
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Interactive

Results in the term's title:

·  Advanced Interactive eXecutive
·  Compact Disc interactive
·  Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network
·  interactive
·  Interactive CourseWare
·  Interactive Data analysis Language
·  Interactive Data Entry/Access
·  Interactive Data Language
·  interactive development environment
·  Interactive Development Environments
·  Interactive Software Engineering
·  Interactive System Productivity Facility
·  Interactive Voice Response
·  Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System
·  STring Oriented Interactive Compiler

Results in the term's text:

·  3DO
·  A3D
·  ABC
·  Active Language I
·  actor/singer/waiter/webmaster
·  AIX
·  amateur packet radio
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming
·  anonymous FTP
·  A Programming Language
·  AUTOmated GRouPing system
·  Automatic Mathematical TRANslation
·  B
·  batch processing
·  BEA
·  Bezier
·  bitmap display
·  blit
·  Bourne shell
·  breakpoint
·  B-Toolkit
·  bwBASIC
·  Caml Light
·  Campus Wide Information System
·  CD-i
·  chase pointers
·  Cigale
·  CMZ
·  ColdFusion
·  comm mode
·  Compatible Timesharing System
·  Inhalt Data Model
·  content-free
·  Continuous System Simulation Language
·  CPS
·  C shell
·  Culler-Fried System
·  cursor
·  cycle server
·  CypherText
·  database manager
·  database query language
·  Data definition language
·  DataViews
·  dBASE
·  DCL
·  DG/L
·  Display PostScript
·  domain
·  Domain Name System
·  dump
·  edutainment
·  Eiffel
·  expect
·  ezd
·  Flash
·  Freenet
·  Galileo
·  Garnet
·  GE Information Services
·  Gnuplot
·  GVL
·  Haskell User' s Gofer System
·  hog
·  HyperCard
·  hypertext
·  IAM
·  ICW
·  IDE
·  IDL
·  IGL
·  InfoSeek
·  integrated development environment
·  Interactive Data Language
·  interactive development environment
·  Internet Chess Server
·  Inter-process Communication
·  ISE
·  I see no X here.
·  IVR
·  JOHNNIAC Open Shop System
·  Joint Academic NETwork
·  Lincoln Reckoner
·  log in
·  Macromedia
·  Magic Paper
·  Magritte
·  mainframe
·  Mathematics in Recognizable Form Automatically Compiled
·  McG360
·  Midas
·  MIPS Technologies, Inc.
·  Miracula
·  ML
·  Model View Controller
·  Moscow ML
·  MPEG-21
·  MUD Object Oriented
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  netlag
·  niladic
·  Nuprl
·  Octave
·  on-line
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  Online Media
·  Pop-11
·  PPL
·  PPLambda
·  Prograph
·  Q
·  ray casting
·  re
·  Red Book
·  remote login
·  Research Systems, Inc.
·  S
·  Sather
·  Scratchpad I
·  screen
·  SDL
·  search-and-destroy mode
·  shell out
·  Siliwood
·  special-case
·  splash screen
·  spreadsheet
·  stateless
·  StrongARM
·  Symphony
·  Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
·  Text Reckoning And Compiling
·  TIP
·  Universal Debugger
·  Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System
·  virtual reality
·  visual programming language
·  VPL
·  Watcom VX*REXX
·  wizard
·  ZIL


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