
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Bit

Results in the term's title:

·  16 bit
·  16-bit application
·  32-bit application
·  64-bit
·  8-bit clean
·  alt bit
·  Alternating bit protocol
·  arbitrary precision calculator
·  bit
·  bit bang
·  bit bashing
·  bitblt
·  bit bucket
·  bit decay
·  bit diddling
·  bite
·  Bit Error Rate
·  bitmap
·  bitmap display
·  bitmap font
·  bitmapped display
·  bit mask
·  bitonal image
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit pattern
·  bit plane
·  bit rate
·  bit-robbing
·  bit rot
·  bit slice
·  bits per inch
·  bits per pixel
·  bits per second
·  bit string
·  bit stuffing
·  bit twiddling
·  bitty box
·  bitwise
·  bitwise complement
·  bucky bits
·  device independent bitmap
·  dread high bit disease
·  effective number of bits
·  eight-bit clean
·  Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop
·  Gambit
·  gigabit
·  gigabits per second
·  Habitat
·  high bit
·  High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  Hobbit
·  hobbit
·  kilobit
·  kilobits per second
·  least significant bit
·  low earth orbit
·  megabits per second
·  meta bit
·  mode bit
·  Most Significant Bit
·  Orbit
·  overflow bit
·  parity bit
·  rabbit job
·  senior bit
·  source of all good bits
·  start bit
·  sticky bit
·  stop bit
·  Switched Multimegabit Data Service
·  Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  wabbit
·  wheel bit
·  wireless bitmap

Results in the term's text:

·  16 bit
·  16-bit application
·  1802
·  32-bit application
·  3DO
·  56 kbps
·  6.001
·  64-bit
·  6501
·  6502
·  65816
·  802.11b
·  802.11g
·  8-bit clean
·  8N1
·  A#
·  A&B
·  ABP
·  address bus
·  addressing mode
·  address mask
·  ad-hockery
·  Aditi
·  Advanced Audio Coding
·  Advanced Data Communications Control Protocol
·  Advanced Encryption Standard
·  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced Technology Attachment
·  Advanced Technology Attachment Interface with Extensions
·  Alfl
·  Algebraic Logic Functional language
·  alpha particle
·  alt
·  alt bit
·  Alternating bit protocol
·  amateur packet radio
·  AMD Am2901
·  AMD Am2903
·  ampersand
·  anti-aliasing
·  Apple II
·  arbitrary precision calculator
·  Arithmetic and Logic Unit
·  ARM610
·  ARM710
·  artificial neural network
·  AS/400
·  assembly language
·  associative array
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
·  asynchronous
·  asynchronous logic
·  Atari
·  automatic baud rate detection
·  Axiom of Choice
·  b
·  backbone cabal
·  bare metal
·  barrel shifter
·  base 64
·  Basic Encoding Rules
·  baud
·  Baudotbetical order
·  Baudot code
·  BC
·  BER
·  best effort
·  biff
·  Big bag of pages
·  bignum
·  Big Red Switch
·  binary coded decimal
·  Binhex 4.0
·  BinProlog
·  bit
·  bit bang
·  bit bashing
·  bitblt
·  bit bucket
·  bit decay
·  bit diddling
·  bite
·  bitmap
·  bitmap display
·  bitmap font
·  bitmapped display
·  bit mask
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit pattern
·  bit plane
·  bit rate
·  bit rot
·  bit slice
·  bits per pixel
·  bits per second
·  bit string
·  bit stuffing
·  bit twiddling
·  bitty box
·  bitwise
·  bitwise complement
·  black hole
·  bletcherous
·  Bletchley Park
·  blit
·  blitter
·  BLT
·  Blue Screen of Death
·  bmp
·  Bobo the Webmonkey
·  bogon
·  BPI
·  bpp
·  bps
·  braille
·  btoa
·  bucky bits
·  built-in
·  Burst Extended Data Out DRAM
·  bus
·  byte
·  byte-code
·  bytesexual
·  Calc
·  calculator
·  can' t happen
·  Cardbus
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  Cauchy sequence
·  cdr
·  cellular multiprocessing
·  chad
·  chad box
·  channel op
·  chaos
·  character set
·  checksum
·  chicken head
