
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Go

Results in the term's title:

·  ALGOL 58
·  ALGOL 60
·  ALGOL 60 Modified
·  ALGOL 60 Revised
·  ALGOL 68
·  ALGOL 68C
·  ALGOL 68-R
·  ALGOL 68 Revised
·  ALGOL 68S
·  algorithim
·  algorithm
·  ALgorithm DEScription
·  ALgorIthmic ASsembly language
·  Algorithmic Language
·  Algorithmic Model
·  Algorithmic Processor Description Language
·  Algorithmic Test Case Generation
·  anytime algorithm
·  approximation algorithm
·  autobogotiphobia
·  bells, whistles, and gongs
·  Berkeley Logo
·  bigot
·  bogometer
·  BogoMips
·  bogon
·  bogon filter
·  bogon flux
·  bogosity
·  bogo-sort
·  bogotify
·  cargo cult programming
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  category
·  Category 3
·  Category 5
·  Chicago
·  Codd' s reduction algorithm
·  COMmon Algorithmic Language
·  Data Encryption Algorithm
·  demigod
·  Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
·  dragon
·  Dragon Book
·  egosurfing
·  ergonomic
·  ergonomics
·  ERGO-Shell
·  Euclidean Algorithm
·  Euclid' s Algorithm
·  evolutionary algorithm
·  exponential-time algorithm
·  Extended ALGOL
·  fandango on core
·  foogol
·  Formula ALGOL
·  Frege, Gottlob
·  Gargoyle
·  genetic algorithm
·  genetic algorithms
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  Go
·  goal
·  Go Back N
·  gobble
·  Godwin' s Law
·  Godzillagram
·  Goedel
·  go-faster stripes
·  Gofer
·  Goffin
·  go flatline
·  GO-GO
·  go gold
·  GOL
·  golden
·  golf ball printer
·  GOM
·  gonk
·  gonkulator
·  Good Thing
·  Google
·  googol
·  googolplex
·  gopher
·  Gopher client
·  Gopher object type
·  Gopherspace
·  gorets
·  gorilla arm
·  go root
·  gorp
·  Gosling, James
·  Gosperism
·  gotcha
·  goto
·  Gottlob Frege
·  gov
·  Government OSI Profile
·  go voice
·  Graph Algorithm and Software Package
·  Graphic ALGOL
·  Haskell User' s Gofer System
·  Imago Europe plc
·  Imago On-line
·  International Data Encryption Algorithm
·  Internet Go Server
·  James Gosling
·  Jargon File
·  Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms
·  Lingo
·  logon
·  maggotbox
·  mango
·  Mbogo, Dr. Fred
·  memetic algorithm
·  Michigan Algorithm Decoder
·  Mongolian Hordes technique
·  MswLogo
·  net.god
·  NetLingo
·  non-algorithmic procedure
·  ObjectLOGO
·  orthogonal
·  orthogonal instruction set
·  Paragon
·  Pedagogic Algorithmic Language
·  petdingo
·  polygon pusher
·  polynomial-time algorithm
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  Pythagoras
·  Pythagoras' Theorem
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  Recursive Functional Algorithmic Language
·  replacement algorithm
·  Revised ALGOL 60
·  Secure Hash Algorithm
·  source of all good bits
·  spanning tree algorithm
·  Squiggol
·  Turingol
·  Voronoi polygon
·  wango
·  Yellow Book, Jargon

Results in the term's text:

·  100BaseTX
·  100BaseVG
·  120 reset
·  1TBS
·  2
·  2.PAK
·  3DO
·  8N1
·  abbrev
·  ABC
·  abstract syntax
·  accounting management
·  Account Representative
·  accumulator
·  ACK
·  acronym
·  actor/singer/waiter/webmaster
·  Ada++
·  Adam7
·  adaptive learning
·  Adaptive Simulated Annealing
·  Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding
·  ad-hockery
·  adjacency
·  Administration Management Domain
·  admissible
·  Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program
·  Advanced Encryption Standard
·  Advanced Intelligent Tape
·  Advanced Power Management
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  aeroplane rule
·  aggregator
·  AI-complete
·  AI koan
·  A-language
·  Algebraic Logic Functional language
·  ALGOL 58
·  ALGOL 60
·  ALGOL 60 Modified
·  ALGOL 60 Revised
·  ALGOL 68
·  ALGOL 68C
·  ALGOL 68-R
·  ALGOL 68 Revised
·  ALGOL 68S
·  algorithim
·  algorithm
·  ALgorithm DEScription
·  Algorithmic Language
·  Algorithmic Model
·  Algorithmic Processor Description Language
·  aliasing
·  all-elbows
·  alpha/beta pruning
·  alt
·  alt bit
·  Aluminum Book
·  AMD
·  Amoeba
·  amp off
·  anchor
·  Andrew Fluegelman
·  angry fruit salad
·  ANL
·  annoybot
·  ANSI Z39.50
·  anti-aliasing
·  anytime algorithm
·  ao
·  AOS
·  Apache
·  APE
·  approximation algorithm
·  A Programming Language
·  archie
·  archive site
·  arena
·  ARM7
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  asbestos
·  asbestos cork award
·  asbestos longjohns
·  ASCII art
·  ASCIIbetical order
·  A* search
·  A Simulation Process-Oriented Language
·  assignment
·  assignment problem
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  asterix
·  Atlas Autocode
·  atob
·  atomic
·  attoparsec
·  aubergine
·  autobogotiphobia
·  autoconfiscate
·  automagically
·  Automated Engineering Design
·  Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
·  automaton
·  A/UX
·  avatar
·  average seek time
·  awk
·  axiomatic set theory
·  ba
·  Baby AT
·  backbone cabal
·  backbone site
·  back door
·  backgammon
·  background
·  backoff
·  back-propagation
·  backronym
·  backtracking
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  backward chaining
·  backward combatability
·  backward compatibility
·  BAD
·  Bad Thing
·  balanced computing
·  balanced tree
·  bamf
·  banana label
·  banana problem
·  bandwidth
·  bang
·  bang on
·  banner
·  bar
·  bare metal
·  barfmail
·  barfulation
·  barney
·  Baroque
·  baroque
·  base 64
·  base memory
·  Basic Language for Implementation of System Software
·  bathtub curve
·  baud barf
·  Baudotbetical order
·  bay
·  baz
·  BBN Butterfly
·  BBN Technologies
·  beam
·  beam search
·  bear paw
·  @Begin
·  egin
·  bells and whistles
·  bells, whistles, and gongs
·  benchmark
·  BeOS
·  Berkeley Logo
·  Berkeley Quality Software
·  berklix
·  Berzerkeley
·  best first search
·  Best Fit
·  beta
·  Betamaxed
·  beta testing
·  Bezier curve
·  Bezier surface
·  bgh
·  bible
·  biff
·  big-endian
·  Big Gray Wall
·  big iron
·  bignum
·  bigot
·  Big Room
·  big win
·  binary exponential backoff
·  binary search
·  BinHex
·  BinProlog
