
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Assembly language

Results in the term's title:

·  ALgorIthmic ASsembly language
·  Array Processor Assembly Language
·  Assembly Language
·  assembly language
·  Assembly Language Compiler
·  Assembly Language for Multics
·  Basic Assembly Language
·  DSP32 Assembly Language
·  Micro Assembly Language
·  PDP Assembly Language

Results in the term's text:

·  AL
·  ALC
·  ALM
·  Amiga E
·  Andrew Tanenbaum
·  Array Processor Assembly Language
·  AS/400
·  ASM
·  assembler
·  assembly code
·  assembly language
·  Assembly Language Compiler
·  Assembly Language for Multics
·  Atlas Autocode
·  Autocode
·  Babbage
·  BAL
·  Basic Assembly Language
·  Basic Language for Implementation of System Software
·  BLT
·  Branch on Chip Box Full
·  C
·  Clean
·  Commodore 64
·  compiler
·  Concurrent Massey Hope
·  control structure
·  dec
·  DSP32 Assembly Language
·  FAP
·  Flash Lights Impressively
·  Fortran Automatic Symbol Translator
·  green card
·  hand-hacking
·  Hardware Abstraction Layer
·  hex
·  high-level language
·  Idealized Instruction Set
·  inc
·  indirect address
·  instruction mnemonic
·  instruction set architecture
·  ITS
·  Java Native Interface
·  LAP
·  LAP4
·  linear address space
·  LLM3
·  loop
·  low-level language
·  Mac-1
·  machine code
·  macro
·  MAL
·  MP-1
·  Multipop-68
·  NIL
·  operation code
·  PAL
·  P-code
·  PDP Assembly Language
·  PL360
·  PL516
·  Programmed Data Processor
·  Programming Language/Systems
·  Recursive Macro Actuated Generator
·  Schoonschip
·  second generation language
·  SFL
·  SPS
·  Symbolic Assembler Program
·  Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program
·  Universal Debugger
·  VAL
·  Very Long Instruction Word
·  virtual machine
·  Zero and Add Packed


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