
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: SUN

Results in the term's title:

·  Sun
·  Sun-2 Workstation
·  Sun-3 Workstation
·  Sun-4 Workstation
·  sun lounge
·  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
·  SunOS
·  sunspots
·  sun-stools
·  SunView

Results in the term's text:

·  64-bit
·  A#
·  aard
·  Abstract Window Toolkit
·  Adamakegen
·  Adaptor
·  Aditi
·  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  ALGOL 68S
·  Andrew Fluegelman
·  applet
·  Application Executive
·  ARI Service
·  as31
·  ASpecT
·  AST Computers, LLC
·  Austin Kyoto Common Lisp
·  Berkeley Software Distribution
·  Berkeley Yacc
·  Bigloo
·  BinProlog
·  boot disk
·  brain dump
·  buglix
·  C+@
·  Career Limiting Move
·  CAS 8051 Assembler
·  cfortran.h
·  Chimera
·  Church of the SubGenius
·  Clean
·  CLiP
·  CLU
·  CMU Common Lisp
·  Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
·  Concurrent Object-Oriented C
·  cosmic rays
·  cowboy
·  crash and burn
·  cross-assembler
·  Crypt Breakers Workbench
·  DAA
·  Data Encryption Standard
·  Deep Blue
·  demo mode
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  Desktop Management Interface
·  diskless workstation
·  DOE
·  d-Prolog
·  Dynamically Linked Library
·  Eggdrop
·  Eiffel source checker
·  Eli Compiler Construction System
·  ELP
·  EMBLA Pro
·  Enterprise JavaBeans
·  enumerated type
·  ET++
·  Extension Language Kit
·  eXternal Data Representation
·  fdlibm
·  file server
·  filk
·  Fools' Lisp
·  freeze
·  fully qualified domain name
·  FunnelWeb
·  GAP
·  GC
·  GCT
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  Glish
·  GNU archive site
·  GNU assembler
·  GNU Smalltalk
·  Gofer
·  Greenwich Mean Time
·  Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
·  hard boot
·  Haskell B
·  heads down
·  Hermes
·  HiLog
·  HOL-90
·  Hope+C
·  HotJava
·  Hunt the Wumpus
·  IDL
·  imc
·  Insignia Solutions, Inc.
·  Interface Definition Language
·  Interleaf
·  Internet Worm
·  Ivan Sutherland
·  J
·  James Gosling
·  Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
·  Java 2 Software Development Kit
·  JavaBeans
·  Java Community Process
·  Java Database Connectivity
·  Java Development Kit
·  Java Message Service
·  Java Open Language Toolkit
·  Java Remote Method Protocol
·  JavaServer Pages
·  Java servlet
·  Java Virtual Machine
·  jc
·  Jini
·  Lambada-Calculus
·  Language for Communicating Systems
·  Lazy Standard ML
·  learning curve
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  light-weight process
·  Lily
·  Linux Network Administrators' Guide
·  logical
·  Lucinda
·  M2toM3
·  Macaulay
·  Mail Users' Shell
·  Maisie
·  Malamud
·  Marlais
·  Mars
·  mawk
·  mcvax
·  MDL
·  meme
·  Mentat
·  MicroGnuEmacs
·  Microsloth Windows
·  mind uploading
·  Mint Is Not TRAC
·  MIT Scheme
·  Moscow ML
·  Motorola 68000
·  Motorola 68020
·  mouse mat
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.
·  Netfind
·  network byte order
·  Network extensible Window System
·  Network File System
·  Network Information Center
·  Network Information Service
·  Nightmare File System
·  NSE
·  ntalk
·  Object-code Buffer Overrun Evaluator
·  Object Management Group
·  Object-Oriented Fortran
·  Object-Oriented Turing
·  occam
·  Occam' s Razor
·  Octave
·  ogg
·  OMF
·  Open DeathTrap
·  Open Look
·  Open Network Computing
·  OpenWindows
·  Paradise
·  Parallaxis
·  pdksh
·  Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
·  pilot error
·  pizza box
·  Program Composition Notation
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  proof
·  Prospero
·  Pthreads
·  Ptolemy
·  Public-Key Cryptography Standards
·  Q
·  Remote Method Invocation
·  Remote Procedure Call
·  RFC 1057
·  RFC 1094
·  RFE
·  salt mines
·  Sather
·  SB-Prolog
·  SBus
·  Scheme-to-C
·  Schoonschip
·  Scorpion
·  ScumOS
·  Self
·  Sendmail Inc.
·  server
·  server room
·  SETL2
·  SEX
·  shared memory
·  SimCity
·  SIMULA 67
·  siod
·  slackware
·  sml2c
·  software patent
·  Solaris
·  SPARCStation
·  SPARC Xterminal 1
·  speedometer
·  SR
·  SRC Modula-3
·  SRL
·  State University of New York
·  Steve' s Shell
·  STk
·  stream
·  Subset-Equational Language
·  Sun
·  Sun-2 Workstation
·  Sun-3 Workstation
·  Sun-4 Workstation
·  sun lounge
·  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
·  SunOS
·  sunspots
·  sun-stools
·  SunView
·  Sure
·  SWI-Prolog
·  System V
·  T
·  terminak
·  Text Reckoning And Compiling
·  Transport Driver Interface
·  tree-killer
·  troglodyte mode
·  tunafish
·  Turing
·  uC++
·  Ulm' s Modula-2 System
·  Universal Time
·  Unix International
·  Unix manual page
·  UPS
·  USAModSim
·  usr
·  VAL
·  Very Large Memory
·  Vulcan nerve pinch
·  WCL
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  William Joy
·  Windows Application Binary Interface
·  window system
·  woman
·  Xemacs
·  XSB
·  XView
·  yoyo mode
·  YP
·  Zuse
·  JavaScript


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