
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: DEL

Results in the term's title:

·  Algorithmic Model
·  Analogy Model
·  ANSI/SPARC model
·  Benoit B. Mandelbrot
·  Benoit Mandelbrot
·  bottom-up model
·  branch delay slot
·  Capabilities Maturity Model
·  Capability Maturity Model
·  client-server model
·  color model
·  colour model
·  Common Information Model
·  Common Object Model
·  Component Object Model
·  condela
·  Constructive Cost Model
·  Inhalt Data Model
·  Continuous System Modeling Program
·  data model
·  data modeling
·  data modelling
·  Delaunay triangulation
·  delayed control-transfer
·  delay instruction
·  delay slot
·  delete
·  delimiter
·  delint
·  Delirium
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  Dell Computer Corporation
·  Delphi
·  Delphi Technique
·  Delta
·  delta
·  Delta-4
·  delta conversion
·  Delta-Prolog
·  delta reduction
·  Distributed Component Object Model
·  Document Object Model
·  Domain Architecture Model
·  domain model
·  electron model
·  entity-relationship model
·  Expert Judgement Models
·  Formal Object Role Modeling Language
·  forward delta
·  Gödel, Kurt
·  GNU Network Object Model Environment
·  Goedel
·  Handel
·  hole model
·  Hopfield model
·  Integrated Modelling Support Environment
·  ISO seven layer model
·  magnetostrictive delay line
·  major delivery
·  Mandelbrot, Benoit
·  Mandelbrot set
·  mandelbug
·  Markov model
·  mercury delay line
·  model
·  model checking
·  modeling
·  modelling
·  Modelsim
·  Model View Controller
·  Object Modelling Technique
·  Object Role Modeling
·  OSI Model
·  OSI Reference Model
·  OSI seven layer model
·  psychedelicware
·  Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling
·  relational data model
·  relational model
·  seven layer model
·  Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling
·  Solution Based Modelling
·  spiral model
·  Standard for the exchange of product model data
·  strudel
·  Top-Down Model
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  Virtual Reality Modeling Language
·  Waterfall Model
·  Windows NT Network Model
·  within delta of
·  working set model
·  Xerox Data Systems Model 530
·  Xerox Data Systems Model 940

Results in the term's text:

·  16-bit application
·  32-bit application
·  65816
·  A3D
·  abstract machine
·  Act3
·  Actors
·  Adaline
·  Address Resolution Protocol
·  Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
·  Advanced Network Systems Architecture
·  Advantage Gen
·  agent
·  Alan Turing
·  Alfl
·  ALgorIthmic ASsembly language
·  Algorithmic Model
·  amateur packet radio
·  Amber
·  AMD 29000
·  analogue computer
·  Andrew Tanenbaum
·  annulled branch
·  ANSI/SPARC Architecture
·  applet
·  application layer
·  Application Protocol Data Unit
·  Application Service Element
·  application service provider
·  ARM710
·  artificial intelligence
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  ASCIIbonics
·  asynchronous logic
·  ATA-4
·  Attributed File System
·  Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
·  A/UX
·  Axiomatic Architecture Description Language
·  axiomatic set theory
·  Axiom of Choice
·  Bachman
·  back door
·  backing store
·  backspace
·  backup
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  balanced tree
·  bare metal
·  Basic Encoding Rules
·  Basic Object System
·  Basic Rate Interface
·  baz
·  BBN Butterfly
·  BeBox
·  egin
·  Benoit B. Mandelbrot
·  Benoit Mandelbrot
·  Berkeley EDIF200
·  Berkeley Software Distribution
·  best effort
·  beta testing
·  Bezier
·  Bigloo
·  bit bang
·  bit bucket
·  bitmap display
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  block
·  block-structured
·  bmp
·  Bohr bug
·  Booch method
·  Boolean algebra
·  Booster
·  Borland Software Corporation
·  bounce
·  Bourne shell
·  boxed comments
·  bracket
·  Brain Aid Prolog
·  brain-damaged
·  branch delay slot
·  break
·  brightness
·  Broadway