·  Bird-Meertens Formalism
·  bit
·  bit bang
·  bit bashing
·  bitblt
·  bit bucket
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit rate
·  bit rot
·  bit twiddling
·  bixie
·  black art
·  black box
·  black hole
·  black magic
·  blargh
·  blast
·  blat
·  bleam
·  bletcherous
·  Bletchley Park
·  blinkenlights
·  blit
·  blitter
·  blivet
·  bloatware
·  block-structured
·  block transfer computations
·  Bloggs Family, the
·  blow an EPROM
·  blow away
·  blowing your buffer
·  blow out
·  blow past
·  blow up
·  BLT
·  Blue Book
·  blue dot syndrome
·  blue wire
·  blurgle
·  B-Method
·  BNF
·  boa
·  boat anchor
·  Bobo the Webmonkey
·  BOF
·  bogometer
·  BogoMips
·  bogon
·  bogon filter
·  bogon flux
·  bogosity
·  bogo-sort
·  bogotify
·  bogue out
·  Bohr bug
·  boink
·  bomb
·  bondage-and-discipline language
·  bonk/oif
·  bookmark
·  book titles
·  bootstrap
·  borf
·  bottom-up implementation
·  bounce
·  bounce message
·  box
·  boxed comments
·  boxen
·  Boxer
·  boxology
·  bozotic
·  bracket abstraction
·  brain-damaged
·  brain dump
·  brain fart
·  Brainfuck
·  branch prediction
·  branch to Fishkill
·  bread crumbs
·  breadth first search
·  break
·  break-even point
·  breath-of-life packet
·  Brilliant
·  bring X to its knees
·  British Library Method
·  brittle
·  broadcast storm
·  Broadway
·  brochureware
·  broken arrow
·  broket
·  Brooks' s Law
·  BRS
·  brute force and ignorance
·  btoa
·  B-Toolkit
·  B-tree
·  bubble sort
·  buffer
·  buffer overflow
·  bug-compatible
·  bug-for-bug compatible
·  bulletin board system
·  bulletproof
·  bum
·  burble
·  buried treasure
·  burn-in period
·  busy-wait
·  buzz
·  BWQ
·  by hand
·  byte
·  bytesexual
·  Byzantine
·  bzzzt, wrong
·  C
·  (c)
·  C*
·  C+-
·  C+@
·  C-10
·  cache
·  Calc
·  callback
·  call-by-name
·  call-by-reference
·  candygrammar
·  canonical
·  canonicity
·  can' t happen
·  Cantor
·  cardinality
·  card walloper
·  Career Limiting Move
·  careware
·  cargo cult programming
·  Carl Friedrich Gauss
·  CAS 8051 Assembler
·  cascade
·  case and paste
·  casters-up mode
·  casting the runes
·  CAT
·  Cat 3
·  Cat 5
·  catatonic
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  category
·  cationic cocktail
·  CCL
·  cd
·  CDL
·  cdr
·  cd tilde
·  cellular automaton
·  Cellular Neural Network
·  cg
·  chad
·  chad box
·  Chadless keypunch
·  chain
·  channel
·  channel hopping
·  channel op
·  chaos
·  char
·  chase pointers
·  chemist
·  Chernobyl packet
·  chicken head
·  chiclet keyboard
·  Chimera
·  chine nual
·  Chinese Army technique
·  Chip Jewelry
·  Chip Scale Packaging
·  choke
·  chomp
·  Chop
·  Christmas tree
·  Christmas tree packet
·  chrome
·  chug
·  ci
·  CI$
·  Cinderella Book
·  CIP-L
·  C Language Integrated Production System
·  class
·  classic
·  Classic C
·  Clean
·  clean
·  CLiCC
·  client-server
·  Clipper
·  clobber
·  clock
·  clone
·  clone-and-hack coding
·  clustergeeking
·  CMS-2
·  COBOL fingers
·  cobwebsite
·  cocktail shaker sort
·  CoCo
·  Codd' s reduction algorithm
·  code grinder
·  code police
·  codes
·  codewalker
·  coefficient of X
·  cokebottle
·  cold boot
·  collision detection
·  Colossus
·  comment
·  comment out
·  comm mode
·  Commodore Business Machines
·  compact
·  Compact Disc Recordable
·  compatible
·  compiler jock
·  complexity
·  complexity class
·  complexity measure
·  Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
·  compress
·  compression
·  Compu$erve
·  Compulink Information eXchange
·  CompuServe Information Service
·  computability theory
·  computational complexity
·  computational geometry
·  computer confetti
·  Computer Design Language
·  computer ethics
·  computer geek
·  computer law
·  Computer Output to Laser Disk
·  computer sex
·  Computer Software Configuration Item
·  computron
·  con
·  ConCoord
·  Concrete Data Structure
·  condition out
·  condom
·  configuration item
·  conflation
·  connector conspiracy
·  cons
·  considered harmful
·  console
·  Constraint Handling In Prolog
·  ConstraintLisp
·  constraint satisfaction
·  constructive
·  Constructive Cost Model
·  content-based information retrieval
·  content-free
·  control-C
·  control-O
·  control-Q
·  control-S
·  control structure
·  Conversational LISP
·  Conway' s Law
·  cookbook
·  cooked mode
·  cookie
·  cookie file
·  cookie jar
·  cookie monster
·  Coordinated Universal Time
·  coordination language
·  copious free time
·  copper
·  copybroke
·  copyleft
·  copy protection
·  copyright
·  CORAL 66
·  core
·  core cancer
·  core dump
·  corge
·  cosmic rays
·  Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria
·  cough and die
·  coupling
·  cowboy
·  CPL
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  CPU Wars
·  cracker
·  crack root
·  crank
·  CrApTeX
·  crash
·  crash and burn
·  crawling horror
·  Cray instability
·  crayola
·  crayola books
·  crayon
·  creationism
·  creeping featurism
·  creeping featuritis
·  crippleware
·  Crispy Critters
·  critical mass
·  crock
·  cross-post
·  crudware
·  crunch
·  cruncha cruncha cruncha
·  cryppie
·  cryptography
·  Crystal
·  CS-4
·  C shell
·  CSK Software
·  CSP-S
·  CTI
·  CTY
·  Cube
·  cube
·  cubing
·  curried function
·  cursor dipped in X
·  cuspy
·  cut a tape
·  cyberchondriac
·  cybercrud
·  cyberpunk
·  cyberrhea
·  cyberspace
·  cyber-squatting
·  cycle
·  cyclebabble
·  cycle crunch
·  cycle drought
·  cycle of reincarnation
·  cycle server
·  cyclic redundancy check
·  daemon
·  dangling pointer
·  dark-side hacker
·  Darwin
·  data
·  Data Address Generator
·  data compression
·  Data Encryption Standard
·  data link layer
·  Data Management Language
·  Datamation
·  data set organization
·  date
·  DAU
·  day mode
·  D. C. Power Lab
·  dd
·  DDT
·  DEA
·  dead
·  dead code
·  deadlock
·  dead tree
·  death code
·  Death Star
·  Debian
·  deboursification
·  dec
·  decay
·  DEChead
·  decidability
·  deckle
·  declarative language
·  DEC Wars
·  DED
·  deductive tableau
