
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Alis

Results in the term's title:

·  Application Visualisation System
·  BiCapitalisation
·  Bird-Meertens Formalism
·  conceptualisation
·  database normalisation
·  globalisation
·  head normalisation theorem
·  initialise
·  internationalisation
·  LindaLISP
·  localisation
·  localised
·  logarithmus dualis
·  MagmaLISP
·  normalisation
·  normalised
·  Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party
·  serialise
·  specialisation
·  Standard Generalised Markup Language
·  unnormalised
·  visualisation
·  vulture capitalist
·  ZetaLisp

Results in the term's text:

·  1NF
·  2NF
·  3NF
·  4NF
·  5NF
·  aard
·  abstraction
·  Abstract Machine Notation
·  Adaptec
·  ALGOL 60
·  ALGOL 68
·  Alternating bit protocol
·  Amber
·  Application Service Element
·  artificial neural network
·  AVS
·  axiomatic set theory
·  BackOffice
·  Bad Thing
·  balanced computing
·  benchmark
·  BiCapitalisation
·  binding-time analysis
·  Bletchley Park
·  blit
·  blivet
·  Block Started by Symbol
·  B-Method
·  BMF
·  bogon
·  bootstrap
·  braille
·  brain-damaged
·  bzzzt, wrong
·  C+-
·  Cartesian coordinates
·  cdr
·  CEN
·  Church of the SubGenius
·  Cichlid
·  CJK
·  Clarify
·  class
·  class hierarchy
·  client-server
·  coalesced sum
·  Codd' s First Normal Form
·  code segment
·  Cognitech
·  Common Command Set
·  compiler jock
·  component architecture
·  Computer Conservation Society
·  computer ethics
·  Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
·  conceptualisation
·  Concurrent Oberon
·  Concurrent Versions System
·  connector conspiracy
·  considered harmful
·  constructor
·  contract programmer
·  cracker
·  .cshrc
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  daemon
·  dangling pointer
·  database normalisation
·  data model
·  data segment
·  DataVis
·  date
·  D. C. Power Lab
·  definitional constraint programming
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  deprecated
·  dereference
·  digital dashboard
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  Discordianism
·  Domain Analysis
·  dongle
·  DOS/360
·  Doug Lenat
·  download
·  Duff' s device
·  dynamic binding
·  DYnamics ANAlyzer
·  EDP auditor
·  Eli Compiler Construction System
·  EMD Enterprises, Inc.
·  European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH
·  Extended Affix Grammar
·  feedback control
·  fifth normal form
·  Finagle' s Law
·  first normal form
·  floating-point
·  fnord
·  for loop
·  formal argument
·  for values of
·  fourth generation language
·  fourth normal form
·  functional requirements
·  functor
·  fuzzy logic
·  Garnet
·  gedanken
·  Genesia
·  German
·  Glish
·  globalisation
·  Good Thing
·  goto
·  green lightning
·  hacker ethic
·  heisenbug
·  higher-order macro
·  high moby
·  house wizard
·  HTTP cookie
·  hypercube
·  i18n
·  i860
·  IBM 7090
·  IBM compatible
·  Idealized CSP
·  idempotent
·  image processing
·  imaging
·  incantation
·  Information Algebra
·  initialise
·  installer
·  instantiation
·  Interactive Data Language
·  International Computers Limited plc
·  internationalisation
·  internationalization
·  internet
·  Internet Protocol version 6
·  Interpretive Menu Processor
·  ironmonger
·  jock
·  Joint Photographic Experts Group
·  J. Random
·  kanji
·  Ken Thompson
·  Kleene star
·  Knights of the Lambda-Calculus
·  knowledge-based system
·  knowledge representation
·  l10n
·  lclint
·  ld
·  Liana
·  Linda
·  LISP Machine LISP
·  LM-Prolog
·  load balancing
·  locale
·  localisation
·  localised
·  Lore
·  Low Voltage Differential
·  lump uncurrying
·  M5
·  macro
·  magic smoke
·  Magma2
·  MagmaLISP
·  mailing list
·  map
·  microfortnight
·  modal logic
·  molly-guard
·  monitor
·  Montage
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-4
·  mu
·  multiple perspective software development
·  mumble
·  National Research and Education Network
·  neats vs. scruffies
·  netiquette
·  Netmarq Limited
·  neutrosophic logic
·  neutrosophic set
·  newgroup wars
·  nML
·  normal form
·  normalisation
·  normalised
·  Novell, Inc.
·  null
·  Nu Thena
·  overhead
·  Ox
·  parallel random access machine
·  partial evaluation
·  phacker
·  Phong shading
·  pi-calculus
·  Plan 9
·  Pleuk grammar development system
·  Pong
·  POOL2
·  Q
·  radiosity
·  raster blaster
·  rave on!
·  ray tracing
·  Recursive Functional Algorithmic Language
·  repeating group
·  Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
·  Right Thing
·  root mode
·  samurai
·  Scorpion
·  screen scraper
·  SCSI-2
·  SDF
·  second normal form
·  segment
·  semaphore
·  Sendmail Inc.
·  serialise
·  serialize
·  Server Message Block
·  set theory
·  simultaneous shipment
·  slopsucker
·  Sniff
·  SoftModem
·  software enabling
·  software rot
·  specialisation
·  SQL
·  SQL Server
·  SQL server
·  Squiggol
·  stack
·  standard input/output
·  String Oriented Symbolic Language
·  StrongARM
·  studlycaps
·  sucking mud
·  sum
·  swab
·  symbolic logic
·  syntactic sugar
·  systems programmer
·  tail recursion modulo cons
·  Telephony Application Programming Interface
·  theory
·  thin client
·  third normal form
·  three-letter acronym
·  thunk
·  toolsmith
·  top-level domain
·  toy language
·  Turing Machine
·  U-Code
·  unification
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  uninteresting
·  union
·  Unisys Corporation
·  unnormalised
·  Usenet
·  Value Added Network
·  value added reseller
·  vanilla
·  Version 7
·  ViewPoints
·  Viron
·  visualisation
·  vulture capitalist
·  wart
·  wavetable
·  Western Digital Corporation
·  Windows CE
·  Windows NT
·  Wrong Thing
·  xbm
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  You know you' ve been hacking too long when...
·  Zero and Add Packed
·  Zilog
·  Zork


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