·  chmod
·  chomp
·  Christmas tree packet
·  Cichlid
·  CJK
·  class
·  clipboard
·  Clive Sinclair
·  Codd' s reduction algorithm
·  code grinder
·  Cogent Prolog
·  colour
·  colour depth
·  colour palette
·  comma separated values
·  Commodore 128
·  Commodore 1541
·  Commodore 64
·  Commodore Business Machines
·  compiler
·  complement
·  compress
·  compression
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  computer ethics
·  Computer + Science NETwork
·  computron
·  connection-oriented network service
·  connector conspiracy
·  constant mapping
·  content addressable memory
·  Continuation Passing Style
·  Control Program for Microcomputers
·  cookbook
·  cookie monster
·  Coordinated Universal Time
·  copybroke
·  core cancer
·  Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
·  cosmic rays
·  C preprocessor
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  crock
·  crumb
·  crunch
·  Cy486SLC
·  cyclic redundancy check
·  Cyrix 6x86
·  Data Address Generator
·  data bus
·  Data Encryption Standard
·  data hierarchy
·  Data Parallel Haskell
·  data path
·  Dataphone Digital Service
·  data rate
·  data transfer rate
·  DBC
·  DC
·  DDB
·  deckle
·  delayed control-transfer
·  delete
·  demand paging
·  device independent bitmap
·  /dev/null
·  DIB
·  digital audio
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  digital carrier
·  Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Research
·  digital signature
·  Digital Signature Standard
·  Digital to Analog Converter
·  ding
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  dink
·  direct mapped cache
·  Discordianism
·  discriminated union
·  Display PostScript
·  Dissociated Press
·  donuts
·  dot notation
·  double bucky
·  double quote
·  DPB
·  dread high bit disease
·  drop on the floor
·  drunk mouse syndrome
·  DS0
·  DS1
·  DS1C
·  DS2
·  DS3
·  DS level
·  Dual In-line Memory Module
·  Duplex High Speed Data
·  dweeb
·  Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System
·  dynner
·  E1
·  E-carrier system
·  EIA-232C
·  EIA-423
·  eight-bit clean
·  eighty-column mind
·  Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale
·  entropy
·  epoch
·  ergonomic
·  error correcting memory
·  error detection and correction
·  Ethernet
·  Ethernet address
·  European Academic and Research Network
·  executable
·  explicit type conversion
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  eXtended Graphics Array
·  Extended Industry-Standard Architecture
·  Extension Language Kit
·  Fairchild F8
·  fas
·  Fast SCSI
·  FC-AL
·  feeping creature
·  fencepost error
·  Ferranti F100-L
·  ferrite core memory
·  Fiber Distributed Data Interface
·  Fibre Channel
·  file
·  File Allocation Table
·  filename extension
·  file type
·  Finite State Machine
·  FISH queue
·  flag
·  flamer
·  flat
·  flat ASCII
·  flat thunk
·  flip-flop
·  font
·  fork bomb
·  for values of
·  fossil
·  fractal
·  Frame Relay
·  framing specification
·  frobnicate
·  frogging
·  full-duplex Switched Ethernet
·  Gambit
·  Garnet
·  gate
·  GB
·  Gb
·  gbps
·  GEM
·  Generic Routing Encapsulation
·  generic thunk
·  Get a real computer!
·  gigabit
·  gigabits per second
·  gnarly
·  golf ball printer
·  graphics adaptor
·  graphic workstation
·  gray code
·  Green Book
·  green bytes
·  Greenwich Mean Time
·  grey-scale
·  grind crank
·  grix
·  Group Code Recording
·  guru
·  H.261
·  Habitat
·  hack mode
·  halftone
·  halting problem
·  Hamming code
·  Hamming distance
·  handshaking
·  heap
·  hexadecimal
·  high bit
·  high colour
·  High Performance Parallel Interface
·  High Speed Circuit Switched Data
·  high speed serial interface
·  Hitachi 6309
·  Hobbit
·  hobbit