·  broket
·  busy-wait
·  button
·  bwBASIC
·  by hand
·  C+@
·  Calculus of Communicating Systems
·  call-by-need
·  Capabilities Maturity Model
·  capability
·  Capability Maturity Model
·  cat
·  CCITT HIgh-Level Language
·  CDM
·  Cecil
·  Celeron
·  CEll Space Simulation Language
·  central processing unit
·  chad box
·  chain
·  CIM
·  CIRcuit CALculus
·  Class-Relation Method
·  Clean
·  client-server
·  C-Linda
·  clock
·  clone
·  CLP(R)
·  CMM
·  coded character set
·  Code-Generator Generator Language
·  coefficient of X
·  cognitive architecture
·  color model
·  colour
·  colour model
·  Columbia AppleTalk Package
·  COM
·  comment out
·  commercial at
·  COmmon Business Oriented Language
·  Common Command Set
·  Common Management Information Services
·  Common Object Model
·  Common Object Request Broker Architecture
·  Communications Decency Act
·  communications software
·  Component Object Model
·  compress
·  Computer Graphics Metafile
·  con
·  Concrete Data Structure
·  concrete syntax
·  condela
·  Conference On DAta SYstems Languages
·  ConflictNet
·  connection-oriented
·  connection-oriented network service
·  connector conspiracy
·  Constraint Handling In Prolog
·  Constructive Cost Model
·  contention slot
·  Continuous System Modeling Program
·  Continuous System Simulation Language
·  control code
·  cooked mode
·  copy and paste
·  Core War
·  C preprocessor
·  creationism
·  crippleware
·  CSK Software
·  CyberGlove
·  cybernetics
·  cyberpunk
·  cyberspace
·  Darwin
·  database analyst
·  Data definition language
·  data hierarchy
·  Datakit
·  dataless management utility
·  data link layer
·  Data Manipulation Language
·  data model
·  data modeling
·  data modelling
·  DCL
·  DDT
·  Debian
·  DECmate I
·  Delaunay triangulation
·  delayed control-transfer
·  delay instruction
·  delay slot
·  delete
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  Dell Computer Corporation
·  Delphi
·  Delta
·  delta
·  delta conversion
·  Delta-Prolog
·  delta reduction
·  Desktop Management Interface
·  Desktop Management Task Force
·  destructor
·  digital carrier
·  Digital Control System
·  Digital Simulation Language
·  dike
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  dirty power
·  Discordianism
·  discrete cosine transform
·  display hack
·  Distributed Component Object Model
·  DOM
·  Domain Analysis
·  domain architecture
·  Domain Architecture Model
·  domain engineering
·  domain model
·  domain-specific language
·  domain theory
·  DOS/360
·  DOS requester
·  double quote
·  DSI
·  DSM
·  dual-homed
·  dup killer
·  Dynamic Data Exchange
·  Dynamic HTML
·  Edward Yourdon
·  EER
·  E. F. Codd
·  EIA-423
·  electronic mail
·  electronic mail address
·  electron model
·  elevator controller
·  Ellie
·  Elvis
·  EMBLA Pro
·  End Of Line
·  English
·  entity-relationship diagram
·  entity-relationship model
·  EOU
·  epsilon
·  equational logic
·  erase
·  ERC
·  European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH
·  evolutionary computation
·  evolutionary programming
·  Expert Judgement Models
·  expert system
·  Express
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  extranet
·  farming
·  feeping creaturism
·  fence
·  Fiber Distributed Data Interface
·  Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
·  film at 11
·  fish
·  flame
·  flame on
·  Flash
·  flush
·  font
·  Foonly
·  Foresight
·  fork bomb
·  Formal Description Technique
·  for The Rest Of Us
·  Fortran
·  forward delta
·  fractal
·  fragmentation
·  Free Software Foundation
·  full-motion video
·  Fun
·  FunnelWeb
·  fuzzy logic
·  fx
·  Garnet
·  Gödel, Kurt
·  Gensym Corporation
·  Glish
·  Global System for Mobile Communications
·  GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction
·  GNU archive site
·  Godwin' s Law
·  Goedel
·  gopher
·  gp
·  Graphical Kernel System
·  Graph-Oriented Object Database
·  green card
·  green lightning
