
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: CIL

Results in the term's title:

·  Cecil
·  CIL
·  Facile
·  Federal Networking Council
·  Host Command Facility
·  Information Engineering Facility
·  Interactive System Productivity Facility
·  LISP Extended Algebraic Facility
·  Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility
·  OLAP Council
·  pencil and paper
·  Print Services Facility
·  Resource Access Control Facility
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  Transaction Processing Facility

Results in the term's text:

·  1802
·  6501
·  A&B
·  Advanced Function Presentation
·  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
·  Advantage Gen
·  Analytical Solutions Forum
·  Auto Idle
·  Avalon/C++
·  awk
·  backup software
·  bar code
·  Basic Language for Implementation of System Software
·  BioMeDical Package
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  Bletchley Park
·  branch to Fishkill
·  brochureware
·  btoa
·  B-Toolkit
·  bwBASIC
·  Byzantine
·  Camelot Library
·  cathode ray tube
·  Cecil
·  chain
·  checkpoint
·  CLP(R)
·  CO2
·  Common Intermediate Language
·  communication system
·  compact
·  Component Integration Laboratories
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  Computer Mediated Communication
·  consultant
·  continuous wave
·  cookie file
·  Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
·  cross software
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  cut a tape
·  C with Classes
·  data hierarchy
·  data service unit
·  device independent bitmap
·  Direct Memory Access
·  directory service
·  disk operating system
·  Early PL/I
·  Eric S. Raymond
·  European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH
·  expansion card
·  extranet
·  Facile
·  FAD
·  feedback
·  flavour
·  FNC
·  frobnicate
·  Frobozz Magic Programming Language
·  FunnelWeb
·  gamma correction
·  Godwin' s Law
·  Goedel
·  hacker ethic
·  Hacking X for Y
·  HCF
·  heartbeat
·  High Performance Computing and Communications
·  history
·  hot swapping
·  IBM 701
·  input/output redirection
·  Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
·  Intel Corporation
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  Internet Society
·  Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
·  Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  Lincoln Reckoner
·  LISP 2
·  Listserv
·  load balancing
·  MacLisp
·  macro
·  Macro SAP
·  Magic Switch Story
·  McCulloch-Pitts neuron
·  MicroEmacs
·  Microsoft Access
·  minicomputer
·  Modula-2
·  Moscow ML
·  MOS Technologies
·  Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group
·  Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers
·  Multimedia Personal Computer
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  National Science Foundation Network
·  New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork
·  O2
·  Oaklisp
·  Obfuscated C Contest
·  ObjectCenter
·  object-oriented database
·  OMF
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  Open Distributed System Architecture
·  OpenDoc
·  Open Scripting Architecture
·  operating system
·  Optical Mark Reader
·  Orange Book
·  Parallel Sysplex
·  PDP-10
·  pencil and paper
·  plumbing
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  PSF
·  QL
·  RealAudio
·  replication
·  Riordan' s Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail
·  Run-Time Type Information
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  search-and-destroy mode
·  server-side include
·  SimCity 2000
·  socket
·  Software Verification Research Centre
·  SQL
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  static database management system
·  stone knives and bearskins
·  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
·  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
·  T1
·  T3
·  Taxis
·  T-carrier system
·  Terminal Productivity eXecutive
·  The Microsoft Network
·  TMG
·  toolbar
·  top-level domain
·  TPF
·  Transport Layer Interface
·  type-ahead
·  UFO
·  University of London Computing Centre
·  V.90
·  ViewPoints
·  VisiCalc /vi' zi-calk/
·  Visual Display Unit
·  Watcom VX*REXX
·  wavetable
·  wiggles
·  Wild_LIFE
·  Windows 3.0
·  Windows CE
·  windows messaging
·  word processor
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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