·  horizontal encoding
·  hose
·  hosed
·  hot spot
·  HPL
·  HTTP cookie
·  i860
·  IAS
·  IBM 701
·  IBM 709
·  IBM 7090
·  icon
·  IEEE 488
·  IEEE 802.3z
·  IEEE Floating Point Standard
·  Illiac IV
·  image
·  image recognition
·  in-band
·  incantation
·  Industry Standard Architecture
·  Inglish
·  installable file system
·  Intel 4004
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel 8008
·  Intel 80186
·  Intel 80188
·  Intel 80286
·  Intel 80386
·  Intel 80386DX
·  Intel 80386SX
·  Intel 8080
·  Intel 8088
·  Intel 8751
·  Intel i960
·  Interagency Interim National Research and Education Network
·  Interchange File Format
·  International Data Encryption Algorithm
·  Internet address
·  Internet Protocol version 6
·  interrupt handler
·  Intersil 6100
·  intuitionistic logic
·  ISO 8859
·  isochronous
·  jaggies
·  Java Message Service
·  Johnniac
·  John Tukey
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  Joint Photographic Experts Group
·  JPEG-2000
·  J. Random
·  kbps
·  Kermit
·  killer poke
·  kilobit
·  kilobits per second
·  languages of choice
·  laser printer
·  last call optimisation
·  latch
·  least significant bit
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  LEO
·  lexiphage
·  Liana
·  LINCtape
·  linear address space
·  lint
·  Listproc
·  Listserv
·  little-endian
·  live data
·  lock-in
·  logarithmus dualis
·  logical
·  logical shift
·  Logical Unit Number
·  longitudinal parity
·  loser
·  lossless audio compression
·  lossy
·  lossy audio compression
·  lost in the underflow
·  low earth orbit
·  LSB
·  L-Soft
·  MacBinary
·  machine code
·  Macintosh file system
·  Macintosh II
·  Macintosh IIcx
·  magic
·  magnetic disk
·  mail server
·  Manchester encoding
·  Mandelbrot set
·  mark-sweep garbage collection
·  Mask Read-Only Memory
·  massage
·  MB
·  mbps
·  MCP-1600
·  mcvax
·  megabits per second
·  meme plague
·  Memory Management Unit
·  memory protection
·  Messaging Application Programming Interface
·  meta bit
·  metafile
·  metaphone
·  Met-English
·  Micro Channel Architecture
·  microcode
·  microprocessor
·  Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
·  minicomputer
·  minus
·  minus infinity
·  MIPS R4000
·  MIPS Technologies, Inc.
·  ML Kit
·  moby
·  mode bit
·  modem
·  Modified Frequency Modulation
·  modulo operator
·  monochrome
·  Most Significant Bit
·  Motorola 14500B
·  Motorola 68000
·  Motorola 6801
·  Motorola 68020
·  Motorola 68030
·  Motorola 68060
·  Motorola 6809
·  MPC Level 1 Specification
·  MPC Level 2 Specification
·  MPEG-2.5 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 Low Sampling Frequencies Extention
·  MPEG-4 Harmonics, individual lines and noise
·  MPEG-4 Harmonic Vector eXCitation
·  MSB
·  MswLogo
·  Mule
·  multicast addressing
·  Multiple Virtual Storage
·  Multiprotocol Label Switching
·  mumble
·  munchkin
·  nadger
·  nasal demons
·  National Research and Education Network
·  natural deduction
·  NetBSD
·  netmask
·  Netware Input/Output Subsystem
·  network
·  network, the
·  New Jersey
·  New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork
·  nibble
·  Nibble Mode DRAM
·  nickle
·  noddy
·  noise shaping
·  nondeterministic
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  Not-a-Number
·  NoteCards
·  Nova
·  Novell NetWare
·  Objective CAML
·  Object Linking and Embedding
·  Occam' s Razor
·  octal
·  octet
·  -oid
·  ones complement
·  one-way hash function
·  operation code
·  Optical Carrier 12
·  Optical Carrier 3
·  Optical Carrier 48
·  Optical Carrier n
·  optical fibre
·  optimism
·  Opus
·  Orbit
·  Ousterhout' s dichotomy
·  outline font
·  out-of-band
·  overflow bit
·  P1754
·  Packard Bell Electronics, Inc.
