
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: SoC

Results in the term's title:

·  American Society of Mechanical Engineers
·  Association Control Service Element
·  Association for Computational Linguistics
·  Association for Computing
·  Association for Computing Machinery
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  Association for SIMULA Users
·  Association Française des Utilisateurs d' Unix
·  Association of American Publishers
·  Association of C and C++ Users
·  Association of Lisp Users
·  associative array
·  associative memory
·  Associative Memory Parallel Processing Language
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  Class Oriented Ring Associated Language
·  Computer Associates International, Inc.
·  Computer Conservation Society
·  Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
·  Data Interchange Standards Association
·  Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
·  Dissociated Press
·  Electronics Industry Association
·  European Computer Manufacturers Association
·  fully associative cache
·  IEEE Computer Society
·  Infrared Data Association
·  International Core War Society
·  International Smalltalk Association
·  Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
·  Internet Society
·  isochronous
·  isochronous transfer
·  M Technology Association
·  Optical Storage Technology Association
·  O' Reilly and Associates
·  Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
·  PowerOpen Association
·  Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne
·  Secure Sockets Layer
·  Security Association
·  Security Association ID
·  set associative cache
·  Shugart Associates
·  social engineering
·  social science number
·  socket
·  Socket 1
·  Socket 2
·  Socket 3
·  Socket 370
·  Socket 4
·  Socket 5
·  Socket 6
·  Socket 7
·  Socket 8
·  Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
·  Telecommunications Industry Association
·  Terminal Oriented Social Science
·  Video Electronics Standards Association
·  Winsock
·  x86 processor socket

Results in the term's text:

