
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: ATIS

Results in the term's title:

·  Advanced STatistical Analysis Program
·  Automatische Rechenplanfertigung
·  constraint satisfaction
·  neutrosophic statistics
·  satisfiability problem
·  Statistical Analysis System
·  Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
·  statistical time division multiplexing
·  statistics
·  whatis

Results in the term's text:

·  accept
·  acceptance testing
·  acoustic coupler
·  Adaptive Server Enterprise
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced STatistical Analysis Program
·  ASL+
·  Atherton Technology
·  A Tools Integration Standard
·  AUTOmated GRouPing system
·  Autostat
·  axiomatic semantics
·  axiomatic set theory
·  BioMeDical Package
·  bit
·  cache
·  cache hit
·  cache miss
·  Carl Friedrich Gauss
·  Case Integration Services
·  chain
·  computer ethics
·  constraint
·  Constraint Handling In Prolog
·  constraint satisfaction
·  cooccurrence matrix
·  cosmic rays
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  cryptography
·  curried function
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  Cyc
·  database normalisation
·  decision support database
·  decision theory
·  design
·  domain architecture
·  Dorito Syndrome
·  dragon
·  ESP
·  fault tree analysis
·  featurectomy
·  fix
·  flame
·  fractal
·  gas plasma display
·  Gauss
·  Geographic Information System
·  graph colouring
·  Herman Hollerith
·  hit
·  hit rate
·  Intel 80186
·  Internet
·  John Tukey
·  knapsack problem
·  linear map
·  logical relation
·  lost in the noise
·  mcvax
·  memetics
·  memory management
·  model checking
·  Monte Carlo
·  Mu
·  nastistical
·  net.god
·  netstat
·  neutrosophic statistics
·  Neutrosophy
·  normal distribution
·  normalisation
·  NP-complete
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  OPS5
·  packet driver
·  pattern recognition
·  postcardware
·  protocol analyser
·  pseudoprime
·  quality
·  quantum computer
·  Rate monotonic scheduling
·  Real Programmer
·  redundancy
·  reflexive domain
·  RFC 1778
·  S
·  SAS
·  SAS System
·  Sather
·  satisfiability problem
·  scheduling
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  set theory
·  Smartdrive
·  SNMP agent
·  social science number
·  software
·  SPC
·  Speakeasy
·  SPSS, Inc.
·  standard deviation
·  static analysis
·  Station Management
·  Statistical Analysis System
·  Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
·  statistics
·  StatMUX
·  STP4
·  texture
·  time division multiplexing
·  TPL
·  Tuckals
·  unification
·  usability
·  wave a dead chicken
·  well-ordered set
·  Whetstone
·  white paper
·  ZFC
·  Zilog


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