security
·  A20 handler
·  A-3
·  A3D
·  a56
·  AAC
·  AAL
·  AAP
·  aard
·  AARP probe packets
·  A&B
·  Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems
·  ABC
·  ABCL/1
·  ABCL/c+
·  ABCL/R2
·  abduction
·  ABI
·  ABM
·  abort
·  ABP
·  ABR
·  abscissa
·  absolute path
·  absolute pathname
·  abstract class
·  abstract data type
·  abstract interpretation
·  abstraction
·  abstract machine
·  Abstract Machine Notation
·  abstract syntax
·  abstract syntax tree
·  Abstract-Type and Scheme-Definition Language
·  Abstract Windowing Toolkit
·  Abstract Window Toolkit
·  AC2
·  AC3
·  ACA
·  Accelerated Graphics Port
·  accelerator
·  Accent
·  accept
·  Acceptable Use Policy
·  acceptance testing
·  acceptor
·  Access
·  Access Control List
·  access method
·  access permission
·  access time
·  accounting management
·  accumulator
·  accuracy
·  ACE
·  ACF
·  ACK
·  ACL
·  ACM
·  Acorn Archimedes
·  Acorn Computer Group
·  Acorn RISC Machine
·  acoustic coupler
·  ACP
·  Acrobat
·  acronym
·  ACT
·  ACT++
·  Act1
·  Act2
·  Act3
·  Actalk
·  Actis
·  activation record
·  active DBMS
·  Active Directory
·  Active Language I
·  active matrix display
·  Active Measurement Project
·  Active Monitor
·  active object
·  Active Reconfiguring Message
·  Active Server Pages
·  ActiveX
·  ActiveX Data Objects
·  Actor
·  actor
·  Actors
·  actor/singer/waiter/webmaster
·  Actra
·  actual argument
·  Actus
·  AD
·  ad
·  Ada++
·  Ada 83
·  Ada 95
·  Ada 9X
·  Ada Core Technologies
·  Ada/Ed
·  Adaline
·  Ada Lovelace
·  Adam7
·  Adamakegen
·  Ada-O
·  Adaplan
·  Adaplex
·  Ada Programming Support Environment
·  Adaptable User Interface
·  Adaptec
·  adaptive answering
·  Adaptive Communication Environment
·  Adaptive Digital Pulse Code Modulation
·  adaptive learning
·  adaptive routing
·  Adaptive Server Enterprise
·  Adaptive Simulated Annealing
·  Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding
·  Adaptor
·  Ada Semantic Interface Specification
·  Ada Software Repository
·  ADC
·  A/D converter
·  AD/Cycle
·  additive
·  address
·  address bus
·  addressed call mode
·  addressee
·  addressing mode
·  address mask
·  address resolution
·  Address Resolution Protocol
·  address space
·  Address Strobe
·  ad-hockery
·  ad-hoc polymorphism
·  Aditi
·  adjacency
·  adjacent
·  ADL
·  AdLog
·  ADM
·  chef
·  Administration Management Domain
·  chefistrative distance
·  Administrative Domain
·  admissible
·  ADO
·  Adobe Systems, Inc.
·  Adobe Type Manager
·  ADR
·  ADS
·  ADT
·  Advanced Audio Coding
·  Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program
·  Advanced Communications Function
·  Advanced Computing Environment
·  Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
·  Advanced Data Communications Control Protocol
·  Advanced Encryption Standard
·  Advanced Function Presentation
·  Advanced Function Printing
·  Advanced Intelligent Tape
·  Advanced Interactive eXecutive
·  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
·  Advanced Network Systems Architecture
·  Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
·  Advanced Power Management
·  Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  Advanced Program-to-Program Communications
·  Advanced Research Projects Agency
·  Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
·  Advanced Revelation
·  Advanced RISC Computing Specification
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  Advanced SCSI Peripheral Interface
·  Advanced Software Environment
·  Advanced STatistical Analysis Program
·  Advanced Technology Attachment
·  Advanced Technology Attachment Interface with Extensions
·  Advanced WavEffect
·  Advantage Gen
·  Adventure Definition Language
·  AE
·  ae
·  AED
·  Aegis
·  Aeolus
·  AEP
·  aeroplane rule
·  AES
·  af
·  affine transformation
·  AFJ
·  aflex
·  AFP
·  AFS
·  ag
·  agent
·  aggregate type
·  aggregation
·  aggregator
·  AGL
·  AGM Theory for Belief Revision
·  Agner Krarup Erlang
·  AGP
·  AGP graphics
·  A Hardware Programming Language
·  AI
·  ai
·  AIA
·  AI-complete
·  AID
·  AI International
·  AI koan
·  Aimnet
·  AIR
·  AIr MAterial COmmand compiler
·  airplane rule
·  AIT
·  AIX
·  AKC
·  A. K. Erlang
·  AKL
·  AL
·  al
·  Aladdin Enterprises
·  Aladdin Systems, Inc.
·  Alan F. Shugart
·  A-language
·  A Language for Attributed Definitions
·  A Language with an Extensible Compiler
·  Alan Kay
·  Alan M. Turing
·  Alan Shugart
·  Alan Turing
·  A-law
·  ALC
·  Alcool-90
·  Aldat
·  Aleph
·  aleph 0
·  Alex
·  Alexis
·  ALF
·  Alfl
·  algebra
·  algebraic
·  algebraic data type
·  Algebraic Interpretive Dialogue
·  Algebraic Logic Functional language
·  Algebraic Manipulation Package
·  Algebraic Specification Language
·  algebraic structure
·  Algebra of Communicating Processes
·  ALGOL 58
·  ALGOL 60
·  ALGOL 60 Revised
·  ALGOL 68
·  ALGOL 68C
·  ALGOL 68-R
·  ALGOL 68 Revised
·  ALGOL 68S
·  algorithim
·  algorithm
·  ALgorithm DEScription
·  ALgorIthmic ASsembly language
·  Algorithmic Language
·  Algorithmic Model
·  Algorithmic Processor Description Language
·  Algorithmic Test Case Generation
·  aliasing
·  aliasing bug
·  Alice
·  alife
·  A-Life
·  Allegro
·  all-elbows
·  ALM
·  Aloha
·  Aloha Net
·  Alonzo Church
·  ALP
·  Alpha
·  Alpha AXP 21164
·  alpha/beta pruning
·  alphabetic language
·  alpha conversion
·  Alpha EV6
·  Alpha Geek
·  alphanumeric
·  alpha particle
·  Alphard
·  alpha testing
·  alt
·  Altair 8800
·  Alta Vista
·  alt bit
·  Alternating bit protocol
·  altmode
·  alt.sources
·  ALU
·  Aluminum Book
·  Alvey
·  AM
·  am
·  Amanda
·  A Manufacturing Language
·  amateur packet radio
·  Amber
·  AMD
·  AMD 29000
·  AMD 29027
·  Amdahl
·  Amdahl Corporation
·  Amdahl' s Law
·  AMD Am2901
·  AMD Am2903
·  AMD Am2910
·  AMD K7
·  American National Standard
·  American National Standards Institute
·  American Society of Mechanical Engineers
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  American Wire Gauge
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  America' s Multimedia Online
·  AMI
·  Amiga E
·  Aminet
·  AML
·  AML/E
·  AMO
·  Amoeba
·  AMP
·  amper
·  Ampere
·  ampersand
·  Amplitude Modulation
·  amp off
·  AMS
·  an
·  analog
·  analogue
·  analogue computer
·  Analogy Model
·  Analytical Engine
·  Analytical Machine
·  Analytical Solutions Forum
·  anchor
·  AND
·  Andorra-I
·  Andorra Kernel Language
·  Andrei Markov
·  Andrew File System
·  Andrew Fluegelman
·  Andrew Message System
·  Andrew Project
·  Andrew S. Tanenbaum
·  Andrew Tanenbaum
·  Andrew Toolkit
·  Andy Tanenbaum
·  An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming
·  Angel
·  angle bracket
·  Anglo-Saxon point
·  angry fruit salad
·  ANI
·  Animated GIF
·  animation
·  ANL
·  Anna
·  annealing
·  annotate
·  ANNotated Ada
·  annotation
·  annoybot
·  annoyware
·  Annual Change Traffic
·  annulled branch
·  anonymous FTP
·  ANother Tool for Language Recognition
·  ANR
·  ANS
·  ANSI/SPARC Architecture
·  ANSI/SPARC model
·  ANSI Z39.50
·  Anthony Hoare
·  anti-aliasing
·  antichain
·  antisymmetric
·  antivirus software
·  ANU
·  any key
·  anytime algorithm
·  ao
·  AOL
·  AOP
·  AOS
·  APA
·  Apache
·  Apache Software Foundation
·  A PArse REquest Language
·  APC
·  APE
·  API
·  APL
·  APL2
·  APM
·  Apollo Computer
·  apostrophe
·  app
·  AppKit
·  Apple Attachment Unit Interface
·  Apple Computer, Inc.
·  Apple II
·  Apple Macintosh
·  Apple Newton
·  Apple Open Collaboration Environment
·  AppleScript
·  Applesoft BASIC
·  applet
·  Appletalk
·  AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol
·  AppleTalk Filing Protocol
·  appletviewer
·  application
·  Application Binary Interface
·  Application Configuration Access Protocol
·  Application Control Architecture
·  Application Developer
·  application enablement services
·  Application environment specification
·  Application Executive
·  Application Integration Architecture
·  application layer
·  Application Portability Architecture
·  application program
·  Application Program Interface
·  Application Programming Interface
·  Application Protocol Data Unit
·  Applications Development Manager
·  Application Service Element
·  application service provider
·  applications language
·  application software
·  Application Software Installation Server
·  Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
·  Applications Programming Interface
·  applications software
·  application testing
·  Application Visualisation System
·  applicative language
·  Applicative Language for Digital Signal Processing
·  applicative order reduction
·  approximation algorithm
·  April Fool' s Joke
·  A Programming Language
·  APT
·  aq
·  AQL
·  ar
·  arbitrary precision calculator
·  ARC
·  arc
·  Arcade
·  ArchBSD
·  archie
·  Archimedes
·  architecture
·  Architecture Neutral Distribution Format
·  archive
·  archive site
·  ARCnet
·  Arctic
·  arena
·  arg
·  argument
·  Argus
·  Ariel
·  ARI Service
·  Arithmetic and Logic Unit
·  arity
·  arj
·  Arjuna
·  ARL
·  ARM
·  ARM610
·  ARM7
·  ARM710
·  ARM7500
·  ARM8
·  ARM800
·  ARM Ltd
·  armour-plated
·  ARP
·  ARQ
·  array
·  array processor
·  Array Processor Assembly Language
·  Array Theory
·  arrow key
·  ART
·  Artemis microkernel
·  Artifex
·  artificial intelligence
·  Artificial Intelligence Lab
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  Artisoft, Inc.
·  Artistic license
·  AS
·  as
·  as31
·  AS400
·  AS/400
·  ASA
·  asbestos
·  asbestos cork award
·  asbestos longjohns
·  ascender
·  ASCII art
·  ASCIIbetical order
·  ASCIIbonics
·  ASCII graphics
·  ASDO IMPlementation Language
·  ASE
·  A* search
·  ASF
·  ash
·  Ashmedai
·  Ashton-Tate Corporation
·  A Simulation Process-Oriented Language
·  ASK
·  ASL
·  ASL+
·  ASM
·  ASN
·  ASN.1
·  ASP
·  ASpecT
·  aspect
·  aspect-oriented programming
·  aspect ratio
·  Aspirin
·  ASR
·  assembler
·  assembly code
·  Assembly Language
·  assembly language
·  Assembly Language Compiler
·  Assembly Language for Multics
·  assertion
·  Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology
·  assigned numbers
·  assignment
·  assignment problem
·  Association Control Service Element
·  Association for Computing
·  Association for Computing Machinery
·  Association for SIMULA Users
·  Association Française des Utilisateurs d' Unix
·  Association of C and C++ Users
·  Association of Lisp Users
·  associative array
·  associative memory
·  Associative Memory Parallel Processing Language
·  AST
·  AST Computers, LLC
·  asterisk
·  asterix
·  Astra Digital Radio
·  Astral
·  AST Research, Inc.
·  asymmetrical modulation
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
·  asynchronous
·  Asynchronous Balanced Mode
·  Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
·  asynchronous logic
·  Asynchronous Transfer Mode
·  asyncronous
·  AT
·  at
·  AT-3
·  ATA
·  ATA-2
·  ATA-4
·  Atanasoff-Berry Computer
·  Atanasoff, John Vincent
·  ATA point
·  Atari
·  AT Attachment
·  AT Attachment Packet Interface
·  AT bus architecture
·  AtFS
·  Athena
·  Atherton Technology
·  Athlon
·  ATK
·  Atlas Autocode
·  ATM
·  ATM Forum
·  atob
·  atomic
·  A Tools Integration Standard
·  ATS
·  at sign
·  AT&T
·  Attachment Unit Interface
·  AT&T Bell Labs
·  attenuation
·  atto-
·  attoparsec
·  attribute
·  Attributed File System
·  Attribute Translation System
·  ATX
·  au
·  audio
·  audiographics
·  audiographic teleconferencing
·  Audio IFF
·  AudioOne
·  Audio Processing Technology
·  Audio Video Interleave
·  Augmented Backus-Naur Form
·  AUI
·  A' UM
·  AUP
·  Austin Kyoto Common Lisp
·  authoring
·  autobaud
·  autobogotiphobia
·  AutoCAD
·  Autocode
·  autoconf
·  autoconfiscate
·  Autodesk, Inc.
·  Auto Idle
·  Autolisp
·  autoloader
·  automagically
·  automata
·  automata theory
·  Automated Engineering Design
·  AUTOmated GRouPing system
·  Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
·  Automatically Programmed Tools
·  automatic baud rate detection
·  automatic hyphenation
·  Automatic Mathematical TRANslation
·  Automatic Network Routing
·  Automatic Number Identification
·  Automatic Repeat Request
·  Automatic Send Receive
·  Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
·  automation
·  Automatische Rechenplanfertigung
·  automaton
·  Automatrix, Inc.
·  Autonomous System
·  Autonomous System Number
·  Autopass
·  autoprojector
·  Autostat
·  autostereogram
·  A/UX
·  auxiliary storage
·  av
·  availability
·  Avalon/C++
·  Avalon/Common LISP
·  avatar
·  average seek time
·  AverStar
·  AVI
·  Avon
·  AVS
·  aw
·  AWE
·  AWG
·  awk
·  AWT
·  aXe
·  axiom
·  Axiomatic Architecture Description Language
·  axiomatic semantics
·  axiomatic set theory
·  Axiom of Choice
·  Axiom of Comprehension
·  ayacc
·  az
·  B
·  b
·  B-0
·  B1FF
·  B1 security
·  B2B
·  B2 security
·  B3 security
·  ba
·  Baan
·  Babbage
·  Babbage, Charles
·  babbling error
·  Baby AT
·  Bachman
·  Bachman Information Systems
·  backbone
·  backbone cabal
·  backbone site
·  back door
·  back-end
·  Back End Generator
·  Back End Generator Language
·  backgammon
·  background
·  backing store
·  back link
·  backoff
·  BackOffice
·  backplane
·  back-propagation
·  back quote
·  backronym
·  backside cache
·  backslash
·  backspace
·  backtick
·  backtracking
·  backup
·  Backup Domain Controller
·  backup pumpkin
·  backup rotation
·  backup software
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  Backus Normal Form
·  backward analysis
·  backward chaining
·  backward combatability
·  backward compatibility
·  backward compatible
·  backwards compatibility
·  backwards compatible
·  BAD
·  Bad command or file name
·  Bad Thing
·  BAL
·  balanced computing
·  balanced tree
·  bamf
·  Banach algebra
·  Banach inverse mapping theorem
·  Banach space
·  Banach-Tarski paradox
·  banana label
·  banana problem
·  bandwidth
·  bang
·  bang on
·  bang path
·  banner
·  Banyan
·  BAP
·  bar
·  bar code
·  bare metal
·  barf
·  barfmail
·  barfulation
·  barney
·  Baroque
·  baroque
·  barrel shifter
·  base
·  base 64
·  baseband
·  base class
·  baseline
·  base memory
·  basename
·  Base Technology
·  bash
·  Basic Assembly Language
·  Basic COBOL
·  Basic Encoding Rules
·  Basic Fortran
·  Basic Input/Output System
·  Basic JOVIAL
·  Basic Language for Implementation of System Software
·  Basic Multilingual Plane
·  Basic Object Adapter
·  Basic Object System
·  Basic Operating System
·  Basic Programming Support
·  Basic Rate Interface
·  Bastard Operator From Hell
·  bastion host
·  batch file
·  batch processing
·  bathtub curve
·  baud
·  baud barf
·  Baudot
·  Baudot code
·  baud rate
·  bawk
·  bay
·  baz
·  bb
·  BBC
·  BBC Microcomputer
·  BBC Networking Club
·  BBN Butterfly
·  BBN Technologies
·  bboard
·  BBS
·  BC
·  BCC
·  BCD
·  BCL
·  BCS
·  bd
·  BDC
·  BDL
·  be
·  BEA
·  beam
·  beam search
·  bean
·  beanie key
·  bearer channel
·  bear paw
·  Beats the shit outa me
·  BeBOP
·  BeBox
·  Bedrock
·  beep
·  beeper
·  BEG
·  @Begin
·  egin
·  beige toaster
·  Be Inc
·  BEL
·  belief revision
·  Bell
·  bell
·  Bell 103
·  Bell Communications Research, Inc
·  Bellcore
·  bell curve
·  Bell Laboratories
·  Bell Labs
·  bells and whistles
·  bells, whistles, and gongs
·  benchmark
·  Benoit B. Mandelbrot
·  Benoit Mandelbrot
·  Bentley Systems, Inc.
·  BeOS
·  BER
·  Berkeley
·  Berkeley 4.2
·  Berkeley EDIF200
·  Berkeley FP
·  Berkeley Internet Name Domain
·  Berkeley Logo
·  Berkeley Network
·  Berkeley Quality Software
·  Berkeley Software Design, Inc
·  Berkeley Software Distribution
·  Berkeley Softworks
·  Berkeley Unix
·  Berkeley Yacc
·  berklix
·  Berners-Lee, Tim
·  Bernoulli Box
·  Bernoulli principle
·  Bertrand
·  Bertrand Meyer
·  Bertrand Russell
·  Berzerkeley
·  Berzerkley
·  best effort
·  best first search
·  Best Fit
·  beta
·  beta abstraction
·  beta conversion
·  Betamaxed
·  beta reduction
·  beta testing
·  beta version
·  Bezier
·  Bezier curve
·  Bezier surface
·  bf
·  BFI
·  bg
·  BGA
·  BGP
·  bh
·  BHC Code
·  bi
·  bib
·  bible
·  BibTeX
·  BiCapitalisation
·  bidirectional printing
·  Bidouilleurs Sans Argent
·  bi-endian
·  biff
·  ig
·  Big bag of pages
·  big blue
·  big-endian
·  Big Gray Wall
·  big iron
·  Bigloo
·  bignum
·  bigot
·  Big Red Switch
·  big win
·  bijection
·  Bill Gates
·  Bill Joy
·  binaries
·  binary
·  binary coded decimal
·  Binary Compatibility Standard
·  binary counter
·  binary data
·  binary exponential backoff
·  binary file
·  binary large object
·  binary package
·  binary search
·  Binary Synchronous Transmission
·  binary tree
·  bindery
·  binding handle
·  binding-time analysis
·  BinHex
·  Binhex 4.0
·  BinProlog
·  bioinformatics
·  BioMeDical Package
·  BIP
·  bipartite graph
·  bipolar
·  bipolar transistor
·  Bird-Meertens Formalism
·  Birds Of a Feather
·  Bison
·  bisync
·  bit
·  bit bang
·  bit bashing
·  bitblt
·  bit bucket
·  bit decay
·  bit diddling
·  bite
·  bitmap
·  bitmap display
·  bitmap font
·  bitmapped display
·  bit mask
·  bitonal image
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit pattern
·  bit plane
·  bit rate
·  bit-robbing
·  bit rot
·  bit slice
·  bits per pixel
·  bits per second
·  bit string
·  bit stuffing
·  bit twiddling
·  bitty box
·  bitwise
·  bitwise complement
·  bixie
·  biz-core stability
·  bj
·  Bjarne Stroustrup
·  BJC4000
·  black art
·  black box
·  black-box testing
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  black hole
·  BlackIce
·  black magic
·  blargh
·  blast
·  blat
·  BLAZE 2
·  bleam
·  bleeper
·  bletcherous
·  Bletchley Park
·  Blind Carbon Copy
·  blinkenlights
·  BLISS-10
·  BLISS-11
·  BLISS-16C
·  BLISS-32
·  BLISS-36
·  blit
·  blitter
·  blivet
·  bloat
·  bloatware
·  block
·  Block Diagram Compiler
·  blocked records
·  Block Redundancy Check
·  Block Started by Symbol
·  block-structured
·  block transfer computations
·  Bloggs Family, the
·  Blosim
·  blow an EPROM
·  blow away
·  blow out
·  blow past
·  blow up
·  BLT
·  Blue
·  Blue Book
·  Blue Box
·  blue dot syndrome
·  Blue Glue
·  Blue Screen of Death
·  Blue Screen of Life
·  Blue Sky Software
·  Bluetooth
·  blue wire
·  blurgle
·  bm
·  B-Method
·  BMF
·  BMP
·  bmp
·  bn
·  BNC
·  BNF
·  BNR Pascal
·  BNR Prolog
·  bo
·  BOA
·  boa
·  board
·  boat anchor
·  Bobo the Webmonkey
·  BOF
·  bogometer
·  BogoMips
·  bogon
·  bogon filter
·  bogon flux
·  bogosity
·  bogo-sort
·  bogotify
·  bogue out
·  Bohr bug
·  boink
·  Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.
·  bomb
·  bon
·  bondage-and-discipline language
·  bonk/oif
·  Booch method
·  bookmark
·  Bookreader
·  book titles
·  bool
·  Boolean
·  Boolean algebra
·  Boolean logic
·  Boolean search
·  Boole, George
·  Booster
·  boot
·  boot block
·  boot disk
·  booting
·  bootstrap
·  bootstrap loader
·  boot virus
·  Border Gateway Protocol
·  borf
·  Borland International, Inc.
·  Borland Software Corporation
·  BOS
·  bot
·  botmaster
·  bottom
·  BottomFeeder
·  bottom feeder
·  bottom-unique
·  bottom-up implementation
·  bottom-up model
·  bottom-up testing
·  botwar
·  bounce
·  bounce message
·  boundary scan
·  boundary value analysis
·  bounded
·  bound variable
·  bournebasic
·  Bourne shell
·  box
·  boxed comments
·  boxen
·  Boxer
·  boxology
·  Boycott Apple
·  bozotic
·  BPI
·  bpmake
·  bpp
·  BPR
·  BPS
·  bps
·  BQS
·  br
·  brace
·  bracket
·  bracket abstraction
·  braille
·  braille display
·  Braille embosser
·  Braille printer
·  Brain Aid Prolog
·  brain-damaged
·  brain-dead
·  brain dump
·  brain fart
·  Brainfuck
·  braino
·  branch
·  Branch and Hang
·  branch coverage testing
·  branch delay slot
·  Branch on Chip Box Full
·  branch prediction
·  Branch Target Buffer
·  branch to Fishkill
·  Brazil
·  bread crumbs
·  breadth first search
·  break
·  break-even point
·  breakpoint
·  break statement
·  breath-of-life packet
·  breedle
·  BRH
·  BRI
·  Brian Reid
·  bridge
·  Bridgetalk
·  briefcase
·  brightness
·  Brilliant
·  bring X to its knees
·  British Broadcasting Corporation
·  British Library Method
·  British Standards Institute
·  British Telecom
·  British Telecom Research Laboratories
·  brittle
·  broadband
·  broadcast storm
·  Broadway
·  brochureware
·  broken
·  broken arrow
·  broker
·  broket
·  Brooks' s Law
·  brouter
·  Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem
·  Brown and Sharpe Wire Gauge
·  brown paper bag bug
·  browser
·  BRS
·  brute force and ignorance
·  brute force attack
·  BS
·  bs
·  BS2000
·  BSA
·  BSD
·  BSD386
·  BSD Unix
·  BSI
·  BSL
·  BSP method
·  BSS
·  BSS segment
·  BST
·  bt
·  BTB
·  btoa
·  B-Toolkit
·  B-tree
·  BTRIEVE Technologies, Inc.
