
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: String

Results in the term's title:

·  bit string
·  null-terminated multibyte string
·  Procrustean string
·  string
·  String EXpression Interpreter
·  STring Oriented Interactive Compiler
·  String Oriented Symbolic Language
·  String PRocessING language
·  string reduction

Results in the term's text:

·  2
·  Accent
·  aggregate type
·  Application Executive
·  ASCIIbonics
·  associative array
·  backslash
·  base 64
·  bit pattern
·  bit string
·  blurgle
·  bookmark
·  C-BC
·  cdr
·  Cedar
·  channel
·  character set
·  code position
·  command
·  compress
·  compression
·  Concurrent Versions System
·  context clash
·  cryptography
·  date
·  decidability
·  delete
·  delimiter
·  Delta
·  descriptor
·  Dhrystone
·  Digital Lempel Ziv 1
·  Digital Linear Tape
·  dollar
·  double quote
·  electronic mail address
·  entropy
·  EOL
·  Extended Pascal
·  Extension Language Kit
·  EZ
·  fence
·  fgrep
·  Formula ALGOL
·  Fortran 77
·  fossil
·  generic identifier
·  grammar
·  graph reduction
·  grep
·  Hamming distance
·  hash function
·  hostname
·  Huffman coding
·  HyperTalk
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  Icon
·  Intel 80186
·  internal field separators
·  JPL
·  kiboze
·  kit
·  Kleene star
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  lexeme
·  Liana
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  line editor
·  LISP 2
·  live data
·  logical shift
·  Longitudinal Redundancy Check
·  lvalue
·  machine code
·  magic number
·  mail merge
·  META 5
·  mnemonic
·  MZ
·  nadger
·  natural language processing
·  newline
·  null-terminated multibyte string
·  NUXI problem
·  offset
·  parser
·  parser generator
·  Pascal-P
·  passphrase
·  password
·  pattern matching
·  PL/I
·  Poplar
·  printf
·  Procrustean string
·  Prometheus
·  Quake
·  reduction
·  reduction strategy
·  repeating group
·  Resource Description Framework
·  RLaB
·  Rx
·  s///
·  salt
·  scalar
·  scanf
·  SCL
·  semantics
·  serialise
·  shebang
·  single quote
·  siod
·  SL5
·  soundex
·  spreadsheet
·  stemmer
·  string
·  String EXpression Interpreter
·  STring Oriented Interactive Compiler
·  String Oriented Symbolic Language
·  String PRocessING language
·  string reduction
·  syntax
·  System Control Language
·  tee
·  termcap
·  term rewriting system
·  Text Reckoning And Compiling
·  T-gen
·  Turing Machine
·  type
·  Uniform Resource Citation
·  Unique ID Listing
·  Universal Resource Identifier
·  user name
·  UTF-8
·  V.42bis
·  vadding
·  whatis
·  wild card
·  XPL
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  Zed
·  zigamorph
·  Graphical User Interface


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