
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Burg

Results in the term's title:

·  Burge' s Language
·  Edinburgh Multi Access System
·  Edinburgh Prolog
·  Edinburgh SML
·  Iburg

Results in the term's text:

·  Alice
·  amateur packet radio
·  ASL+
·  Baroque
·  Burge' s Language
·  Carnegie Mellon University
·  C++Linda
·  Cogent Prolog
·  Concurrent Massey Hope
·  Echidna
·  Edinburgh Prolog
·  EdML
·  Eiffel source checker
·  Extended ML
·  Fox Software
·  Hope
·  Iburg
·  IMProved Mercury autocode
·  Lisp-Linda
·  Lisp Machine
·  LML
·  Logic for Computable Functions
·  Marseille Prolog
·  memo function
·  metalanguage
·  Micro Interpreter for Knowledge Engineering
·  ML
·  ML Kit
·  ML-Linda
·  Mosaic
·  Moscow ML
·  Multipop-68
·  Nuprl
·  Oblog
·  paraML
·  Pascal-Linda
·  Pascal/R
·  Pleuk grammar development system
·  POP-1
·  POP-2
·  Programming Language/Cornell
·  Prolog
·  Prolog-2
·  Prolog-Linda
·  recursive descent parser
·  rl
·  Scheme-Linda
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  Skel-ML
·  Sniff
·  Sticks&Stones
·  supercombinators
·  SWI-Prolog
·  tail recursion modulo cons
·  Tbl
·  Vint Cerf


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