·  Deep Blue
·  deep hack mode
·  deep space
·  defect analysis
·  Defense Information Systems Agency
·  Defense Trade Regulations
·  definitional constraint programming
·  deflate
·  dehose
·  delint
·  delta
·  Delta-Prolog
·  demand paging
·  demented
·  demigod
·  demo
·  demo mode
·  demon
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  Dennis Ritchie
·  depeditate
·  deprecated
·  depth-first search
·  dereference
·  de-rezz
·  Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada
·  desk check
·  desktop publishing
·  deterministic
·  deterministic automaton
·  Devil Book
·  /dev/null
·  devo
·  DFS
·  DG/L
·  Diamond
·  dickless workstation
·  dictionary flame
·  Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
·  diddle
·  die
·  die horribly
·  diff
·  Difference Engine
·  Diffie-Hellman
·  digerati
·  digit
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Equipment Corporation
·  Digital Lempel Ziv 1
·  Digital Linear Tape
·  Digital Signature Standard
·  Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory
·  dike
·  Dilberted
·  ding
·  dink
·  dinosaur
·  dinosaurs mating
·  Diophantine equation
·  Direct Client to Client Protocol
·  direct mapped cache
·  DirectX
·  dirtball
·  dirty power
·  disclaimer
·  Discordianism
·  discrete cosine transform
·  disk farm
·  display
·  display hack
·  Dissociated Press
·  distribution
·  disusered
·  dithering
·  DjVu
·  DOA
·  doc
·  doco
·  documentation
·  dodgy
·  dogcow
·  dogwash
·  domainist
·  Donald Knuth
·  dongle
·  dongle-disk
·  Don' t do that then!
·  donuts
·  doorstop
·  Dorito Syndrome
·  DOS/360
·  dot file
·  dot pitch
·  double bucky
·  double DECkers
·  doubled sig
·  double-ended queue
·  down
·  download
·  downsizing
·  down-time
·  DP
·  DPB
·  DPer
·  draco
·  Draft Once ReUse Many
·  dragon
·  Dragon Book
·  drain
·  dread high bit disease
·  driver
·  drool-proof paper
·  drop-ins
·  drop-outs
·  drugged
·  drunk mouse syndrome
·  Dual In-line Memory Module
·  Duff' s device
·  dumbed down
·  dumb terminal
·  dump
·  dumpster diving
·  dup killer
·  dup loop
·  dusty deck
·  Dyalog APL
·  dynner
·  earliest deadline first
·  earthquake
·  easter egg
·  Easter egging
·  eat flaming death
·  echo
·  EDF
·  effective computable
·  egosurfing
·  Eiffel
·  eight queens puzzle
·  eighty-column mind
·  EL1
·  El Camino Bignum
·  elder days
·  electronic commerce
·  electronic funds transfer
·  elegant
·  elephantine
·  ELIZA effect
·  ELP
·  elvish
·  emoticon
·  empire
·  encode
·  encoder
·  encryption
·  end-user
·  engine
·  English
·  enhancement
·  ENQ
·  entropy
·  Envoy
·  EOF
·  EOL
·  EOU
·  epoch
·  epsilon squared
·  EQLog
·  equational logic
·  Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  ergonomic
·  ergonomics
·  ERGO-Shell
·  Eric Conspiracy
·  Eric S. Raymond
·  Eris
·  error detection and correction
·  ESP
·  Estelle
·  EstPC
·  Ethernet
·  Euclid
·  Euclidean Algorithm
·  Euclidean norm
·  Euclid' s Algorithm
·  Eureka step
·  Eva
·  evil
·  evil and rude
·  evolutionary algorithm
·  evolutionary computation
·  evolutionary programming
·  evolution strategy
·  examining the entrails
·  exclamation mark
·  EXE
·  exec
·  Executive Systems Programming Oriented Language
·  exercise, left as an
·  expect
·  expert system
·  exponential
·  exponential-time
·  exponential-time algorithm
·  Express
·  Extended ALGOL
·  Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Extended Tiny
·  Extension Language Kit
·  external memory
·  eyeball search
·  face time
·  face-to-face
·  fact
·  factor
·  fall back
·  fall over
·  fall through
·  fandango on core
·  farkled
·  farming
·  fas
·  fascist
·  Faster LEX
·  Fast Fourier Transform
·  fat electrons
·  Fax over IP
·  fear and loathing
·  feasible
·  feature
·  feature creature
·  featurectomy
·  feature key
·  feature shock
·  Federal Geographic Data Committee
·  Federal Information Exchange
·  Federal Information Processing Standards
·  feedback control
·  feed-forward
·  feep
·  feeping creature
·  fence
·  fencepost error
·  fepped out
·  Fermat prime
·  Fibonacci sequence
·  FidoNet
·  field circus
·  field servoid
·  Fight-o-net
·  File Attach
·  file compression
·  file descriptor leak
·  File Request
·  file signature
·  filk
·  film at 11
·  filter
·  filter promotion
·  Finagle' s Law
·  fine adjuster
·  finger
·  finger-pointing syndrome
·  Finite State Machine
·  finn
·  firefighting
·  firehose syndrome
·  firewall code
·  fireworks mode
·  First Fit
·  first-in first-out
·  fish
·  FISH queue
·  fix
·  flag
·  flag day
·  flaky
·  flame
·  flame bait
·  flame on
·  flamer
·  flame war
·  flap
·  flarp
·  flat
·  flat ASCII
·  flat file
·  flatten
·  flavor
·  flavour
·  Flex
·  flippy
·  floating-point accelerator
·  flood
·  floppy disk
·  flow chart
·  flush
·  FM
·  fnord
·  FOD
·  followup
·  fontology
·  foobar
·  foogol
·  fool file
·  Foonly
·  footprint
·  foreground
·  for free
·  fork bomb
·  forked
·  form function
·  Formula ALGOL
·  Forsythe
·  for The Rest Of Us
·  Fortran M
·  Fortrash
·  fortune cookie
·  forum
·  for values of
·  forward chaining
·  forward compatibility
·  Forward Error Correction
·  fossil
·  fractal compression
·  fragmentation
·  fred
·  frednet
·  Free Software Foundation
·  freeware
·  freeze
·  Frege, Gottlob
·  fried
·  frink
·  friode
·  fritterware
·  frob
·  frobnitz
·  frogging
·  front end
·  frotz
·  frowney
·  FSM
·  FUD
·  fudge
·  fudge factor
·  FUD wars
·  full-custom
·  fum
·  functional database
·  functor
·  funky
·  funny money
·  furrfu
·  futz
·  fuzzball
·  fuzzy logic
·  G
·  GA
·  Gabriel
·  gabriel
·  gag
·  gang bang
·  GAP
·  Garbage In, Garbage Out
·  garply
·  gas plasma display
·  Gauss
·  GEA
·  Gedanken
·  gedanken
·  geef
·  geek out
·  gender mender
·  General Public Virus
·  General Purpose Language
·  generate
·  genetic algorithm
·  genetic algorithms
·  genetic programming
·  gensym
·  Geographic Information System
·  George Boole
·  Gerald
·  Get a life!