·  Packed Encoding Rules
·  Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  paging
·  Paintbrush
·  Palace
·  parallel port
·  Parallel Virtual Machine
·  parity
·  parity bit
·  parity error
·  password
·  patch space
·  PC Pursuit
·  PDP-10
·  Pentium
·  Pentium II
·  Pentium Pro
·  Peripheral Component Interconnect
·  phase of the moon
·  physical addressing
·  picture element
·  pixmap
·  plaid screen
·  Plan 9
·  playte
·  Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
·  PL/I
·  plotter
·  Point-to-Point Protocol
·  Portable Network Graphics
·  Portable Pixmap
·  PostScript
·  PowerBuilder
·  PowerPC
·  PowerPC 601
·  precedence lossage
·  prefix
·  presence detect
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  prime time
·  Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  progressive coding
·  Prospero
·  protocol
·  Public Switched Telephone Network
·  pull media
·  punched card
·  push media
·  Python
·  Q
·  quad
·  Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
·  quadruple bucky
·  quantum cell
·  quantum computer
·  quarter
·  rabbit job
·  Rambus DRAM
·  random
·  Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter
·  randomness
·  random testing
·  raster blaster
·  raster font
·  Raster Image Processor
·  raw mode
·  RC4
·  RCA 1802
·  record
·  Reduced Instruction Set Computer
·  register
·  Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem
·  rendering
·  replicator
·  restriction
·  Return To Zero
·  RiscPC
·  Rockwell Protocol Interface
·  runic
·  run-length encoding
·  Run Length Limited
·  Rx
·  SA-110
·  salt
·  Scalable Coherent Interface
·  Scheme
·  Scheme Library
·  schroedinbug
·  SC/MP
·  scratch monkey
·  screen saver
·  scribble
·  scrolling
·  SCSI-2
·  SCSI-3
·  SDS 92
·  sector mapping
·  Secure Shell
·  Security Association ID
·  segmentation
·  segmented address space
·  Seiko RC-4000
·  senior bit
·  sequential coding
·  serialise
·  serial line
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  serial port
·  server-parsed HTML
·  set associative cache
·  shar
·  simulated annealing
·  Sinclair Research
·  Single Electron Tunneling Technology
·  SkipJack
·  slop
·  Small Outline DIMM
·  Smalltalk
·  smurf
·  snail mail
·  software patent
·  software rot
·  source of all good bits
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  SPARCsystem 4
·  SPARC Xterminal 1
·  Spectral Band Replication
·  sprite
·  SSE-2
·  start bit
·  state
·  static random access memory
·  steganography
·  sticky bit
·  stop bit
·  string
·  StrongARM
·  studly
·  studlycaps
·  subband encoding
·  suit
·  sum
·  sunspots
·  SuperJanet
·  superuser
·  Super Video Graphics Array
·  symbolic inference
·  Synchronous Data Link Control
·  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
·  Synchronous Optical NETwork
·  syntax
·  Syntax-Case
·  System/360
·  System/370
·  T1
·  T3
·  Tagged Image File Format
·  Tangible User Interface
·  targa
·  Targa Graphics Adaptor
·  tayste
·  T-carrier system
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  teletypewriter
·  T-gen
·  thin client
·  This time, for sure!
·  Thumb
·  tilde
·  time T
·  tired iron
·  TK-90X
·  toaster
·  toggle
·  token ring
·  topic drift
·  TOS
·  Towers of Hanoi
·  toy
·  TP/IX
·  transparent audio coding
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  triple DES
·  trit
·  true colour
·  Turing test
·  twiddle
·  two-binary, one-quaternary
·  twos complement
·  two-to-the-N
·  UCS transformation format
·  uemacs
·  Ultra-SCSI
·  underflow
·  Unicode
·  Uniface
·  Universal Character Set
·  universal thunk
·  UnixWare
·  user name
·  UTF-8
·  uuencode
·  V.22bis
·  V.23
·  V.32
·  V.32bis
·  V.34
·  V.35
·  vadding
·  vampire tap
·  vaxism
·  vector graphics
·  vertical encoding
·  Vertical Redundancy Check
·  Very Large Memory
·  V.FC
·  VIC-20
·  video memory
·  video random access memory
·  Vietnamese
·  virtual 86 mode
·  Virtual LAN
·  virtual shredder
·  Virtual Storage Extended
·  Visual Display Unit
·  wabbit
·  wango
·  washing machine
·  Watcom C/C++
·  wavelength division multiplexing
·  webcasting
·  whalesong
·  wheel
·  wheel bit
·  Wide SCSI
·  Win32
·  Win32s
·  Windows 95
·  Windows CE
·  Windows for Workgroups
·  window shopping
·  Windows NT
·  wireless bitmap
·  word
·  word size
·  wormhole routing
·  write-only memory
·  xbm
·  Xemacs
·  Xerox Data Systems Model 940
·  XPL
·  XSB
·  X server
·  XT bus architecture
·  X Window System
·  xyzzy
·  yoyo mode
·  Z180
·  Zermelo set theory
·  zero
·  Zilog
·  Zilog Z280
·  Zilog Z8000
·  Zilog Z80000
·  broadcast quality video
·  FreeBSD
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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