
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: AVI

Results in the term's title:

·  Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems
·  AVI
·  DataViews
·  DataVis
·  David Turner
·  Global Network Navigator
·  hierarchical navigation
·  interleaving
·  navigating
·  Navigator
·  Netscape Navigator
·  sector interleaving

Results in the term's text:

·  3Station
·  Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems
·  ABCL/R2
·  ActiveX
·  actor/singer/waiter/webmaster
·  ad-hockery
·  Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
·  Advanced Technology Attachment Interface with Extensions
·  AI koan
·  Alta Vista
·  Alternating bit protocol
·  Analytical Solutions Forum
·  ANNotated Ada
·  applet
·  Application Protocol Data Unit
·  arbitrary precision calculator
·  argument
·  artificial intelligence
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  ASL+
·  Atari
·  A Tools Integration Standard
·  Audio Video Interleave
·  automaton
·  back door
·  backoff
·  backward combatability
·  bare metal
·  BeBOP
·  Big bag of pages
·  bits per pixel
·  black box
·  Bletchley Park
·  Blue Book
·  Bob
·  bogon
·  bondage-and-discipline language
·  bot
·  Boycott Apple
·  bozotic
·  bread crumbs
·  breakpoint
·  briefcase
·  browser
·  BST
·  by hand
·  Calculus of Communicating Systems
·  camera ready
·  Caml Light
·  Carl Friedrich Gauss
·  case sensitivity
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  CDL
·  chad
·  channel
·  checkpoint
·  chomp
·  class
·  coefficient of X
·  cokebottle
·  ColdFusion
·  combinator
·  comment
·  COMmon Algorithmic Language
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  complete partial ordering
·  component architecture
·  computer ethics
·  compute server
·  configure
·  continental drift
·  cookbook
·  Coordinated Universal Time
·  cppp
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  cross-platform
·  curried function
·  curses
·  cursor dipped in X
·  cybernetics
·  cyberspace
·  cyclebabble
·  cycle drought
·  Cygnus Tcl Tools
·  Darwin
·  Data Driven Machine
·  data hierarchy
·  David Turner
·  DDT
·  Debbugs
·  Deep Blue
·  demo mode
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  DeMorgan' s theorem
·  Digital Control System
·  Digital Equipment Corporation
·  ding
·  Direct Client to Client Protocol
·  disk
·  diskless workstation
·  DOS requester
·  dot file
·  Dragon Book
·  dread high bit disease
·  droid
·  drop-outs
·  DS0
·  DST
·  Dual In-line Memory Module
·  dynamic binding
·  Dynamic HTML
·  easter egg
·  Ecash
·  EDS+
·  eighty-twenty rule
·  El Camino Bignum
·  electron model
·  elegant
·  ELP
·  Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  evolutionary programming
·  exception
·  executable
·  eXperimental LISP
·  Experimental Programming Language
·  extended memory
·  extensional
·  Fairchild F8
·  fall through
·  fat electrons
·  feature
·  feature key
·  feedback
·  fence
·  fencepost error
·  Fermat prime
·  file server
·  Firefox
·  Firmware
·  fixed-point
·  flush
·  fm
·  fnord
·  FOD
·  foreground
·  frobnitz
·  fudge factor
·  full-custom
·  functionality
·  gamma correction
·  Garnet
·  gawk
·  GEM
·  Gerald
·  Get a real computer!
·  glark
·  GNN
·  gopher
·  GPL
·  Grace Hopper
·  GRG
·  h
·  hacked off
·  hacker ethic
·  hacker humour
·  hairy
·  hand-roll
·  hard-coded
·  hardware circular buffer
·  heads down
·  heisenbug
·  hello, sailor!
·  Hierarchical Music Specification Language
·  hierarchical navigation
·  HOL-90
·  hole model
·  HPCode-Plus
·  Hunt the Wumpus
·  HyperText Transmission Protocol, Secure
·  IBM compatible
·  Iburg
·  IMPlementation language
·  instruction scheduling
