
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: ODIF

Results in the term's title:

·  ALGOL 60 Modified
·  Forth Modification Lab
·  Modified Frequency Modulation
·  modifier

Results in the term's text:

·  ActiveX Data Objects
·  addressing mode
·  AIr MAterial COmmand compiler
·  alt
·  Annual Change Traffic
·  argument
·  asbestos
·  attenuation
·  autoconfiscate
·  back-propagation
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit twiddling
·  B-Toolkit
·  Burst Extended Data Out DRAM
·  C
·  C+-
·  c2man
·  call-by-value-result
·  click
·  code segment
·  ColdFusion
·  combinatory logic
·  command
·  command line option
·  Compact Disc Rewritable
·  Compatible Timesharing System
·  configure
·  context switch
·  control
·  copyleft
·  crock
·  daisy chain
·  database server
·  dataless management utility
·  daughterboard
·  debianize
·  decision support database
·  delint
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  demand paging
·  diddle
·  diff
·  differential backup
·  Digital Control System
·  drag and drop
·  dynamic binding
·  Dynamic Data Exchange
·  EL1
·  electron tube
·  Eurisko
·  evolutionary algorithm
·  feature key
·  feedback control
·  File Allocation Table
·  flush
·  fossil
·  free software
·  freeze
·  General Public License
·  Glish
·  Good Thing
·  hacked up
·  hack up
·  hand-hacking
·  hard-coded
·  hard-wired
·  Hierarchical Data Format
·  Hobbit
·  IBM 3270
·  incremental backup
·  inode
·  installer
·  Intel 8048
·  I-OOA
·  iron box
·  jock
·  juggling eggs
·  KEE
·  label switching
·  Label Switching Router
·  lclint
·  legacy system
·  Liskov substitution principle
·  literal
·  local variable
·  LZ77 compression
·  MacBinary
·  Macro SAP
·  maintenance
·  Make
·  makefile
·  Mars
·  MESI protocol
·  metaprogram
·  MFM
·  MicroGnuEmacs
·  Mini Disc
·  mod
·  Modified Frequency Modulation
·  modifier
·  Motorola 68050
·  MRS
·  multitasking
·  Neon
·  network management
·  NLX
·  open/closed principle
·  Open Document Architecture
·  Open Document Interchange Format
·  open source
·  operational database
·  packet driver
·  paging
·  patch space
·  perl-byacc
·  phage
·  port
·  Power Macintosh
·  profile
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  Prospero
·  pull-down list
·  re-engineering
·  re-entrant
·  Run Length Limited
·  scan path
·  screen scraper
·  scribble
·  scrozzle
·  second generation computer
·  selector
·  sendmail
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  Session Initiation Protocol
·  side-effect
·  software enabling
·  source package
·  speech recognition
·  stack
·  StrongARM
·  sum
·  Syntax-Case
·  text editor
·  thin client
·  token
·  tool
·  touchpad
·  trampoline
·  trigger
·  troff
·  UTF-8
·  vector
·  version
·  Virtual Private Network
·  volatile variable
·  WCL
·  whack
·  wiki
·  word processor
·  Work Needed and Prospective Packages
·  write-only code
·  Xemacs
·  Yahoo
·  Yerk
·  zap
·  zero


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