
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: STING

Results in the term's title:

·  acceptance testing
·  alpha testing
·  application testing
·  automated testing
·  beta testing
·  black-box testing
·  bottom-up testing
·  branch coverage testing
·  British Broadcasting Corporation
·  casting the runes
·  clear box testing
·  closed-box testing
·  Computer-Aided Software Testing
·  error-based testing
·  exhaustive testing
·  failure-directed testing
·  fault-based testing
·  functional testing
·  future date testing
·  glass box testing
·  heuristics testing
·  hybrid testing
·  integration testing
·  interesting
·  Intrusive Testing
·  manual testing
·  Mutation Testing
·  nonintrusive testing
·  open box testing
·  operational testing
·  outside-in testing
·  path coverage testing
·  posting
·  random testing
·  ray casting
·  regression testing
·  stress testing
·  system testing
·  testing
·  uninteresting
·  Unique ID Listing
·  unit testing
·  user acceptance testing
·  webcasting
·  white box testing

Results in the term's text:

·  Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems
·  ABC
·  Accelerated Graphics Port
·  accept
·  acceptance testing
·  adaptive learning
·  Adaptive Server Enterprise
·  AD/Cycle
·  Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
·  aggregation
·  algebraic structure
·  alpha testing
·  alt.sources
·  annotation
·  Apple Computer, Inc.
·  appletviewer
·  Application Developer
·  application program
·  application testing
·  array
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  ASCII art
·  aspect-oriented programming
·  autoconf
·  Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
·  automated testing
·  axiomatic semantics
·  axiomatic set theory
·  back door
·  BackOffice
·  backward combatability
·  Basic Object System
·  Basic Rate Interface
·  batch file
·  baud
·  BBC
·  BBC Microcomputer
·  BBC Networking Club
·  bells and whistles
·  beta testing
·  beta version
·  bigot
·  binary
·  binary file
·  bit bang
·  bitonal image
·  bits per pixel
·  black box
·  black-box testing
·  bletcherous
·  Bloggs Family, the
·  bogon
·  bogo-sort
·  Boolean algebra
·  bootstrap
·  bottom-up implementation
·  bottom-up testing
·  broadcast storm
·  brochureware
·  bug fix
·  bum
·  burn-in
·  c2man
·  canonical
·  Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation
·  carrier scanner
·  case and paste
·  case sensitivity
·  cause-effect graphing
·  cdr
·  Cecil
·  Certificate Authority
·  Chip Scale Packaging
·  chrome
·  class
·  Clean
·  clear box testing
·  CLiCC
·  client
·  closed-box testing
·  CLU
·  CMU Common Lisp
·  code
·  CodeCenter
·  code grinder
·  Common Architecture for Next Generation Internet Protocol
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  Common Internet File System
·  Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
·  Compiled HTML
·  compiler
·  compile time
·  complexity
·  Computer-Aided Software Testing
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  Computer Software Configuration Item
·  Compuware Corporation
·  confidence test
·  Conjunctive Normal Form
·  connected subgraph
·  Constructive Cost Model
·  continuous wave
·  control
·  Convergent Technologies Operating System
·  Conway' s Law
·  Corporation for Open Systems
·  cosmic rays
·  C preprocessor
·  cracker
·  crash and burn
·  creeping elegance
·  cross-post
·  crunch
·  CTC++
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  cybernetics
·  cyberspace
·  cycle
·  cyclomatic complexity
·  Data Communication Equipment
·  data compression
·  data model
·  Data Terminal Equipment
·  death code
·  debugging
·  DEC Wars
·  deductive tableau
·  Delphi Technique
·  DER
·  derived class
·  Desktop Management Interface
·  development
·  device independent bitmap
·  /dev/null
·  Dialled Number Identification Service
·  dictionary flame
·  diff
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  Digital Subscriber Line
·  Digital Versatile Disc
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  disclaimer
·  Disjunctive Normal Form
·  Dissociated Press
·  Distributed Computing Environment
·  dithering
·  Document Type Definition
·  dogpile
·  Domain Analysis
·  domain theory
·  dongle-disk
·  dot file
·  dot notation
·  dump
·  dynamic binding
·  Electromagnetic Compatibility
·  electron tube
·  Electrostatic Discharge
·  Eli Compiler Construction System
·  ELP
·  emoticon
·  equivalence class partitioning
·  Eric Conspiracy
·  error-based testing
·  error correcting memory
·  executable
·  expect
·  Extended Tiny
·  Extensible HyperText Markup Language
·  ezd
·  failure-directed testing
·  fas
·  fascist
·  fault-based testing
·  feature key
·  feep
·  fence
·  FidoNet
·  field servoid
·  Finite State Machine
·  flame
·  flame bait
·  floating-point
·  floppy disk
·  followup
·  forum
·  fragmentation
·  freeze
·  frequently asked question
·  frobnicate
·  fully qualified domain name
·  functional database
·  functional testing
·  furrfu
·  future date testing
·  games
·  GCT
·  General Recursion Theorem
·  Get a life!
·  glark
·  glass box testing
·  glass tty
·  GNU E
·  GNUStep
·  go gold
·  Gupta Corporation
·  h
·  hack on
·  hack up
·  Hamming code
·  hard link
·  hardware
·  hash coding
·  hash function
·  heatseeker
·  heavy wizardry
·  hello packet
·  heuristics testing
·  hexadecimal