·  BTS
·  bubble memory
·  bubble sort
·  bucky bits
·  buffered write-through
·  buffer overflow
·  bug-compatible
·  bug fix
·  bug fix release
·  bug-for-bug compatible
·  buglix
·  bug tracking system
·  Bugzilla
·  built-in
·  Bull
·  bulletin board
·  bulletin board system
·  bulletproof
·  Bull Information Systems
·  bum
·  bump
·  burble
·  Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
·  Burge' s Language
·  buried treasure
·  burn-in
·  burn-in period
·  Burroughs Corporation
·  Burst EDO
·  Burst Extended Data Out DRAM
·  burst page
·  Burst Static Random Access Memory
·  bus
·  bus error
·  Bush, Vannevar
·  Business Application Programming Interface
·  Business Process Re-engineering
·  Business Software Alliance
·  Business Systems Analyst
·  business to business
·  bus master
·  bus mastering
·  bus network
·  Busy Beaver
·  busy-loop
·  busy-wait
·  Butterfly Common LISP
·  Butterfly Scheme
·  button
·  buzz
·  bv
·  bw
·  bwBASIC
·  BWQ
·  by
·  byacc
·  by hand
·  byte
·  byte-code
·  byte-code compiler
·  byte-code interpreter
·  byte compiler
·  bytesexual
·  Byzantine
·  bz
·  bzzzt, wrong
·  C
·  C#
·  (c)
·  C*
·  C++
·  C+-
·  C+@
·  C-10
·  C1 security
·  c2man
·  C2 security
·  c386
·  C5
·  C64
·  c68
·  CA
·  ca
·  cable modem
·  cache
·  cache block
·  cache coherency
·  cache conflict
·  cache consistency
·  cache hit
·  cache line
·  cache memory
·  cache miss
·  Cache On A STick
·  caching
·  CAD
·  Cadence Design Systems
·  CAE
·  CAF
·  CAI
·  Cairo
·  CAL
·  Calc
·  calculator
·  Calculus of Communicating Systems
·  Calendar API
·  Calendar Application Programming Interface
·  Caliban
·  Calico
·  callback
·  call-by-name
·  call-by-need
·  call-by-reference
·  call-by-value
·  call-by-value-result
·  call/cc
·  callee
·  Caller ID
·  calling convention
·  Call-Level Interface
·  Call Unix
·  Callware
·  call-with-current-continuation
·  Caltech Intermediate Form
·  CAM
·  CAM-6
·  Camelot Library
·  Caml Light
·  Campus Wide Information System
·  CAN
·  Canada
·  Cancel
·  Cancelbunny
·  Cancelm00se
·  Cancelmoose
·  Cancelpoodle
·  candidate key
·  Candle
·  candygrammar
·  canonical
·  Canonical Encoding Rules
·  canonical name
·  canonicity
·  C (ANSI)
·  can' t happen
·  Cantor
·  CAP
·  Capabilities Maturity Model
·  capability
·  Capability Maturity Model
·  capacitor
·  capacity
·  Cap' n Crunch
·  Captain Abstraction
·  Captain Crunch
·  card
·  Cardbox for Windows
·  Cardbus
·  cardinality
·  cardinal number
·  card walloper
·  caret
·  careware
·  cargo cult programming
·  Caribou CodeWorks
·  Carl Friedrich Gauss
·  carpal tunnel syndrome
·  Carriage Return
·  Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation
·  carrier scanner
·  carrier signal
·  Cartesian coordinates
·  Cartesian product
·  CAS
·  CAS 8051 Assembler
·  cascade
·  Cascading Style Sheets
·  case
·  case and paste
·  case based reasoning
·  CASE Data Interchange Format
·  case insensitive
·  Case Integration Services
·  CASE*Method
·  case sensitive
·  case sensitivity
·  case statement
·  cashe
·  cast
·  casters-up mode
·  casting the runes
·  CAT
·  cat
·  Cat 3
·  Cat 5
·  catatonic
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  category
·  Category 3
·  Category 5
·  CA-Telon
·  cathode ray tube
·  cationic cocktail
·  Cauchy sequence
·  cause-effect graphing
·  CAV
·  Cayenne Software
·  cb
·  C-BC
·  CBD
·  C Beautifier
·  CBN
·  CBR
·  CBT
·  CBV
·  cbw
·  cc
·  CC++
·  C/C++
·  CCalc
·  CCD
·  CCITT HIgh-Level Language
·  ccmail
·  cc:mail
·  CCP
·  CCR
·  CCS
·  CD
·  cd
·  CDA
·  CDC
·  CDD/Plus
·  CDE
·  CD-i
·  CDL
·  CDM
·  CDP1802
·  cdr
·  CD-R
·  CD-Read-Write
·  CD-Rewritable
·  CD-ROM drive
·  CD-RW
·  CDS
·  cd tilde
·  CE
·  Cecil
·  Cedar
·  Celeron
·  cell
·  Cellang
·  Cello
·  CEll Space Simulation Language
·  Cellular
·  cellular automata
·  cellular automaton
·  Cellular Digital Packet Data
·  cellular multiprocessing
·  Cellular Neural Network
·  CEN
·  centi-call second
·  Central office exchange service
·  central processing unit
·  Centrex
·  Centronics
·  Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
·  centum call second
·  century meltdown
·  cepstra
·  cepstrum
·  CER
·  Ceramic Pin Grid Array
·  Ceres workstation Oberon System
·  Cerf, Vint
·  Certificate Authority
·  cextract
·  cf
·  CFD
·  cforth
·  cfortran.h
·  CFP
·  CFP92
·  cg
·  CGA
·  CGI
·  cgi-bin
·  CGI Joe
·  CGI program
·  CGI script
·  CGM
·  cgram
·  Ch
·  ch
·  chad
·  chad box
·  Chadless keypunch
·  chain
·  Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
·  Chalmers University of Technology
·  changeover
·  channel
·  channel hopping
·  channel op
·  channel service unit
·  channel service unit/data service unit
·  chan op
·  chaos
·  char
·  character
·  character encoding
·  character encoding scheme
·  character graphics
·  character key
·  character repertoire
·  character set
·  Charge-Coupled Device
·  charityware
·  Charles Simonyi
·  CHARM++
·  Charme
·  chase pointers
·  chatbot
·  chat room
·  chatterbot
·  cheapernet
·  checkdigit
·  checkpoint
·  checksum
·  chemist
·  Chen
·  Chernobyl packet
·  chess
·  Chicago
·  chicken head
·  chicklet keyboard
·  chiclet keyboard
·  child
·  child process
·  child record
·  child version
·  Chimera
·  chine nual
·  Chinese Army technique
·  chip
·  CHIP-48
·  CHIP-8
·  chip box
·  Chip Jewelry
·  Chip Scale Packaging
·  chip set
·  Chips & Technologies
·  chm
·  chmod
·  choke
·  chomp
·  Chop
·  Chorus
·  Christmas tree
·  Christmas tree packet
·  Christopher Strachey
·  chromatic number
·  chrome
·  chroot
·  chug
·  chunker
·  Church, Alonzo
·  Church integer
·  Church of the SubGenius
·  Church-Rosser Theorem
·  ci
·  CI$
·  Cichlid
·  CID
·  CIF
·  Cigale
·  CIL
·  CIM
·  Cinderella Book
·  CINT92
·  C-Interp
·  CIO
·  ciphertext
·  CIP-L
·  CIR
·  CIRcuit CALculus
·  circuit switched
·  circuit switching
·  circular buffer
·  Cirrus Logic
·  CIS
·  Cisco Systems, Inc.
·  CityScape
·  CIX
·  CJK
·  ck
·  CL
·  cl
·  C Language Integrated Production System
·  Clarify
·  Clarion
·  Claris
·  class
·  class hierarchy
·  classic
·  Classic-Ada
·  classical logic
·  Classic C
·  Classless Inter-Domain Routing
·  class library
·  class method
·  Class Oriented Ring Associated Language
·  Class-Relation Method
·  Clausal Language
·  clause
·  Clean
·  clean
·  clear box testing
·  CLI
·  CLiCC
·  click
·  client
·  client-server
·  client/server
·  Client-Server Analyst Programmer
·  client-server model
·  Client To Client Protocol
·  C-Linda
·  CLiP
·  clipboard
·  Clipper
·  clique
·  Clive Sinclair
·  CLM
·  clobber
·  clock
·  clock rate
·  clock speed
·  clone
·  clone-and-hack coding
·  clonebot
·  closed-box testing
·  closed term
·  Clos network
·  closure
·  closure conversion
·  Clover
·  clover key
·  cloysism
·  CLP
·  CLP*
·  CLP(R)
·  CLP(sigma*)
·  CLR
·  CLtL1
·  CLtL2
·  CLU
·  clu2c
·  cluster
·  Cluster 86
·  clustergeeking
·  clustering
·  CLV
·  CLX
·  CM
·  cm
·  CMA
·  CMC
·  CML
·  CMM
·  CMP
·  CMS
·  CMS-2
·  CMU
·  CMU Common Lisp
·  CMZ
·  cn
·  CNC
·  CNI
·  CNN
·  co
·  CO2
·  Coad/Yourdon
·  coalesced sum
·  Coalition for Networked Information
·  coarse grain
·  coax
·  COBOL-1961 Extended
·  COBOL fingers
·  cobwebsite
·  Cocktail
·  cocktail shaker sort
·  CoCo
·  Cocol
·  Coco Language
·  Cocol/R
·  Coco/R
·  Codd' s First Normal Form
·  Codd' s reduction algorithm
·  code
·  Code 2.0
·  codebook
·  CodeCenter
·  coded character set
·  Code Division Multiple Access
·  code division multiplexing
·  Code-Generator Generator Language
·  code grinder
·  code management
·  code police
·  code position
·  coder/decoder
·  codes
·  C-odeScript
·  code segment
·  code walk
·  codewalker
·  codomain
·  coefficient of X
·  coercion
·  Cogent Prolog
·  cognitive architecture
·  Coherent Parallel C
·  cokebottle
·  cold boot
·  ColdFusion
·  ColdFusion Markup Language
·  collision
·  collision detection
·  collocation
·  co-location
·  colon
·  color
·  Color Graphics Adapter
·  color model
·  Colossus
·  colour
·  colour depth
·  colour look-up table
·  colour model
·  colour palette
·  Columbia AppleTalk Package
·  Column Address Strobe
·  COM
·  com
·  combination
·  combinator
·  combinatory logic
·  Comdex
·  Comite Europeen des Postes et Telecommunications
·  Comma
·  comma
·  command
·  Command Control Processor
·  command interpreter
·  command key
·  command line interface
·  command-line interpreter
·  command line option
·  comma separated values
·  comment
·  comment out
·  commercial at
·  Commercial Internet eXchange
·  Commercial Translator
·  comm mode
·  Commodore 1010
·  Commodore 128
·  Commodore 1541
·  Commodore 1570
·  Commodore 1571
·  Commodore 1581
·  Commodore 64
·  Commodore 64DX
·  Commodore Business Machines
·  Commodore SX64
·  COMmon Algorithmic Language
·  Common Applications Environment
·  Common Applications Service Element
·  Common Architecture for Next Generation Internet Protocol
·  COmmon Business Oriented Language
·  Common Command Set
·  Common Communication Services
·  Common Desktop Environment
·  Common ESP
·  Common Hardware Reference Platform
·  Common Information Model
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  Common Internet File System
·  Common-ISDN-API
·  Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
·  Common Lisp
·  Common LISP in Parallel
·  Common LISP Object System
·  CommonLoops
·  Common Management Information Protocol
·  Common Management Information Services
·  Common Object File Format
·  Common Object Model
·  Common Object Request Broker Architecture
·  Common Objects
·  Common Program Interface
·  Common User Access
·  Communicating Sequential Processes
·  Communications Decency Act
·  communications port
·  Communications Server
·  communications software
·  communication system
·  Community of Massive Gaming Agency
·  compact
·  Compact COBOL
·  Compact Disc
·  Compact Disc interactive
·  Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
·  Compact Disc Read-Write
·  Compact Disc Recordable
·  Compact Disc Rewritable
·  compaction
·  compactness preserving
·  Compaq Computer Corporation
·  Compas Pascal
·  compatibility
·  compatible
·  Compatible Timesharing System
·  Compel
·  Competitive Access Provider
·  Compiled HTML
·  compiler
·  compiler compiler
·  Compiler-Compiler
·  compiler-compiler
·  compiler jock
·  Compiler Language for Information Processing
·  Compiler Target Language
·  compile time
·  complement
·  Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
·  complementary nondeterministic polynomial
·  complete
·  complete graph
·  complete inference system
·  complete lattice
·  complete metric space
·  completeness
·  complete partial ordering
·  complete theory
·  complete unification
·  Complex Instruction Set Computer
·  complexity
·  complexity analysis
·  complexity class
·  complexity measure
·  complex number
·  complex programmable logic device
·  component
·  component architecture
·  component based development
·  Component Integration Laboratories
·  Component Object Model
·  com port
·  composite
·  composition
·  Compositional C++
·  Compound Document Architecture
·  compound key
·  Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
·  Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
·  compress
·  Compressed SLIP
·  compressed video
·  compression
·  Compu$erve
·  Compulink Information eXchange
·  CompuServe Corporation
·  CompuServe Information Service
·  Compusult Ltd.
·  computability theory
·  computable
·  Computational Adequacy Theorem
·  computational complexity
·  Computational Fluid Dynamics
·  computational geometry
·  computational learning
·  computational molecular biology
·  COMpute ParallEL
·  Computer
·  computer
·  Computer Aided Design
·  Computer Aided Engineering
·  Computer-Aided Learning
·  Computer Aided Software Engineering
·  Computer-Aided Software Testing
·  Computer-Assisted Learning
·  Computer-Assisted Software Engineering
·  Computer Associates International, Inc.
·  Computer-Based Training
·  Computer Compiler
·  computer confetti
·  Computer Conservation Society
·  computer cookie
·  computer crime
·  Computer Design Language
·  computer dictionary
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  computer ethics
·  computer geek
·  Computer Graphics Metafile
·  computer language
·  computer law
·  computer literacy
·  Computer Mediated Communication
·  computer nerd
·  computer network
·  Computer Output to Laser Disk
·  Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
·  computer program
·  Computer + Science NETwork
·  computer security
·  Computer Software Configuration Item
·  Computer Supported Cooperative Work
·  Computer Telephony
·  Computer Telephony Integration
·  computer virus
·  computer vision
·  compute server
·  computing
·  Computing Devices Canada Ltd.
·  computing dictionary
·  computron
·  Compuware Corporation
·  con
·  ConC
·  concatenate
·  concatenated key
·  concentrator
·  conceptualisation
·  Concert/C
·  ConCoord
·  concrete class
·  Concrete Data Structure
·  concrete syntax
·  concurrency
·  Concurrent C
·  Concurrent C++
·  Concurrent Clean
·  Concurrent CLU
·  Concurrent Euclid
·  Concurrent Massey Hope
·  Concurrent ML
·  Concurrent Oberon
·  Concurrent Object-Oriented C
·  Concurrent Object-Oriented Language
·  Concurrent Pascal
·  concurrent processing
·  Concurrent Prolog
·  Concurrent Scheme
·  ConcurrentSmalltalk
·  Concurrent SP/k
·  Concurrent Versions System
·  condela
·  condition out
·  condom
·  Conference On DAta SYstems Languages
·  Conferencing over IP
·  confidence test
·  configuration item
·  configuration management
·  configuration programming
·  configure
·  conflation
·  ConflictNet
·  conjunction
·  Conjunctive Normal Form
·  connect
·  connected graph
·  connected subgraph
·  connectionless protocol
·  Connection Machine LISP
·  connection-oriented
·  connection-oriented network service
·  connective
·  connector conspiracy
·  Co-NP
·  cons
·  considered harmful
·  consistently complete
·  console
·  console jockey
·  constant angular velocity
·  constant applicative form
·  constant folding
·  Constantine/Yourdon
·  constant linear velocity
·  constant mapping
·  constraint
·  constraint functional programming
·  Constraint Handling In Prolog
·  ConstraintLisp
·  Constraint Logic Programming
·  constraint satisfaction
·  constructed type
·  constructive
·  Constructive Cost Model
·  constructive solid geometry
·  constructor
·  Consul
·  consultant
·  container class
·  content addressable memory
·  Inhalt Data Model
·  content-free
·  contention slot
·  context
·  context clash
·  context-free
·  context-sensitive menu
·  context switch
·  Contextually Communicating Sequential Processes
·  continental drift
·  continuation
·  Continuation Passing Style
·  continuation passing style
·  continuations
·  continuous function
·  Continuous System Modeling Program
·  Continuous System Simulation Language
·  continuous wave
·  contraction
·  contract programmer
·  control
·  Control and Status Register
·  control-C
·  control code
·  control flow
·  control-G
·  Control Language
·  controller
·  control-O
·  Control Program
·  Control Program for Microcomputers
·  control-Q
·  control-S
·  control structure
·  control tty
·  control unit
·  conventional memory
·  Convergent Technologies
·  Convergent Technologies Operating System
·  Conversational LISP
·  Conversational Monitor System
·  converse
·  conversion to iteration
·  convert.f90
·  convex hull
·  Conway, John Horton
·  Conway' s Law
·  Conway' s Life
·  cooC
·  cooccurrence matrix
·  cookbook
·  cooked mode
·  cookie
·  cookie bear
·  cookie file
·  cookie jar
·  cookie monster
·  cooky
·  CooL
·  COOL:Gen
·  Co-operative Development Environment
·  Cooperative Information System
·  cooperative multitasking
·  coordinate
·  Coordinated Universal Time
·  Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
·  coordination language
·  copious free time
·  copper
·  Copper Distributed Data Interface
·  coprocessor
·  copy and paste
·  copybook
·  copybroke
·  copying garbage collection
·  copyleft
·  copy member
·  copy module
·  copy protection
·  copyright
·  copywronged
·  CORAL 66
·  core
·  core cancer
·  core dump
·  core gateway
·  Corel Corporation
·  core leak
·  Corel VENTURA
·  Core Protocol Stack
·  Core War
·  corge
·  Cornell List Processor
·  Cornell Theory Center
·  Cornell University
·  Coroutine Pascal
·  Corporation for Open Systems
·  Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
·  Correlatives and Conversions
·  Cortex
·  COS
·  cosmic rays
·  cost control callback
·  Cost Driver Attribute
·  Cougar
·  cough and die
·  countable
·  countably many
·  counted
·  country code
·  coupling
·  Course Author Language
·  courseware
·  Coursewriter III
·  cowboy
·  CP
·  CParaOps5
·  CPE
·  CPI
·  CPL
·  CPM
·  CP/M
·  cpo
·  cpp
·  cppp
·  C preprocessor
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  C-Prolog
·  cproto
·  CPS
·  CPU
·  CPU Info Center
·  CPU time
·  CPU Wars
·  CR
·  cr
·  cracker
·  cracking
·  crack root
·  crank
·  crapplet
·  CrApTeX
·  crash
·  crash and burn
·  crawler
·  crawling horror
·  Cray instability
·  crayola
·  crayola books
·  crayon
·  Cray Research, Inc.
·  CRC
·  creationism
·  creeping elegance
·  creeping featurism
·  creeping featuritis
·  C-Refine
·  crippleware
·  criptography
·  Crisis Software
·  crisp
·  Crispy Critters
·  critical mass
·  critical section
·  CRL
·  CRM
·  crock
·  cron
·  cross-assembler
·  cross-compiler
·  cross-platform
·  cross-post
·  crosstalk
·  CRT
·  crudware
·  crumb
·  crunch
·  cruncha cruncha cruncha
·  crunchy
·  cryppie
·  crypt
·  cryptanalysis
·  Crypt Breakers Workbench
·  cryptography
·  cryptology
·  Crystal
·  CS-4
·  C-Scheme
·  CSG
·  csh
·  C sharp
·  C shell
·  .cshrc
·  C++SIM
·  CSK Corporation
·  CSK Software
·  CSL
·  CSM
·  CSO
·  CSP
·  CS/PCode
·  CSP/k
·  CS/QCode
·  CSR
·  CSS
·  CSTools
·  CSU
·  CSV
·  CT
·  CTC
·  CTC++
·  CTI
·  CTL
·  ctrl
·  CTS
·  CTY
·  cu
·  CUA
·  Cube
·  cube
·  cubing
·  Cuckoo' s Egg
·  Culler-Fried System
·  current
·  curried function
·  currying
·  curseperl
·  curses
·  cursor
·  cursor dipped in X
·  CU-SeeMe
·  cuspy
·  Customer Information Control System
·  Customer Information Systems
·  Customer Interaction Software
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  CUT
·  cut and paste
·  cut a tape
·  cutover
·  cut-through switching
·  cv
·  CVS
·  CW
·  CWeb
·  CWI
·  cx
·  cxref
·  cy
·  Cy486SLC
·  cyber
·  cyberbunny
·  cyberchondriac
·  cybercrud
·  CyberGlove
·  cybernetics
·  cyberpunk
·  cyberrhea
·  cybersex
·  cyberspace
·  cyberspastic
·  cyber-squatting
·  CyberWand
·  CyberZine
·  Cyc
·  cycle
·  cyclebabble
·  cycle crunch
·  cycle drought
·  cycle of reincarnation
·  cycle server
·  cyclic redundancy check
·  cyclic redundancy code
·  Cyclo
·  cyclomatic complexity
·  Cygnus Tcl Tools
·  cylinder
·  Cyrix
·  Cyrix 6x86
·  cz
·  D
·  DAC
·  D/A converter
·  daemon
·  DAG
·  Daisy
·  DAISY 201
·  daisy chain
·  daisywheel printer
·  dancing frog
·  dangling pointer
·  DAP Fortran
·  dark-side hacker
·  Dartmouth BASIC
·  Darwin
·  DAS
·  DAT
·  data
·  data abstraction
·  data acquisition
·  Data Address Generator
·  database
·  database chefistrator
·  database analyst
·  database machine
·  database manager
·  database normalisation
·  database query language
·  database server
·  Data/BASIC
·  data bus
·  datacenter manager
·  data channel
·  Datacom
·  Data Communication Equipment
·  data communications analyst
·  Data Communications Equipment
·  data compression
·  Data definition language
·  data dictionary
·  data dictionary file
·  data driven
·  Data Driven Machine
·  Data Encryption Algorithm
·  Data Encryption Key
·  Data Encryption Standard
·  data flow
·  data flow analysis
·  Data Flow Diagram
·  data fork
·  data frame
·  Data General
·  Data General mN601
·  data glove
·  datagram
·  data hierarchy
·  Data Interchange Standards Association
·  Data Jack
·  Datakit
·  dataless management utility
·  Data Link Connection Identifier
·  data link layer
·  data link level
·  Data Link Provider Interface
·  data logger
·  data logging
·  Data Management Language
·  Data Manipulation Language
·  data mart
·  Datamation
·  data mining
·  data model
·  data modeling
·  data modelling
·  Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
·  Data Over Cable Systems Interface Specifications
·  data packet
·  Dataparallel-C
·  data path
·  Dataphone Digital Service
·  DataPoint
·  data processing
·  data rate
·  data segment
·  data service unit
·  data set
·  data set organization
·  DataStage
·  Datastorm Technologies, Inc.
·  data striping
·  data structure
·  Data Structures Language
·  Data Terminal Equipment
·  Data Terminal Ready
·  data transfer rate
·  data type
·  DataViews
·  DataVis
·  data warehouse
·  data warehousing
·  date
·  DAU
·  daughter
·  daughterboard
·  daughtercard
·  David Turner
·  day mode
·  DB
·  DB2
·  DB-25
·  DBA
·  dBASE
·  DBC
·  DBH
·  dBXL
·  DC
·  DC1
·  DC2
·  DC3
·  DC4
·  DCA
·  DCC
·  DCE
·  DCG
·  DCI
·  DCP
·  D. C. Power Lab
·  DCS
·  DCT
·  DD
·  dd
·  DDB
·  DDE
·  DDE Manager
·  DDL
·  DDM
·  DDN
·  DDO
·  DDP
·  DDS
·  DDT
·  de
·  DE-9
·  DEA
·  dead
·  dead code
·  deadlock
·  deadly embrace
·  dead tree
·  dead tree edition
·  deamon
·  death code
·  Death Star
·  deb
·  Debbugs
·  Debian
·  Debian GNU/Hurd
·  Debian GNU/Linux
·  debianize
·  deboursification
·  De Bruijn graph
·  De Bruijn notation
·  debugging
·  DEC
·  dec
·  DEC Alpha
·  decay
·  DECdesign
·  DECdns
·  DEChead
·  dechunker
·  decidability
·  decidable
·  decimal point
·  decision problem
·  decision support
·  decision support database
·  Decision Support Systems
·  decision theory
·  deckle
·  declarative language
·  DECmate I
·  decode
·  Decomposed Petri Net
·  decompress
·  decryption
·  DECstation
·  DECtape
·  Decus cpp
·  DEC Wars
·  DECwindows
·  DECwrite
·  DED
·  dedicated line
·  deductive database
·  Deep Blue
·  deep hack mode
·  deep magic
·  deep space
·  de facto standard
·  default route
·  defect
·  defect analysis
·  defect density
·  Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
·  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
·  Defense Calculator
·  Defense Data Network
·  Defense Data Network Network Information Center
·  Defense Information Systems Agency
·  Defense Trade Regulations
·  deferral
·  definite clause
·  definite sentence
·  definitional constraint programming
·  deflate
·  deflate compression
·  deflate/inflate compression
·  deforestation
·  defrag
·  defragment
·  defunct process
·  degrees of freedom
·  dehose
·  DEK
·  Delaunay triangulation
·  delayed control-transfer
·  delay instruction
·  delay slot
·  delete
·  delimiter
·  delint
·  Delirium
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  Dell Computer Corporation
·  Delphi
·  Delphi Technique
·  Delta
·  delta
·  delta conversion
·  Delta-Prolog
·  delta reduction
·  demand driven
·  demand paged
·  demand paging
·  DeMarco
·  DeMarco/Yourdon
·  demented
·  Demeter
·  demigod
·  De-Militarised Zone
·  demo
·  demodulate
·  demodulation
·  demo mode
·  demon
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  DeMorgan' s theorem
·  demo version
·  Dennis Ritchie
·  denotational semantics
·  Denotational Semantics Language
·  Department of Defense Network
·  depeditate
·  dependability
·  dependable software
·  Deployment Descriptor
·  deprecated
·  depth-first search
·  deque
·  DER
·  dereference
·  de-rezz
·  derived class
·  derived type
·  DES
·  descender
·  descent function
·  Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada
·  Descriptive Top-Level Specification
·  descriptor
·  design
·  Design In Real Time
·  design pattern
·  design recovery
·  desk check
·  desktop database
·  Desktop Management Interface
·  Desktop Management Task Force
·  desktop manager
·  desktop publisher
·  desktop publishing
·  DESQview
·  destructor
·  deterministic
·  deterministic automaton
·  developer
·  Developmental Test and Evaluation
·  development environment
·  device
·  Device Control
·  Device Control 1
·  Device Control 2
·  Device Control 3
·  Device Control 4
·  device driver
·  device independent bitmap
·  Devil Book
·  /dev/null
·  devo
·  DEX
·  DFC
·  DFD
·  DFS
·  DFT
·  DGL
·  DG/L
·  Dhrystone
·  Dialled Number Identification Service
·  dialup
·  diameter
·  DIB
·  dickless workstation
·  Dick Size War
·  Dictionary APL
·  dictionary flame
·  Dictionary of Computing
·  DID
·  diddle
·  Didot point
·  die
·  die horribly
·  diff
·  Difference Engine
·  differential backup
·  differential driver
·  differential line
·  Diffie-Hellman
·  digest
·  Digex
·  DigiCash
·  digirati
·  digit
·  digital
·  digital audio
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  digital camera
·  digital carrier
·  digital computer
·  Digital Control System
·  digital dashboard
·  Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
·  Digital Equipment Corporation
·  Digital Equipment Corporation Network
·  Digital European Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Express Group, Inc.
·  Digital Lempel Ziv 1
·  Digital Library Initiative
·  Digital Linear Tape
·  Digital Radio Mondiale
·  Digital Research
·  digital service unit
·  Digital Signal Processing
·  Digital Signal Processing Language
·  digital signature
·  digital signatures
·  Digital Signature Standard
·  Digital Simulation Language
·  Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data
·  Digital Subscriber Line
·  Digital Subscriber Line Access Module
·  Digital Subscriber Loop
·  Digital Switched Network
·  Digital to Analog Converter
·  Digital Versatile Disc
·  Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory
·  Digital Video Disc
·  Dijkstra' s guarded command language
·  dike
·  DIL
·  Dilbert
·  Dilberted
·  DIM
·  DIM statement
·  DIN
·  DIN-8
·  ding
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  dink
·  DinnerBell
·  dinosaur
·  dinosaur pen
·  dinosaurs mating
·  diode
·  Diophantine equation
·  DIP
·  diplex
·  Direct-Access Storage Device
·  Direct Client to Client Protocol
·  Direct Connection
·  directed acyclic graph
·  directed graph
·  Directed Oc
·  directed set
·  Direct Inward Dialing
·  directional coupler
·  Directly Executable Test Oriented Language
·  direct mapped cache
·  directory
·  directory service
·  Directory System Agent
·  Directory User Agent
·  DirectX
·  Dirt
·  dirtball
·  dirty power
·  disc
·  disc drive
·  disclaimer
·  disconnect
·  Discordianism
·  discrete cosine transform
·  discrete Fourier transform
·  discrete preorder
·  discriminated union
·  discussion group
·  Disiple
·  disjoint union
·  Disjunctive Normal Form
·  disk
·  disk controller
·  disk drive
·  disk duplexing
·  diskette
·  disk farm
·  diskless workstation
·  disk mirroring
·  Disk Operating System
·  disk operating system
·  disks
·  disk striping
·  Dislang
·  disman
·  display
·  display hack
·  Display PostScript
·  Display Screen Equipment
·  display standard
·  display standards
·  display terminal
·  Dissociated Press
·  distfix
·  Distributed Component Object Model
·  Distributed Computing Environment
·  distributed database
·  Distributed Data Management
·  Distributed Eiffel
·  Distributed Logic Programming
·  Distributed Management Environment
·  distributed memory
·  Distributed Network Operating System
·  Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network
·  Distributed Processes
·  Distributed Queue Dual Bus
·  distributed system
·  distributed systems
·  distribution
·  distributive lattice
·  disusered
·  dithering
·  Ditto Drive
·  diverge
·  divisor
·  dj
·  DjVu
·  DK
·  dk
·  DLC
·  DLE
·  DLG
·  DLL
·  DLP
·  DLT
·  DLZ1
·  dm
·  DMA
·  dmake
·  DME
·  DMI
·  DML
·  DMM
·  DMS
·  DMU
·  DMZ
·  DNA computing
·  DNF
·  DNS
·  do
·  DOA
·  Doc
·  doc
·  docking station
·  DOCMaker
·  doco
·  document
·  documentation
·  Document Examiner
·  Document Image Processing
·  Document Object Model
·  Document Style Semantics and Specification Language
·  Document Type Definition
·  DoD
·  DoD-1
·  dodgy
·  DOD-STD-2167A
·  DoD-STD-2168
·  DOE
·  DOF
·  dogcow
·  dogpile
·  dogwash
·  DOL
·  dollar
·  do loop
·  DOM
·  domain
·  domain address
·  Domain Analysis
·  domain architecture
·  Domain Architecture Model
·  domain calculus
·  domain engineering
·  domainist
·  domain maturity
·  domain model
·  domain name
·  Domain Name Server
·  Domain Name System
·  domain selection
·  Domain Software Engineering Environment
·  domain-specific language
·  domain theory
·  Donald Knuth
·  dongle
·  dongle-disk
·  Don' t do that then!
