
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: PACE

Results in the term's title:

·  address space
·  backspace
·  Banach space
·  CEll Space Simulation Language
·  complete metric space
·  cyberspace
·  deep space
·  flat address space
·  Gopherspace
·  hyperspace
·  linear address space
·  linear space
·  meatspace
·  memory address space
·  metric space
·  namespace
·  normed space
·  patch space
·  segmented address space
·  space
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  space complexity
·  space leak
·  swap space
·  Tuple Space Smalltalk
·  vector space
·  whitespace

Results in the term's text:

·  16-bit application
·  32-bit application
·  ABC
·  address space
·  algebra
·  amateur packet radio
·  Angel
·  Apple Attachment Unit Interface
·  application enablement services
·  Application Executive
·  archive
·  argument
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  ATX
·  avatar
·  backspace
·  backtracking
·  Banach algebra
·  Banach inverse mapping theorem
·  Banach space
·  bare metal
·  Baudot code
·  bay
·  beam search
·  Berkeley Quality Software
·  Best Fit
·  Big Gray Wall
·  binary search
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  blivet
·  boat anchor
·  braille
·  branch to Fishkill
·  breath-of-life packet
·  BS
·  btoa
·  bucky bits
·  buffer
·  bum
·  Cartesian coordinates
·  Cartesian product
·  Cauchy sequence
·  CEll Space Simulation Language
·  chaos
·  Checkout Test language
·  Church of the SubGenius
·  cluster
·  cokebottle
·  command line option
·  comma separated values
·  Compact Disc Recordable
·  complete
·  complete metric space
·  complexity
·  compression
·  computational geometry
·  context-sensitive menu
·  control code
·  convex hull
·  coordinate
·  copying garbage collection
·  cosmic rays
·  crash
·  Crystal
·  cyberpunk
·  cyberspace
·  CyberZine
·  data service unit
·  Death Star
·  deep space
·  defragment
·  delete
·  /dev/null
·  diddle
·  Digital Control System
·  Digital Library Initiative
·  DIN-8
·  discrete cosine transform
·  disk drive
·  distribution
·  domain theory
·  double bucky
·  download
·  Dragon Book
·  du
·  dual
·  Dual In-Line Package
·  eigenvector
·  electron model
·  electron tube
·  Elvis
·  ESA
·  EXEC 2
·  expanded memory page frame
·  extended memory
·  Extensible HyperText Markup Language
·  fatal exception
·  fencepost error
·  File Allocation Table
·  file server
·  First Fit
·  flat
·  flat address space
·  forked
·  fragmentation
·  fudge factor
·  games
·  garbage collection
·  gedanken
·  Get a real computer!
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  Grim File Reaper
·  Group-Sweeping Scheduling
·  hack mode
·  HAL
·  Hal/S
·  Hamming code
·  hard disk
·  hard link
·  Helen Keller mode
·  hexit
·  high moby
·  hill climbing
·  hole model
·  hostname
·  HTTP cookie
·  hyperspace
·  IBM 370XA
·  IBM 7090
·  ICBM address
·  incantation
·  indent style
·  inner product
·  input/output redirection
·  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
·  Intel 8048
·  Intel 8080
·  IntelDX4
·  Interactive CourseWare
·  internal field separators
·  internationalisation
·  Internaut
·  Internet Adapter
·  isometry
·  Job Control Language
·  job security
·  jump off into never-never land
·  Ken Thompson
·  kerning
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  Life
·  Linda
·  linear map
·  linear space
·  line eater
·  link farm
·  Lisp Machine
·  locals
·  Lorenz attractor
·  magnetic disk
·  Matrix
·  mcvax
·  Melinda
·  memory address space
·  memory leak
·  memory location
·  Memory Management Unit
·  meta bit
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  misfeature
·  mmap
·  moby
·  module
·  Motorola 68000
·  Motorola, Inc.
·  multicast backbone
·  Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers
·  Multiple Virtual Storage
·  multithreading
·  mumble mode
·  Murphy' s Law
·  Napier
·  neophilia
·  network closet
·  New Storage System
·  noddy
·  no-op
·  normed space
·  Nova
·  Obliq
·  octal forty
·  offset
·  off-side rule
·  off the trolley
·  ogg
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  optimal
·  orthogonal
·  OS/VS2
·  overhead
·  packet writing
·  page in
·  page out
·  paging
·  Paper Feed Control Character
·  Parkinson' s Law of Data
·  partitioned data set
·  patch space
·  pattern recognition
·  PCI slot
·  PDP-7
·  Plan 9
·  plenum cable
·  Portable Pixmap
·  prefix
·  Princeton University
·  printf
·  Procrustean string
·  projective plane
·  Prospero
·  quadruple bucky
·  ray casting
·  RCA 1802
·  real estate
·  removable disk
·  reserved memory
·  Resource Description Framework
·  RTL/2
·  run-time library
·  sampling
·  scratch disk
·  SDL
·  search problem
·  search term
·  segment
·  segmented address space
·  set associative cache
·  shebang
·  shim
·  shovelware
·  Sierra
·  silo
·  slack
·  Sloop
·  slop
·  smoking clover
·  software bloat
·  sort
·  space
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  space complexity
·  space leak
·  sparse
·  SPL
·  stack overflow
·  state
·  statistical time division multiplexing
·  sticky bit
·  stream
·  supervisor mode
·  swap
·  swap file
·  swap space
·  symmetric
·  SyQuest Technology, Inc.
·  system chefistration
·  Task Control Block
·  tautological probability
·  tautological set
·  tensor product
·  time complexity
·  tracker ball
·  tune
·  Tuple Space Smalltalk
·  twilight zone
·  twirling baton
·  union
·  UTF-8
·  uuencode
·  vector
·  vector space
·  Veronica
·  Vine Technology
·  virtual 86 mode
·  virtual cache
·  virtual reality
·  Virtual Storage Extended
·  voxel
·  waldo
·  wallpaper
·  whitespace
·  William Gibson
·  Windows CE
·  Windows NT
·  womb box
·  Zero Insertion Force
·  FreeBSD


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