·  Get a real computer!
·  GHC
·  gilley
·  gillion
·  glark
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  glass
·  glassfet
·  Glish
·  glitch
·  glork
·  glue
·  Glypnir
·  GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction
·  gnarly
·  GNU
·  Go
·  goal
·  gobble
·  Godwin' s Law
·  Godzillagram
·  Goedel
·  go-faster stripes
·  Gofer
·  Goffin
·  go flatline
·  golden
·  golf ball printer
·  GOM
·  gonk
·  gonkulator
·  Good Thing
·  Google
·  googol
·  googolplex
·  gopher
·  Gopher client
·  Gopher object type
·  Gopherspace
·  gorets
·  gorilla arm
·  go root
·  gorp
·  Gosling, James
·  Gosperism
·  gotcha
·  goto
·  Gottlob Frege
·  gov
·  Government OSI Profile
·  go voice
·  GPL
·  grammar
·  granularity
·  Graph Algorithm and Software Package
·  Graphic ALGOL
·  Graphics Interchange Format
·  Graphics Language Object System
·  Graph-Oriented Object Database
·  GRASP/Ada
·  grault
·  graybar land
·  gray code
·  greater than
·  greatest common divisor
·  Great Renaming
·  Great Runes
·  Green Book
·  green bytes
·  green card
·  green machine
·  Green' s Theorem
·  grep
·  grick
·  grilf
·  grind
·  grind crank
·  gripenet
·  grok
·  gronk
·  Group-Sweeping Scheduling
·  grovel
·  gry
·  gtg
·  GTK+
·  guaranteed scheduling
·  Guarded Horn Clauses
·  gubbish
·  Guide to Available Mathematical Software
·  guiltware
·  gun
·  gunch
·  gurfle
·  guru
·  guru meditation
·  Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
·  gweep
·  gzip
·  h
·  H.323
·  hack
·  hackathon
·  hack attack
·  hacked off
·  hacked up
·  hacker
·  hacker ethic
·  hacker humour
·  hacking run
·  Hacking X for Y
·  Hackintosh
·  hackish
·  hackishness
·  hackitude
·  hack mode
·  hack on
·  hack together
·  hack up
·  hack value
·  ha ha only serious
·  hairy
·  hakspek
·  HAL
·  Halt and Catch Fire
·  halting problem
·  hammer
·  Hamming code
·  hamster
·  hand cruft
·  hand-hacking
·  handle
·  hand-roll
·  handshaking
·  handwave
·  hang
·  happily
·  Happy
·  haque
·  hard boot
·  hard-coded
·  hardcopy
·  hardware circular buffer
·  hardwarily
·  hard-wired
·  hash coding
·  hash collision
·  Haskell User' s Gofer System
·  has the X nature
·  hat
·  Hayes
·  HCF
·  heads down
·  heap
·  heartbeat
·  heatseeker
·  heat sink
·  heavy wizardry
·  Hebbian learning
·  heisenbug
·  Helen Keller mode
·  hello, sailor!
·  Hermes
·  heuristic
·  hex
·  hexadecimal
·  hexit
·  hidden flag
·  Hierarchical Music Specification Language
·  high bit
·  high-level language
·  high moby
·  hill climbing
·  hing
·  hirsute
·  hit
·  hobbit
·  HOL
·  HOL-88
·  Hollerithabetical order
·  holy wars
·  home machine
·  hook
·  hop
·  Horn clause
·  hose
·  hosed
·  hostname
·  hot spot
·  house wizard
·  HTTP cookie
·  huff
·  Huffman coding
·  humma
·  hung
·  Hungarian Notation
·  hungry puppy
·  hungus
·  Hunt the Wumpus
·  hypercube
·  Hyperion
·  HyperNeWS
·  hyperspace
·  hysterical reasons
·  Hytelnet
·  IAL
·  IBM 2741
·  IBM 7090
·  IBM discount
·  ICBM address
·  ICE
·  icebreaker
·  Icon
·  Icon-Based Parser Generation System 2
·  Idealized CSP
·  idempotent
·  I didn' t change anything!
·  IEEE 488
·  IEEE 802
·  ifdef out
·  IFP
·  If you want X, you know where to find it.
·  IGS
·  ill-behaved
·  Illiac IV
·  image processing
·  Imago Europe plc
·  Imago On-line
·  Imminent Death Of The Net Predicted!