·  donuts
·  doorstop
·  DOS
·  DOS/360
·  DOS Protected Mode Interface
·  DOS requester
·  dot
·  dot address
·  dot file
·  dot notation
·  dot pitch
·  double bucky
·  double-click
·  Double Data Rate Random Access Memory
·  Double Data Rate Synchronous Random Access Memory
·  double DECkers
·  double density
·  doubled sig
·  double-duplex
·  double-ended queue
·  double quote
·  doubly linked list
·  Douglas Engelbart
·  Doug Lenat
·  down
·  download
·  downloading
·  downsizing
·  downstream
·  downward closed
·  Downy cocktail
·  DP
·  DPB
·  DPer
·  dpi
·  DPL
·  DPN
·  DPP
·  d-Prolog
·  DPS
·  DPS-6
·  dpSather
·  draco
·  Draft Once ReUse Many
·  drag and drop
·  drag-n-drop
·  dragon
·  Dragon Book
·  drain
·  DRAM refresh
·  Drawing eXchange Format
·  dread high bit disease
·  DREAM 6800
·  driver
·  drivers
·  Dr. James H. Clark
·  DRM
·  drool-proof paper
·  drop cable
·  drop-down list
·  drop-down menu
·  drop-ins
·  drop on the floor
·  drop-outs
·  DrScheme
·  drugged
·  drum
·  drunk mouse syndrome
·  dry run
·  DS0
·  DS1
·  DS1C
·  DS2
·  DS3
·  DSA
·  DSE
·  D-shell connector
·  DSI
·  DSL
·  DS level
·  DSM
·  DSN
·  DSP
·  DSP32 Assembly Language
·  DSP56000
·  DSP56001
·  dsp56165-gcc
·  dsp56k-gcc
·  DSR
·  DSS
·  DSU
·  DSW
·  DTD
·  DTE
·  DT&E
·  DTP
·  DTR
·  DTS
·  D-type
·  D-type flip-flop
·  du
·  DUA
·  dual
·  DUAL-607
·  dual-attached
·  dual boot
·  dual-homed
·  Dual In-Line
·  Dual In-line Memory Module
·  Dual In-Line Package
·  dual ported
·  dual-stack
·  Duff' s device
·  dumbed down
·  dumb terminal
·  dump
·  dumpster diving
·  Dungeon
·  dup killer
·  duplex
·  Duplex High Speed Data
·  dup loop
·  dusty deck
·  DV cartridge
·  DVD
·  DVD-R
·  DVI
·  Dvorak
·  Dwarf Storage Unit
·  dweeb
·  dwg
·  DX4
·  DXF
·  dyadic
·  Dyadic Systems Limited
·  Dyalog APL
·  Dyalog Limited
·  Dylan
·  Dylperl
·  dynamic adaptive routing
·  Dynamic Address Translation
·  Dynamically Linked Library
·  dynamically scoped
·  dynamically typed
·  dynamic analysis
·  dynamic binding
·  dynamic database management system
·  Dynamic Data Exchange
·  Dynamic Data Linking
·  dynamic DBMS
·  Dynamic Drive Overlay
·  Dynamic Execution
·  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
·  Dynamic HTML
·  DYnamic LANguage
·  dynamic link
·  dynamic link library
·  Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System
·  dynamic RAM
·  dynamic routing
·  DYnamics ANAlyzer
·  dynamic scope
·  dynamic scoping
·  Dynamic Systems Development Method
·  dynamic translation
·  dynamic typing
·  Dynix
·  Dynix Automated Library Systems
·  dynner
·  dz
·  E
·  E1
·  E2
·  E3
·  E4
·  E5
·  EAF
·  EAG
·  eager evaluation
·  Eagle
·  EAI
·  earliest deadline first
·  Early PL/I
·  earthquake
·  Ease
·  easter egg
·  Easter egging
·  eat flaming death
·  Ebone
·  ec
·  E-carrier system
·  Ecash
·  ECC
·  Eccles-Jordan circuit
·  Echidna
·  echo
·  ECIP2
·  Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation
·  ECL
·  ECM
·  ECMA International
·  ECMAScript
·  e-commerce
·  Econet
·  ECP
·  ECRC-Prolog
·  ed
·  EDA
·  e-ddress
·  Eden
·  EDF
·  EDI
·  EDI analyst
·  Edinburgh Multi Access System
·  Edinburgh SML
·  Edison
·  EDL
·  EDM
·  EdML
·  EDO memory
·  EDP
·  EDP auditor
·  e-dress
·  EDS
·  EDS+
·  edu
·  edutainment
·  Edward Lorenz
·  Edward Yourdon
·  Edwin
·  ee
·  EER
·  E. F. Codd
·  EFF
·  effective computable
·  effective number of bits
·  Effort Adjustment Factor
·  EFI
·  EFL
·  EFNet
·  Eforth
·  E-Forth
·  EFT
·  eg
·  EGA
·  Eggdrop
·  egosurfing
·  EGP
·  egrep
·  Eh
·  eh
·  eHelp Corporation
·  EIA
·  EIA-232
·  EIA-232C
·  EIA-422
·  EIA-423
·  EIA-449
·  EIA-485
·  EIA-530
·  Eiffel
·  Eiffel source checker
·  eigenvalue
·  eigenvector
·  eight-bit clean
·  eight queens problem
·  eight queens puzzle
·  eighty-column mind
·  eighty-twenty rule
·  EJB
·  EL1
·  el(alpha)
·  Elan
·  El Camino Bignum
·  elder days
·  Electing a Pope
·  Electrically Alterable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Electromagnetic Compatibility
·  electromigration
·  electron
·  electronic commerce
·  Electronic Commerce Dictionary
·  electronic data interchange
·  Electronic Data Processing
·  Electronic Design Automation
·  electronic funds transfer
·  Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale
·  electronic funds transfer system
·  electronic magazine
·  electronic mail
·  electronic mail address
·  electronic meeting
·  Electronic Performance Support System
·  Electronics Industry Association
·  electronic whiteboarding
·  electron model
·  electron tube
·  Electrostatic Discharge
·  elegant
·  element
·  elephant
·  elephantine
·  elevator controller
·  ELI
·  Eli Compiler Construction System
·  elite
·  ELIZA effect
·  Elk
·  Ellemtel
·  Ellie
·  elm
·  ELP
·  Elvis
·  elvish
·  EM
·  EM-1
·  EMA
·  Emacs Lisp
·  e-mail
·  e-mail address
·  Embedded Lisp Interpreter
·  Embedded Mode
·  embedded system
·  embedding
·  EMBLA Pro
·  embosser
·  EMC
·  EMD Enterprises, Inc.
·  Emerald
·  Emitter Coupled Logic
·  EML
·  EMM
·  EMM386
·  emote
·  emoticon
·  empeg
·  empire
·  empty element tag
·  EMS
·  emTeX
·  EMU8000
·  emulation
·  emulator
·  Emulator program
·  EMX
·  enabling
·  Encapsulated PostScript
·  encapsulation
·  encode
·  encoder
·  encryption
·  -endian
·  endless loop
·  End Of Line
·  End of Medium
·  End Of Text
·  End Of Transmission
·  end tag
·  End Transmission Block
·  engage
·  Engelbart, Douglas
·  engine
·  English
·  Enhanced Capabilities Port
·  Enhanced Directory Service
·  Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Enhanced Graphics Adapter
·  Enhanced IDE
·  Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
·  enhanced parallel port
·  Enhanced Small Disk Interface
·  enhancement
·  Enigma
·  ENQ
·  ENS
·  Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
·  Enterprise Application Integration
·  Enterprise JavaBeans
·  Enterprise Resource Planning
·  Enterprise Systems CONnectivity
·  EntireX
·  entity-relationship diagram
·  entity-relationship model
·  entropy
·  Entry Sequenced Data Set
·  enumerated type
·  enumeration
·  environment
·  environment variable
·  Envoy
·  EOF
·  EOL
·  EOT
·  EOU
·  EP
·  ephemeral port
·  EPL
·  epoch
·  EPP
·  EPS
·  epsilon
·  epsilon squared
·  EqL
·  EQLog
·  equals
·  equational logic
·  Equel
·  equivalence class
·  equivalence class partitioning
·  equivalence partitioning
·  equivalence relation
·  ER
·  er
·  ERA
·  era
·  Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  erase
·  ERC
·  ERD
·  ergonomic
·  ERGO-Shell
·  Eric Conspiracy
·  Eric S. Raymond
·  Eris
·  Erlang
·  erotica
·  ERP
·  error
·  error-based testing
·  error correcting memory
·  error detection and correction
·  es
·  ES-1
·  ESA
·  ESC
·  escape
·  escape sequence
·  escrow
·  ESD
·  ESI
·  esim
·  ESL
·  ESP
·  ESR
·  essential complexity
·  Estelle
·  Esterel
·  EstPC
·  ET
·  et
·  ET++
·  eta abstraction
·  eta conversion
·  eta expansion
·  eta reduction
·  ETB
·  e-text
·  Ethernet
·  Ethernet address
·  Ethernet meltdown
·  EtherTalk
·  ethics
·  ETL
·  ETM
·  ETX
·  Euclid
·  Euclidean Algorithm
·  Euclidean norm
·  Euclid' s Algorithm
·  Eudora
·  EuLisp
·  EUnet Ltd.
·  Euphoria
·  Eureka
·  Eureka step
·  Eurisko
·  Euro-ISDN
·  EuroNet
·  European Academic and Research Network
·  European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH
·  European Computer Manufacturers Association
·  European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology
·  European Telecommunications Standards Institute
·  EV6
·  Eva
·  evaluation
·  evaluation strategy
·  evaluator
·  EVE
·  event
·  event-driven
·  evil
·  evil and rude
·  evolutionary algorithm
·  evolutionary computation
·  evolutionary programming
·  evolution strategy
·  exa-
·  Exabyte
·  exabyte
·  examining the entrails
·  Exceed
·  Excel
·  Excelan
·  Excelerator
·  exception
·  exception handler
·  Exchange Server
·  excl
·  exclamation mark
·  exclamation point
·  EXE
·  exec
·  EXEC 2
·  EXEC 8
·  executable
·  executable content
·  execute
·  Execute Channel Program
·  execution
·  executive
·  Executive Systems Programming Oriented Language
·  exercise, left as an
·  exhaustive testing
·  existential quantifier
·  expanded memory
·  expanded memory manager
·  expanded memory page frame
·  Expanded Memory Specification
·  expansion card
·  expansion slot
·  expect
·  eXperimental LISP
·  Experimental Physics Control Systems
·  Experimental Programming Language
·  Expert Judgement Models
·  expert system
·  Expert Systems Ltd.
·  explicit parallelism
·  explicit type conversion
·  exploit
·  exponent
·  exponential
·  exponential-time
·  exponential-time algorithm
·  Express
·  expression
·  expression tree
·  extend
·  Extended Affix Grammar
·  Extended ALGOL
·  Extended Architecture
·  Extended Backus-Naur Form
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  Extended BNF
·  Extended C++
·  Extended Capabilities Port
·  Extended Concurrent Prolog
·  Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Extended Data Out Random Access Memory
·  Extended Fortran Language
·  eXtended Graphics Array
·  Extended Industry-Standard Architecture
·  extended memory
·  extended memory manager
·  Extended Memory Specification
·  Extended ML
·  Extended Pascal
·  Extended Self-containing Prolog
·  Extended System Configuration Data
·  Extended Tcl
·  Extended Tiny
·  Extended Video Graphics Array
·  eXtended Video Graphics Array
·  extensible
·  extensible database
·  Extensible HyperText Markup Language
·  Extensible Markup Language
·  Extensible Shell
·  Extensible Stylesheet Language
·  Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
·  Extensible VAX Editor
·  extension
·  extensional equality
·  extensionality
·  Extension Language Kit
·  Exterior Gateway Protocol
·  eXternal Data Representation
·  external memory
·  extranet
·  eyeball search
·  ezd
·  e-zine
·  F100-L
·  f2c
·  F2F
·  F68K
·  FAC
·  face time
·  face-to-face
·  Facile
·  facsimile
·  fact
·  factor
·  factorial
·  failover
·  failure
·  failure-directed testing
·  Fairchild F8
·  fall back
·  fall forward
·  fall over
·  fall through
·  fall thru
·  fandango on core
·  FAP
·  FAQ
·  FAQ list
·  faradise
·  farkled
·  farm
·  farming
·  fas
·  fascist
·  Fast ATA
·  Fast ATA-2
·  Faster LEX
·  Fast Ethernet
·  Fast Fourier Transform
·  Fast Packet
·  Fast Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Fast SCSI
·  FAT
·  FAT32
·  fatal
·  fatal error
·  fatal exception
·  fat binary
·  fat client
·  fat electrons
·  fault
·  fault-based testing
·  fault tolerance
·  fault tolerant
·  fault tree analysis
·  fax
·  Fax over IP
·  FC
·  FC-AL
·  FCB
·  F-code
·  FCS
·  FDC
·  fd leak
·  fdlibm
·  FDT
·  fdx
·  FEA
·  fear and loathing
·  feasible
·  feature
·  feature creature
·  feature creep
·  featurectomy
·  feature key
·  feature shock
·  FEC
·  Federal Information Exchange
·  Federal Information Processing Standards
·  Federal Networking Council
·  Federation Against Software Theft Limited
·  feedback
·  feedback control
·  feed-forward
·  Feel
·  feep
·  feeper
·  feeping creature
·  feeping creaturism
·  FEL
·  femto-
·  fence
·  fencepost error
·  fepped out
·  Fermat prime
·  Ferranti F100-L
·  ferrite core memory
·  Ferroelectric RAM
·  Ferroelectric Random Access Memory
·  Fetch
·  fetch-execute cycle
·  FF
·  ffccc
·  FFP
·  FFT
·  FGL
·  fgrep
·  FhG
·  FHS
·  fi
·  Fiber Distributed Data Interface
·  Fiber Optic InterRepeater Link
·  Fibonacci sequence
·  Fibre Channel
·  Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop
·  fibre optics
·  FidoNet
·  field
·  field circus
·  field effect transistor
·  field mouse
·  field-programmable gate array
·  field servoid
·  fifth generation language
·  fifth normal form
·  Fight-o-net
·  file
·  File Allocation Table
·  File Attach
·  file compression
·  file control block
·  file descriptor
·  file descriptor leak
·  file extension
·  FileMaker
·  FileMaker, Inc.
·  filename extension
·  FileNet
·  File Request
·  File Separator
·  file server
·  File Service Protocol
·  file signature
·  file system
·  Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
·  file transfer
·  File Transfer Protocol
·  file type
·  filing system
·  filk
·  fill-out form
·  film at 11
·  Filtabyte
·  filter
·  filter promotion
·  Finagle' s Law
·  Financial Information eXchange
·  Finder
·  fine adjuster
·  fine grain
·  finger
·  finger-pointing syndrome
·  finite
·  Finite Automata
·  Finite Automaton
·  finite differencing
·  Finite Impulse Response
·  Finite State Automata
·  Finite State Automaton
·  Finite State Machine
·  finn
·  FIR
·  firebottle
·  firefighting
·  Firefox
·  firehose syndrome
·  firewall
·  firewall code
·  firewall machine
·  FireWire
·  fireworks mode
·  Firmware
·  firmy
·  first class module
·  First Fit
·  first generation computer
·  first generation language
·  first-in first-out
·  first normal form
·  first-order
·  first-order logic
·  First Party DMA
·  fish
·  FISH queue
·  FIX
·  fix
·  fixed disk
·  fixed point
·  fixed-point
·  fixed point combinator
·  fixed-width
·  fixpoint
·  fj
·  Fjolnir
·  fk
·  FL
·  F+L
·  flag
·  flag day
·  flaky
·  flamage
·  flame
·  flame bait
·  flame off
·  flame on
·  flamer
·  flame war
·  flaming
·  flap
·  flapping router
·  flarp
·  Flash
·  flash
·  Flash EPROM
·  Flash Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Flash Lights Impressively
·  flash memory
·  Flash ROM
·  flat
·  flat address space
·  flat ASCII
·  flat file
·  flatten
·  flat thunk
·  flavor
·  flavorful
·  Flavors
·  flavour
·  Flex
·  Flex++
·  Flex 2
·  FLI
·  flib
·  Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
·  flip-flop
·  flippy
·  floating head
·  floating-point
·  floating-point accelerator
·  Floating-Point SPECbaserate
·  Floating-Point SPECbaseratio
·  Floating-Point SPECrate
·  Floating-Point SPECratio
·  floating point underflow
·  Floating-Point Unit
·  floating underflow
·  F-Logic
·  flood
·  Floppy
·  floppy
·  floppy disc
·  floppy disk
·  floppy disk drive
·  floppy drive
·  Flops
·  floptical
·  Flow
·  flow chart
·  flow control
·  flower key
·  flow of control
·  Fluegelman, Andrew
·  flush
·  Flynn' s taxonomy
·  fly page
·  Flyspeck 3
·  flytrap
·  FM
·  fm
·  FMQ
·  FMS
·  FMV
·  FNC
·  fnord
·  FN tunnelling
·  fo
·  FOD
·  FoIP
·  fold case
·  folder
·  followup
·  font
·  fontology
·  foobar
·  foogol
·  fool file
·  Fools' Lisp
·  Foonly
·  foot-net
·  footprint
·  for
·  fora
·  Force
·  ForceOne
·  ForceTwo
·  foreground
·  foreign key
·  Foresight
·  for free
·  fork
·  fork bomb
·  forked
·  for loop
·  formal argument
·  Formal Description Technique
·  formal methods
·  Formal Object Role Modeling Language
·  FORMAT-Fortran
·  Formatting Output Specification Instance
·  Formes
·  form factor
·  form feed
·  form function
·  forms
·  formula
·  Formula ALGOL
·  Forsythe
·  for The Rest Of Them
·  for The Rest Of Us
·  Forth Modification Lab
·  Fortran
·  Fortran 77
·  Fortran 90
·  Fortran Automatic Symbol Translator
·  Fortran D
·  Fortran I
·  Fortran M
·  Fortran V
·  Fortran VI
·  Fortrash
·  fortune cookie
·  forum
·  for values of
·  forward
·  forward analysis
·  forward chaining
·  forward compatibility
·  forward compatible
·  forward engineering
·  Forward Error Correction
·  forwards compatibility
·  forwards compatible
·  For Your Information
·  fossil
·  four-colour glossies
·  four colour map theorem
·  four colour theorem
·  Fourier transform
·  fourth generation computer
·  fourth generation language
·  fourth normal form
·  Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling
·  FoxBASE+
·  FoxPRO
·  Fox Software
·  FP
·  FP2
·  FPA
·  fpc
·  FPM
·  FP/M
·  fprintf
·  fps
·  FPU
·  FQL
·  fr
·  fractal
·  fractal compression
·  fractal dimension
·  fragile
·  fragment
·  fragmentation
·  frame
·  frame buffer
·  Frame Check Sequence
·  frame grabber
·  FrameKit
·  FrameMaker
·  frame pointer
·  frame rate
·  Frame Relay
·  Frame Relay Access Device
·  frames per second
·  Frame Technology Corporation
·  framework
·  Framework 4
·  framing specification
·  Franz Lisp
·  Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
·  fred
·  Fredette' s Operating System Interface Language
·  frednet
·  free
·  FreePPP
·  freerexx
·  free software
·  Free Software Foundation
·  free variable
·  freeware
·  freeze
·  Frege, Gottlob
·  frequency division multiple access
·  frequency division multiplexing
·  Frequency Modulation
·  Frequency Shift Keying
·  frequently asked question
·  Fresco
·  Fresh
·  friction feed
·  fried
·  frink
·  friode
·  fritterware
·  FRL
·  frob
·  frobnicate
·  frobnitz
·  Frobozz Magic Programming Language
·  frogging
·  Frolic
·  front end
·  front-end processor
·  front side bus
·  frotz
·  frotzed
·  frowney
·  fry
·  FS
·  FSB
·  fsck
·  FSF
·  FSK
·  FSL
·  FSM
·  FSP
·  fsplit
·  FT
·  FTP
·  FTP archive
·  FTP by mail
·  FTP server
·  FTP Software, Inc.
·  FTX
·  FUD
·  fudge
·  fudge factor
·  Fudgets
·  FUD wars
·  Fuel-can
·  Fugue
·  Fujitsu
·  full-custom
·  full-duplex
·  full-duplex Switched Ethernet
·  full laziness
·  full-motion video
·  full outer join
·  fully associative cache
·  Fully Automated Compiling Technique
·  fully lazy lambda lifting
·  fully qualified domain name
·  fum
·  Fun
·  function
·  functional
·  functional database
·  functional dependency
·  functionality
·  functional language
·  functional program
·  functional programming
·  functional programming language
·  functional requirements
·  functional specification
·  functional testing
·  functional unit
·  function application
·  function complete
·  Function Graph Language
·  function key
·  Function Point Analysis
·  functor
·  funky
·  FunnelWeb
·  funny money
·  furigana
·  furrfu
·  fusion
·  FutureBasic
·  future date testing
·  futz
·  fuzzball
·  fuzzy computing
·  fuzzy logic
·  fuzzy subset
·  fweep
·  fx
·  FX-87
·  FX-90
·  FYA
·  FYI
·  G
·  G2
·  G3
·  G4
·  GA
·  ga
·  Gabriel
·  gabriel
·  Gabriel, Richard
·  Gaelic
·  gag
·  GAL
·  Galaxy
·  Gambit
·  games
·  game tree
·  gamma correction
·  gamut
·  gang bang
·  GAP
·  GAPLog
·  garbageabetical order
·  garbage collect
·  garbage collection
·  Garbage In, Garbage Out
·  Garnet
·  garply
·  gas
·  gas plasma display
·  GAT
·  gate
·  gated
·  Gates
·  gateway
·  Gateway 2000
·  Gauss
·  Gaussian distribution
·  gawk
·  GB
·  Gb
·  gb
·  g-bell
·  gbps
·  GC
·  GCC
·  G-Code
·  GCR
·  GCT
·  gd
·  GDB
·  Gödel, Kurt
·  GDI
·  GE
·  ge
·  Gedanken
·  gedanken
·  geef
·  geek
·  geek out
·  GE Information Services
·  GEM
·  gen
·  gender mender
·  Gene Amdahl
·  General Activities Simulation Program
·  General Electric
·  General Electric Comprehensive Operating System
·  General Magic
·  General Packet Radio Service
·  General Protection Failure
·  General Protection Fault
·  General Public Licence
·  General Public License
·  General Public Virus
·  General Purpose Interface Bus
·  General Purpose Language
·  General Purpose Macro-generator
·  General Recursion Theorem
·  generate
·  generation
·  Generic Array Logic
·  Generic Expert System Tool
·  generic identifier
·  genericity
·  generic markup
·  generic programming
·  Generic Routing Encapsulation
·  Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface
·  generic thunk
·  generic type variable
·  Genesia
·  genetic algorithm
·  genetic algorithms
·  genetic programming
·  GEnie Services
·  Genken Programming Language
·  gensym
·  Gensym Corporation
·  Gensym Standard Interface
·  Gentleman' s Portable Coroutine System
·  Geographical Information System
·  Geographic Information System
·  George Boole
·  Georg Simon Ohm
·  Gerald
·  Gerald Sussman
·  German
·  Get a life!
·  Get a real computer!
·  getty
·  gf
·  g file
·  GFR
·  GFS
·  gh
·  GHC
·  ghost
·  Ghostscript
·  ghostview
·  GHz
·  GI
·  gi
·  Gibson, William
·  gid
·  GIF
·  GIF89
·  GIF89a
·  gig
·  giga-
·  gigabit
·  gigabits per second
·  gigabyte
·  gigaflop
·  gigaflops
·  GigaHertz
·  gilley
·  gillion
·  Gilmore, John
·  GIN
·  Ginger
·  GIP
·  GIS
·  GKS
·  GKS-3D
·  gl
·  Glammar
·  glark
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  glass
·  glass box testing
·  glassfet
·  glass tty
·  GLB
·  glibc
·  Glish
·  Glisp
·  glitch
·  glob
·  global index
·  globalisation
·  Global Network Navigator
·  Global Positioning System
·  Global System for Mobile Communications
·  glork
·  GLS
·  GLU
·  glue
·  glue language
·  glyph
·  Glypnir
·  gm
·  GMD
·  GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction
·  GMT
·  gn
·  gnarly
·  Gnat
·  GNN
·  Gnome Computers
·  GNU
·  GNU archive site
·  GNU assembler
·  GNU awk
·  GNU C
·  GNU C Library
·  GNU E
·  GNU Emacs
·  GNU General Public License
·  GNU mirror site
·  GNU Network Object Model Environment
·  Gnuplot
·  GNU Privacy Guard
·  GNU Problem Report Management System
·  GNU public licence
·  GNU sed
·  GNU Smalltalk
·  GNUStep
·  GNU superoptimiser
·  Go
·  goal
·  Go Back N
·  gobble
·  Godwin' s Law
·  Godzillagram
·  Goedel
·  go-faster stripes
·  Gofer
·  Goffin
·  go flatline
·  GO-GO
·  go gold
·  GOL
·  golden
·  golf ball printer
·  GOM
·  gonk
·  gonkulator
·  Good Thing
·  Google
·  googol
·  googolplex
·  gopher
·  Gopher client
·  Gopher object type
·  Gopherspace
·  gorets
·  gorilla arm
·  go root
·  gorp
·  Gosling, James
·  Gosperism
·  gotcha
·  goto
·  Gottlob Frege
·  gov
·  Government OSI Profile
·  go voice
·  gp
·  GPF
·  GPL
·  GPM
·  GPS
·  GPV
·  gq
·  gr
·  Grace Hopper
·  Graffiti
·  grain
·  grammar
·  grammar analysis
·  grammatical inference
·  Grandfather, Father, Son
·  granularity
·  Grapes
·  graph
·  Graph Algorithm and Software Package
·  graph coloring
·  graph colouring
·  Graphical Kernel System
·  Graphic Display Interface
·  Graphic Language
·  graphics accelerator
·  graphics adapter
·  graphics adaptor
·  graphics card
·  Graphics Interchange Format
·  Graphics Interface Format
·  Graphics Language Object System
·  graphic workstation
·  Graph-Oriented Object Database
·  graph plotter
·  graph reduction
·  graph rewriting system
·  grault
·  Gray
·  gray code
·  gray-scale
·  GRE
·  greater than
·  greatest common divisor
·  greatest lower bound
·  Great Renaming
·  Great Runes
·  Great Worm
·  greek
·  greeking
·  Green
·  Green Book
·  Green Book CD-ROM
·  green bytes
·  green card
·  green lightning
·  green machine
·  green monitor
·  Green' s Theorem
·  Greenwich Mean Time
·  Greg Olson
·  grep
·  grey-scale
·  Greystone Technologies
·  grick
·  grilf
·  Grim File Reaper
·  grind
·  grind crank
·  gripenet
·  gritch
·  grix
·  groff
·  grok
·  gronk
·  gronked
·  group
·  Group 3
·  Group 4
·  Group Code Recording
·  group identifier
·  Group Separator
·  Group-Sweeping Scheduling
·  Groupware
·  Groupwise
·  grovel
·  grunge
·  gry
·  GS
·  gs
·  GSI
·  GSM
·  GSS
·  gt
·  GTK+
·  GTL
·  gu
·  guaranteed scheduling
·  guard
·  Guarded Horn Clauses
·  gubbish
·  GUI
·  Guide
·  Guide to Available Mathematical Software
·  guiltware
·  gun
·  gunch
·  Gunning Transceiver Logic
·  gunzip
·  Gupta Corporation
·  gurfle
·  guru
·  guru meditation
·  Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
·  Guy Steele
·  GVL
·  gw
·  GW-Ada
·  gweep
·  GWM
·  gy
·  Gypsy
·  gz
·  gzip
·  h
·  H.261
·  H.323
·  Habitat
·  hack
·  hackathon
·  hack attack
·  hacked off
·  hacked up
·  hacker
·  hacker ethic
·  hacker humour
·  hacking run
·  Hacking X for Y
·  Hackintosh
·  hackish
·  hackishness
·  hackitude
·  hack mode
·  hack on
·  hack up
·  hack value
·  ha ha only serious
·  hair
·  hairy
·  hairy ball
·  hakspek
·  HAL
·  half-duplex
·  halftone
·  Hal/S
·  Halt and Catch Fire
·  halting problem
·  Hamilton
·  Hamiltonian cycle
·  Hamiltonian path
·  Hamiltonian problem
·  Hamiltonian tour
·  Hamilton' s problem
·  hammer
·  Hamming code
·  Hamming distance
·  Hamming, Richard
·  hamster
·  Han character
·  hand cruft
·  Handel
·  hand-hacking
·  Hand-held Personal Computer
·  handle
·  hand-roll
·  handshake
·  handshaking
·  handwave
·  hang
·  hanja
·  Hanoi
·  Han Unification
·  hanzi
·  happily
·  Happy
·  haptic interface
·  haque
·  hard boot
·  hard-coded
·  hardcopy
·  hard disk
·  hard disk drive
·  hard drive
·  hard link
·  hard linking
·  hard sector
·  hardware
·  Hardware Abstraction Layer
·  hardware circular buffer
·  Hardware Description Language
·  hardware handshaking
·  hardwarily
·  hard-wired
·  Harris Semiconductor Ltd.
