
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Classes

Results in the term's title:

·  C with Classes
·  Internet Foundation Classes
·  Microsoft Foundation Classes

Results in the term's text:

·  abstract class
·  Abstract Window Toolkit
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  antivirus software
·  Arjuna
·  Business Application Programming Interface
·  C++
·  C+-
·  chmod
·  class
·  class hierarchy
·  Classless Inter-Domain Routing
·  C with Classes
·  design pattern
·  dynamic binding
·  Eiffel
·  Ellie
·  encryption
·  equivalence class
·  Extended C++
·  fourth generation computer
·  Friend
·  functional database
·  George Boole
·  Gofer
·  gopher
·  Hungarian Notation
·  IFC
·  [incr Tcl]
·  inheritance
·  Internet Foundation Classes
·  Isabelle
·  Jade
·  Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
·  Java Run-Time Environment
·  Kamin' s interpreters
·  KEE
·  Kevo
·  Lace
·  Liana
·  Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms
·  Loglan' 82
·  Metaclass
·  method
·  Microsoft Foundation Classes
·  multiple inheritance
·  Neon
·  .NET framework
·  Netware Directory Services
·  Oaklisp
·  Objective Modula-2
·  object-oriented design
·  ObjVlisp
·  ObjVProlog
·  ontology
·  Pascal Plus
·  pattern recognition
·  polylithism
·  projective plane
·  Python
·  real number
·  Rockwell Protocol Interface
·  Ruby
·  Sather
·  SCSI-2
·  SCSI-3
·  signature
·  simplex method
·  software
·  Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
·  spaghetti inheritance
·  SRC Modula-3
·  subject
·  type
·  variable
·  Visual Component Library
·  -ware
·  well-ordered set
·  Xv++
·  Zuse


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