·  gry
·  hacker ethic
·  Hackintosh
·  hack mode
·  Halt and Catch Fire
·  Hamming code
·  hard link
·  head normalisation theorem
·  heisenbug
·  hierarchical database
·  Hierarchical Data Format
·  history
·  Hitachi 6309
·  hole
·  hole model
·  Hopfield network
·  hosed
·  HPL
·  hue
·  hue, saturation, brightness
·  hue, saturation, value
·  Hunt the Wumpus
·  HyperBase
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  IBM compatible
·  Icon
·  Idealized CSP
·  Information Innovation
·  Information Processing Language
·  Information Resource Management
·  instruction scheduling
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel 80386
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  Interactive CourseWare
·  International Organization for Standardization
·  Internet
·  Internet Message Access Protocol
·  Internet Open Trading Protocol
·  Internet Protocol
·  Internet Protocol version 6
·  Internet Registry
·  inter-packet gap
·  Iperf
·  Iron Age
·  Ivan Sutherland
·  Java archive
·  Java Message Service
·  KAP
·  Ken Thompson
·  Kernel Parlog
·  Kevo
·  Keyboard Send Receive
·  kibibyte
·  Knowledge Systems Laboratory
·  Kvikkalkul
·  Lasherism
·  legal
·  lifted domain
·  Linda
·  line editor
·  line noise
·  lint
·  Listserv
·  live data
·  load
·  Lorenz attractor
·  LTR
·  LTR3
·  Macintosh II
·  Macintosh Operating System
·  Macromedia
·  magic bullet
·  magic cookie
·  magnetostrictive delay line
·  mail
·  mail exploder
·  mail user agent
·  maintenance
·  major release
·  Management Information Base
·  Mandelbrot, Benoit
·  Mandelbrot set
·  mandelbug
·  Markov
·  Markov chain
·  Markov model
·  Mars
·  MAS
·  MD
·  MDL
·  mercury delay line
·  Mesa
·  Message Transfer Agent
·  Messaging Application Programming Interface
·  meta
·  Metadata
·  methodology
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems
·  Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
·  Microsoft Excel
·  MicroStation
·  milliLampson
·  misfeature
·  ML
·  mnemonic
·  moby
·  modal
·  mode
·  model
·  model checking
·  modeling
·  modelling
·  Modelsim
·  Model View Controller
·  Modula-3
·  Moscow ML
·  Motorola 68020
·  Motorola 68030
·  mouse mat
·  mu
·  multiple perspective software development
·  Multi-Version Concurrency Control
·  MVC
·  nanofortnight
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  Natural Language Information Analysis Method
·  Nerd pride
·  netburp
·  .NET framework
·  NetHack
·  netlag
·  network
·  network layer
·  network management
·  network redirector
·  nonlinear
·  Non-Uniform Rational B Spline
·  non-volatile storage
·  norm
·  Nova
·  Novell DOS
·  nude
·  stealthportal
·  Object Constraint Language
·  Objective Modula-2
·  object-oriented database
·  object-oriented design
·  Object Role Modeling
·  ObjVlisp
·  ObjVProlog
·  Obliq
·  oblique stroke
·  OMT
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  Open Distributed Processing
·  Open Graphics Library
·  open source
·  Open Systems Interconnection
·  Orange Book
·  ORM
·  pager
·  Paradox
·  Paralation
·  Paralation LISP
·  Parallel C
·  Parallel Fortran
·  parm
·  Partial Differential Equation LANguage
·  partitioned data set
·  PDP-10
·  PDP-11
·  PDP-6
·  Pegasus
·  Pentium
·  Peter Chen
·  Petri net
·  phase alternating line
·  Phong shading
·  physical layer
·  ping
·  pipeline break
·  plaid screen
·  PL/I
·  polymorphic lambda-calculus
·  Portable Commodore 64
·  Port Address Translation
·  post
·  posted write-through
·  PowerPC
·  preox
·  precedence lossage
·  prepaging
·  presentation layer
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  pretty pictures
·  Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language
·  processor farm
·  Program Composition Notation
·  Program Evaluation and Review Technique
·  Programmable Array Logic
·  Prolog
·  Prolog-II
·  Pronunciation
·  Protocol Data Unit
·  protocol layer
·  protocol stack
·  prototyping