·  Harvard architecture
·  Harvard Mark II Machine
·  Harvest
·  Harvest C
·  hash
·  hash bucket
·  hash character
·  hash coding
·  hash collision
·  hash function
·  hashing
·  hash table
·  Haskell B
·  Haskell Curry
·  Haskell User' s Gofer System
·  has the X nature
·  hat
·  Hayes
·  Hayes-compatible
·  hc
·  HC-900
·  HCF
·  HCI
·  HCS
·  HD
·  HD6309
·  HDA
·  HDC
·  HDD
·  HDF
·  HDL
·  HDM
·  hdx
·  Head Disk Assembly
·  header
·  Head Normal Form
·  head normalisation theorem
·  heads down
·  head-strict
·  heap
·  heartbeat
·  heatseeker
·  heat sink
·  heat slug
·  heavy metal
·  heavyweight
·  heavy wizardry
·  Hebbian learning
·  heisenbug
·  Helen Keller mode
·  Helix
·  hello packet
·  hello, sailor!
·  hello, world
·  henry
·  HEPiX
·  here document
·  Herman Hollerith
·  Hermes
·  Hesiod
·  heterogeneous
·  heterogeneous network
·  heterogenous
·  heuristic
·  heuristics testing
·  Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
·  Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus
·  Hewlett Packard Multi Processing Executive
·  Hewlett Packard Precision Architecture
·  Hewlett-Packard Visual Engineering Environment
·  hex
·  hexadecimal
·  hexidecimal
·  hexit
·  HFC
·  HID
·  hidden flag
·  hierarchical database
·  Hierarchical Data Format
·  hierarchical file system
·  Hierarchical Music Specification Language
·  hierarchical navigation
·  hierarchy
·  high bit
·  High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  high colour
·  high density
·  higher-order function
·  higher-order macro
·  High-level Data Link Control
·  high-level language
·  high memory area
·  high moby
·  High Performance File System
·  High Performance Fortran
·  High Performance Parallel Interface
·  High Performance Routing
·  High Performance Serial Bus
·  High Speed Circuit Switched Data
·  High Speed Connect
·  High-speed Net Connect
·  high speed serial interface
·  High Voltage Differential
·  hill climbing
·  HiLog
·  hing
·  hiragana
·  hirsute
·  history
·  hit
·  Hitachi 6309
·  Hitachi HD64180
·  hit rate
·  hk
·  HL7
·  HLL
·  hlp
·  hm
·  HMA
·  HMP
·  hn
·  HNC
·  Hoare powerdomain
·  Hobbit
·  hobbit
·  hog
·  HOL
·  HOL-88
·  HOL-90
·  hole
·  hole model
·  Hollerithabetical order
·  Hollerith, Herman
·  Hollywired
·  holy wars
·  home box
·  home machine
·  home page
·  StartPNA
·  homogeneous
·  homogenous
·  Honeywell-800 Business Compiler
·  hook
·  hop
·  Hope
·  Hope+
·  Hope+C
·  Hopfield model
·  Hopfield network
·  horizontal application
·  horizontal encoding
·  horizontal loop combination
·  horizontal microcode
·  horizontal scan rate
·  horizontal tabulation
·  Horn clause
·  hose
·  hosed
·  host
·  host adaptor
·  Host Command Facility
·  Host Control Interface
·  host-host layer
·  hostname
·  host number
·  Hot Fix
·  HotJava
·  Hotline
·  Hotline Connect
·  hotlink
·  hotlist
·  hot spot
·  Hot Standby Routing Protocol
·  Hot Swapable Routing Protocol
·  hot swapping
·  house wizard
·  Houston Automatic Spooling Program
·  HP
·  hp2ps
·  H/PC
·  HPcode
·  HPCode-Plus
·  HPF
·  HP-GL
·  HP-GL/2
·  HP-IB
·  HPL
·  HP-PA
·  HPR
·  HP-UX
·  hqx
·  hr
·  hs
·  HSB
·  HSC
·  HSM
·  HSV
·  HT
·  ht
·  HTH
·  HTML+
·  HTTP/1.0
·  HTTP cookie
·  HTTPd
·  HTTP server
·  hu
·  hub
·  Hubnet
·  hubs
·  hue
·  hue, saturation, brightness
·  hue, saturation, value
·  huff
·  Huffman coding
·  Human-Computer Interaction
·  Human-Computer Interface
·  Human Interface Device
·  Human Interface Technology Laboratory
·  humma
·  humor
·  humour
·  hung
·  Hungarian Notation
·  Hungry Programmers
·  hungry puppy
·  Hungry ViewKit
·  hungus
·  Hunt the Wumpus
·  Hurd
·  HVD
·  Hybrid
·  Hybrid Fiber Coax
·  hybrid multiprocessing
·  hybrid testing
·  HyperBase
·  Hyper-C
·  HyperCard
·  hypercube
·  Hyperion
·  hyperlink
·  Hyper-Man
·  hypermedia
·  HyperNeWS
·  Hyperscript
·  hyperspace
·  HyperSPARC
·  HyperTalk
·  hypertext
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  Hypertext Transfer Protocol
·  HyperText Transmission Protocol, Secure
·  hyperware
·  hysterical reasons
·  Hytelnet
·  HyTime
·  i18n
·  I2O
·  i386
·  i486
·  i487
·  i860
·  IA
·  IAB
·  IAD
·  IAL
·  IAM
·  IAP
·  I-APL
·  IAR
·  IAS
·  IAW
·  IBM
·  IBM 1130
·  IBM 1403
·  IBM 1710
·  IBM 2741
·  IBM 3270
·  IBM 360
·  IBM 370
·  IBM 370ESA
·  IBM 370XA
·  IBM 3720
·  IBM390
·  IBM 650
·  IBM 700 series
·  IBM 701
·  IBM 7040
·  IBM 705
·  IBM 709
·  IBM 7090
·  IBM 7094
·  IBM 801
·  IBM compatible
·  IBM Customer Engineer
·  IBM discount
·  IBM PCjr
·  IBM Systems Engineer
·  IBM zSeries
·  Ibpag2
·  Iburg
·  IC
·  ICBM address
·  ICE
·  icebreaker
·  ICI
·  ICL
·  ICMP Router Discovery Protocol
·  I-Comm
·  iCOMP
·  Icon
·  icon
·  Icon-Based Parser Generation System 2
·  Iconicode
·  ICONIX Software Engineering, Inc.
·  IC-Prolog
·  IC Prolog II
·  ICQ
·  ICT
·  ICW
·  Id
·  id
·  I-D
·  ID10T
·  IDD
·  IDE
·  ideal
·  Idealized CSP
·  Idealized Instruction Set
·  idempotent
·  IDF
·  I didn' t change anything!
·  IDL
·  Id Nouveau
·  IDS/I
·  id Software
·  IE
·  ie
·  IEC
·  IEC 559
·  IEEE 1076
·  IEEE 1394
·  IEEE 488
·  IEEE 754
·  IEEE 802
·  IEEE 802.2
·  IEEE 802.3
·  IEEE 802.3u
·  IEEE 802.3z
·  IEEE 802.4
·  IEEE 802.5
·  IEEE Computer Society
·  IEEE Floating Point Standard
·  IEEE Standard 1149.1
·  IEF
·  IEN
·  IF1
·  IF2
·  IFC
·  ifdef out
·  IFF
·  iff
·  IFP
·  IFS
·  If you want X, you know where to find it.
·  IGC
·  IGL
·  IGP
·  IGS
·  IGU
·  IHS
·  IHV
·  IIcx
·  IIL
·  IIR
·  IIS
·  IIT
·  il
·  ILF
·  I-Link
·  ill-behaved
·  Illiac IV
·  Ilog Solver
·  image
·  image formats
·  image map
·  image processing
·  image recognition
·  imaging
·  Imago Europe plc
·  Imago On-line
·  imake
·  imc
·  IMD
·  IML
·  immediate version
·  Imminent Death Of The Net Predicted!
·  IMO
·  IMP
·  impact printer
·  impedance
·  imperative language
·  Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
·  Imperial Software Technology
·  IMPlementation language
·  implicit parallelism
·  implicit type conversion
·  implies
·  import
·  imprecise probability
·  IMProved Mercury autocode
·  IMR
·  IMS
·  IMS 6100
·  Imsai
·  IMS/Data Base
·  IMS/Data Communications
·  in
·  InARP
·  in-band
·  inc
·  incantation
·  include
·  include war
·  inclusive
·  incremental backup
·  incremental constraint solver
·  Incremental Prototyping Technology for Embedded Realtime Systems
·  [incr Tcl]
·  indent style
·  Independent Logical File
·  index
·  Indexed Sequential Access Method
·  indices
·  indirect address
·  indirect addressing
·  indirection
·  induction
·  inductive inference
·  inductive relation
·  Industrial Programming, Inc.
·  Industrial Robot Language
·  Industry Standard Architecture
·  inetd
·  inews
·  infant mortality
·  infeasible path
·  inference
·  inference engine
·  inference rule
·  infimum
·  infinite
·  Infinite Impulse Response
·  infinite loop
·  Infinite Monkey Theorem
·  infinite set
·  infinity
·  infix notation
·  infix syntax
·  inflate
·  Infobahn
·  Info BASIC
·  infobot
·  Informatics Corporation
·  Information Algebra
·  Information Appliance
·  Information Builders
·  Information Engineering Facility
·  information highway
·  Information Innovation
·  Information Management System
·  Information Processing Language
·  Information Resource Management
·  information superhighway
·  Information Systems Factory
·  Information Technology
·  Informix
·  InfoSeek
·  InfoStreet, Inc.
·  InfoWord Office
·  infrared
·  Infrared Data Association
·  infrastructure
·  Inglish
·  inheritance
·  initgame
·  initialise
·  Initial Microprogram Load
·  Initial Operational Test and Evaluation
·  Initial Program Load
·  Initial Program Loader
·  initiator
·  injection
·  inkjet printer
·  ink printer
·  inline
·  inline image
·  INMOS transputer
·  inner join
·  inner product
·  InnovAda
·  inode
·  in-order traversal
·  IN point
·  Inprise Corporation
·  Input
·  input
·  input device
·  input/output
·  input/output redirection
·  inquiry/response system
·  insanely great
·  insertion sort
·  Insignia Solutions, Inc.
·  inspection
·  installable file system
·  installed user base
·  installer
·  instance
·  instance variable
·  instantiate
·  instantiation
·  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
·  Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
·  Instruction Address Register
·  instruction mnemonic
·  instruction prefetch
·  instruction scheduling
·  instruction set
·  instruction set architecture
·  Instruction Set Processor
·  instrument
·  int
·  integer
·  Integer SPECbaserate
·  Integer SPECbaseratio
·  Integer SPECrate
·  Integer SPECratio
·  integrated circuit
·  Integrated Database Management System
·  integrated development environment
·  Integrated Drive Electronics
·  Integrated Information Technology
·  Integrated Modelling Support Environment
·  Integrated Project Support Environment
·  Integrated Systems Architecture
·  Integrated Systems Laboratory
·  integration
·  integration testing
·  integrity constraint
·  Intel 4004
·  Intel 4040
·  Intel 486
·  Intel 486DX
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel 487SX
·  Intel 8008
·  Intel 80186
·  Intel 80188
·  Intel 80286
·  Intel 80386
·  Intel 80386DX
·  Intel 80386SX
·  Intel 8048
·  Intel 80486
·  Intel 8051
·  Intel 8080
·  Intel 8085
·  Intel 8088
·  Intel 80x86
·  Intel 8751
·  Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance index
·  Intel Corporation
·  IntelDX4
·  Intel i960
·  intelligent backtracking
·  intelligent database
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  Intelligent I/O
·  intelligent key
·  intelligent terminal
·  IntelliMouse
·  Intelsat
·  Intel x86
·  Intent to Package
·  interactive
·  Interactive CourseWare
·  Interactive Data analysis Language
·  Interactive Data Entry/Access
·  Interactive Data Language
·  interactive development environment
·  Interactive Development Environments
·  Interactive Software Engineering
·  Interactive System Productivity Facility
·  Interactive Voice Response
·  Interagency Interim National Research and Education Network
·  InterBase
·  Interchange File Format
·  Interdata
·  Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics
·  interesting
·  inter-exchange carrier
·  interface
·  interface analysis
·  Interface Definition Language
·  Interface Description Language
·  Interface Message Processor
·  Interior Gateway Protocol
·  interlace
·  interlaced image
·  interlacing
·  Interlan
·  Interleaf
·  interleave
·  interleaving
·  Interlisp
·  Interlisp-10
·  Interlisp-D
·  Intermedia Interchange Format
·  intermediate code
·  Intermediate Distribution Frame
·  Intermediate Programming Language
·  Intermediate System
·  Intermediate System-Intermediate System
·  intermercial
·  Intermetrics, Inc.
·  intermodulation distortion
·  internal field separators
·  Internal Translator
·  International Algebraic Language
·  International Atomic Time
·  International Business Machines
·  International Computers Limited plc
·  International Core War Society
·  International Data Encryption Algorithm
·  International Electrotechnical Commission
·  International Federation for Information Processing
·  International Function Point Users Group
·  internationalisation
·  internationalization
·  International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium
·  International Organisation for Standardisation
·  International Organization for Standardization
·  International Phonetic Alphabet
·  International Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  International Smalltalk Association
·  International Standard
·  International Telecommunications Union
·  International Traffic in Arms Regulation
·  Internaut
·  Internet
·  internet
·  Internet Access Provider
·  Internet Adapter
·  Internet address
·  internet address
·  Internet Architecture Board
·  Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
·  Internet backbone
·  Internet Chess Server
·  Internet Control Message Protocol
·  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
·  Internet-Draft
·  Internet Engineering Steering Group
·  Internet Engineering Task Force
·  Internet Experiment Note
·  Internet Explorer
·  Internet Express
·  Internet Foundation Classes
·  Internet Go Server
·  Internet Group Management Protocol
·  Internet Information Server
·  Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
·  Internet Message Access Protocol
·  Internet Network Information Center
·  internet number
·  Internet Open Trading Protocol
·  Internet Protocol
·  Internet Protocol Control Protocol
·  Internet Protocol version 4
·  Internet Protocol version 6
·  Internet provider
·  Internet Public Library
·  Internet Registry
·  Internet Relay Chat
·  Internet Research Task Force
·  Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
·  Internet Server Application Programming Interface
·  Internet Service Provider
·  Internet Society
·  Internet Telephony
·  Internet Telephony Service Providers
·  internetworking
·  Internetwork Packet eXchange
·  Internet Worm
·  Internex On-Line
·  InterNIC
·  interoperable database
·  inter-packet gap
·  interpolation
·  Interpress
·  interpreted
·  interpreter
·  Interpretive Menu Processor
·  Inter-process Communication
·  interrupt
·  interrupt handler
·  interrupt list
·  interrupt priority level
·  interrupt request
·  interrupts
·  Intersil 6100
·  interstitial
·  interupt
·  interworking
·  intranet
·  Intrinsics
·  Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
·  Intrusive Testing
·  Intuition
·  intuitionism
·  intuitionistic logic
·  intuitionistic probability
·  intuitionist logic
·  invariant
·  inverse
·  Inverse Address Resolution Protocol
·  inverse comment convention
·  inverted index
·  InWorld VR
·  io
·  I/O
·  IOI
·  Iomega Corporation
·  I-OOA
·  I/O redirection
·  IOS
·  Iota
·  IOT&E
·  IP
·  IPA
·  IP address
·  I-Pay
·  IPC
·  IPE
·  Iperf
·  IPL
·  IP next generation
·  IPng
·  IP number
·  IPS
·  IPsec
·  IPT
·  IP Telephony
·  IPv4
·  IPv6
·  IPX
·  iq
·  IR
·  ir
·  IrBUS
·  IRC
·  ircop
·  IRC penis war
·  IrDA
·  IrDA-C
·  IrDA Control
·  IrDA Data
·  Iris
·  IRL
·  IRM
·  iron
·  Iron Age
·  iron box
·  Ironman
·  ironmonger
·  IRQ
·  irrational number
·  irrefutable
·  Irvine Dataflow
·  Irvine Research Unit in Software
·  IS
·  is
·  IS-11172
·  IS-13818
·  ISA
·  Isabelle
·  Isabelle-92
·  Isabelle-93
·  ISA bus
·  ISAPI filter
·  ISE
·  I see no X here.
·  ISF
·  IS-IS
·  ISLisp
·  ISO
·  ISO 10646
·  ISO 8072
·  ISO 8073
·  ISO 8208
·  ISO 8326
·  ISO 8327
·  ISO 8485
·  ISO 8613
·  ISO 8649
·  ISO 8650
·  ISO 8805
·  ISO 8807
·  ISO 8822
·  ISO 8823
·  ISO 8825
·  ISO 8859
·  ISO 8859-1
·  ISO 8879
·  ISO 9000
·  ISO 9072
·  ISO 9660
·  ISO 9735
·  ISO C
·  isochronous
·  isochronous transfer
·  ISO Development Environment
·  ISO/IEC 10646-1
·  isolated
·  ISO Latin 1
·  isometric joystick
·  isometry
·  isomorphic
·  isomorphism
·  isomorphism class
·  ISO Pascal
·  ISO seven layer model
·  ISP
·  IST
·  IT
·  it
·  Iterated Function System
·  iteration
·  iterative deepening
·  iterator
·  Iternet
·  ITP
·  ITS
·  ITU
·  ITU-T
·  ITU-T X.680
·  ITU X.209
·  Ivan
·  Ivan Sutherland
·  Iverson' s Language
·  IVR
·  ivs
·  IV&V
·  IVY
·  IWay
·  IXC
·  IXI Limited
·  IXO
·  J
·  J2EE
·  J2ME
·  J2SE
·  J3
·  J73
·  jabber
·  jaccl
·  jack in
·  Jack Kilby
·  Jackson method
·  Jacquard, Joseph-Marie
·  Jacquard loom
·  JAD
·  Jade
·  jadeTeX
·  JAffer' s Canonical ALgebra
·  jaggies
·  JaM
·  James Clark
·  James' DSSSL Engine
·  James Gosling
·  James H. Clark
·  JANET IP Service
·  Janus
·  japh
·  jar
·  Jargon File
·  Java 2
·  Java 2 Platform
·  Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
·  Java 2 SDK
·  Java 2 Software Development Kit
·  Java archive
·  JavaBeans
·  Java Community Process
·  Java Database Connectivity
·  Java Development Kit
·  Java Message Service
·  Java Native Interface
·  Java Remote Method Protocol
·  Java Run-Time Environment
·  Java servelet
·  JavaServer Pages
·  Java servlet
·  Java Servlet Development Kit
·  Java Virtual Machine
·  Java VM
·  JAZ
·  Jaz
·  Jaz Drive
·  JCL
·  JCP
·  JCS-13
·  JDK
·  Jean E. Sammet
·  Jef Raskin
·  Jerry Sussman
·  JES
·  JES2
·  JES3
·  jiffy
·  Jim Clark
·  Jini
·  JIT
·  JK flip-flop
·  jm
·  JMS
·  JNI
·  jo
·  job
·  Job Control Language
·  Job Entry System
·  Jobs
·  job security
·  jock
·  joe
·  joe code
·  John Atanasoff
·  John Gilmore
·  John Mauchly
·  John McCarthy
·  Johnniac
·  JOHNNIAC Open Shop System
·  John Ousterhout
·  John Tukey
·  John Vincent Atanasoff
·  John von Neumann
·  join
·  Joint Academic NETwork
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  Joint Photographic Experts Group
·  Joint Technical Committee
·  Joint Test Action Group
·  jolix
·  Jon Postel
·  Joseph-Marie Jacquard
·  Josephson Junction
·  Jossle
·  jove
·  Joy
·  Joyce
·  joystick
·  Joy, William
·  jp
·  JPEG-2000
·  JPEG File Interchange Format
·  jpg
·  JPL
·  J. Presper Eckert
·  J. Random
·  J. Random Hacker
·  JRE
·  JRL
·  JRN
·  JS
·  JSP
·  JTB
·  JTC
·  JTC1/SC24
·  JTS
·  juggling eggs
·  jump
·  jump off into never-never land
·  jump trace buffer
·  Junction FET
·  Junction Field Effect Transistor
·  Juno
·  jupiter
·  Just a Bunch Of Disks
·  just-in-time
·  JVM
·  Jym
·  K
·  K5
·  K56flex
·  K6
·  K7
·  KA9Q
·  kahuna
·  Kaleidoscope
·  Kali
·  kamikaze packet
·  Kamin' s interpreters
·  kana
·  kangaroo code
·  kanji
·  KAP
·  Karel
·  katakana
·  Katmai New Instructions
·  KB
·  kbps
·  KBS
·  KC-85/1
·  KC85/2
·  KC85/3
·  KC85/4
·  KCL
·  ke
·  KEE
·  ken
·  Ken Thompson
·  Kerberos
·  Kermit
·  kernal
·  kernel
·  Kernel Parlog
·  kerning
·  Kevo
·  key
·  keyboard
·  Keyboard Commando
·  Keyboard Send Receive
·  Keyed-Hashing Message Authentication
·  Keyed Sequenced Data Set
·  key escrow
·  key field
·  key frame
·  KeyNote Software
·  keypal
·  KeySpell
·  keyword
·  KFX
·  kg
·  kgbvax
·  kh
·  Khornerstone
·  ki
·  kibibyte
·  kiboze
·  kick
·  Kid
·  KIDASA Software
·  killer micro
·  killer poke
·  kill file
·  kilo-
·  kilobaud
·  kilobit
·  kilobits per second
·  kilobyte
·  kiloflops
·  kiosk
·  KIS
·  KISS Principle
·  kit
·  KL0
·  KL1
·  Klamath
·  KLB
·  Kleene closure
·  Kleene star
·  Kleene, Stephen Cole
·  Klerer-May System
·  klone
·  kludge
·  kluge
·  kluge around
·  km
·  KMS
·  kn
·  knapsack problem
·  KNI
·  Knights of the Lambda-Calculus
·  knowbot
·  Knowbot Information Service
·  knowledge
·  Knowledge Analysis and Design System
·  knowledge base
·  knowledge-based system
·  knowledge level
·  Knowledge Management System
·  Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
·  knowledge representation
·  Knowledge Sharing Effort
·  Knowledge Systems Laboratory
·  Known Lazy Bastard
·  Knuth
·  Kodak
·  Kohonen
·  Konrad Zuse
·  Korn Shell
·  kp
·  KR
·  kr
·  K&R
·  KRC
·  K&R C
·  kremvax
·  KRL
·  KRS
·  ksh
·  KSL
·  KSR
·  KTH
·  Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
·  Kvatro Telecom AS
·  Kvikkalkul
·  kw
·  ky
·  Kyoto Common Lisp
·  kyrka
·  kz
·  L0pht
·  l10n
·  L1 cache
·  L2 cache
·  L2CAP
·  L2TP
·  L6
·  la
·  label edge router
·  label switched path
·  label switching
·  Label Switching Router
·  Lab for Computer Science
·  Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench
·  LaborNet
·  Labtech Notebook
·  LabVIEW
·  Lace
·  lace card
·  lag
·  Lambada-Calculus
·  lambda abstraction
·  lambda-calculus
·  lambda expression
·  lambda lifting
·  LambdaMOO
·  Lambda Prolog
·  lamer
·  lamp-post error
·  LAN
·  LAN chefistrator
·  language
·  language-based editor
·  Language for Communicating Systems
·  Language for the On-Line Investigation and Transformation of Abstractions
·  Language H
·  language lawyer
·  Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification
·  Language Sensitive Editor
·  language-sensitive editor
·  languages of choice
·  Laning and Zierler
·  Lan Kanal Adapter
·  Lan Manager
·  LANtastic
·  LAP
·  laptop computer
·  Larch
·  Larch/C++
·  Large Installation Systems Administration
·  Larry Wall
·  larval stage
·  laser
·  laser printer
·  Lasherism
·  last-in first-out
·  LAT
·  latch
·  latency
·  LaTeX
·  Latin 1
·  lattice
·  LAU
·  laundromat
·  law
·  Lawrence Livermore Labs
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  LAX
·  layer
·  Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
·  laziness
·  lazy evaluation
·  lazy list
·  Lazy SML
·  lazy sml2c
·  Lazy Standard ML
·  lb
·  LBA
·  LBE
·  LBX
·  lc
·  LCC
·  lcc
·  LCD
·  LCF
·  LCL
·  lclint
·  LCP
·  LCS
·  ld
·  LDB
·  LDP
·  LDT
·  leading
·  leaf
·  Leaf Distribution Limited
·  leaf site
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  leak
·  leaky heap
·  Lean
·  leapfrog attack
·  leap second
·  learning curve
·  leased line
·  least fixed point
·  least recently used
·  least significant bit
·  least upper bound
·  leaves
·  LEC
·  LED
·  Leda
·  LED page printer
·  LED printer
·  leet
·  left arrow
·  left brace
·  left bracket
·  left join
·  left outer join
·  left parenthesis
·  LeFun
·  legacy code
·  legacy software
·  legacy system
·  legal
·  legalese
·  Le-Lisp
·  Lempel-Ziv compression
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  Lenat, Doug
·  lenient evaluation
·  LEO
·  Leo
·  LER
·  less than
·  LessTif
·  let floating
·  letterbomb
·  level 1 cache
·  level 2 cache
·  level one cache
·  level-sensitive scan design
·  level two cache
·  Lex
·  lexeme
·  lexer
·  lexical analyser
·  lexical analysis
·  lexical scope
·  lexical scoping
·  lexiphage
·  LF
·  LGN
·  lha
·  lhs
·  li
·  Liana
·  Liar
·  liar paradox
·  libg++
·  library
·  Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms
·  librery
·  LiE
·  LIF
·  Life
·  life
·  life-cycle
·  Life is hard
·  lifted domain
·  light client
·  light-emitting diode
·  light-emitting resistor
·  light pen
·  light pipe
·  light-weight
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  light-weight process
·  like kicking dead whales down the beach
·  like nailing jelly to a tree
·  like this
·  Lilith
·  lilo
·  Lily
·  Linc
·  Lincoln Reckoner
·  LINCtape
·  Linda
·  LindaLISP
·  line 666
·  linear address space
·  linear argument
·  linear assignment
·  linear function
·  Linear Graph Notation
·  linear logic
·  linear map
·  linear programming
·  linear space
·  linear transformation
·  linear type
·  line conditioning
·  line eater
·  line editor
·  line feed
·  line noise
·  line printer
·  line probing
·  lines of code
·  lines per minute
·  line starve
·  link
·  Link Access Procedure on the D channel
·  Link Access Protocol Balanced
·  Link Access Protocol for Modems
·  linkage editor
·  Link Control Protocol
·  link-dead
·  linked list
·  linker
·  link farm
·  link loader
·  link rot
·  links
·  Link State Routing Protocol
·  lint
·  Linux Documentation Project
·  Linux Network Administrators' Guide
·  Linux User Group
·  lion food
·  Lions Book
·  liquid crystal display
·  LIS
·  Liskov substitution principle
·  Lisp
·  *LISP
·  LISP 1
·  LISP 1.5
·  LISP 2
·  LISP70
·  Lispkit
·  Lispkit Lisp
·  Lisp Machine
·  LISP Machine LISP
·  Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System
·  LISP, Objects, and Symbolic Programming
·  Lisptalk
·  list
·  list comprehension
·  List Enhanced
·  listless
·  Listproc
·  lists
·  Listserv
·  Liszt
·  lite
·  literal
·  literate programming
·  literature
·  lithium lick
·  LitProg
·  little-endian
·  Little Smalltalk
·  live data
·  Live Free Or Die!