·  IMP
·  impact printer
·  inc
·  include
·  indent style
·  index
·  infant mortality
·  infinite
·  infinite loop
·  Infinite Monkey Theorem
·  infinity
·  infobot
·  Information and Communication Technology
·  information island
·  information overload
·  Information Resource Management
·  information superhighway
·  Information Technology
·  Infrared Data Association
·  initgame
·  insanely great
·  insertion sort
·  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
·  integrated circuit
·  Integrated Database Management System
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel Corporation
·  intelligent backtracking
·  intelligent key
·  Interactive Software Engineering
·  Interchange File Format
·  interesting
·  interface
·  Intermediate System
·  International Algebraic Language
·  International Atomic Time
·  International Business Machines
·  International Data Encryption Algorithm
·  International Smalltalk Association
·  Internaut
·  Internet Adapter
·  Internet address
·  internet address
·  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
·  Internet Engineering Task Force
·  Internet Go Server
·  Internet Open Trading Protocol
·  Internet Public Library
·  Internet Relay Chat
·  Internet Research Steering Group
·  Internet Society
·  Internet Worm
·  interpolation
·  Inter-process Communication
·  interrupt
·  Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
·  IP Telephony
·  IRL
·  iron
·  Iron Age
·  iron box
·  ironmonger
·  Irvine Dataflow
·  Isabelle
·  I see no X here.
·  ISLisp
·  ISO 9000
·  IT
·  iteration
·  iterative deepening
·  ITS
·  it' s a feature
·  jack in
·  jaggies
·  James Gosling
·  Jargon File
·  Java Remote Method Protocol
·  jc
·  jiffy
·  job security
·  jock
·  joe
·  joe code
·  John Vincent Atanasoff
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  Joint Photographic Experts Group
·  jolix
·  journalling
·  JPEG File Interchange Format
·  J. Random
·  J. Random Hacker
·  juggling eggs
·  Jughead
·  jump
·  jump off into never-never land
·  jupiter
·  Just a Bunch Of Disks
·  K
·  KA9Q
·  kahuna
·  ken
·  Ken Thompson
·  key
·  keyboard plaque
·  key escrow
·  keypal
·  keyword
·  kgbvax
·  kick
·  killer micro
·  kill file
·  kiosk
·  KISS Principle
·  kit
·  klone
·  kludge
·  kluge
·  kluge around
·  knapsack problem
·  Knights of the Lambda-Calculus
·  knowledge level
·  Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
·  Knuth
·  kr
·  K&R
·  kremvax
·  lace card
·  Lambda Prolog
·  lamer
·  language lawyer
·  languages of choice
·  Lan Manager
·  Larry Wall
·  larval stage
·  Lasherism
·  latch
·  laundromat
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  LCC
·  lcc
·  LDB
·  leaf site
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  leak
·  Lean
·  leapfrog attack
·  learning curve
·  Leda
·  legacy system
·  legal
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  LER
·  letterbomb
·  lexiphage
·  Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms
·  Life
·  life
·  Life is hard
·  light-weight
·  like kicking dead whales down the beach
·  like nailing jelly to a tree
·  Lily
·  line 666
·  linear programming
·  line noise
·  line printer
·  line starve
·  link-dead
·  link farm
·  Link State Routing Protocol
·  lint
·  lion food
·  Lions Book
·  liquid crystal display
·  Lisp
·  *LISP
·  LISP 2
·  list comprehension
·  lithium lick
·  little-endian
·  live data
·  livelock
·  liveware
·  LML
·  load
·  load balancing
·  lobotomy
·  locked and loaded
·  lock-in
·  LogC
·  logical
·  Logical Unit 6.2
·  logic bomb
·  logic programming
·  logic variable
·  log in
·  Loglan
·  logon
·  Look Ahead Left-to-right parse, Rightmost-derivation
·  loop
·  loop through
·  lord high fixer
·  lose
·  loser
·  losing
·  loss
·  lossage
·  lossless
·  lossless audio compression
·  Lossless Predictive Audio Compression
·  lossy
·  lossy audio compression
·  lost in the noise
·  lost in the underflow
·  lots of MIPS but no I/O
·  low-bandwidth
·  LPG
·  LPL
·  LPT
·  Lubarsky' s Law of Cybernetic Entomology
·  lunatic fringe
·  lurking
·  luser
·  Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool
·  LZ77 compression
·  LZ78 compression
·  LZH compression
·  M
·  m4
·  macdink
·  Machiavelli
·  machinable
·  machoflops
·  Macintoy
·  Macintrash
·  macro-
·  macrotape
·  MAD
·  Mad/1
·  maggotbox
·  magic
·  magic bullet
·  magic cookie
·  magic number
·  magic smoke
·  Magic Switch Story
·  Magritte
·  mail bomb
·  mailing list
·  mail user agent
·  mainframe
·  main loop
·  management
·  Management Information System
·  mandelbug
·  manged
·  mangler
·  mango
·  manularity
·  Maple
·  marbles
·  marginal
·  Marginal Hacks
·  marketroid
·  Markov chain
·  Mars
·  Martian
·  Mary
·  masquerading
·  massage
·  math-out
·  Matrix
·  maximum Maytag mode
·  MB
·  Mbogo, Dr. Fred
·  meatspace
·  meatware
·  meeces
·  megapenny
·  meme
·  meme plague
·  memetic algorithm
·  memetics
·  memory farts
·  memory leak
·  Memory Management Unit
·  memory smash
·  menuitis
·  Mesa
·  message passing
·  mess-dos
·  meta
·  meta bit
·  metaheuristic
·  metaphone
·  Michigan Algorithm Decoder
·  mickey
·  mickey mouse program
·  MicroDroid