·  PS/2
·  pSather
·  psychedelicware
·  Ptolemy
·  Public Switched Telephone Network
·  puff
·  pull media
·  push media
·  quality of service
·  Quarter Inch Cartridge
·  Quest
·  random-access memory
·  rapid prototyping
·  ray tracing
·  real number
·  Real Time Streaming Protocol
·  real-time structured analysis
·  Real-Time Transport Protocol
·  record
·  Red Book
·  reduction
·  Regina
·  register dancing
·  relational algebra
·  relational database
·  relational data model
·  relational model
·  Reliable Data Protocol
·  Remote Job Entry
·  remote login
·  Remote Operations Service Element
·  Remote Procedure Call
·  rendering
·  Request For Comments
·  Resource Description Framework
·  retrocomputing
·  RFC 1445
·  RISC System/6000
·  robot
·  Rockwell Protocol Interface
·  ROOM Methodology
·  round-trip time
·  SAL
·  samurai
·  SBM
·  Scalable Coherent Interface
·  Schlaer-Mellor
·  schroedinbug
·  scratch
·  SCSI-3
·  SCSI reconnect
·  SDM
·  SDS 92
·  SDS 940
·  second generation computer
·  security through obscurity
·  Self
·  semiconductor
·  session layer
·  shell
·  Silver Book
·  Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
·  simulation
·  Sinclair Research
·  single quote
·  single sourcing
·  singleton variable
·  Skel-ML
·  sleep
·  Slingshot
·  Smalltalk
·  Smalltalk-80
·  Smalltalk/V
·  Smart Battery Data
·  SMG
·  SNAFU principle
·  snail mail
·  Socket 370
·  software engineering
·  software interrupt
·  software life-cycle
·  Software Methodology
·  software patent
·  SOL
·  SOM
·  Sound Blaster
·  SP/2
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  SPARCStation
·  SPARCstation 20
·  SPARCsystem 4
·  Spatial Technologies
·  Spec
·  spiffy
·  spiral model
·  spool
·  Sprintnet
·  Squeak
·  SRC Modula-3
·  Standard Widget Toolkit
·  state
·  Sticks&Stones
·  sticky bit
·  Stone Age
·  Strand
·  streaming
·  subject
·  Sun-3 Workstation
·  super minicomputer
·  support
·  Switched Multimegabit Data Service
·  System/360
·  System/370
·  System Management Bus
·  Systems Network Architecture
·  Système International d' Units
·  tall card
·  Tangible User Interface
·  Tape Operating System
·  Technical/Office Protocol
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  teledildonics
·  tensor product
·  theory
·  thin client
·  TK-90X
·  T. Kohonen
·  top-level domain
·  TOS
·  toy problem
·  TPL
·  TrackPoint
·  Transport Driver Interface
·  transport layer
·  Transport Layer Interface
·  trigger
·  troff
·  TRS-80
·  Turbo C
·  tweening
·  UCS transformation format
·  UML
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  Unique ID Listing
·  Universal algebra
·  Universal Serial Bus
·  University of Pennsylvania
·  Upper Layer Protocol
·  URL redirection
·  User Datagram Protocol
·  Use the Source Luke
·  Variational Graphics eXtended
·  VCC filtering
·  veeblefetzer
·  verbage
·  Very Large Database
·  V.FC
·  video dial tone
·  Vienna Development Method Specification Language
·  ViewPoints
·  Vint Cerf
·  virtual connection
·  Virtual LAN
·  virus
·  visible bell
·  VisiCalc /vi' zi-calk/
·  Visual BASIC
·  Visual Component Library
·  Visual Display Unit
·  Visual Interface
·  VMEbus
·  VML
·  Voronoi diagram
·  Voters Telecommunications Watch
·  voxel
·  Vulcan nerve pinch
·  wait state
·  walking drives
·  wallpaper
·  wannabee
·  -ware
·  Watcom C/C++
·  Waterfall Model
·  Weak Head Normal Form
·  weasel
·  Web-Based Enterprise Management
·  webcasting
·  Web Request Broker
·  Weenix
·  well-behaved
·  wheel wars
·  wi-fi
·  wiki
·  Windows NT Network Model
·  within delta of
·  womb box
·  word processor
·  working set
·  X2
·  X.400
·  xbeeb
·  XDS 530
·  XDS 940
·  Xerox Network System
·  Xilinx Netlist Format
·  Xpress Transport Protocol
·  Year 2000
·  YTalk
·  Z
·  Z3
·  zigamorph
·  Zip Drive
·  ZX Spectrum
·  brute force
·  Graphical User Interface
·  JavaScript


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