·  livelock
·  LiveScript
·  liveware
·  lk
·  LKA
·  LL
·  LLC
·  LLGen
·  LLM3
·  LLP
·  LM3
·  LML
·  LM-Prolog
·  LNF
·  LO
·  L&O
·  load
·  load balancing
·  lobotomy
·  LOC
·  local area network
·  Local Area Transport
·  local bus
·  locale
·  local echo
·  localisation
·  localised
·  locality
·  local loop
·  local loopback addresses
·  Local Mail Transfer Protocol
·  Local Multipoint Distribution System
·  locals
·  Local Shared Resources
·  LocalTalk
·  local variable
·  location
·  locked and loaded
·  locked up
·  lock-in
·  Loebner Prize
·  log
·  logarithmus dualis
·  LogC
·  logical
·  logical address
·  Logical Block Addressing
·  logical complement
·  Logical Interchange Format
·  Logical Link Control
·  Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol
·  logical relation
·  logical shift
·  logical shift left
·  logical shift right
·  Logical Unit
·  Logical Unit 6.2
·  Logical Unit Number
·  logic bomb
·  Logic Design Language
·  logic emulator
·  Logic for Computable Functions
·  logic gate
·  logic programming
·  logic variable
·  log in
·  Loglan
·  Loglan' 82
·  Loglan-88
·  log off
·  logon
·  log out
·  Lojban
·  Lolli
·  LOM
·  longitudinal parity
·  Longitudinal Redundancy Check
·  Look Ahead Left-to-right parse, Rightmost-derivation
·  Look ahead LR
·  look and feel
·  Looking Glass
·  loop
·  loop combination
·  loop fusion
·  loop through
·  loose bytes
·  LOP
·  lord high fixer
·  Lore
·  Lorenz attractor
·  lose
·  loser
·  losing
·  loss
·  lossage
·  lossless
·  lossless audio compression
·  Lossless Predictive Audio Compression
·  lossy
·  lossy audio compression
·  lost in the noise
·  lost in the underflow
·  lots of MIPS but no I/O
·  Lotus 1-2-3
·  Lotus Development Corporation
·  Lotus Notes
·  Lotus Notes Formula Language
·  LotusScript
·  Lout
·  low-bandwidth
·  Low Bandwidth X
·  low earth orbit
·  Lower Layer Protocol
·  lower set
·  Low Insertion Force
·  low-level language
·  low pass filter
·  Low Voltage Differential
·  LPC
·  LPF
·  LPG
·  LPI
·  LPL
·  lpm
·  lpr
·  LPS
·  lp spooler
·  LPT
·  lr
·  LRC
·  LRU
·  ls
·  LSA
·  LSB
·  LSE
·  L-Soft
·  LSP
·  LSR
·  lt
·  LT-2
·  LTL
·  LTR
·  LTR3
·  lu
·  LU6.2
·  lub
·  Lubarsky' s Law of Cybernetic Entomology
·  Lucent Technologies
·  Lucid Emacs
·  Lucinda
·  Lucy
·  LUG
·  luminance
·  lump uncurrying
·  LUN
·  lunatic fringe
·  Lund Simula
·  Lund Software House AB
·  lurk
·  lurker
·  lurking
·  luser
·  Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool
·  lv
·  lvalue
·  LVD
·  LWP
·  ly
·  Lycos
·  lynix
·  Lynx
·  LynxOS
·  Lynx Real-Time Systems
·  LZ77 compression
·  LZ78 compression
·  LZ compression
·  lzexe
·  lzh
·  LZH compression
·  LZW compression
·  M
·  m2
·  M2toM3
·  M3
·  m4
·  M5
·  ma
·  MAC
·  Mac
·  Mac-1
·  MAC-360
·  MAC address
·  MACAnalyst
·  Macaulay
·  MacBinary
·  MACDesigner
·  macdink
·  Mach
·  Machiavelli
·  machinable
·  machine
·  machine code
·  machine language
·  machine learning
·  Mach Interface Generator
·  machoflops
·  Mac II
·  Mac IIcx
·  Macintosh Common Lisp
·  Macintosh file system
·  Macintosh II
·  Macintosh IIcx
·  Macintosh Operating System
·  Macintoy
·  Macintrash
·  MacLisp
·  MacMinix
·  Mac OS
·  Mac OS X
·  Mac Playmate
·  MacPPP
·  macro
·  macro-
·  macrology
·  Macromedia
·  macrotape
·  MacTCP
·  MacX
·  MAD
·  Mad/1
·  maggotbox
·  magic
·  magic bullet
·  magic cookie
·  magic number
·  Magic Paper
·  magic smoke
·  Magic Switch Story
·  Magma
·  Magma2
·  MagmaLISP
·  magnetic disk
·  Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
·  magnetic stripe
·  magnetic tape drive
·  magnetostrictive delay line
·  Magritte
·  mail
·  Mail Application Programming Interface
·  mail bomb
·  mailbox
·  mail bridge
·  Mail Exchange Record
·  mail exploder
·  mail filter
·  mail gateway
·  mail hub
·  mailing list
·  mail merge
·  mail path
·  .mailrc
·  mail server
·  Mail Transport Agent
·  mail user agent
·  Mail Users' Shell
·  Main Distribution Frame
·  mainframe
·  mainframe programmer/analyst
·  main loop
·  main memory
·  maintainer
·  maintainer script
·  maintenance
·  Maisie
·  major delivery
·  Majordomo
·  major release
·  Make
·  Makedoc
·  makefile
·  Maker Interchange Format
·  MAL
·  Malamud
·  mall
·  malloc
·  MAN
·  man
·  management
·  Management Information Base
·  Management Information System
·  Manager of Business Applications
·  Manchester Autocode
·  Manchester encoding
·  Mandala
·  Mandelbrot, Benoit
·  Mandelbrot set
·  mandelbug
·  manged
·  mangle
·  mangler
·  mango
·  man page
·  mantissa
·  Manufacturer Resource Planning
·  Manufacturers Automation Protocol
·  Manufacturing Automation Protocol
·  manularity
·  MAO
·  MAP
·  map
·  Maple
·  mapping
·  marbles
·  Marc Andreessen
·  marginal
·  Marginal Hacks
·  Maril
·  Mark 1
·  marketroid
·  Markov
·  Markov chain
·  Markov model
·  Markov process
·  Markowitz
·  mark-sweep garbage collection
·  markup
·  Marlais
·  Mars
·  Marseille Prolog
·  marshaling
·  marshalling
·  Martian
·  Mary
·  MAS
·  Mask Read-Only Memory
·  MasPar Unity
·  masquerading
·  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
·  massage
·  Massey Hope
·  master
·  Matchmaker
·  Material Requirements Planning
·  Mathcad
·  Mathematica
·  Mathematical Analysis without Programming
·  Mathematics in Recognizable Form Automatically Compiled
·  math-out
·  MathWorks
·  Matrix
·  Matrix Compiler
·  Matrix Math eXtensions
·  MAU
·  Mauchly, John W.
·  mawk
·  maximal free expression
·  maximin
·  maximum Maytag mode
·  maximum seek time
·  maximum segment size
·  Maximum Transmission Unit
·  Maxis Software
·  MB
·  Mbogo, Dr. Fred
·  mbps
·  MBS
·  MC
·  mc
·  MC68000
·  MC68010
·  MC68020
·  MC68030
·  MC68040
·  MC6809
·  MCA
·  MCC
·  McCulloch-Pitts neuron
·  McG360
·  MCI
·  MCI Mail
·  MCL
·  M-Code
·  MCP
·  MCP-1600
·  MCS
·  mcvax
·  mcvert
·  MD
·  md
·  MD5
·  MDF
·  MDI
·  MDL
·  Mean Time Between Failures
·  Mean Time Between Faults
·  Mean Time To Recovery
·  measure
·  measurement
·  meatspace
·  meatware
·  Media Access Control
·  Media Access Unit
·  Media Converter
·  Media Gateway Control Protocol
·  Medium Access Control
·  meeces
·  Meet
·  meg
·  mega-
·  megabits per second
·  megabyte
·  megaflop
·  megaflops
·  MegaHertz
·  megapenny
·  Mei
·  Mel
·  Mellor
·  meltdown
·  member function
·  membership function
·  meme
·  meme plague
·  memetic algorithm
·  memetics
·  Memex
·  memo function
·  memoisation
·  memoised function
·  memoization
·  memoized function
·  memory
·  memory address space
·  memory farts
·  memory leak
·  memory location
·  memory management
·  Memory Management Unit
·  memory mapped I/O
·  memory protection
·  memory smash
·  Memory Type Range Registers
·  Mentat
·  menu
·  menu bar
·  menuitis
·  Mercury Autocode
·  mercury delay line
·  Merlin
·  Mesa
·  mesh
·  MESI protocol
·  message
·  Message Digest 5
·  message digest function
·  Message Handling System
·  message passing
·  Message Passing Interface
·  message switching
·  Message Transfer Agent
·  Messaging Application Programming Interface
·  Messaging Applications Programming Interface
·  mess-dos
·  meta
·  META 5
·  meta bit
·  MetaCard
·  Meta-Crystal
·  Metadata
·  meta-data
·  Metadata Information Partners
·  META element
·  metafile
·  metaheuristic
·  Meta-II
·  metainformation
·  Meta-IV
·  metalanguage
·  Metal Oxide Semiconductor
·  Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
·  metaphone
·  metaprogram
·  metasyntax
·  META tag
·  Meta-Vlisp
·  Met-English
·  meter
·  method
·  methodology
·  Methods
·  me too
·  metre
·  metric
·  metric space
·  Metropolitan Area Network
·  M-expression LISP
·  MFC
·  MFE
·  MFM
·  mg
·  mh
·  MHS
·  MHz
·  MIB
·  MIB Variable
·  Mic-1
·  Mic-2
·  mice
·  Michigan Algorithm Decoder
·  mickey
·  mickey mouse program
·  micro
·  micro-
·  Micro Assembly Language
·  microcentury
·  Micro Channel Architecture
·  microcode
·  Microcom Networking Protocol
·  microcomputer
·  microcontroller
·  MicroDroid
·  microelectromechanical system
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  MicroEmacs
·  microfloppies
·  microfortnight
·  MicroGnuEmacs
·  Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems
·  Micro Interpreter for Knowledge Engineering
·  microkernel
·  microLenat
·  microlog
·  micrometre
·  Micro ML
·  Micron
·  micron
·  Micron Electronics, Inc.
·  Micronetics Standard MUMPS
·  Micro$oft
·  microperation
·  microphone
·  microPLANNER
·  microprocesor
·  microprocessor
·  Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
·  microprogramming
·  microReid
·  Microserf
·  Microslop
·  Microsloth Windows
·  Microsoft
·  Microsoft Access
·  Microsoft Basic
·  Microsoft Certified Solution Developer
·  Microsoft Certified System Engineer
·  Microsoft Corporation
·  Microsoft Data Access Components
·  Microsoft Excel
·  Microsoft Exchange
·  Microsoft Extended
·  Microsoft Foundation Classes
·  Microsoft IIS
·  Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer
·  Microsoft Internet Information Server
·  Microsoft Mail
·  Microsoft Mail Application Program Interface
·  Microsoft Network
·  Microsoft Networking
·  Microsoft Office
·  Microsoft Office Small Business Edition
·  Microsoft Point to Point Encryption
·  Microsoft Project
·  Microsoft SQL Server
·  Microsoft Word
·  MicroStation
·  microtape
·  Microware Corporation
·  Microwave Hardware Description Language
·  Midas
·  Midas-WWW
·  middle-endian
·  middleware
·  mid-level network
·  MIF
·  MIG
·  MII
·  mil
·  Milarepa
·  mill
·  millennium bug
·  millennium meltdown
·  milli-
·  millihelen
·  milliLampson
·  millisecond
·  mimencode
·  Mimer SQL
·  MIME type
·  mind mouse
·  Minerva software
·  minicomputer
·  Mini Disc
·  minifloppy
·  minimal automaton
·  minimax
·  minimum seek time
·  Mini PL/I
·  Minnesota Internet Users Essential Tool
·  MiNT
·  Mint Is Not TRAC
·  Minuet
·  minus
·  minus infinity
·  MIPS project
·  MIPS R2000
·  MIPS R2010
·  MIPS R3000
·  MIPS R4000
·  MIPS Technologies, Inc.
·  Miracula
·  Miranda
·  mirror
·  mirroring
·  mirror site
·  MIS
·  misbug
·  MIS Director
·  misfeature
·  Missed' em-five
·  missile address
·  miswart
·  MIT
·  MIT AI Lab
·  MIT Lisp Machine
·  MITRE Corporation
·  MIT Research Laboratory for Electronics
·  MIT Scheme
·  MIX
·  MIX Communications
·  MJS
·  mk
·  ML
·  ml
·  ML-2000
·  ML Kit
·  MLL
·  ML-lex
·  ML Threads
·  ML-Twig
·  mm
·  Mma
·  mmap
·  MMI
·  MML
·  MMU
·  MMX
·  MMX technology
·  mn
·  mnemonic
·  MNP
·  mo
·  Mobile Triton
·  mobo
·  moby
·  mockingbird
·  Mockingboard
·  Mock Lisp
·  mod
·  *MOD
·  modal
·  modal logic
·  Mode
·  mode
·  mode bit
·  model
·  model checking
·  modeling
·  modelling
·  Modelsim
·  Model View Controller
·  modem
·  moderator
·  Modified Frequency Modulation
·  modifier
·  M O drive
·  Modula
·  Modula-2
·  Modula-2*
·  Modula-2+
·  Modula-3
·  Modula-3*
·  Modula-P
·  Modular C
·  MODUlar LAnguage
·  Modular Prolog
·  Modular SB-Prolog
·  module
·  modulo
·  modulo arithmetic
·  modulo operator
·  molly-guard
·  monad
·  monadic
·  Mongolian Hordes technique
·  moniter
·  monitor
·  monkey, scratch
·  monkey sort
·  monkey up
·  Mono
·  monochrome
·  monoid
·  monotonic
·  Montage
·  Monte Carlo
·  monty
·  MOO
·  Moof
·  Moore bound
·  Moore graph
·  Moore' s Law
·  moose call
·  MooZ
·  Mops
·  moria
·  morphing
·  MOS
·  Mosaic
·  Mosaic Communications Corporation
·  Moscow ML
·  Mosiac
·  MOS Technologies
·  most general unifier
·  Most Significant Bit
·  motd
·  mother
·  motherboard
·  Motif
·  Motion JPEG
·  Motion Picture Experts Group
·  Motorola
·  Motorola 14500B
·  Motorola 6800
·  Motorola 68000
·  Motorola 6801
·  Motorola 68010
·  Motorola 68020
·  Motorola 68030
·  Motorola 68040
·  Motorola 68050
·  Motorola 68060
·  Motorola 6809
·  Motorola 680x0
·  Motorola 68HC11
·  Motorola 68LC040
·  Motorola 88000
·  Motorola, Inc.
·  mount
·  Mouse
·  mouse ahead
·  mouse around
·  mouse arrest
·  mouse belt
·  mouse droppings
·  mouse elbow
·  mouse mat
·  mouse pad
·  mouse trails
·  mouso
·  Moving JPEG
·  Moving Picture Expert Group
·  Moving Picture Experts Group
·  Moving Pictures Experts Group
·  Moxie
·  Mozilla
·  Mozilla Foundation
·  Mozilla Public License
·  mp
·  MP1
·  MP-1
·  MP2
·  MP3
·  MP3Pro
·  MPC
·  MPC Level 1 Specification
·  MPC Level 2 Specification
·  MPEG-1
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 1
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-1 layer 3
·  MPEG-2
·  MPEG-2.5 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 AAC Low Profile
·  MPEG-2 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 Low Sampling Frequencies Extention
·  MPEG-2 MC
·  MPEG-2 Multi Channel Extention
·  MPEG-3
·  MPEG-4
·  MPEG-4 AAC Main Profile
·  MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding Scalable Sampling Rate
·  MPEG-4 Harmonics, individual lines and noise
·  MPEG-4 Harmonic Vector eXCitation
·  MPEG-7
·  MPEGplus
·  MPG
·  mpg
·  MPI
·  MPL
·  MPLS domain
·  MP/M
·  MPP
·  M-Prolog
·  MPV
·  MPX
·  mq
·  MQG
·  mr
·  MRI
·  MRP
·  MRS
·  ms
·  MS Access
·  MSB
·  MSG.84
·  msgGUI
·  MSM
·  MS Mail
·  MSN
·  MS Project
·  MSS
·  MS-Windows
·  MswLogo
·  MS Word
·  MSX
·  mt
·  MTA
·  mtc
·  M Technology Association
·  MTS
·  MTU
·  Mu
·  mu
·  MUA
·  MUD
·  muddie
·  Muddle
·  mudhead
·  MUD Object Oriented
·  muFP
·  mu-law
·  Mule
·  Mul-T
·  Multi-BinProlog
·  multiboot
·  multiC
·  multicast addressing
·  multicast backbone
·  Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility
·  multician
·  Multics Relational Data Store
·  Multiflow Computer
·  multihomed host
·  multilayer perceptron
·  MultiLisp
·  multimedia
·  Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group
·  MultiMedia Compact Disc
·  MultiMedia Extension
·  Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers
·  Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions
·  Multimedia Personal Computer
·  multi-part key
·  Multi-Pascal
·  multiple access
·  Multiple Access with Colision Avoidance
·  multiple boot
·  Multiple Document Interface
·  multiple inheritance
·  Multiple Instruction Multiple Data
·  Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data
·  Multiple Master
·  multiple perspective software development
·  multiple value
·  Multiple Virtual Storage
·  multiplexer
·  multiplexing
·  multiplexor
·  Multiplexor Channel
·  multiplex printer
·  Multipop-68
·  multiprocessing
·  multiprocessor
·  multiprogramming
·  Multiprotocol Label Switching
·  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
·  multiscan
·  MultiScheme
·  Multistation Access Unit
·  multisync
·  Multisystem eXtention Interface Bus
·  multitasking
·  Multi-tasking Program for Microcomputers
·  multithreaded
·  multithreading
·  MultiTOS
·  Multi-User Dungeon
·  Multi-User Shared Hallucination
·  Multi-Version Concurrency Control
·  multi-way branch
·  MuMath
·  mumblage
·  mumble
·  mumble mode
·  munch
·  munching
·  munching squares
·  munchkin
·  mung
·  munge
·  MUP
·  MU-Prolog
·  Murphy' s Law
·  Muse
·  Music
·  Musical Instrument Digital Interface
·  Musicam
·  MuSimp
·  mutant
·  Mutation Testing
·  MuTeX
·  mutex
·  mutter
·  mutual exclusion
·  mutually recursive
·  mutual recursion
·  mux
·  mv
·  MVC
·  MVS
·  MVS/Open Edition
·  mw
·  MX
·  mx
·  MXI
·  MXIbus
·  MX Record
·  my
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  MZ
·  mz
·  N
·  N10
·  na
·  nadger
·  NAG
·  Nagling Coalescence
·  nagware
·  nailed to the wall
·  nailing jelly
·  naive
·  naive user
·  NAK
·  name capture
·  named
·  named pipe
·  name resolution
·  name service switching
·  namespace
·  NaN
·  nano-
·  nanoacre
·  nanobot
·  nanocomputer
·  nanofortnight
·  nanometre
·  nanosecond
·  nanotechnology
·  Napier
·  narrowband
·  narrowing
·  NAS
·  nasal demons
·  nastistical
·  nastygram
·  NAT
·  Nathan Hale
·  National Advanced Systems
·  National Bureau of Standards
·  National Center for Supercomputing Applications
·  national characters
·  National Database Language
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  National Information Services and Systems
·  National Institute of Standards and Technology
·  National Research and Education Network
·  National Science Foundation
·  National Science Foundation Network
·  National Semiconductor
·  National Semiconductor 32000
·  National Software Reuse Directory
·  National Television Standards Committee
·  native compiler
·  Native Language System
·  natural deduction
·  Natural English
·  natural language
·  Natural Language Information Analysis Method
·  natural language processing
·  natural number
·  nature
·  NAU
·  navigating
·  Navigator
·  Nawk
·  NB
·  NBT
·  NC
·  nc
·  NCD
·  NCP
·  NCR Corporation
·  NCR Language
·  NCS
·  ND
·  NDL
·  NDS
·  ne
·  neat hack
·  neats vs. scruffies
·  Nebula
·  NEC
·  NEC 780-C
·  neep-neep
·  negation by failure
·  negative acknowledgement
·  Neon
·  neophilia
·  Nerd pride
·  net
·  net.-
·  netaddress
·  NetBEUI
·  NetBIOS
·  NetBios over TCP/IP
·  NetBSD
·  netbui
·  netburp
·  Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.
·  netdead
·  Netfind
·  .NET framework
·  net.god
·  NetHack
·  netiquette
·  netlag
·  NetLingo
·  netload
·  Netmarq Limited
·  netmask
·  NetNanny
·  netnews
·  net.personality
·  netpipes
·  net.police
·  netquette
·  Netrek
·  netrock
·  Netscape
·  Netscape Communications Corporation
·  Netscape Navigator
·  Netscape Public License
·  netsplit
·  netstat
·  netter
·  NetWare
·  NetWare Core Protocol
·  Netware Directory Services
·  Netware Input/Output Subsystem
·  NetWare Link State Protocol
·  network
·  network address
·  Network Addressable Unit
·  Network Address Translation
·  Network Address Translator
·  Network Administrator
·  Network Application Support
·  Network Attached Storage
·  network byte order
·  network card
·  network closet
·  Network Computing Devices
·  network database
·  Network Definition Language
·  Network Device Interface Specification
·  network engineer
·  Network extensible Window System
·  Network File System
·  Network Filing System
·  Network Information Center
·  Network Information Service
·  Network Information System
·  networking
·  network interface card
·  network interface controller
·  network layer
·  network layer reachability information
·  network management
·  network meltdown
·  Network News Transfer Protocol
·  network node
·  Network Node Interface
·  network number
·  Network Operating System
·  network operating system
·  Network Operations Center
·  network operator
·  network redirector
·  network segment
·  Network Solutions, Inc.
·  network storm
·  Network Termination
·  network, the
·  Network Time Protocol
·  network transparency
·  NetX
·  Net:X
·  neural nets
·  neural network
·  neuron
·  Neutral Interconnect
·  neutrosophic
·  neutrosophic logic
·  neutrosophic probability
·  neutrosophic set
·  neutrosophic statistics
·  Neutrosophy
·  Never Offline
·  newbie
·  New Flavors
·  newgroup wars
·  New Jersey
·  newline
·  NEW Programming language
·  NeWS
·  news
·  NewsClip
·  newsfroup
·  newsgroup
·  newsletter
·  Newspeak
·  Newsqueak
·  .newsrc
·  news reader
·  New Storage System
·  new talk
·  New Testament
·  Newton
·  Newton-Raphson
·  NewYacc
·  New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork
·  New York University
·  Nexpert Object
·  NeXT, Inc.
·  Next Program Counter
·  nf
·  NFA
·  NFS
·  NFT
·  ng
·  NGL
·  ni
·  NIAL Systems Ltd.
·  nibble
·  Nibble Mode DRAM
·  NIC
·  nick
·  nickle
·  Nightmare File System
·  night mode
·  NII
·  Niklaus Wirth
·  NIL
·  niladic
·  Ninety-Ninety Rule
·  nipple
·  NIS
·  nl
·  NLM
·  NLP
·  NLS
·  NLX
·  NMI
·  nML
·  NMU
·  NN
·  nn
·  NNI
·  no
·  NOC
·  Nodal Switching System
·  noddy
·  node
·  noise
·  noise shaping
·  NOL
·  NOMEX underwear
·  Nominal Semidestructor
·  non-algorithmic procedure
·  nondeterminism
·  nondeterministic
·  nondeterministic automaton
·  nondeterministic polynomial time
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  non-impact printer
·  non-interlaced
·  nonlinear
·  Non-Maintainer Upload
·  Non-Maskable Interrupt
·  non-optimal solution
·  Nonpareil
·  non parity
·  non-polynomial
·  Non Return to Zero Inverted
·  nontrivial
·  Non-Uniform Memory Access
·  non-uniform quantising logarithmic compression
·  Non-Uniform Rational B Spline
·  non-volatile
·  non-volatile memory
·  Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
·  non-volatile storage
·  no-op
·  NOR
·  NorCroft
·  norm
·  normal distribution
·  normal form
·  normalisation
·  normalised
·  normal order reduction
·  normed space
·  northbridge
·  NOS
·  NOT
·  Not-a-Number
·  notebook
·  NoteCards
·  Notepad
·  Notes
·  Nother
·  not ready for prime time
·  notwork
·  Nova
·  Novell Data Systems
·  Novell DOS
·  Novell, Inc.