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  microfloppies
·  microLenat
·  microPLANNER
·  microReid
·  Microserf
·  Microsloth Windows
·  Microsoft Corporation
·  microtape
·  middle-endian
·  milliLampson
·  minimax
·  minimum seek time
·  Minnesota Internet Users Essential Tool
·  misbug
·  Missed' em-five
·  miswart
·  mk
·  ML
·  mn
·  moby
·  mockingbird
·  Mock Lisp
·  mod
·  *MOD
·  modal logic
·  Mode
·  mode
·  mode bit
·  model checking
·  Model View Controller
·  modem
·  molly-guard
·  monad
·  Mongolian Hordes technique
·  monkey sort
·  Mono
·  Monte Carlo
·  monty
·  Moof
·  Moore graph
·  Moore' s Law
·  Mops
·  moria
·  Mosaic
·  MOS Technologies
·  Motorola 6809
·  Mouse
·  mouse ahead
·  mouse around
·  mouse arrest
·  mouse belt
·  mouse droppings
·  mouse elbow
·  mouse mat
·  mouso
·  Moving Picture Experts Group
·  Mozilla
·  MPEG-1
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 1
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2
·  MPEG-21
·  MPEG-2.5 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 AAC Low Profile
·  MPEG-2 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 Low Sampling Frequencies Extention
·  MPEG-2 Multi Channel Extention
·  MPEG-3
·  MPEG-4
·  MPEG-4 AAC Main Profile
·  MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding Scalable Sampling Rate
·  MPEG-4 Harmonics, individual lines and noise
·  MPEG-4 Harmonic Vector eXCitation
·  MPEG-7
·  MPEGplus
·  MPG
·  MswLogo
·  Mu
·  mu
·  MUD
·  muddie
·  mudhead
·  MUD Object Oriented
·  Mule
·  multician
·  multiple perspective software development
·  Multipop-68
·  multitasking
·  MultiTOS
·  mumblage
·  mumble mode
·  munch
·  munching
·  munching squares
·  munchkin
·  mundane
·  mung
·  munge
·  Murphy' s Law
·  Music
·  mutex
·  mutter
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  N
·  nadger
·  NAG
·  Nagling Coalescence
·  nagware
·  nailing jelly
·  naive
·  naive user
·  nano-
·  nanoacre
·  nanobot
·  nanocomputer
·  nanofortnight
·  nanotechnology
·  Napier
·  nasal demons
·  nastygram
·  Nathan Hale
·  National Institute of Standards and Technology
·  National Science Foundation
·  National Spatial Data Infrastructure
·  neat hack
·  neats vs. scruffies
·  neep-neep
·  neophilia
·  Nerd pride
·  net
·  net.-
·  netburp
·  netdead
·  net.god
·  netiquette
·  netlag
·  NetLingo
·  netnews
·  net.personality
·  net.police
·  netrock
·  netter
·  Netware Directory Services
·  network address
·  Network extensible Window System
·  network management
·  network meltdown
·  network, the
·  newbie
·  newgroup wars
·  newline
·  NeWS
·  newsfroup
·  newsgroup
·  New Storage System
·  New Testament
·  Newton
·  Newton-Raphson
·  nick
·  Nightmare File System
·  NIL
·  Ninety-Ninety Rule
·  noddy
·  noise shaping
·  NOMEX underwear
·  Nominal Semidestructor
·  nondeterminism
·  nondeterministic polynomial time
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  nonlinear
·  non-optimal solution
·  Nonpareil
·  non-polynomial
·  nontrivial
·  non-uniform quantising logarithmic compression
·  no-op
·  norm
·  not ready for prime time
·  NP
·  NP-complete
·  nroff
·  NSA line eater
·  nude
·  stealthportal
·  number crunching
·  numbers
·  NUXI problem
·  nyetwork
·  Ob-
·  Obfuscated C Contest
·  OBJ
·  OBJ3
·  Objectionable-C
·  Objective CAML
·  ObjectLOGO
·  Object Management Group
·  object-oriented programming
·  Object Value
·  oblique stroke
·  occam
·  Occam' s Razor
·  occurs check
·  octal forty
·  octet
·  off-by-one error
·  off-line
·  off-line world
·  off the trolley
·  ogg
·  Ogg Vorbis
·  -oid
·  old fart
·  Old Testament
·  one-banana problem
·  one-liner wars
·  One-Time Password
·  one-way hash function
·  on-line
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
·  ontology
·  op
·  open
·  open/closed principle
·  Open DeathTrap
·  Open Source Initiative
·  open switch
·  operating system
·  Optical Character Recognition
·  optimism
·  Opus
·  Orange Book
·  org
·  Organic Mode
·  orphaned i-node
·  orthogonal
·  orthogonal instruction set
·  OS
·  OS2
·  OS/2
·  out-of-band
·  overflow bit
·  overrun
·  overrun screw
·  overuse strain injury
·  oz
·  P4
·  packet switching
·  padded cell
·  page in
·  page out
·  PAL
·  Pam
·  ParAlfl
·  Parallaxis
·  Parallel Virtual Machine
·  parent message
·  Parkinson' s Law of Data
·  Park-Miller
·  Parlog
·  parm
·  parser
·  partial evaluation
·  @-party
·  Pascal-
·  Pascal-S
·  Password Authentication Protocol
·  pastie
·  patch space
·  path
·  pathological
·  pattern matching
·  payware
·  PC-ism
·  P-code
·  PDL
·  PDP-10
·  PDP-11
·  PDP-20
·  pencil and paper
·  penis war
·  peon
·  percussive maintenance
·  perfect programmer syndrome
·  person of no account
·  pessimal
·  PGP
·  phacker
·  phage
·  phase
·  phase of the moon
·  phase-wrapping
·  phreaking
·  physical
·  pig, run like a
·  pilot error
·  Pilot European Image Processing Archive
·  Pink-Shirt Book
·  PIP
·  pipe
·  pistol
·  pizza box
·  PL360
·  PL516
·  plaid screen
·  plain ASCII
·  plan file
·  plants
·  platinum-iridium
·  playpen
·  playte
·  PL/I
·  plingnet
·  PL/M
·  plokta
·  plug and play
·  plugh
·  plumbing
·  PM
·  P-mail
·  pnambic
·  pod
·  P.O.D.