·  hidden flag
·  high-level language
·  holy wars
·  home page
·  hung
·  hybrid testing
·  hyperlink
·  Iburg
·  ICT
·  IEEE 802.3
·  ill-behaved
·  incremental analysis
·  Independent Verification and Validation
·  inews
·  Information Management System
·  InfoStreet, Inc.
·  Inglish
·  inheritance
·  Initial Operational Test and Evaluation
·  inner product
·  inspection
·  instruction set architecture
·  integrated circuit
·  integration testing
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel 80386SX
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  interesting
·  interface analysis
·  interlacing
·  Internet Access Provider
·  Internet Information Server
·  Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
·  Internet Message Access Protocol
·  Internet Network Information Center
·  interpreter
·  Intrusive Testing
·  inverse comment convention
·  James Gosling
·  Java Message Service
·  Joint Test Action Group
·  joystick
·  keyboard
·  keyboard plaque
·  kibibyte
·  kiboze
·  kill file
·  knowledge
·  kremvax
·  label switching
·  Lakota
·  language lawyer
·  languages of choice
·  larval stage
·  Lasherism
·  last call optimisation
·  LaTeX
·  level-sensitive scan design
·  lexical scope
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  like kicking dead whales down the beach
·  line eater
·  line editor
·  line noise
·  lines of code
·  Lions Book
·  load balancing
·  lock-in
·  Logical Unit 6.2
·  Logical Unit Number
·  Lolli
·  loop combination
·  ls
·  lurking
·  Mach
·  magic
·  magic number
·  magic smoke
·  mailing list
·  main memory
·  management
·  manual testing
·  marketroid
·  Material Requirements Planning
·  MCP-1600
·  mcvax
·  measure
·  measurement
·  Memory Management Unit
·  message passing
·  method
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  microphone
·  Microsoft Corporation
·  minicomputer
·  mirror
·  model checking
·  modem
·  module
·  monad
·  monty
·  Moscow ML
·  Motorola 68020
·  mouse around
·  mudhead
·  multicast backbone
·  Multipop-68
·  multithreading
·  mumble
·  Musicam
·  Mutation Testing
·  negative acknowledgement
·  net.god
·  netiquette
·  Netmarq Limited
·  net.police
·  Network News Transfer Protocol
·  newline
·  NeWS
·  newsgroup
·  nonintrusive testing
·  nontrivial
·  Ob-
·  one-liner wars
·  Opal
·  open box testing
·  operating system
·  operational test and evaluation
·  operational testing
·  OS/2
·  outside-in testing
·  Palace
·  parallel random access machine
·  path coverage testing
·  pathname
·  pattern matching
·  PC-Scheme
·  penis war
·  Pentium II Xeon
·  Playstation
·  plotter
·  pnambic
·  PNP
·  polylithism
·  port
·  posting
·  Power Macintosh
·  PowerOpen Environment
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  pretty pictures
·  printing discussion
·  Prisoner of Bill
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  programming language
·  Prospero
·  protocol analyser
·  pseudo
·  PUB
·  purple wire
·  quality assurance
·  quality control
·  quine
·  Radio Frequency Interference
·  rainbow series
·  Rambus DRAM
·  random
·  random-access memory
·  random testing
·  rare mode
·  ray casting
·  Real Time Streaming Protocol
·  Real World
·  refactoring
·  regression
·  reinvent the wheel
·  retronym
·  reverse engineering
·  RFE
·  RG8
·  Richard Gabriel
·  Rich Site Summary
·  rot13
·  RSA Data Security, Inc.
·  runes
·  runic
·  Russell' s Attic
·  sanity check
·  SAS System
·  Sather
·  scan design
·  scratch
·  scratch monkey
·  screen scraper
·  security through obscurity
·  semantic network
·  serial line
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  server-parsed HTML
·  Service Access Point
·  session
·  Shared Time Repair of Big Electronic Systems
·  signal-to-noise ratio
·  signature
·  Skel-ML
·  S-Lang
·  smoke test
·  socket
·  Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
·  software life-cycle
·  software rot
·  SPARC International, Inc.
·  special-case
·  spelling flame
·  spike
·  spoiler
·  stack
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  state transition diagram
·  static database management system
·  static link
·  static random access memory
·  STD 2
·  stress testing
·  StrongARM
·  structured programming
·  subject
·  subnet
·  super minicomputer
·  system testing
·  system unit
·  TechRef
·  telephony
·  termcap
·  Terminal Adaptor
·  test
·  Test coverage
·  theory change
·  third generation computer
·  Thumb
·  tiger team
·  time bomb
·  time division multiplexing
·  Tiny BASIC
·  Tiny Clos
·  toolbar
·  toolsmith
·  topic thread
·  Towers of Hanoi
·  tracker ball
·  transparent audio coding
·  trap
·  trawl
·  tree-killer
·  troll
·  truth table
·  tunafish
·  tune
·  twisted pair
·  UAT
·  UCS transformation format
·  Unicode
·  uninteresting
·  unit testing
·  Universal Debugger
·  Universal Serial Bus
·  urban legend
·  Usenet
·  user acceptance testing
·  Use the Source Luke
·  uuencode
·  V.90
·  V.FC
·  Vint Cerf
·  virtual circuit
·  visualisation
·  voxel
·  wallpaper
·  Waterfall Model
·  Waveform Generation Language
·  webcasting
·  white box testing
·  wintel
·  word
·  WordPerfect
·  Xemacs
·  Year 2000
·  yoyo mode
·  YTalk
·  ZAP
·  Zermelo set theory
·  zombie process
·  brute force
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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