·  Novell NetWare
·  no-write allocation
·  NP
·  np
·  NPC
·  NP-complete
·  NP-hard
·  NPL
·  N-Prolog
·  NP time
·  Nqthm
·  nr
·  nroff
·  NRZ
·  ns
·  NS16000
·  NS32000
·  NSA line eater
·  NSE
·  NSF
·  NSI
·  nslookup
·  NSS
·  NT
·  NT1
·  NT5
·  ntalk
·  NT File System
·  n-tier
·  NTP
·  NTU
·  nu
·  NuBus
·  nu-calculus
·  nude
·  stealthportal
·  null
·  nullary
·  null modem
·  null-terminated multibyte string
·  number crunching
·  numbers
·  number sign
·  Numeris
·  Nuprl
·  nurbs
·  Nu Thena
·  NUXI problem
·  NVS
·  nybble
·  nyetwork
·  nym
·  nym server
·  Nyquist frequency
·  Nyquist Theorem
·  nz
·  O
·  O2
·  Oaklisp
·  OAP
·  Ob-
·  OBE
·  Oberon
·  Oberon-2
·  Obfuscated C Contest
·  obi-wan error
·  OBJ
·  OBJ2
·  OBJ3
·  object
·  ObjectBroker
·  object code
·  Object-code Buffer Overrun Evaluator
·  Object Compatibility Standard
·  Object Constraint Language
·  Object Database Management Group
·  Object Data Management Group
·  Objecteering
·  Object Exchange
·  object identifier
·  Objectionable-C
·  Objective CAML
·  Objective Modula-2
·  Objective PASCAL
·  Object Linking and Embedding
·  Object Management Group
·  Object Modelling Technique
·  Object Oberon
·  object-orientation
·  object-oriented
·  object-oriented analysis
·  object-oriented database
·  object-oriented design
·  Object-Oriented Fortran
·  object-oriented language
·  Object-Oriented Pascal
·  object-oriented programming
·  object-oriented programming language
·  Object-oriented SQL
·  Object-Oriented Turing
·  Objectory
·  ObjectPAL
·  Object Pascal
·  Object Request Broker
·  Object Role Modeling
·  Object Value
·  Objectworks
·  Objlog
·  ObjVlisp
·  ObjVProlog
·  Obliq
·  oblique stroke
·  Oblog
·  observational equivalence
·  Oc
·  OC-12
·  OC-3
·  OC-48
·  occam
·  occam 2
·  Occam' s Razor
·  occlude
·  occurs check
·  OCL
·  OC-n
·  OCP
·  OCR
·  OCS
·  octal
·  octal forty
·  Octave
·  octet
·  octothorpe
·  OCX
·  OD390
·  ODA
·  ODC
·  ODI
·  ODP
·  ODT
·  OEM
·  off-by-one error
·  Office
·  Office By Example
·  Office Workstations Limited
·  Official Production System
·  off-line
·  off-line world
·  offset
·  off-side rule
·  off the trolley
·  ogg
·  Ogg Vorbis
·  Ohm
·  Ohm, Georg Simon
·  ohnosecond
·  OID
·  -oid
·  OIL
·  OLAP Council
·  OLC
·  old fart
·  old talk
·  Old Testament
·  OLE
·  OLE custom controls
·  OLE for Process Control
·  Olivetti
·  O-Logic
·  om
·  OMA
·  Omega
·  Omega-algebraic
·  Omega test
·  OMF
·  OMG
·  OMR
·  OMS
·  OMT
·  OMTool
·  ONC
·  one-banana problem
·  one-line fix
·  one-liner wars
·  ones complement
·  One-Time Password
·  One Time Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  one-way function
·  one-way hash function
·  on-line
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
·  On-Line Computer system
·  Online Media
·  On-line Process Synthesizer
·  Ontic
·  onto
·  ontology
·  OO
·  OOA
·  OOD
·  OOF
·  OOo
·  OOP
·  op
·  Opal
·  OPC
·  op code
·  open
·  open box testing
·  OpenBSD
·  open/closed principle
·  Open DataBase Connectivity
·  Open Data-link Interface
·  Open DeathTrap
·  Open Desktop
·  Open Distributed Processing
·  Open Distributed System Architecture
·  OpenDoc
·  Open Document Architecture
·  Open Document Interchange Format
·  Open Document Management API
·  OpenGL
·  Open Graphics Library
·  OpenInsight
·  Open Look
·  Open Network Computing
·  Open Prolog
·  Open Scripting Architecture
·  Open Shortest-Path First
·  Open Shortest-Path First Interior Gateway Protocol
·  Open Software Foundation
·  open source
·  Open Source Initiative
·  Open source license
·  OpenStep
·  open switch
·  Open System Architecture
·  Open Systems Interconnect
·  Open Systems Interconnection
·  Open Telecom Platform
·  Open Trading Protocol
·  OpenTransport
·  OpenVMS
·  OpenWindows
·  operand
·  operating system
·  Operating System/360
·  Operating System/Multiprogramming of Fixed Tasks
·  operational database
·  operational requirements
·  operational semantics
·  operational testing
·  operation code
·  operator
·  Operator Control Language
·  operator overloading
·  Opportunity Management System
·  OPS
·  OPS5
·  OPS83
·  Optical Carrier 12
·  Optical Carrier 3
·  Optical Carrier 48
·  Optical Carrier n
·  Optical Character Recognition
·  optical diff
·  optical fiber
·  optical fibre
·  optical grep
·  optical mouse
·  Optical Storage Technology Association
·  Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
·  optimal
·  optimise
·  optimising compiler
·  optimism
·  optimize
·  option
·  Opus
·  OR
·  Oracle 7
·  Oracle Card
·  Oracle*CASE
·  Oracle Co-operative Applications
·  Oracle Corporation
·  Oracle Parallel Server
·  Oracle Rdb
·  Oracle Toolkit
·  Orange Book
·  ORB
·  Orbit
·  Orca
·  Order Code Processor
·  order-embedding
·  ordering
·  ordinal
·  ordinate
·  O' Reilly and Associates
·  org
·  Organic Mode
·  Orient84/K
·  Original Equipment Manufacturer
·  ORM
·  orphaned i-node
·  orphan process
·  orthogonal
·  orthogonal instruction set
·  Orwell
·  OS
·  OS2
·  OS/2
·  OS/360
·  OS/390
·  OS-9
·  OSA
·  OSA extension
·  OSD
·  OSE
·  OSF
·  OSI
·  OSI Model
·  OSI Reference Model
·  OSI seven layer model
·  O' small
·  OSP
·  OS/VS1
·  OS/VS2
·  OT
·  OT&E
·  OTI
·  OTP
·  Ottawa Euclid
·  Ousterhout, John K.
·  Ousterhout' s dichotomy
·  Ousterhout' s fallacy
·  Ousterhout' s false dichotomy
·  outer join
·  outline font
·  out-of-band
·  output
·  output device
·  Outside Awareness Port
·  outside-in testing
·  overclocking
·  Overdrive
·  overflow bit
·  overflow pdl
·  overhead
·  overloading
·  overriding
·  overrun
·  overrun screw
·  overuse strain injury
·  OWL
·  Owl
·  Ox
·  Oz
·  oz
·  Oz-Email
·  P1754
·  p2c
·  P3L
·  P4
·  P6
·  pa
·  Packard Bell Electronics, Inc.
·  packed decimal
·  Packed Encoding Rules
·  packet
·  Packet Assembler/Disassembler
·  packet driver
·  Packet in Plastic Grid Array
·  Packet InterNet Groper
·  packet radio
·  packet sniffer
·  packet-switched
·  packet switching
·  Packet Switch Node
·  packet writing
·  PackIt
·  PAD
·  padded cell
·  Paddle
·  page
·  paged
·  Page Description Language
·  Paged Memory Management Unit
·  page fault
·  page in
·  pagelet
·  page mode
·  Page Mode DRAM
·  Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  page out
·  pager
·  paging
·  PaiLisp
·  pain in the net
·  Paintbrush
·  PAISley
·  PAL
·  Palace
·  palette
·  palmtop
·  Palo Alto Research Center
·  Palo Alto Research Centre
·  PAM
·  Pam
·  Pandora
·  panic
·  Pantone
·  PAP
·  papermail
·  paper-net
·  paper tape
·  paraconsistent probability
·  Paradigms of AI Programming
·  Paradise
·  Paradox
·  paradox
·  Paradox Application Language
·  Paralation
·  ParAlfl
·  Parallaxis
·  Parallel C
·  parallel computer
·  parallel computing
·  Parallel FORTH
·  Parallel Fortran
·  Parallel Haskell
·  parallelism
·  Parallel Pascal
·  parallel port
·  Parallel Presence Detect
·  parallel random access machine
·  parallel reduction
·  Parallel Server Option
·  Parallel SML
·  Parallel Sysplex
·  Parallel Virtual Machine
·  param
·  parameter
·  parameter RAM
·  parametric polymorphism
·  paraML
·  paranoid programming
·  ParaSoft Corp
·  Parasol
·  ParcPlace Systems
·  parent
·  parentheses
·  parent message
·  parent process
·  Pari
·  Paris
·  parity
·  parity bit
·  parity error
·  Parkinson' s Law of Data
·  Park-Miller
·  Parlance
·  Parlog
·  Parlog++
·  parm
·  ParMod
·  parser
·  parser generator
·  parsing
·  Parsley
·  partial evaluation
·  partial function
·  partial key
·  partially ordered set
·  partial ordering
·  Partial Response Maximum Likelihood
·  partition
·  partitioned data set
·  @-party
·  Pascal-
·  Pascal-80
·  Pascal+CSP
·  Pascal-F
·  Pascal-FC
·  Pascal/L
·  Pascal-m
·  Pascal-P
·  Pascal P4
·  Pascal Plus
·  Pascal/R
·  Pascal-S
·  Pascal-SC
·  passive matrix display
·  passphrase
·  password
·  Password Authentication Protocol
·  paste
·  pastie
·  PAT
·  patch pumpkin
·  patch space
·  path
·  path coverage testing
·  pathname
·  pathname separator
·  pathological
·  Path Pascal
·  pathspec
·  pattern matching
·  pattern recognition
·  PAW
·  payware
·  PB Cache
·  PBD
·  PBM
·  PBX
·  PC
·  pC++
·  PC-1834
·  PC200
·  PC-7150
·  PCA
·  P-CAD
·  PC AT
·  PCB
·  PC Card
·  PCF
·  PCI
·  PCI bus
·  PCI Configuration Utility
·  PCI Mezzanine Card
·  PCI slot
·  PC-ism
·  PCjr
·  PCL
·  PCM
·  PCN
·  P-code
·  PC Pursuit
·  PC-RT
·  PCS
·  PC-Scheme
·  PCS/Geneva
·  PC support
·  PCTE+
·  PCU
·  PC-ware
·  pcx
·  PD
·  PDA
·  PDC
·  PDC Prolog
·  PDF
·  PDH
·  PDL
·  PDL2
·  PDM
·  PDP
·  PDP-10
·  PDP-11
·  PDP-20
·  PDP-6
·  PDP-7
·  PDP Assembly Language
·  PDS
·  PDS/MaGen
·  PDU
·  PE
·  pe
·  PeaceNet
·  Peano arithmetic
·  Pebble
·  Pebbleman
·  Pedagogic Algorithmic Language
·  peephole optimisation
·  peer
·  peer-to-peer
·  Pegasus
·  PEM
·  pencil and paper
·  penis war
·  Pentium
·  Pentium 2
·  Pentium 3
·  Pentium II
·  Pentium III
·  Pentium II Xeon
·  Pentium Pro
·  peon
·  PeopleSoft
·  Pepper
·  PEPsy
·  PER
·  percent
·  Perceptional Adaptive Subband Coding
·  perceptron
·  percussive maintenance
·  perf
·  perfect programmer syndrome
·  periodic group
·  peripheral
·  Peripheral Component Interconnect
·  peripheral device
·  Peripheral Technology Group
·  Perl5
·  perl-byacc
·  Perl profiler
·  permanent link
·  Permanent Virtual Circuit
·  Permanent Virtual Connection
·  permission
·  permutation
·  perp
·  perplexity
·  persistence
·  persistent
·  Persistent Functional Language
·  persistent memory
·  Personal Communication Network
·  Personal Communication Services
·  personal computer
·  Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
·  Personal Digital Assistant
·  Personal Identification Number
·  Personalized Array Translator
·  person of no account
·  perspective
·  pessimal
·  pessimising compiler
·  peta-
·  petabyte
·  petaflops
·  petdingo
·  Peter Chen
·  Petri net
·  PEX
·  pf
·  PFE
·  PFL
·  pfm
·  pForth
·  Pfortran
·  PFP
·  pg
·  PGA
·  PGA370
·  PGP
·  PH
·  pH
·  ph
·  phacker
·  phage
·  phase
·  phase alternating line
·  Phase Encoded
·  phase of the moon
·  phase-wrapping
·  Philips
·  Philips SCC68070
·  philosophy
·  Phoenix
·  phone mail
·  Phonetastic
·  phosphor fatigue
·  photo CD
·  Photoshop
·  PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
·  phreaking
·  physical
·  physical address
·  physical addressing
·  physical file
·  physical layer
·  physical memory
·  physical memory address
·  Physical Sequential
·  Physical Transport Network
·  PI
·  PIC
·  pi-calculus
·  Pick BASIC
·  pico-
·  PicTeX
·  pictogram
·  pictograph
·  picture
·  picture element
·  Picture Quality Scale
·  PID
·  pidgen+
·  PIE
·  pif
·  piggybacking
·  pig, run like a
·  PIL
·  PIL/I
·  pilot error
·  Pilot European Image Processing Archive
·  PIM
·  PIN
·  pin feed
·  ping
·  ping-flood
·  pinging
·  ping-pong
·  Pin Grid Array
·  Pink-Shirt Book
·  pin-out
·  PIP
·  pipe
·  pipeline
·  pipeline break
·  Pipeline Burst Cache
·  pipelined
·  Pipelined Burst Cache
·  pipeline stall
·  pipelining
·  PIPEX Ltd.
·  piping
·  piracy
·  pirate
·  pistol
·  PIT
·  pixel
·  pixmap
·  pizza box
·  pk
·  PKE
·  PKI
·  PKWARE, Inc.
·  pl
·  PL1
·  PL/1
·  PL-11
·  PL360
·  PL516
·  PL-6
·  PL.8
·  Pla
·  plaid screen
·  plain ASCII
·  Plain Old Documentation
·  Plain Old Telephone System
·  plain TeX
·  plaintext
·  .plan
·  Plan 9
·  plan file
·  Plankalkül
·  Planner-73
·  Plastic Pin Grid Array
·  platform
·  Platform for Internet Inhalt Selection
·  platinum-iridium
·  play by electronic mail
·  playpen
·  Playstation
·  playte
·  PLC
·  PL/C
·  PL Cornell
·  PLD
·  plesiochronous
·  Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Pleuk grammar development system
·  Plexus
·  PL/I
·  pling
·  plingnet
·  PLisp
·  PL/I Subset G
·  PLL
·  PL/M
·  plokta
·  plonk
·  plotter
·  PL/P
·  PL/S
·  PL/Seq
·  plug and play
·  plug and pray
·  Plug Compatible Manufacturer
·  Pluggable Authentication Module
·  plugh
·  plug-in
·  Plumber
·  plumbing
·  plus
·  ply
·  PM
·  pm
·  pm2
·  P-mail
·  PMC
·  PML
·  pn
·  pnambic
·  PNG
·  PNP
·  POA
·  PoB
·  POC
·  pocket calculator
·  pocket computer
·  pod
·  P.O.D.
·  POE
·  point
·  point-and-drool interface
·  point-and-grunt interface
·  pointed domain
·  pointer
·  pointer swizzling
·  pointing device
·  pointing stick
·  Point Of Contact
·  point of presence
·  point of sale terminal
·  Point-to-Point Protocol
·  Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
·  Poisson distribution
·  poke
·  Polka
·  poll
·  polling
·  Poly
·  polygon pusher
·  polylithism
·  Poly/ML
·  polymorphic
·  polymorphic lambda-calculus
·  polymorphism
·  polynomial
·  polynomial-time
·  polynomial-time algorithm
·  POM
·  Ponder
·  Pong
·  POOL2
·  POP
·  PoP
·  pop
·  POP++
·  POP-1
·  POP-10
·  Pop-11
·  POP-2
·  POP3
·  POP-9X
·  pop-down menu
·  Poplar
·  POP server
·  PopTalk
·  porno
·  pornography
·  port
·  portability
·  portable
·  Portable AIRTIME
·  Portable Commodore 64
·  Portable Common Loops
·  Portable Common Tool Environment
·  Portable Document Format
·  Portable Forth Environment
·  Portable Network Graphics
·  Portable Object Adapter
·  Portable Operating System Interface
·  Portable Pixmap
·  Portable Scheme Debugger
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  Portable Standard Lisp
·  Portable Tool Interface
·  Port Address Translation
·  portal
·  porting
·  portmapper
·  port number
·  POS
·  poset
·  post
·  postcardware
·  posted write-through
·  Postel, Jon
·  postfix notation
·  postfix syntax
·  PostgreSQL
·  posting
·  postmaster
·  Post Office Protocol
·  post-order traversal
·  PostScript
·  Postscript point
·  Post, Telephone and Telegraph chefistration
·  potential difference
·  pound
·  pound on
·  pound sign
·  PowerBuilder
·  power cycle
·  powerdomain
·  PowerFuL
·  power hit
·  Power Mac
·  Power Macintosh
·  power-on self-test
·  PowerOpen
·  PowerOpen Association
·  PowerOpen Environment
·  PowerPC
·  PowerPC 601
·  PowerPC G3
·  PowerPC Platform
·  PowerPC Reference Platform
·  Powerpoint
·  power save mode
·  Powersoft Corporation
·  PP96
·  PPC
·  PPD
·  PPL
·  PPLambda
·  PPM
·  PPN
·  PPP
·  P-Prolog
·  PQS
·  PR
·  pr
·  pr0n
·  PRA
·  pragma
·  Praxis Critical Systems
·  preox
·  precedence lossage
·  precharge
·  precision
·  predecessor
·  predicate calculus
·  predicate logic
·  predomain
·  pre-emptive multitasking
·  prefetch
·  prefix
·  prefix notation
·  prefix syntax
·  pre-order
·  pre-order traversal
·  prepaging
·  prepend
·  preprocessor
·  presentation layer
·  Presentation Manager
·  prestidigitization
·  Pretty Amazing New Stuff
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  pretty pictures
·  prettyprint
·  pretzel key
·  preventive maintenance
·  PRI
·  primary cache
·  Primary Domain Controller
·  primary key
·  primary management domain
·  Primary Rate Interface
·  Prime Computer
·  Primenet, Inc.
·  prime number theorem
·  prime time
·  primitive
·  Princeton University
·  principal type
·  printed circuit board
·  printer
·  Printer Access Protocol
·  printer port
·  printf
·  printing discussion
·  print server
·  Print Services Facility
·  priority inheritance
·  priority interrupt
·  priority inversion
·  priority queue
·  priority scheduling
·  Prisoner of Bill
·  Privacy Enhanced Mail
·  Private Automatic Branch eXchange
·  Private Branch Exchange
·  private-key cryptography
·  Private Manual Branch eXchange
·  privileged instruction
·  PRL
·  probabilistic
·  probabilistic automaton
·  Probe
·  problem state
·  procedural language
·  Procedural Language/SQL
·  procedure
·  process
·  Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language
·  process ID
·  process identifier
·  processing
·  processor
·  Processor Direct Slot
·  processor farm
·  processor time
·  process scheduling
·  process table
·  Procomm
·  Procrustean string
·  Prodigy
·  ProDoc
·  product
·  production system
·  Professional Graphics Adapter
·  Professional Office System
·  professional programming
·  professional services
·  profile
·  proglet
·  program
·  Program Composition Notation
·  program counter
·  Program Design Language
·  Program Evaluation and Review Technique
·  Program Information File
·  Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  Programmable Array Logic
·  Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  Programmable Logic Controller
·  Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Programmed Data Processor
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  programmer
·  Programmer Brain Damage
·  Programmer' s Cheer
·  Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System
·  PROgrammer' s Microapplication Language
·  Programmer' s Switch
·  programming
·  programming fluid
·  programming language
·  Programming Language/Cornell
·  Programming Language/Systems
·  Program Temporary Fix
·  program transformation
·  Prograph
·  progressive coding
·  Progressive JPEG
·  progressive/sequential coding
·  project assurance
·  Project Athena
·  Project Guardian
·  projection
·  projective plane
·  Project MAC
·  project management
·  project planning
·  Prolog
·  Prolog++
·  Prolog-2
·  Prolog-D-Linda
·  Prolog/Mali
·  Prometheus
·  promiscuous mode
·  PROM monitor
·  pron
·  Pronet
·  Pronunciation
·  proof
·  proof theory
·  propeller head
·  propeller key
·  Proposal Writing
·  propositional calculus
·  propositional logic
·  proprietary
·  ProSet
·  Prospero
·  ProTalk
·  protocal
·  protocol
·  protocol analyser
·  protocol converter
·  Protocol Data Unit
·  protocol layer
·  protocol stack
·  Protosynthex
·  Prototyper
·  prototyping
·  provably difficult
·  provably unsolvable
·  provider
·  provocative maintenance
·  prowler
·  proxy ARP
·  proxy gateway
·  Proxy Server
·  proxy server
·  PS
·  PS1
·  PS2
·  PS/2
·  PS 440
·  PSA
·  pSather
·  PSD
·  pseudo
·  Pseudocode
·  pseudoprime
·  pseudo-random number
·  PseudoScheme
·  pseudosuit
·  pseudo-tty
·  PSF
·  PSI
·  Psion Organiser
·  PSK
·  PSL
·  PSN
·  PSO
·  psychedelicware
·  psyton
·  pt
·  P-TAC
·  ptc
·  PTF
·  Pthreads
·  PTI
·  PTN
·  Ptolemy
·  PTT
·  PUB
·  pubic directory
·  public domain
·  public domain software
·  public-key cryptography
·  Public-Key Cryptography Standards
·  public-key encryption
·  Public Key Infrastructure
·  Public Switched Telephone Network
·  puff
·  pull
·  pull-down menu
·  pull media
·  Pulse Code Modulation
·  pumpkin
·  pumpkineer
·  pumpking
·  punch card
·  punched card
·  punt
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  pure functional language
·  pure lambda-calculus
·  PureLink
·  Pure Lisp
·  purely functional language
·  Purple Book
·  purple wire
·  Purveyor
·  push
·  push-button
·  Push Down List
·  push media
·  PVC
·  PVM
·  pw
·  py
·  Pythagoras
·  Pythagoras' Theorem
·  Python
·  Q
·  QA
·  qa
·  QA4
·  QAM
·  Qbasic
·  QBE
·  QCA
·  qdjanus
·  QEMM386
·  QIC
·  QL
·  Qlambda
·  QMW
·  Q' NIAL
·  QNX
·  QoS
·  QPE
·  quad
·  Quadralay Corporation
·  Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
·  quadruple bucky
·  quadruplex
·  Quake
·  Qualcomm
·  quality
·  quality assurance
·  quality of service
·  Quality Systems & Software Ltd.
·  quantifier
·  Quantify
·  quantum
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  quantum cell
·  quantum cell wire
·  quantum computer
·  quantum computing
·  quantum dot
·  Quantum-dot Cellular Automata
·  quarter
·  Quarter Inch Cartridge
·  Quay Financial Software
·  Queen Mary and Westfield College
·  Queens Problem
·  Queens Puzzle
·  Queen' s University
·  query
·  Query By Example
·  query expansion
·  ques
·  Quest
·  question mark
·  queue
·  Queued Sequential Access Method
·  quick-and-dirty
·  Quicksilver
·  Quicksort
·  Quicktime
·  quiesce
·  quiesce time
·  quine
·  Quintec-Objects
·  quintillion
·  Quintus Prolog
·  quote chapter and verse
·  quotient
·  Qu-Prolog
·  quux
·  qux
·  QX
·  R2000
·  R2RS
·  R3.99RS
·  R3RS
·  R4RS
·  rabbit job
·  race condition
·  RAD
·  Radio Frequency Interference
·  radiosity
·  radix
·  rainbow series
·  rain dance
·  RAL
·  RAM
·  Rambus DRAM
·  Rambus, Inc.
·  RAM disk
·  RAM drive
·  random
·  random-access memory
·  Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter
·  randomness
·  random numbers
·  random testing
·  range
·  Rapid Application Development
·  RapidCAD
·  Rapidly Extensible Language, English
·  rapid prototyping
·  Rapidwrite
·  rare mode
·  RAS
·  raster
·  raster blaster
·  raster burn
·  raster font
·  rastergram
·  raster graphics
·  Raster Image Processor
·  rasterising
·  rasterizing
·  raster subsystem
·  Ratatosk
·  rat belt
·  RatC
·  Rate monotonic scheduling
·  rational
·  RATional Fortran
·  Rationalized C
·  rave
·  rave on!
·  raw data
·  raw mode
·  ray casting
·  Ray Tomlinson
·  ray tracing
·  rc
·  RC4
·  RCA 1802
·  RCA 1805
·  rc file
·  rcp
·  RCS
·  Rdb
·  rdb
·  RDF
·  RDI
·  RDP
·  RDS
·  RE
·  re
·  read-eval-print loop
·  README file
·  Read-Only Memory
·  read-only user
·  real
·  RealAudio
·  real estate
·  real hack
·  reality check
·  real mode
·  real number
·  real operating system
·  Real Programmer
·  Real Soon Now
·  real-time
·  Real-Time Common Design Language
·  Realtime Disk Operating System
·  Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling
·  Real-Time Operating System
·  Real-Time Operating System Nucleus
·  Real-Time Pascal
·  Real Time Streaming Protocol
·  real-time structured analysis
·  Real-Time Transport Protocol
·  real user
·  Real Video
·  Real World
·  reaper
·  reassembly
·  reboot
·  REC
·  recipe
·  recipient
·  Recital
·  Recommended Standard
·  record
·  Record Management Services
·  records
·  Record Separator
·  rectangle slinger
·  recurse
·  recursion
·  recursive
·  recursive acronym
·  recursive definition
·  recursive descent parser
·  Recursive Functional Algorithmic Language
·  Recursive Macro Actuated Generator
·  recursive type
·  Red
·  Red Book
·  Red Brick Intelligent SQL
·  Redcode
·  redex
·  Red Hat
·  redirection
·  redirector
·  RedNet Ltd.
·  redocumentation
·  Reduced Instruction Set Computer
·  reduction
·  reduction strategy
·  redundancy
·  Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
·  Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
·  Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
·  red wire
·  red zone
·  re-engineering
·  re-entrant
·  refactoring
·  reference
·  reference counting
·  referential integrity
·  referentially transparent
·  referential transparency
·  referer
·  referrer
·  Refined Fortran
·  reflexive
·  Reflexive transitive closure
·  RefLisp
·  refresh
·  refreshable braille display
·  refreshable display
·  refresh rate
·  refutable
·  regex
·  regexp
·  Regina
·  regional network
·  register
·  register allocation
·  register assignment
·  register dancing
·  registered port
·  register set
·  register spilling
·  Register Transfer Language
·  regression
·  regression testing
·  regular graph
·  Reid, Brian
·  reincarnation, cycle of
·  reinvent the wheel
·  relation
·  relational algebra
·  relational calculus
·  relational database
·  relational database management system
·  relational data model
·  relational DBMS
·  relational language
·  relational model
·  relatively prime
·  relative pathname
·  Relative Record Data Set
·  release
·  released version
·  REL English
·  relevance
·  reliability
·  Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
·  reliable communication
·  Reliable Data Protocol
·  religion of CHI
·  religious issues
·  REM
·  remailer
·  Remote Access Services
·  Remote Database Access
·  Remote Desktop Protocol
·  remote echo
·  Remote Job Entry
·  remote login
·  Remote Method Invocation
·  remote monitoring
·  Remote Operations Service Element
·  Remote Procedure Call
·  Remote Reference Layer
·  Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem
·  Remote Write Protocol
·  removable disk
·  rendering
·  rendezvous
·  REP
·  repeat
·  repeater
·  repeating group
·  repeat loop
·  repetitive strain disorder
·  repetitive strain injury
·  replacement algorithm
·  Replay
·  replication
·  replicator
·  reply
·  Repondez s' il vous plait
·  Report Program Generator
·  repository
·  Representation Language Language
·  Request For Comments
·  request for proposal
·  Request For Technology
·  Required-COBOL
·  requirements
·  Requirements Acquisition and Controlled Evolution
·  requirements analysis
·  Requirements Engineering
·  Research Systems, Inc.