·  point-and-drool interface
·  poke
·  poll
·  polygon pusher
·  polynomial-time
·  polynomial-time algorithm
·  Ponder
·  Pong
·  POP
·  PoP
·  pop
·  POP++
·  POP-2
·  Portable Commodore 64
·  post
·  postcardware
·  posting
·  PostScript
·  power cycle
·  power hit
·  PowerPC
·  PPN
·  precedence lossage
·  prefix
·  prepend
·  prestidigitization
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  pretty pictures
·  prettyprint
·  prime time
·  principal type
·  printing discussion
·  priority interrupt
·  Privacy Enhanced Mail
·  private-key cryptography
·  probabilistic
·  problem state
·  procedural language
·  production system
·  proglet
·  Program Composition Notation
·  Programmer' s Cheer
·  programming
·  programming fluid
·  progressive coding
·  progressive/sequential coding
·  Prolog
·  Prolog-III
·  pron
·  Pronunciation
·  propeller head
·  proprietary
·  protocol
·  protocol layer
·  provably difficult
·  provably unsolvable
·  provocative maintenance
·  proxy gateway
·  proxy server
·  pseudo
·  pseudoprime
·  pseudo-random number
·  pseudosuit
·  psychedelicware
·  psyton
·  Ptolemy
·  pubic directory
·  Public-Key Cryptography Standards
·  Public Key Infrastructure
·  puff
·  pumpkin
·  punched card
·  punt
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  Purple Book
·  purple wire
·  push
·  Pythagoras
·  Pythagoras' Theorem
·  Python
·  QL
·  quad
·  quadruple bucky
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  quantum cell
·  quantum computer
·  Quantum-dot Cellular Automata
·  quarter
·  quick-and-dirty
·  Quicksort
·  quiesce time
·  quine
·  quote chapter and verse
·  quux
·  R2RS
·  R3RS
·  R4RS
·  rabbit job
·  Radio Frequency Interference
·  rainbow series
·  rain dance
·  random
·  Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter
·  randomness
·  random numbers
·  RapidCAD
·  rare mode
·  raster blaster
·  raster burn
·  rasterising
·  Ratatosk
·  rat belt
·  Rate monotonic scheduling
·  rave
·  raw mode
·  Rayleigh distribution
·  ray tracing
·  rc
·  RC4
·  RCA 1802
·  rc file
·  rdb
·  re
·  README file
·  read-only user
·  real
·  real estate
·  real hack
·  real operating system
·  Real Programmer
·  Real Soon Now
·  real-time
·  real user
·  Real World
·  reaper
·  rectangle slinger
·  recursion
·  recursive acronym
·  Recursive Functional Algorithmic Language
·  recursive type
·  Red Book
·  reduction strategy
·  redundancy
·  Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
·  red wire
·  Refined C
·  regexp
·  register
·  register allocation
·  register assignment
·  register dancing
·  reinvent the wheel
·  relational algebra
·  relational calculus
·  relational database
·  relevance
·  religion of CHI
·  religious issues
·  Remote Access Services
·  replacement algorithm
·  replicator
·  Requirements Engineering
·  restriction
·  retcon
·  retrocomputing
·  retronym
·  return from the dead
·  reuse
·  Revised ALGOL 60
·  RFC 1321
·  RFC 1436
·  RFE
·  Rhapsody
·  rib site
·  rice box
·  Richard Hamming
·  Rich Site Summary
·  Right Thing
·  RJ-45
·  RL
·  RLaB
·  roach
·  robot
·  robust
·  Rocky Mountain Basic
·  rococo
·  rogue
·  room-temperature IQ
·  root
·  root mode
·  rot13
·  round-robin
·  round tape
·  route
·  RSA
·  RSA encryption
·  RSL
·  RTL/2
·  RTM
·  Ruby
·  rude
·  runes
·  runic
·  run-length encoding
·  run-time error
·  Run-Time Type Information
·  rusty iron
·  rusty memory
·  S3
·  sacred
·  sagan
·  SAL
·  salescritter
·  salt
·  salt mines
·  same-day service
·  samizdat
·  samurai
·  sandbender
·  sandbox
·  sanity check
·  Santa Cruz Operation
·  Saturday-night special
·  say
·  scag
·  Scalable Sampling Rate
·  scan
·  Scan-EDF
·  scanno
·  scan register
·  scheduling
·  schroedinbug
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  scram switch
·  scratch
·  scratch monkey
·  scream and die
·  screaming tty
·  screen saver
·  screw
·  screwage
·  scribble
·  scrog
·  scrool
·  SCSI-3
·  ScumOS
·  search-and-destroy mode
·  Search The Fucking Web
·  secondary damage
·  second generation computer
·  second-system effect
·  Secure Hash Algorithm
·  Secure Sockets Layer
·  security through obscurity
·  Sed
·  seggie
·  segment
·  segmentation fault
·  segmented address space
·  self-reference
·  semantics
·  semi
·  senior bit
·  Sequel
·  sequential coding
·  Sequential Parlog Machine
·  serialise
·  server
·  Server Message Block
·  service
·  SEX
·  sgmls
·  SHA
·  shambolic link
·  Share and enjoy!
·  shareware
·  shelfware
·  shell
·  shell out
·  shim
·  shitogram
·  short card
·  shortest job first
·  shotgun debugging
·  showstopper
·  Shub-Internet
·  sidecar
·  Sierra
·  Sig
·  sig block
·  signal-to-noise ratio
·  signature
·  sig quote
·  sig virus
·  silicon
·  Siliwood
·  silly walk
·  Silver Book
·  simplex
·  simplex method
·  Simulation Oriented Language
·  since time T equals minus infinity
·  Single Electron Tunneling Technology
·  single quote
·  singleton variable
·  SkipJack
·  slack
·  slap on the side
·  slashdot effect
·  SLD resolution
·  sleep
·  slim
·  Slingshot
·  slop
·  slopsucker
·  slurp
·  small-office/home-office
·  Smalltalk-80
·  smash the stack
·  SML
·  sml2c
·  smoke
·  smoke and mirrors
·  smoke test
·  smoking clover
·  smurf
·  snacc
·  SNAFU principle
·  snarf
·  snarf & barf
·  snarf down
·  snark
·  sneakernet
·  sneck
·  Sniff
·  snivitz
·  ' Snooze
·  SO
·  social engineering
·  soft boot
·  softcopy
·  SoftModem
·  software
·  software bloat
·  Software Developers Kit
·  Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
·  software laser
·  software law
·  software life-cycle
·  software patent
·  software rot
·  Software Verification Research Centre
·  softwarily
·  solution
·  Solution Based Modelling
·  some random X
·  sorcerer' s apprentice mode
·  sort
·  SOS
·  soundex
·  source of all good bits
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  space complexity
·  spaghetti code
·  spaghetti inheritance
·  special-case
·  specification
·  speedometer
·  spelling flame
·  spider
·  spiffy
·  spike
·  spin
·  SPL
·  splash screen
·  splat
·  spod
·  spoiler
·  sponge
·  spoo
·  spooge
·  Spool
·  spool
·  spool file
·  spreadsheet
·  SQL3
·  square tape
·  squirt the bird
·  SRC Modula-3
·  SSLeay
·  stack
·  stack puke
·  stale pointer bug
·  stand-alone
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  state
·  static database management system
·  statistical time division multiplexing
·  steam-powered
·  stemmer
·  Stephen Kleene
·  stiffy
·  stomp on
·  Stone Age
·  stone knives and bearskins
·  stoppage
·  store
·  streaming
·  strided
·  stroke
·  strudel
·  stubroutine
·  studly
·  studlycaps
·  Stupids
·  stupid-sort
·  Sturgeon' s Law
·  subject index
·  sucking mud
·  suicideware
·  suit
·  suitably small
·  sun lounge
·  sunspots
·  Super Pascal
·  superprogrammer
·  super source quench
·  superuser
·  support
·  surrogate key
·  Suzie COBOL
·  swab
·  swap
·  swap space
·  SWI-Prolog
·  switch statement
·  swizzle
·  symbolic mathematics
·  sync
·  synchronous key encryption
·  syntactic salt
·  syntax directed translation
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  sysape
·  sys-frog
·  system
·  system mangler
·  system operator
·  System R
·  Systems Development Life Cycle
·  Systems Network Architecture
·  systolic array
·  tag
·  tail recursion
·  talk
·  talk mode
·  tall card
·  tanked
·  tar and feather
·  task scheduling
·  taste
·  tayste
·  TCB
·  tcl-debug
·  technology
·  TechRef
·  tee
·  Telecommunications Industry Association
·  teledildonics
·  Telerat
·  temporal logic
·  ten-finger interface
·  tense
·  tenured graduate student
·  teraflop
·  teraflop club
·  terminak
·  terminal brain death
·  terminal junkie
·  Terminal Oriented Social Science
·  Terminal Productivity eXecutive
·  terpri
·  test
·  text
·  text-based
·  tg
·  thanks in advance
·  That' s not a bug, that' s a feature!