·  intelligent terminal
·  Interchange File Format
·  interleave
·  Internet Explorer
·  Internet Relay Chat
·  Intrusive Testing
·  jack in
·  Jacquard loom
·  japh
·  JavaBeans
·  JavaServer Pages
·  jc
·  juggling eggs
·  knowledge
·  Known Lazy Bastard
·  KRC
·  Language for Communicating Systems
·  Lasherism
·  lazy sml2c
·  legal
·  Lex
·  lexical analysis
·  Life
·  line eater
·  link farm
·  Liskov substitution principle
·  Lisp Machine
·  list comprehension
·  load balancing
·  Loebner Prize
·  logical
·  Logical Block Addressing
·  Lorenz attractor
·  LTR3
·  macdink
·  machinable
·  Magic Switch Story
·  magnetostrictive delay line
·  mailing list
·  mainframe
·  mandelbug
·  Marc Andreessen
·  Marlais
·  maximum Maytag mode
·  menu
·  microLenat
·  Microwave Hardware Description Language
·  Miranda
·  misfeature
·  miswart
·  ML Kit
·  moby
·  mockingbird
·  modal
·  modal logic
·  model
·  mouse ahead
·  Mozilla
·  multiple value
·  Multipop-68
·  multitasking
·  MultiTOS
·  MVC
·  nasal demons
·  navigating
·  Navigator
·  neophilia
·  Netscape
·  Netscape Navigator
·  network transparency
·  newbie
·  nonlinear
·  Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
·  non-volatile storage
·  no-op
·  nu
·  object
·  Objective CAML
·  Object Management Group
·  occam
·  off the trolley
·  OIL
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  open/closed principle
·  Open Distributed Processing
·  O' Reilly and Associates
·  Packard Bell Electronics, Inc.
·  packet radio
·  pagelet
·  Parlog++
·  Pascal-FC
·  Pentium II
·  periodic group
·  Permanent Virtual Circuit
·  phase of the moon
·  pilot error
·  plonk
·  plug-in
·  pm2
·  PNP
·  pointed domain
·  Polka
·  Poly
·  POP-10
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  power save mode
·  priority scheduling
·  probabilistic
·  profile
·  pseudo
·  pumpkin
·  QL
·  race condition
·  random
·  randomness
·  RCA 1802
·  recursion
·  Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
·  refactoring
·  Register Transfer Language
·  relatively prime
·  Request For Comments
·  restructuring
·  retcon
·  Richard Hamming
·  rogue
·  Ruby
·  safe
·  save
·  scanner
·  Schachter' s Hypothesis
·  Schlaer-Mellor
·  Schoonschip
·  screw
·  scroll bar
·  SDL
·  second generation computer
·  Seiko RC-4000
·  Self
·  semiconductor
·  separate compilation
·  server-side
·  session
·  Seymour Cray
·  Shockwave
·  simulation
·  Single ASsignment Language
·  S-K reduction machine
·  S-Lang
·  sml2c
·  social science number
·  soft boot
·  software
·  Software Methodology
·  sorcerer' s apprentice mode
·  sort
·  SPECmark89
·  spiffy
·  spod
·  spoofing
·  SR
·  Staple
·  Stephen Kleene
·  streaming
·  stress testing
·  String Oriented Symbolic Language
·  suit
·  suitably small
·  supercombinators
·  super minicomputer
·  surrogate key
·  synchronous key encryption
·  T
·  T-carrier system
·  ten-finger interface
·  test
·  theory
·  thin client
·  Thread Language Zero
·  Thunderbird
·  Tim Berners-Lee
·  T. Kohonen
·  tm
·  to
·  top-level domain
·  totally ordered
·  transparent
·  tube time
·  tv
·  tweening
·  TZ
·  Unicode
·  Uniform Naming Convention
·  Unix brain damage
·  UnixWare
·  V.32
·  vanity domain
·  vector
·  veeblefetzer
·  videotex
·  virtual 86 mode
·  Virtual Device Driver
·  Virtual Memory System
·  Virtual Private Network
·  visual programming environment
·  voice mail
·  wavetable
·  wedged
·  well-behaved
·  widget
·  Windows NT 3.1
·  Wind River Systems
·  Woodenman
·  word spamming
·  Xcoral
·  Xemacs
·  XScheme
·  Y
·  Yet Another Compiler Compiler
·  yu
·  zero
·  ZF expression
·  JavaScript


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