·  reserved memory
·  resolution
·  resolver
·  Resource Access Control Facility
·  Resource Description Framework
·  resource fork
·  Resource Reservation Protocol
·  Restricted EPL
·  restriction
·  Restructured EXtended eXecutor
·  restructuring
·  retcon
·  Retrieve
·  retrocomputing
·  retronym
·  return from interrupt
·  return from the dead
·  Return To Zero
·  reusability
·  reuse
·  Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
·  Reverse ARP
·  reverse engineering
·  Reverse Polish Notation
·  reverse polish syntax
·  Revised ALGOL 60
·  revision
·  Revision Control System
·  REX
·  RFC
·  RFC 1014
·  RFC 1034
·  RFC 1035
·  RFC 1057
·  RFC 1058
·  RFC 1081
·  RFC 1094
·  RFC 1112
·  RFC 1119
·  RFC 1123
·  RFC 1156
·  RFC 1157
·  RFC 1171
·  RFC 1208
·  RFC 1213
·  RFC 1267
·  RFC 1268
·  RFC 1304
·  RFC 1321
·  RFC 1334
·  RFC 1341
·  RFC 1347
·  RFC 1350
·  RFC 1388
·  RFC 1436
·  RFC 1441
·  RFC 1442
·  RFC 1443
·  RFC 1444
·  RFC 1445
·  RFC 1446
·  RFC 1447
·  RFC 1448
·  RFC 1449
·  RFC 1450
·  RFC 1451
·  RFC 1452
·  RFC 1475
·  RFC 1508
·  RFC 1509
·  RFC 1520
·  RFC 1521
·  RFC 1526
·  RFC 1531
·  RFC 1550
·  RFC 1561
·  RFC 1568
·  RFC 1591
·  RFC 1630
·  RFC 1661
·  RFC 1700
·  RFC 1701
·  RFC 1702
·  RFC 1707
·  RFC 1730
·  RFC 1756
·  RFC 1760
·  RFC 1777
·  RFC 1778
·  RFC 1823
·  RFC 1825
·  RFC 1831
·  RFC 1861
·  RFC 1938
·  RFC 1951
·  RFC 1959
·  RFC 1960
·  RFC 2045
·  RFC 2046
·  RFC 2047
·  RFC 2048
·  RFC 2049
·  RFC 2060
·  RFC 2061
·  RFC 2068
·  RFC 2093
·  RFC 2131
·  RFC 2234
·  RFC 2236
·  RFC 2246
·  RFC 2279
·  RFC 2281
·  RFC 2298
·  RFC 2326
·  RFC 2408
·  RFC 2543
·  RFC 2795
·  RFC 3232
·  RFC 792
·  RFC 822
·  RFC 826
·  RFC 854
·  RFC 903
·  RFC 908
·  RFC 959
·  RFE
·  RFI
·  RFP
·  RFT
·  RG58
·  RG8
·  RGB
·  Rhapsody
·  rib site
·  rice box
·  Richard Gabriel
·  Richard Hamming
·  Richard P. Gabriel
·  Richard Stallman
·  rich object
·  Rich Site Summary
·  Rich Text Format
·  Rigel
·  right brace
·  right bracket
·  right-click
·  right join
·  right outer join
·  right parenthesis
·  Right Thing
·  Rijndael
·  ring network
·  ring topology
·  Riordan' s Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail
·  RIP
·  RiscPC
·  RISC System/6000
·  RJ-11
·  RJ-45
·  RJE
·  RKM
·  RL
·  rl
·  RLaB
·  RLE
·  RLF
·  RLL
·  rlogin
·  RMI
·  RMS
·  RNF
·  ro
·  roach
·  Robert T. Morris
·  RoboHELP
·  robot
·  robust
·  Rockwell Protocol Interface
·  Rocky Mountain Basic
·  rococo
·  roff
·  rogue
·  rollback
·  ROM
·  Rom Kernel Manual
·  room
·  ROOM Methodology
·  room-temperature IQ
·  root
·  root bridge
·  root mode
·  root node
·  Root Normal Form
·  root version
·  Rosette
·  Roskind grammars
·  rot13
·  rotational latency
·  rotations per minute
·  round-robin
·  round tape
·  round-trip time
·  route
·  routed
·  route flapping
·  routeing
·  routeing domain
·  router
·  routine
·  routing
·  Routing Information Protocol
·  Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
·  row
·  Row Address Strobe
·  row-level locking
·  RPC
·  RPG
·  RPI
·  RPM
·  rpm
·  RPN
·  RRL
·  RRS
·  RS
·  RS-232
·  RS-232C
·  RS-232D
·  RS-422
·  RS-423
·  RS-449
·  RS-485
·  RS6000
·  RS/6000
·  RS6K
·  RSA
·  RSA Data Security, Inc.
·  RSA encryption
·  Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne
·  Réseaux IP Européens
·  RS flip-flop
·  rsh
·  RSI
·  RSL
·  RSN
·  RSS
·  rstat
·  RT-11
·  RTC++
·  RTF
·  RTI
·  RTL
·  RTL/1
·  RTL/2
·  RTM
·  RTP
·  RT-PC
·  RTS
·  RTT
·  ru
·  rubi
·  Ruby
·  rude
·  run
·  runes
·  runic
·  run-length encoding
·  Run Length Limited
·  run time
·  run-time environment
·  run-time error
·  run-time library
·  run-time support
·  run-time system
·  Run-Time Type Information
·  ruptime
·  Russell
·  Russell, Bertrand
·  Russell' s Attic
·  Russell' s Paradox
·  rusty iron
·  rusty memory
·  rw
·  rwho
·  RWP
·  Rx
·  S
·  s///
·  S3
·  SA
·  sa
·  SA-110
·  SAA
·  Saber-C
·  Saber-C++
·  SAC
·  SAC-1
·  SAC2
·  sacadm
·  sacred
·  SAD
·  safe
·  safe mode
·  safety
·  safety-critical system
·  sagan
·  Saint Andrews Static Language
·  SAL
·  Sales Automation
·  salescritter
·  salt
·  salt mines
·  SAM
·  sam
·  SAM76
·  Samba
·  same-day service
·  samizdat
·  Sammet, Jean E.
·  sample
·  sample rate
·  sampling
·  sampling frequency
·  samurai
·  SAN
·  sandbender
·  sandbox
·  Sandman
·  San Francisco
·  sanity check
·  Santa Cruz Operation
·  SAP
·  SAR
·  SAS
·  Sather
·  Sather-K
·  satisfiability problem
·  Saturday-night special
·  save
·  save as
·  say
·  sb
·  SB AWE32
·  SBD
·  SBE
·  SBM
·  SB-Prolog
·  SBR
·  SBus
·  SC
·  sc
·  SCA
·  scag
·  scalability
·  Scalable Coherent Interface
·  Scalable Vector Graphics
·  scalar
·  scan
·  scan design
·  Scan-EDF
·  scanf
·  Scan-In, Scan-Out
·  scan line
·  scanner
·  scanno
·  scan path
·  scan register
·  SCC
·  Schachter' s Hypothesis
·  scheduler
·  scheduling
·  Scheduling API
·  Scheduling Application Programming Interface
·  Schelog
·  Schema Definition Set
·  schematic type variable
·  Schematik
·  Scheme
·  Scheme84
·  Scheme->C
·  Scheme Library
·  Scheme-Linda
·  Scheme Repository
·  Scheme-to-C
·  Schlaer-Mellor
·  Schoonschip
·  schroedinbug
·  SCI
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  Scientific Data Systems
·  SCL
·  SCM
·  SC/MP
·  SCO
·  Scode
·  scope
·  Scorpion
·  Scott-closed
·  Scott domain
·  SCPI Consortium
·  scram switch
·  scratch
·  scratch disk
·  scratch monkey
·  Scratchpad I
·  Scratchpad II
·  scream and die
·  Screamer
·  screaming tty
·  screen
·  screen blanker
·  Screen Peace
·  screen popping
·  screen reader
·  screen refresh
·  screen saver
·  screen scraper
·  screen server
·  screen sharing
·  Screenwrite
·  screw
·  screwage
·  scribble
·  script
·  Scriptics
·  scripting language
·  scrog
·  scroll
·  scroll bar
·  scrolling
·  scrool
·  scrozzle
·  scruffies
·  SCSI-1
·  SCSI-2
·  SCSI-3
·  SCSI adaptor
·  SCSI controller
·  SCSI initiator
·  SCSI interface
·  SCSI reconnect
·  SCSI target
·  ScumOS
·  scuzzy
·  SD
·  sd
·  SDF
·  SDH
·  SDI
·  SDK
·  SDL
·  SDM
·  SDP
·  SDS
·  SDS 92
·  SDS 940
·  SE
·  se
·  SEA
·  Seagate Technology
·  search-and-destroy mode
·  search engine
·  search problem
·  search term
·  Search The Fucking Web
·  SEC
·  SECD machine
·  secondary cache
·  secondary damage
·  secondary key
·  secondary storage
·  second generation computer
·  second generation language
·  second level cache
·  second normal form
·  Second-Order Lambda-calculus
·  second-system effect
·  sector interleave
·  sector interleaving
·  sector map
·  sector mapping
·  Secure Hash Algorithm
·  Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
·  Secure Shell
·  Secure Sockets Layer
·  Security Administrator' s Integrated Network Tool
·  Security Association
·  Security Association ID
·  security through obscurity
·  SED
·  Sed
·  SEE
·  seek
·  seeking
·  seek time
·  see u see me
·  Sega Genesis/MegaDrive
·  segfault
·  seggie
·  segment
·  segmentation
·  segmentation and reassembly
·  segmentation fault
·  segmented address space
·  segv
·  Seiko RC-4000
·  SEL
·  selector
·  Self
·  Self-Extensible Language
·  Self Extracting Archive
·  self-reference
·  selvage
·  SEM
·  semantic gap
·  semantic network
·  semantics
·  semaphore
·  semi
·  Semi-Automatic Ground Environment
·  semicolon
·  semiconductor
·  Semidetached Mode
·  sendmail
·  Sendmail Inc.
·  Seneca
·  senior bit
·  sensor
·  sentence
·  SEP
·  separate compilation
·  Seque
·  Sequenced Packet Exchange
·  sequencer
·  Sequent
·  sequential coding
·  sequential file matching
·  Sequential Parlog Machine
·  sequential processing
·  Serial Communications Interface
·  Serial Interface Adaptor
·  serial IO chip
·  serialise
·  serialize
·  serial line
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  Serial Line IP
·  Serial Peripheral Interface
·  serial port
·  Serial Presence Detect
·  serial processing
·  Serial Storage Architecture
·  serve
·  servelet
·  server
·  serverlet
·  Server Message Block
·  server-parsed HTML
·  server room
·  servers
·  server-side
·  server-side include
·  service
·  serviceability
·  Service Access Point
·  Service Advertising Protocol
·  Service Discovery Protocol
·  service provider
·  servlet
·  session
·  Session Initiation Protocol
·  session layer
·  SES/workbench
·  SET
·  set
·  set abstraction
·  set associative cache
·  set comprehension
·  SETL2
·  Set Priority Level
·  set theory
·  set-top box
·  seven layer model
·  SEX
·  sexadecimal
·  sex changer
·  Seymour Cray
·  SFA
·  sg
·  SGI
·  sgmls
·  SGML Tagger
·  sh
·  SHA
·  shadowing
·  shadow ram
·  shambolic link
·  Shape_VC
·  ShapeTools
·  shar
·  sharchive
·  Share and enjoy!
·  shared memory
·  Shared Time Repair of Big Electronic Systems
·  shareware
·  shar file
·  sharp
·  shebang
·  shelf
·  shelfware
·  shell
·  shell out
·  shell script
·  shell variable
·  shielded twisted pair
·  Shift In
·  shift left logical
·  Shift Out
·  shift right logical
·  shim
·  shitogram
·  Shockwave
·  shockwave
·  Shockwave Flash
·  shopbot
·  short card
·  Short Code
·  shortcut
·  Shorten
·  shortest job first
·  Short Message Service
·  shotgun debugging
·  Show-And-Tell
·  showstopper
·  shriek
·  sht
·  shtml
·  Shub-Internet
·  Shugart, Alan F.
·  Shugart Associates
·  Shugart Technology
·  SI
·  si
·  SIA
·  SICStus Prolog
·  sidecar
·  side-effect
·  Siemens Nixdorf Informationssteme, AG
·  Sierra
·  SIG
·  Sig
·  sig
·  sig block
·  SIGhyper
·  signal
·  signalling rate
·  Signalling System 7
·  signal-to-noise ratio
·  signature
·  sig quote
·  sig virus
·  silicon
·  silicon chip
·  Silicon Graphics, Inc.
·  Siliwood
·  silly walk
·  silo
·  Silver Book
·  silver bullet
·  SimCity
·  SimCity 2000
·  Similix
·  Simone
·  Simonyi, Charles
·  Simple Gateway Control Protocol
·  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
·  simple multicast protocol
·  Simple Network Management Protocol
·  Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
·  Simple Network Paging Protocol
·  Simple Object Access Protocol
·  simplex
·  simplex method
·  simplex printer
·  Simplified Multicast Routing Protocol
·  simship
·  SIMULA 67
·  simulated annealing
·  Simulating Digital Systems
·  simulation
·  SIMulation ANalysis
·  Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling
·  Simulation Oriented Language
·  Simultaneous Engineering Environment
·  Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line
·  simultaneous shipment
·  Simware, Inc.
·  since time T equals minus infinity
·  Sinclair, Clive
·  Sinclair Radionics
·  Sinclair Research
·  sine wave
·  single assignment
·  Single ASsignment Language
·  single-attached
·  Single Connection Attach
·  Single Connector Attachment
·  Single Data Rate Random Access Memory
·  Single Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Single Document Interface
·  single-duplex
·  Single Edge Contact
·  Single Edge Contact Cartridge
·  Single Edge Processor Package
·  single-electron transistor
·  Single Electron Tunneling
·  Single Electron Tunneling Technology
·  single ended
·  Single Image Random Dot Stereogram
·  single inheritance
·  Single In-line Memory Module
·  Single Inline Pin Package
·  Single Instruction Multiple Data
·  Single Instruction/Multiple Data
·  Single-line Digital Subscriber Line
·  Single-pair High Speed Digital Subscriber Line
·  single program/multiple data
·  single quote
·  single sign-on
·  single sourcing
·  single static assignment
·  singleton variable
·  Single Virtual Storage
·  siod
·  SIP
·  SIR
·  Siri
·  sit
·  sitename
·  sj
·  sk
·  Skel-ML
·  Sketchpad
·  S/Key
·  Skill
·  Skim
·  SkipJack
·  skolemisation
·  S-K reduction machine
·  skrog
·  SKsh
·  SKU
·  skulker
·  SL
·  sl
·  slack
·  slackware
·  S-Lang
·  slap on the side
·  slash
·  slashdot effect
·  slave tty
·  SLD resolution
·  sleep
·  sliding-window
·  Slingshot
·  SlipKnot
·  SLiRP
·  slog
·  Sloop
·  slop
·  slopsucker
·  Slot 1
·  Slot 2
·  Slot A
·  slurp
·  sm
·  smail
·  Small Business Edition
·  Small-C
·  Small Outline DIMM
·  Smalltalk
·  Smalltalk-80
·  Smalltalk/V
·  SmallWorld
·  Smarandache logic
·  smart
·  Smart Battery Data
·  smart card
·  Smartdrive
·  SMARTdrv
·  smart terminal
·  smash case
·  smash sum
·  smash the stack
·  SMB
·  smbclient
·  smblib
·  SMBus
·  SMG
·  SMI
·  smiley
·  smilies
·  SML
·  sml2c
·  SMM
·  smoke
·  smoke and mirrors
·  smoke-emitting diode
·  smoke test
·  smoking clover
·  SMP
·  SMS
·  SMT
·  smurf
·  sn
·  SNA
·  snacc
·  snaf
·  SNAFU principle
·  snag
·  snail mail
·  Snappy
·  Snappy Video Snapshot
·  snarf
·  snarf & barf
·  snarf down
·  snark
·  sneck
·  snert
·  SNI
·  Sniff
·  sniff
·  sniffer
·  snivitz
·  SNMP agent
·  SNMPv2
·  ' Snooze
·  SNR
·  S/N ratio
·  SNR bandwidth product
·  SO
·  so
·  SO 2
·  social engineering
·  social science number
·  socket
·  Socket 1
·  Socket 2
·  Socket 3
·  Socket 370
·  Socket 4
·  Socket 5
·  Socket 6
·  Socket 7
·  Socket 8
·  Sod' s Law
·  SoftBench
·  soft boot
·  softcopy
·  Softlab
·  soft link
·  SoftModem
·  SoftVelocity Inc.
·  software
·  Software AG
·  software audit
·  Software BackPlane
·  software bloat
·  Software Description Database
·  software development life cycle
·  software enabling
·  software engineering
·  Software Engineering Environment
·  software handshaking
·  software interrupt
·  Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
·  software laser
·  software law
·  software life-cycle
·  Software Method
·  Software Methodology
·  software metric
·  software patent
·  software piracy
·  software pirate
·  Software Practice and Experience
·  Software Productivity Centre
·  Software Publishing Corporation
·  software reliability
·  software rot
·  software theft
·  Software through Pictures
·  software tool
·  Software Verification Research Centre
·  Software Writer' s Language
·  softwarily
·  softy
·  SOH
·  SoHo
·  SOJ
·  SOL
·  Solaris
·  solid-state storage device
·  solution
·  Somar Software
·  some random X
·  Sonata
·  Sony Playstation
·  sorcerer' s apprentice mode
·  sort
·  sorting
·  SOS
·  sound
·  Sound Blaster
·  sound card
·  soundex
·  soundness
·  source
·  source code
·  source code escrow
·  source language
·  source of all good bits
·  source package
·  source route
·  source routing
·  southbridge
·  SP
·  SP2
·  SP/2
·  space
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  space complexity
·  space leak
·  spaghetti code
·  spaghetti inheritance
·  spamdex
·  spamming
·  SPARC International, Inc.
·  SPARCStation
·  SPARCstation 10
·  SPARCstation 20
·  SPARCsystem 4
·  SPARC Xterminal 1
·  sparse
·  Spatial Technologies
·  spawn
·  SPC
·  SPD
·  SPE
·  speaker
·  Spec
·  spec
·  SPECbase_fp92
·  SPECbase_int92
·  SPECbaserate
·  SPECfp92
·  special-case
·  Special Interest Group
·  specialisation
·  specific markup
·  SPECint92
·  SPECmark
·  SPECmark89
·  SPEC rate
·  SPECrate_base_fp92
·  SPECrate_fp92
·  SPECrate_int92
·  SPEC ratio
·  Spectral Band Replication
·  Spectrum
·  speculative evaluation
·  speculative execution
·  Speech Application Programming Interface
·  speech recognition
·  Speech Recognition Application Program Interface
·  Speedcoding
·  speedometer
·  spell
·  spelling flame
·  Sperry Corporation
·  Sperry Univac
·  SPG
·  SPI
·  Spice Lisp
·  spider
·  Spiderweb
·  spiffy
·  spike
·  spill
·  spin
·  spiral model
·  SP/k
·  SPL
·  SPL/1
·  SPLash!
·  splash screen
·  splat
·  SPL/I
·  split
·  Split-C
·  splot
·  SPM
·  spod
·  spoiler
·  sponge
·  spoo
·  spoof
·  spoofing
·  spooge
·  Spool
·  spool
·  spooler
·  spool file
·  SpoolView
·  spreadsheet
·  Sprintnet
·  Sprite
·  sprite
·  sprocket feed
·  SPS
·  SPSS, Inc.
·  SPX
·  spx
·  spyware
·  sqcap
·  sqcup
·  SQE
·  SQL
·  SQL2
·  SQL3
·  SQL Access Group
·  SQL Module Language
·  SQL Server
·  SQL server
·  SQLWindows
·  SQR
·  sqsubseteq
·  Square
·  square-headed boyfriend
·  square tape
·  Squeak
·  Squiggol
·  SR
·  sr
·  SRC Modula-3
·  SR flip-flop
·  SRI
·  SRI International
·  SRL
·  SRP
·  SS7
·  SSA
·  SSE
·  SSE-2
·  ssh
·  SSI
·  SSL
·  S/SL
·  SSLeay
·  SSO
·  SSR
·  st
·  stac compression
·  stack
·  Stack Environment Control Dump machine
·  stack frame
·  stacking order
·  stack loader
·  stack overflow
·  stack pointer
·  stack puke
·  stack traceback
·  Staggered Pin Grid Array
·  staircase
·  staircasing
·  @stake
·  stale pointer bug
·  Stallman, Richard M.
·  stand-alone
·  standard
·  Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
·  Standard d' Echange et de Transfert
·  standard deviation
·  standard for robot exclusion
·  Standard for the exchange of product model data
·  Standard Generalised Markup Language
·  standard input/output
·  Standard Instrument Control Library
·  standard interpretation
·  standard I/O
·  Standard Lisp
·  Standard ML of New Jersey
·  Standard Widget Toolkit
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  Stanford Research Institute
·  Staple
·  StarLISP
·  StarMOD
·  star network
·  Starset
·  start bit
·  Start Of Header
·  Start Of Text
·  start tag
·  state
·  state diagram
·  stateless
·  state machine
·  state transition diagram
·  State University of New York
·  statically typed
·  static analysis
·  static database management system
·  static DBMS
·  static link
·  static nested scope
·  static nested scoping
·  static RAM
·  static random access memory
·  static scope
·  static typing
·  Station Management
·  Statistical Analysis System
·  Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
·  statistics
·  StatMUX
·  STB
·  STD
·  STD 1
·  STD 13
·  STD 15
·  STD 2
·  STD 9
·  stderr
·  stdin
·  stdio
·  stdio.h
·  stdout
·  steam-powered
·  Steelman
·  steganography
·  stemmer
·  stemming
·  Stephen Cole Kleene
·  Stephen Jobs
·  Stephen Kleene
·  Stepstone Corp
·  stepwise refinement
·  stereogram
·  Steve Jobs
·  Steve' s Shell
·  Steve Wozniak
·  Sticks&Stones
·  sticky analysis
·  sticky bit
·  sticky content
·  stiffy
·  STk
·  stochastic
·  stock-keeping unit
·  stomp on
·  Stone Age
·  stone knives and bearskins
·  Stoneman
·  stop bit
·  stoppage
·  Storage Allocation and Coding Program
·  Storage Management Services
·  store
·  store and forward
·  stored procedure
·  storm
·  Story of Mel
·  STP
·  StP
·  Strachey, Christopher
·  Strand
·  Strand88
·  Stratus
·  Strawman
·  stream
·  streaming
·  Streaming SIMD Extensions
·  stream-oriented
·  strength reduction
·  strict
·  strict evaluation
·  strided
·  string
·  String EXpression Interpreter
·  STring Oriented Interactive Compiler
·  String Oriented Symbolic Language
·  String PRocessING language
·  string reduction
·  stripe
·  stripe set
·  striping
·  stroke
·  StrongARM
·  strongly connected component
·  strongly typed
·  strong typing
·  Stroustrup, Bjarne
·  struct
·  structural recursion
·  structured design
·  structure diagram
·  structured language
·  structured programming
·  Structured Query Language
·  Structure of Management Information
·  strudel
·  stub
·  stub network
·  stubroutine
·  Student PL/I
·  studly
·  studlycaps
·  Stuffit
·  Stupids
·  stupid-sort
·  Sturgeon' s Law
·  STX
·  su
·  SUB
·  subband encoding
·  subclass
·  subject
·  subject index
·  subject-oriented programming
·  sublanguage
·  subnet
·  subnet address
·  subnet mask
·  subnet number
·  subroutine
·  subscribe
·  subscribing
·  Subset-Equational Language
·  Substitute
·  substrate
·  subtype
·  subtyping
·  SuccessoR
·  successor
·  sucking mud
·  Sue
·  sufficiently small
·  suicideware
·  suit
·  suitably small
·  sum
·  Summary Object Interchange Format
·  sum of products type
·  Sun
·  Sun-2 Workstation
·  Sun-3 Workstation
·  Sun-4 Workstation
·  sun lounge
·  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
·  SunOS
·  sunspots
·  sun-stools
·  SunView
·  Super 7
·  superclass
·  supercombinators
·  supercompilation
·  supercomputer
·  superhighway
·  SuperJanet
·  super minicomputer
·  Super Pascal
·  superpipelined
·  superprogrammer
·  superscalar
·  super source quench
·  superuser
·  Super VGA
·  Super Video Graphics Adapter
·  Super Video Graphics Adaptor
·  Super Video Graphics Array
·  supervisor mode
·  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
·  SuperZap
·  Supplementary Ideographic Plane
·  support
·  supremum
·  Sure
·  surfing
·  surjection
·  surjective
·  surrogate key
·  suspension
·  Suzie COBOL
·  sv
·  SVC
·  SVG
·  SVGA monitor
·  S-Video
·  SVR4
·  SVS
·  swab
·  swap
·  swap file
·  swapped in
·  swapped out
·  swapping
·  swap space
·  SweetLambda
·  SWI-Prolog
·  switch
·  Switched Multimegabit Data Service
·  switched virtual circuit
·  switched virtual connection
·  switching hub
·  switch statement
·  swizzle
·  SWL
·  SWT
·  swung dash
·  sy
·  Sybase, Inc.
·  Sybase SQL Server
·  Symantec
·  SymbMath
·  Symbolic Assembler Program
·  Symbolic Automatic INTegrator
·  symbolic inference
·  Symbolic Link
·  symbolic link
·  symbolic logic
·  Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory
·  symbolic mathematics
·  Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program
·  Symbolics, Inc.
·  Symbol Manipulation Program
·  symlink
·  symmetric
·  symmetric key cryptography
·  Symmetric LISP
·  symmetric multiprocessing
·  symmetric multiprocessor
·  Symphony
·  SYN
·  sync
·  Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
·  synchronous
·  Synchronous Data Link Control
·  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Synchronous DRAM
·  Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Synchronous Graphics RAM
·  Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
·  Synchronous idle
·  synchronous key encryption
·  Synchronous Optical NETwork
·  syncronous
·  synflood
·  synonym ring
·  syntactic salt
·  syntactic sugar
·  syntax
·  Syntax-Case
·  syntax directed translation
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  syntax tree
·  synthesis
·  Synthesizer Specification Language
·  SyQuest Technology, Inc.