·  The Force
·  theology
·  the X that can be Y is not the true X
·  thicket
·  thin client
·  thinko
·  third generation language
·  This time, for sure!
·  thrash
·  thread
·  thud
·  thumb
·  thunk
·  tick
·  tickle a bug
·  tick-list features
·  tiger team
·  tight loop
·  time bomb
·  time complexity
·  time sink
·  times-or-divided-by
·  time T
·  Tiny
·  Tiny Clos
·  tip of the ice-cube
·  tits on a keyboard
·  T. Kohonen
·  TL/I
·  TM
·  (TM)
·  to a first approximation
·  toast
·  toaster
·  toasternet
·  to a zeroth approximation
·  toeprint
·  toggle
·  tool
·  toolsmith
·  topic drift
·  top-level domain
·  TOPS-10
·  toto
·  tourist
·  tourist information
·  Towers of Hanoi
·  toy
·  toy language
·  toy problem
·  trampoline
·  transparent
·  transparent audio coding
·  trap
·  trash
·  travelling salesman problem
·  trawl
·  tree-killer
·  treeware
·  trigger
·  trit
·  troff
·  troglodyte
·  troglodyte mode
·  Trojan horse
·  tron
·  Trouble Came Back
·  true hacker
·  tt
·  tty
·  tube
·  tube time
·  tunafish
·  tune
·  Turbo Prolog
·  Turing Machine
·  Turing tar-pit
·  turist
·  turn-key
·  turtle graphics
·  tweak
·  twiddle
·  twilight zone
·  twirling baton
·  twonkie
·  two-to-the-N
·  type inference
·  Ulm' s Modula-2 System
·  undefined external reference
·  under the hood
·  U-NET Limited
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  unify
·  uninteresting
·  Unisys Corporation
·  University of Minnesota
·  Unix brain damage
·  Unixism
·  Unix to Unix Copy
·  Unix weenie
·  unshielded twisted pair
·  unswizzle
·  unwind-protect
·  unwind the stack
·  up
·  upgradability
·  upload
·  upthread
·  Uranus
·  urban legend
·  urchin
·  us
·  Usenet
·  user
·  user base
·  user-friendly
·  user name
·  user-obsequious
·  user-unctuous
·  USG Unix
·  V.91
·  vadding
·  VAL
·  vanilla
·  vannevar
·  vaporware
·  VAX
·  VAXectomy
·  VAXen
·  vaxherd
·  vdiff
·  vector graphics
·  veeblefester
·  veeblefetzer
·  Venus flytrap
·  verbage
·  verbiage
·  Veronica
·  Version 7
·  vertical application
·  vertical bar
·  V.FC
·  vgrep
·  vi
·  video compression
·  videotex
·  virgin
·  virgule
·  virtual
·  virtual reality
·  virtual shredder
·  virus
·  visionary
·  Visual BASIC
·  Visual Display Unit
·  visualisation
·  vocoder
·  voice mail
·  voice-net
·  voodoo programming
·  Voronoi diagram
·  voxel
·  Vulcan death grip
·  Vulcan nerve pinch
·  vulture capitalist
·  wabbit
·  waldo
·  walking drives
·  walk off the end of
·  wall
·  wall follower
·  wallpaper
·  wall time
·  wango
·  wank
·  wannabee
·  Ward Christensen
·  -ware
·  warlording
·  warm boot
·  wart
·  washing machine
·  water MIPS
·  wave a dead chicken
·  weasel
·  WEB
·  Webster
·  wedged
·  wedgitude
·  weeds
·  weenie
·  Weenix
·  well-behaved
·  Wesley Clark
·  wetware
·  WFL
·  whack
·  whacker
·  whales
·  What' s a spline?
·  What You Get Is What You Never Thought You Had
·  What You See Is All You Get
·  What You See Is What You Get
·  wheel
·  wheel bit
·  wheel wars
·  When It' s Done
·  Whetstone
·  White Book
·  whois
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  widget
·  wiggles
·  Wilf Hey
·  William Gibson
·  William Hamilton
·  win
·  winchester
·  Windows 3.0
·  Windows 95
·  Windows Hardware Quality Labs
·  window shopping
·  winged comments
·  winkey
·  wintel
·  wirehead
·  wirewater
·  wish list
·  within delta of
·  wizard
·  Wizard Book
·  wizardly
·  wizard mode
·  wombat
·  womb box
·  woofer
·  workaround
·  working as designed
·  Work Needed and Prospective Packages
·  worm
·  wrap around
·  wrats nest
·  write-only code
·  write-only memory
·  Wrong Thing
·  X
·  xor
·  XPL
·  Xpress Transport Protocol
·  xref
·  XTP Forum
·  XXX
·  Xy-pic
·  xyzzy
·  yank
·  Yellow Book
·  Yellow Book, Jargon
·  yellow wire
·  Yerk
·  Yet Another
·  You are not expected to understand this
·  You know you' ve been hacking too long when...
·  Your mileage may vary
·  Yow!
·  yoyo mode
·  yu
·  Yu-Shiang Whole Fish
·  zap
·  Zen
·  zen
·  zero
·  zeroth
·  zigamorph
·  zip
·  zipperhead
·  zombie
·  zoo
·  zorch
·  Zork
·  zorkmid
·  zr
·  zxnrbl
·  brute force


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