·  386BSD
·  431A
·  610
·  AAP
·  accept
·  ACL
·  ACM
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advantage Gen
·  Alan F. Shugart
·  all-elbows
·  ALU
·  ampersand
·  annotation
·  ANSI X12
·  APC
·  Application Binary Interface
·  array
·  assigned numbers
·  assignment problem
·  Association for Computational Linguistics
·  Association for Computing
·  Association for Computing Machinery
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  Association Française des Utilisateurs d' Unix
·  associative array
·  attribute
·  ATX
·  Automatic Number Identification
·  awk
·  back-end
·  background
·  banana problem
·  bar code
·  BCS
·  Bidouilleurs Sans Argent
·  binding handle
·  Birds Of a Feather
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  Bletchley Park
·  Block Diagram Compiler
·  boink
·  Boolean algebra
·  Brooks' s Law
·  B-Toolkit
·  bucky bits
·  bulletin board system
·  bzzzt, wrong
·  CA
·  cache
·  category
·  CA-Telon
·  CCS
·  Celeron
·  Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
·  CGI Joe
·  channel hopping
·  Chimera
·  class
·  C-Linda
·  Clive Sinclair
·  Cocol/R
·  Coco/R
·  combinator
·  Commercial Internet eXchange
·  Communications of the ACM
·  Competitive Access Provider
·  Compiled HTML
·  Computer
·  Computer Conservation Society
·  computer ethics
·  computer geek
·  computer literacy
·  Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
·  Concurrent Versions System
·  ConflictNet
·  connect
·  constant applicative form
·  content addressable memory
·  Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
·  Core War
·  CTY
·  cybernetics
·  cyberpunk
·  Cyrix 6x86
·  data
·  database
·  data channel
·  Datacom
·  data processing
·  differential backup
·  digital carrier
·  Directed Oc
·  direct mapped cache
·  Discordianism
·  Dissociated Press
·  dongle
·  DP
·  Dual In-Line Package
·  ECMA International
·  Edinburgh Multi Access System
·  Edward Yourdon
·  EIA
·  Electronic Frontier Foundation
·  ELIZA effect
·  EOU
·  event-driven
·  Experimental Physics Control Systems
·  Fairchild F8
·  Feel
·  Fibre Channel
·  file
·  flarp
·  Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
·  flow chart
·  foreground
·  Fortran-Linda
·  FOundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
·  front side bus
·  fully associative cache
·  functional dependency
·  fuzzy logic
·  GE Information Services
·  gender mender
·  George Boole
·  German
·  g file
·  Global Network Navigator
·  Green Book
·  grind
·  group
·  group identifier
·  hacker humour
·  handle
·  hard disk
·  hard link
·  hash
·  hash coding
·  hello, sailor!
·  HEPnet
·  High Performance Serial Bus
·  history
·  ICI
·  IEEE Computer Society
·  IMProved Mercury autocode
·  index
·  inetd
·  inference rule
·  Infrared Data Association
·  inode
·  Institute for Global Communications
·  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
·  Integrated Database Management System
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel 487SX
·  Intel i960
·  Internet
·  Internet Adapter
·  Internet Protocol version 6
·  Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
·  Internet Server Application Programming Interface
·  Internet Society
·  Inter-process Communication
·  interrupt
·  interrupt handler
·  IrDA
·  ISA
·  ISO 8649
·  ISO 8650
·  ISO 9000
·  isochronous
·  isochronous transfer
·  jack in
·  John Vincent Atanasoff
·  JSA
·  jump off into never-never land
·  KA9Q
·  LE/1
·  legalese
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  Liana
·  Linda
·  Linux Network Administrators' Guide
·  Lisp
·  list
·  Live Free Or Die!
·  logic programming
·  Low Insertion Force
·  Magma
·  mailing list
·  Maisie
·  Manufacturer Resource Planning
·  Material Requirements Planning
·  math-out
·  Memory Management Unit
·  meta-data
·  method
·  MicroGnuEmacs
·  minifloppy
·  model checking
·  Modelsim
·  monitor
·  monoid
·  motherboard
·  mount
·  Moxie
·  multicast backbone
·  natural deduction
·  Nerd pride
·  netpipes
·  netstat
·  numbers
·  object-oriented database
·  Oc
·  occam
·  Ondine
·  ontology
·  Operating System/Multiprogramming of Fixed Tasks
·  OS/390
·  Overdrive
·  packet driver
·  Packet in Plastic Grid Array
·  Paradise
·  parser generator
·  pastie
·  PC Card
·  PCI slot
·  PC support
·  PeaceNet
·  Pentium II
·  Permanent Virtual Circuit
·  Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
·  PGA370
·  phacker
·  Pilot European Image Processing Archive
·  Pin Grid Array
·  pipe
·  Plastic Pin Grid Array
·  Platform for Internet Inhalt Selection
·  Playstation
·  Point Of Contact
·  port
·  Port Address Translation
·  PowerOpen
·  PowerOpen Environment
·  preox
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  process
·  PROgrammer' s Microapplication Language
·  Prolog++
·  proof
·  ProSet
·  Prospero
·  proxy gateway
·  pseudo
·  quad
·  Rapid Application Development
·  RapidCAD
·  Rate monotonic scheduling
·  ray casting
·  RC4
·  repeating group
·  replacement algorithm
·  resolution
·  Resource Description Framework
·  Richard Hamming
·  RiscPC
·  RLaB
·  roff
·  Roskind grammars
·  Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne
·  Russell' s Attic
·  samurai
·  scratch monkey
·  Seagate Technology
·  sector mapping
·  Seiko RC-4000
·  semaphore
·  Sendmail Inc.
·  server
·  set associative cache
·  shallow binding
·  shared memory
·  Sharp APL
·  Shugart Associates
·  Sig
·  signal
·  SIMULA 67
·  Single Image Random Dot Stereogram
·  Slingshot
·  Slot 1
·  Slot A
·  Smalltalk
·  smoke and mirrors
·  smurf
·  social science number
·  socket
·  Socket 1
·  Socket 2
·  Socket 3
·  Socket 370
·  Socket 4
·  Socket 5
·  Socket 6
·  Socket 7
·  Socket 8
·  Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
·  software life-cycle
·  spaghetti inheritance
·  SPARCstation 10
·  sparse
·  Special Interest Group
·  SPSS, Inc.
·  SQL
·  SSL
·  SSLeay
·  Staggered Pin Grid Array
·  stale pointer bug
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  state transition diagram
·  Stephen Kleene
·  Sterling Software, Inc.
·  stream
·  struct
·  sublanguage
·  sum
·  Super 7
·  SuperJanet
·  symbolic inference
·  Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
·  System/360
·  Systems Administrators Guild
·  Teamwork
·  Telecommunications Industry Association
·  telecommuting
·  tensor product
·  teraflop club
·  Terminal Productivity eXecutive
·  TIA
·  Tim Berners-Lee
·  times-or-divided-by
·  T. Kohonen
·  to a zeroth approximation
·  tracker ball
·  Translation Look-aside Buffer
·  Transport Layer Interface
·  trap
·  trap-door function
·  Trumpet
·  Turing
·  Turing Plus
·  twink
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  Universal Serial Bus
·  University of Durham
·  University of East London
·  University of Twente
·  Use the Source Luke
·  utility-coder
·  vector space
·  VESA Local Bus
·  Vint Cerf
·  Virtual Local Area Network
·  virtual path
·  virus
·  voice mail
·  Voronoi diagram
·  wannabee
·  webcasting
·  weenie
·  Windows 95
·  windows messaging
·  Winsock
·  wireless local area network
·  Wireless Transport Layer Security
·  write-only memory
·  X.217
·  X.227
·  x86 processor socket
·  Zero Insertion Force
·  brute force
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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