·  syschef
·  sysape
·  Sysdeco Mimer AB
·  sys-frog
·  sysop
·  Sysplex
·  sysprog
·  system
·  System/360
·  System/370
·  System 5
·  System 7.5
·  System Account Manager
·  system chefistration
·  system chefistrator
·  system analysis
·  system analyst
·  system board
·  system call
·  system catalog
·  System Control Language
·  Systeme International
·  System F
·  System International
·  system management
·  System Management Bus
·  System Management Mode
·  System Management Server
·  system manager
·  system mangler
·  system operator
·  System Product Interpreter
·  system programming language
·  System R
·  Systems Analysis Definition
·  systems analyst
·  Systems Application Architecture
·  Systems Development Life Cycle
·  systems jock
·  Systems Network Architecture
·  system software
·  systems operator
·  systems programmer
·  systems programming
·  system testing
·  system unit
·  System V
·  System V Interface Definition
·  Système International d' Units
·  systolic array
·  SysVile
·  sz
·  T
·  T1
·  T1 line
·  T1 rate
·  T3
·  T3 line
·  TA
·  TAA
·  TAB
·  table
·  table locking
·  tab-separated values
·  Tabulating Machine Company
·  TAC
·  Tactile User Interface
·  tag
·  Tagged Image File Format
·  tagged queueing
·  tagged types
·  tag name
·  tail circuit
·  tail recursion
·  tail recursion modulo cons
·  tail recursion optimisation
·  TAL
·  Taligent
·  talk
·  talk bomb
·  talker system
·  talk mode
·  tall card
·  Tandem Application Language
·  Tandy
·  Tanenbaum, Andrew
·  Tangible User Interface
·  tanked
·  TAO
·  TAP
·  tap
·  tape
·  tape archive
·  tape drive
·  Tape Operating System
·  tar
·  tar and feather
·  tarball
·  targa
·  Targa Graphics Adaptor
·  target
·  Target-Machine Description Language
·  Task Control Block
·  task scheduling
·  taste
·  tautological probability
·  tautological set
·  tautology
·  tayste
·  taz
·  TBF
·  TBK
·  Tbl
·  tc
·  T-carrier system
·  TCB
·  Tcl
·  Tcl Consortium
·  tcl-debug
·  Tcl-DP
·  tclhttpd
·  TclX
·  TCM
·  TCO
·  TCOL.Ada
·  TCP
·  tcsh
·  Tcsim
·  TCVN 5773
·  TCVN 6056
·  td
·  TDD
·  TDF
·  TDI
·  TDM
·  TDR
·  Teamwork
·  Technical/Office Protocol
·  technology
·  Technology Enabled Relationship Manager
·  Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
·  TechRef
·  tee
·  TEI
·  telco
·  Telecommunication Display Device
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  Telecommunications Industry Association
·  teledildonics
·  TelEnet
·  Telephone Application Program Interface
·  telephony
·  Telephony Application Programming Interface
·  Telephony User Interface
·  Telerat
·  Telescript
·  Teletype
·  teletype
·  Teletype Corporation
·  teletypewriter
·  TeleUSE
·  television
·  Television Interface Adaptor
·  Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol
·  Telon
·  template code
·  Tempo
·  temporal database
·  temporal logic
·  Tempura
·  Ten15
·  tendinitis
·  ten-finger interface
·  tennis elbow
·  tense
·  tensor product
·  tenured graduate student
·  tera-
·  terabyte
·  teraflop
·  teraflop club
·  termcap
·  terminak
·  terminal
·  Terminal Access Controller
·  terminal adapter
·  Terminal Adaptor
·  terminal brain death
·  terminal emulation
·  terminal emulator
·  terminal illness
·  terminal junkie
·  terminal node
·  Terminal Oriented Real Time Operating System
·  Terminal Oriented Social Science
·  Terminal Productivity eXecutive
·  terminal server
·  Terminal User Interface
·  Terminate and Stay Resident
·  termination analysis
·  terminator
·  term rewriting system
·  ternary
·  terpri
·  terrabyte
·  test
·  Test coverage
·  testing
·  TET
·  TeX-78
·  TeX-82
·  Texas Instruments
·  Texinfo
·  TeX point
·  text
·  text-based
·  text editor
·  Text Encoding Initiative
·  text file
·  Text Processing Utility
·  Text Reckoning And Compiling
·  text segment
·  Text To Speech
·  Textual User Interface
·  texture
·  tf
·  TFT
·  tg
·  TGA
·  T-gen
·  TGS Systems
·  tgz
·  th
·  thanks in advance
·  That' s not a bug, that' s a feature!
·  T.H.E
·  The Cuckoo' s Egg
·  The Force
·  The Internet Account
·  The MathWorks, Inc.
·  The Microsoft Network
·  The Mythical Man-Month
·  The Network
·  theology
·  theory change
·  The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus
·  There' s More Than One Way To Do It
·  Theseus
·  The World Of Cryton
·  the X that can be Y is not the true X
·  thicket
·  thick Ethernet cable
·  thicknet
·  thin client
·  thin Ethernet cable
·  ThingLab
·  Think C
·  Thinking Machines Corporation
·  thinko
·  thinnet
·  third generation computer
·  third generation language
·  third normal form
·  This can' t happen
·  this dictionary
·  This time, for sure!
·  thn
·  Thomas
·  thrash
·  thrashing
·  thread
·  threaded
·  threaded code
·  threading
·  Thread Language Zero
·  thread-safe
·  three-finger salute
·  three-letter acronym
·  three-tier
·  throughput
·  thud
·  Thumb
·  thumb
·  thumbnail
·  Thunderbird
·  thunk
·  TIA
·  tick
·  Tickle
·  tickle a bug
·  tick-list features
·  tiger team
·  tight loop
·  tilde
·  TILE Forth
·  Tim Berners-Lee
·  time bomb
·  time complexity
·  Time Complex Simulator
·  time division multiple access
·  time division multiplexing
·  Time Domain Reflectometer
·  timeout
·  time quantum
·  time-sharing
·  Time Sharing Option
·  time shifting
·  Time Simulator
·  time sink
·  time slice
·  times-or-divided-by
·  time T
·  Time to Live
·  time zone
·  Tinman
·  tint
·  Tiny
·  Tiny BASIC
·  Tiny Basic Interpreter Language
·  Tiny Clos
·  TIP
·  tip of the ice-cube
·  tired iron
·  tits on a keyboard
·  tj
·  Tk
·  tk
·  TK-90X
·  TK-95
·  T. Kohonen
·  TL0
·  TL1
·  TLA
·  TLB
·  TLD
·  TLI
·  TL/I
·  T Lisp
·  TLS
·  TM
·  tm
·  (TM)
·  TMG
·  TMRCie
·  tn
·  tn3270
·  TNC
·  TNX
·  TNXE6
·  to
·  to a first approximation
·  toast
·  toaster
·  toasternet
·  to a zeroth approximation
·  toeprint
·  toggle
·  TOK
·  token
·  token bus
·  token ring
·  Tom Knight
·  tone
·  Tony Hoare
·  tool
·  toolbar
·  toolbook
·  Toolbuilder
·  Tool Builder Kit
·  toolsmith
·  TOP
·  top-down design
·  Top-Down Model
·  topic drift
·  topic group
·  topic map
·  topic thread
·  top-level domain
·  topology
·  TOPS-10
·  TOPS-20
·  Tornado
·  Toronto Euclid
·  TOS
·  total function
·  totally ordered
·  totally ordered set
·  total ordering
·  toto
·  touchpad
·  touch screen
·  tourist
·  tourist information
·  Towers of Hanoi
·  Tower Technology Corporation
·  toy
·  Toy/Ada
·  toy language
·  toy problem
·  toy program
·  tp
·  TPA
·  TPF
·  TP/IX
·  TPL
·  TPO
·  TPS
·  tptc
·  TPU
·  TPX
·  tr
·  traceroute
·  trace scheduling
·  track
·  track ball
·  tracker ball
·  tracking
·  trackpad
·  TrackPoint
·  tractor feed
·  TrafoLa
·  Trafola-H
·  trampoline
·  transaction
·  Transaction Application Language
·  Transaction Processing Facility
·  transceiver
·  transducer
·  transfer syntax
·  transfinite induction
·  transformation
·  transient
·  Transient Program Area
·  transistor
·  Transistor-Transistor Logic
·  transition ad
·  transit network
·  Translation Look-aside Buffer
·  Transmission Control Protocol
·  transparent
·  transparent audio coding
·  Transport Driver Interface
·  transport layer
·  Transport Layer Interface
·  Transport Layer Security protocol
·  Transport Level Interface
·  Transport Service Access Point
·  transputer
·  trap
·  trap door
·  trash
·  Trash-80
·  traveling salesman problem
·  travelling salesman problem
·  traversal
·  traverse
·  trawl
·  tree
·  tree-killer
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  treeware
·  Trellis
·  Trident
·  trigger
·  trigger finger
·  Trilogy
·  triple DES
·  tri state
·  trit
·  Triton
·  Triton II
·  Triton VX
·  Trivial File Transfer Protocol
·  TRO
·  troff
·  troglodyte
·  troglodyte mode
·  Trojan horse
·  troll
·  tron
·  Trouble Came Back
·  TRS
·  TRS-80
·  Truchet point
·  True BASIC
·  true colour
·  true hacker
·  TrueType
·  Trumpet
·  truth table
·  TS
·  Tsim
·  TSL-1
·  TSO
·  TSP
·  TSR
·  TSV
·  tt
·  TTD
·  TTL
·  TTS
·  tty
·  TUB
·  tube
·  tube time
·  Tuckals
·  TUI
·  Tukey, John
·  tunafish
·  tune
·  tunnelling
·  tuple
·  tuple calculus
·  tupling
·  Turbo C
·  Turbo C++
·  Turbo Debugger
·  turbo nerd
·  Turbo Pascal
·  Turbo Prolog
·  Turing
·  Turing Machine
·  Turingol
·  Turing Plus
·  Turing tar-pit
·  Turing test
·  turist
·  turn-key
·  turtle graphics
·  Tuxedo
·  TV
·  tv
·  tw
·  tweak
·  tweening
·  tweeter
·  Twente Compiler Generator System
·  Twentel
·  twiddle
·  twilight zone
·  twink
·  twinning
·  Twin Vector Quantization
·  twip
·  twirling baton
·  twisted pair
·  twisted pair only
·  twm
·  .twmrc
·  two-binary, one-quaternary
·  twonkie
·  two-phase commit
·  twos complement
·  two-to-the-N
·  two-valued logic
·  TX-0
·  TXL
·  Tymshare, Inc.
·  type
·  type-ahead
·  type-ahead search
·  type assignment
·  type class
·  typed lambda-calculus
·  TypedProlog
·  typeface
·  type inference
·  type scheme
·  typo
·  typographical error
·  TZ
·  tz
·  ua
·  UAN
·  UAT
·  UAW
·  UBD
·  ubiquitous computing
·  uC++
·  UCB
·  U-Code
·  UCS
·  UCSD Pascal
·  UCS transformation format
·  UCX
·  udb
·  UDF
·  UDP
·  uemacs
·  UFO
·  ug
·  UI
·  uid
·  UIL
·  UIS
·  uk
·  UKC
·  Ulm' s Modula-2 System
·  ULP
·  Ultra64
·  Ultra-ATA
·  Ultra DMA
·  Ultra-SCSI
·  Ultrix
·  um
·  UMB
·  UMB Scheme
·  UML
·  uML
·  unary
·  UNC
·  uncompression
·  uncountable
·  uncurrying
·  undefined external reference
·  underflow
·  Undernet
·  underscore
·  under the hood
·  undocumented feature
·  U-NET Limited
·  unfold
·  unfold/fold
·  UNI
·  Unicode
·  unicos
·  Uniface
·  unification
·  Unified Han
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  unifier
·  Uniform Naming Convention
·  Uniform Resource Citation
·  Uniform Resource Locater
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  Uniform Resource Number
·  Unify
·  unify
·  Unify Corporation
·  Unihan
·  uninstaller
·  uninteresting
·  Uninterruptible Power Supply
·  union
·  Unipress Software, Inc.
·  uniprocessor
·  Unique ID Listing
·  unique key
·  Unir Tech
·  Unisys Corporation
·  United Technologies Research Cente
·  Unit Separator
·  unit testing
·  Univac
·  Universal algebra
·  Universal Character Set
·  Universal Communications X
·  Universal Debugger
·  Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
·  Universal Disk Format
·  universal quantifier
·  Universal Resource Identifier
·  Universal Resource Locator
·  Universal Serial Bus
·  universal thunk
·  Universal Time
·  universe of discourse
·  University of Arizona
·  University of California at Berkeley
·  University of Durham
·  University of Hawaii
·  University of Iceland
·  University of London Computing Centre
·  University of Michigan
·  University of Michigan Digital Library Project
·  University of Minnesota
·  University of Nijmegen
·  University of Pennsylvania
·  Unix box
·  Unix brain damage
·  Unix conspiracy
·  Unix International
·  Unixism
·  Unix man page
·  Unix manual page
·  Unix System V
·  Unix to Unix Copy
·  UnixWare
·  Unix weenie
·  Unix wizard
·  unnormalised
·  unproto
·  unshar
·  unshielded twisted pair
·  unswizzle
·  untyped
·  unwind-protect
·  unwind the stack
·  UN*X
·  unzip
·  up
·  uparrow
·  uparrow
·  UPenn
·  upgradability
·  upgrade
·  upgradeability
·  upload
·  upper bound
·  Upper Layer Protocol
·  upper memory block
·  Upper Side-Band modulation
·  Upright Database Technology AB
·  UPS
·  upstream
·  upthread
·  upward closure
·  Uranus
·  urban legend
·  URC
·  urchin
·  URI
·  URL
·  URL forwarding
·  URL redirection
·  URN
·  URouLette
·  US
·  us
·  usability
·  USAModSim
·  USB
·  USB 2.0
·  USB Adapter Card Support
·  USE
·  Usenet
·  Usenet news
·  Usenetter
·  user
·  user acceptance testing
·  User Brain Damage
·  User Datagram Protocol
·  user-friendly
·  user id
·  user identifier
·  user interface
·  user interface copyright
·  User Interface Language
·  user name
·  User Network Interface
·  user-obsequious
·  user-unctuous
·  Use the Source Luke
·  USG Unix
·  usim
·  USL
·  USP
·  USR
·  usr
·  US Robotics
·  U.S. Robotics, Inc.
·  UTC
·  UTF
·  UTF-8
·  utility-coder
·  UTP
·  uucp
·  uudecode
·  uuencode
·  uy
·  uz
·  V
·  V.10
·  V.11
·  V.17
·  V.21
·  V.22
·  V.22bis
·  V.23
·  V.24
·  V.25
·  V.25 bis
·  V.27 ter
·  V.28
·  V.29
·  V.32
·  V.32bis
·  V.32ter
·  V.34
·  V.35
·  V.42
·  V.42bis
·  V.90
·  V.91
·  va
·  vacuum tube
·  vadding
·  Valencia Simple Tasker
·  valency
·  Valid
·  validation
·  value
·  Value Added Network
·  value added reseller
·  value added retailer
·  valve
·  vampire tap
·  VAN
·  vanilla
·  vanity domain
·  vannevar
·  Vannevar Bush
·  vaporware
·  vapourware
·  VAR
·  var
·  variable
·  Variational Graphics eXtended
·  VAX
·  VAXectomy
·  VAXen
·  vaxherd
·  vaxism
·  VAXstation
·  VB
·  VBA
·  vbell
·  VBScript
·  vbx
·  vc
·  VCC filtering
·  VCD
·  VCL
·  VCR
·  vdiff
·  VDL
·  VDM
·  VDM++
·  VDT
·  VDU
·  vdx
·  ve
·  vector
·  Vector C
·  vector font
·  vector graphics
·  vector processor
·  vector space
·  VEE
·  veeblefeetzer
·  veeblefester
·  veeblefetzer
·  VEL
·  Vendor Independent Messaging
·  ventilator card
·  Ventura Publisher
·  Venus flytrap
·  verbage
·  verbiage
·  Verdi
·  Verilog
·  Verilog SA
·  Veronica
·  Versa Module Europa
·  version
·  Version 7
·  vertical application
·  vertical bar
·  vertical encoding
·  vertical loop combination
·  vertical microcode
·  Vertical Redundancy Check
·  vertical refresh rate
·  vertical scan rate
·  Very Large Database
·  Very Large Memory
·  Very Long Instruction Word
·  Very Small Aperture Terminal
·  VESA Local Bus
·  V.FC
·  vg
·  VGA
·  vgrep
·  VGX
·  VHE
·  vhost
·  VHS
·  vi
·  VIC-20
·  video adapter
·  video card
·  video compression
·  video conference
·  video conferencing
·  video dial tone
·  video display terminal
·  Video Electronics Standards Association
·  Video Graphics Adapter
·  Video Graphics Adaptor
·  Video Graphics Array
·  video memory
·  Video on Demand
·  video RAM
·  video random access memory
·  video terminal
·  videotex
·  Vienna Definition Language
·  Vienna Definition Method
·  Vienna Development Method
·  Vienna Development Method Specification Language
·  Vienna Fortran
·  Vietnamese
·  viewer
·  ViewPoints
·  VIF
·  Vi Improved
·  VIM
·  vines
·  Vine Technology
·  Vint Cerf
·  Vinton Cerf
·  Viola
·  virgin
·  virgule
·  Viron
·  virtual
·  virtual 86 mode
·  virtual address
·  virtual cache
·  virtual circuit
·  Virtual Circuit Identifier
·  virtual connection
·  Virtual Control Program Interface
·  Virtual Device Driver
·  Virtual Device Location
·  virtual disk
·  Virtual Start Environment
·  virtual host
·  Virtual LAN
·  Virtual Loadable Module
·  Virtual Local Area Network
·  Virtual Machine
·  virtual machine
·  Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System
·  Virtual Machine Environment
·  Virtual Machine/ESA
·  Virtual Machine/System Product
·  Virtual Machine/XA
·  Virtual Memory System
·  virtual path
·  virtual point of presence
·  virtual PoP
·  Virtual Private Network
·  virtual reality
·  Virtual Reality Modeling Language
·  Virtual Sequential Access Method
·  virtual server
·  virtual shredder
·  Virtual Software Factory
·  Virtual Storage Access Method
·  Virtual Storage Extended
·  Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
·  virus
·  viruses
·  visible bell
·  VisiCalc /vi' zi-calk/
·  visionary
·  visit
·  Visual BASIC
·  Visual Basic for Applications
·  Visual BASIC Script
·  visual bell
·  Visual C++
·  Visual Component Library
·  Visual dBASE
·  Visual Display Unit
·  Visual FoxPro
·  Visual Interface
·  visualisation
·  visual language
·  visual programming
·  visual programming environment
·  visual programming language
·  VisualWorks
·  viz
·  VLB
·  Vlisp
·  VLM
·  VM
·  VME
·  VMEbus
·  VML
·  VMS
·  VM/SP
·  VM/XA
·  vn
·  vocoder
·  vocoding
·  VoD
·  voice mail
·  voice-net
·  Voice over IP
·  voice recognition
·  VoIP
·  volatile
·  volatile memory
·  volatile storage
·  volatile variable
·  voltage
·  Volume Table Of Inhalts
·  von Neumann architecture
·  von Neumann integer
·  von Neumann, John
·  von Neumann machine
·  von Neumann ordinal
·  voodoo programming
·  Voronoi diagram
·  Voronoi polygon
·  VOS
·  Voters Telecommunications Watch
·  voxel
·  V.pcm
·  VPL
·  VPN
·  VP-Planner
·  VQF
·  VR
·  VRC
·  Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
·  VSE
·  V series
·  VSF
·  VSTa
·  VSX
·  VT
·  vt100
·  vt220
·  VTC
·  VTS
·  VTW
·  vu
·  Vulcan death grip
·  Vulcan nerve pinch
·  vulture capitalist
·  VUP
·  VxD
·  VXI
·  VxWorks
·  W2K
·  W3
·  W3C
·  W3 Consortium
·  wabbit
·  Wabi
·  WabiServer
·  wacco
·  Wafe
·  wait state
·  waldo
·  walk
·  walking drives
·  walk off the end of
·  wall
·  wall clock time
·  wall follower
·  wallpaper
·  wall time
·  WAN
·  Wang Laboratories
·  wango
·  wank
·  wannabee
·  want list
·  WAP
·  warchalk
·  Ward Christensen
·  Ward Cunnigham
·  wardialer
·  wardriving
·  -ware
·  warez
·  WarGames
·  warlording
·  warm boot
·  Warm Silence Software
·  Warp
·  wart
·  washing machine
·  Wasserman
·  Watcom C/C++
·  Watcom SQL
·  Watcom VX*REXX
·  Waterfall Model
·  water MIPS
·  wav
·  wave a dead chicken
·  Waveform Generation Language
·  wavelength division multiplexing
·  wavelet
·  wavetable
·  wavetable synthesis
·  WaZOO
·  WBS
·  WCL
·  WD
·  WDM
·  WE
·  Weak Head Normal Form
·  weakly typed
·  weak typing
·  weasel
·  WEB
·  Web
·  web2c
·  Web-Based Enterprise Management
·  web browser
·  webcam
·  webcasting
·  WebCGM
·  WebCrawler
·  webhead
·  weblint
·  webmaster
·  webmistress
·  webmonkey
·  WebObjects
·  web page
·  Web Request Broker
·  web server
·  Web Service Definition Language
·  Web Services
·  website
·  web smith
·  Webster
·  wedged
·  wedgie
·  wedgitude
·  Weeble
·  weeds
·  weenie
·  Weenix
·  weighted search
·  well-behaved
·  well-connected
·  well-known port
·  well-ordered set
·  Wesley Clark
·  Western Digital Corporation
·  Westmount
·  wetware
·  wf
·  WfMC
·  WFW
·  WG
·  WGL
·  whack
·  whacker
·  whales
·  whalesong
·  whatis
·  What' s a spline?
·  What You Get Is What You Never Thought You Had
·  What You See Is All You Get
·  What You See Is What You Get
·  wheel
·  wheel bit
·  wheel wars
·  Whetstone
·  Which Stands For Nothing
·  while
·  Whirlwind
·  White Book
·  White book CD-ROM
·  white box testing
·  White pages
·  whitespace
·  white trash
·  whois
·  Whopper
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  Wide Area Network
·  Wideband ATM
·  Wide SCSI
·  widget
·  wi-fi
·  wiki
·  WiLAN
·  Wild_LIFE
·  wild card
·  Wilf Hey
·  William Gibson
·  William Hamilton
·  William Joy
·  WIMP environment
·  win
·  Win2K
·  Win32
·  Win32s
·  Win 95
·  Win 98
·  winchester
·  windowing system
·  window manager
·  Window RAM
·  Window Random Access Memory
·  Windows
·  Windows 1
·  Windows 2
·  Windows/286
·  Windows 2K
·  Windows 3.0
·  Windows 3.1
·  Windows 3.11
·  Windows/386
·  Windows 4GL
·  Windows 94
·  Windows 95
·  Windows 98
·  Windows 9X
·  Windows Application Binary Interface
·  Windows CE
·  Windows for Workgroups
·  Windows Hardware Quality Labs
·  window shopping
·  Windows Internet Naming Service
·  Windows Management Interface
·  Windows ME
·  Windows Messaging
·  windows messaging
·  Windows Millennium Edition
·  Windows NT
·  Windows NT 3.1
·  Windows NT 3.5
·  Windows NT 4
·  Windows NT 5
·  Windows NT Network Model
·  Windows Open Service Architecture
·  Windows XP
·  window system
·  Windoze
·  Wind River Systems
·  winged comments
·  winkey
·  WinMaker Pro
·  Winsock
·  WinSoft Products Ltd
·  wintel
·  wired
·  wirehead
·  wireless
·  Wireless Application Protocol
·  wireless bitmap
·  wireless local area network
·  Wireless Transport Layer Security
·  wirewater
·  wish list
·  Wisp
·  within delta of
·  within epsilon of
·  wizard
·  Wizard Book
·  wizardly
·  wizard mode
·  WizDOM
·  wk1
·  WMA
·  wmf
·  WMI
·  WML
·  WMV
·  WO
·  Wolfram Research, Inc.
·  WOM
·  woman
·  wombat
·  womb box
·  Woodenman
·  woofer
·  Word
·  word
·  Word for Windows
·  WordPerfect
·  WordPerfect Corporation
·  word processing
·  word processor
·  word size
·  word spamming
·  WordTech
·  word wrap
·  workaround
·  workflow
·  Workflow Management Coalition
·  workgroup
·  working as designed
·  working memory
·  working set
·  working set model
·  Work Needed and Prospective Packages
·  worksheet
·  workstation
·  World Time
·  World-Wide Wait
·  World-Wide Web browser
·  World Wide Web Consortium
·  World-Wide Web Worm
·  worm
·  wormhole
·  wormhole routing
·  wound around the axle
·  WPG
·  WPI
·  wps
·  wrap around
·  wrapper
·  wrats nest
·  wrb
·  write
·  write-back
·  write buffer
·  Write-Once Read-Many
·  write-only code
·  write-only language
·  write-only memory
·  write-through
·  write-thru
·  writing system
·  Wrong Thing
·  ws
·  WSL
·  WTF
·  WTH
·  Wumpus
·  WWW
·  WWW browser
·  X
·  X-1
·  X11R5
·  X.12
·  X2
·  X.208
·  X.209
·  X.21
·  X.214
·  X.215
·  X.216
·  X.217
·  X.219
·  X.224
·  X.225
·  X.226
·  X.227
·  X.229
·  X.25
·  X.28
·  X.29
·  X.3
·  X3J16
·  X3T10
·  X.400
·  X.409
·  X.500
·  X.680
·  X.75
·  x86
·  x86 processor socket
·  XA
·  Xaw
·  Xbase
·  xbeeb
·  xbm
·  XC
·  X client
·  X Consortium
·  Xcoral
·  xdbx
·  X-Designer
·  X.desktop
·  XDL
·  XDR
·  XDS 530
·  XDS 940
·  xDSL
·  Xemacs
·  Xeon
·  XEROX Corporation
·  Xerox Data Systems Model 940
·  XEROX Network Services
·  Xerox Network System
·  Xerox Star
·  XFree86 Project, Inc.
·  Xfun
·  XGA
·  XGA-2
·  Xi
·  XIE
·  Xilinx, Inc.
·  Xilinx Netlist Format
·  X Image Extension
·  Xlib
·  xlisp
·  xls
·  XML
·  XML Template Pages
·  XML User-Interface Language
·  XMM
·  xmosaic
·  XMS
·  XNF
·  xnf2ver
·  XNS
·  XON
·  Xopen
·  X/Open
·  X/open Portability Guide
·  X/Open System Interface
·  xor
·  XPC
·  XperCASE
·  XPG
·  XPG3
·  XPL
·  xpm
·  Xpress Transport Protocol
·  X protocol
·  xref
·  XRemote
·  XRN
·  XSB
·  XScheme
·  x-scm
·  X server
·  XSI
·  XSL
·  XT
·  Xt
·  XT bus architecture
·  xterm
·  X terminal
·  XTI
·  XTP
·  XTP Forum
·  XUI
·  XUL
·  Xv++
·  X-Windows
·  X Window System
·  xxgdb
·  XXX
·  Xy-pic
·  xyzzy
·  Y
·  Y2K
·  YA-
·  yacc
·  Yamaha
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  yank
·  Yay
·  ye
·  Year 2000
·  Yellow
·  Yellow Book
·  Yellow Book CD-ROM
·  Yellow Book, Jargon
·  Yellow Box
·  Yellow Pages
·  yellow wire
·  Yerk
·  Yet Another
·  Yet Another Compiler Compiler
·  Yet Another Yacc
·  yocto-
·  yotta-
·  yottabyte
·  You are not expected to understand this
·  You know you' ve been hacking too long when...
·  Yourdon
·  Yourdon/Constantine
·  Yourdon/Demarco
·  Yourdon, Inc.
·  Yourdon methodology
·  Your mileage may vary
·  Yow!
·  yoyo mode
·  YP
·  YSM
·  yt
·  YTalk
·  yu
·  Yu-Shiang Whole Fish
·  Z
·  Z++
·  Z-1013
·  Z180
·  Z3
·  Z39.50
·  Z8
·  Z80
·  Z8000
·  za
·  ZAP
·  zap
·  Z-buffer
·  Zed
·  Zen
·  zen
·  zepto
·  Zermelo Fränkel set theory
·  Zermelo set theory
·  zero
·  Zero and Add Packed
·  zero assignment
·  zero-content
·  Zero Insertion Force
·  zeroth
·  ZetaLisp
·  zetta-
·  zettabyte
·  Zeus
·  ZFC
·  ZF expression
·  ZIF
·  zigamorph
·  ZIL
·  Zilog
·  Zilog Z280
·  Zilog Z8
·  Zilog Z8000
·  Zilog Z80000
·  Zilog Z80A
·  zip
·  Zipcode
·  Zip Drive
·  zip file
·  zipperhead
·  zm
·  ZOG
·  ZOLA Technologies
·  zombie
·  zombie process
·  zone
·  Zoo
·  zoo
·  zoom
·  Zoomer
·  zorch
·  Zork
·  zorkmid
·  zr
·  zsh
·  Z shell
·  ZUG
·  Zulu time
·  Zuse
·  Zuse, Konrad
·  zw
·  ZX-80
·  ZX-81
·  ZX Spectrum
·  Zynet Ltd.
·  ZyXEL
·  ~
·  broadcast quality video
·  brute force
·  FreeBSD
·  Graphical User Interface
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance
·  JavaScript


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