
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Syntax

Results in the term's title:

·  abstract syntax
·  abstract syntax tree
·  concrete syntax
·  infix syntax
·  metasyntax
·  postfix syntax
·  prefix syntax
·  reverse polish syntax
·  syntax
·  Syntax-Case
·  syntax directed translation
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  syntax tree
·  transfer syntax

Results in the term's text:

·  404
·  ABC
·  abstraction
·  abstract syntax
·  abstract syntax tree
·  Abstract-Type and Scheme-Definition Language
·  Actor
·  Adventure Definition Language
·  A-language
·  algebraic data type
·  ASN.1
·  Atlas Autocode
·  awk
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  bash
·  Basic Encoding Rules
·  BC
·  B-Toolkit
·  built-in
·  C+@
·  c2man
·  Calculus of Communicating Systems
·  call-by-reference
·  candygrammar
·  Canonical Encoding Rules
·  CAS 8051 Assembler
·  cascade
·  C-BC
·  Cigale
·  C Language Integrated Production System
·  comment out
·  concrete syntax
·  Consul
·  context
·  context clash
·  context-free
·  Conversational LISP
·  cppp
·  C-Refine
·  C shell
·  data hierarchy
·  DC
·  dd
·  Echidna
·  Edinburgh Prolog
·  Eiffel source checker
·  EL1
·  Erlang
·  explicit type conversion
·  expression
·  expression tree
·  Extended Affix Grammar
·  Extended Backus-Naur Form
·  F-code
·  FFP
·  Fortran
·  Fortrash
·  Glisp
·  glob
·  GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction
·  grammar
·  Grapes
·  here document
·  HyperTalk
·  ICI
·  Icon
·  IFP
·  [incr Tcl]
·  interactive development environment
·  interpreter
·  Isabelle
·  ISO 9735
·  IVY
·  Job Control Language
·  Kevo
·  keyword
·  language-sensitive editor
·  legal
·  Liana
·  line noise
·  LISP 2
·  Lispkit
·  Local Mail Transfer Protocol
·  Lout
·  LPL
·  Marseille Prolog
·  Massey Hope
·  Mesa
·  meta
·  META 5
·  Meta-II
·  metasyntax
·  M-expression LISP
·  MIB Variable
·  Micro Assembly Language
·  Miranda
·  MML
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  Oaklisp
·  Obfuscated C Contest
·  Objectionable-C
·  Objective Modula-2
·  Open Systems Interconnection
·  operator
·  Ousterhout' s dichotomy
·  outer join
·  Ox
·  Packed Encoding Rules
·  parser
·  partitioned data set
·  PLisp
·  polymorphism
·  Pop-11
·  POP-2
·  Poplar
·  postfix notation
·  pragma
·  prefix notation
·  programming language
·  ProSet
·  protocol
·  PUB
·  Public-Key Cryptography Standards
·  rc
·  rdb
·  Resource Description Framework
·  RFC 1778
·  runic
·  Sather
·  Schematik
·  Scheme
·  SDF
·  SDL
·  selector
·  semantics
·  server-parsed HTML
·  SETL2
·  Single ASsignment Language
·  singleton variable
·  Skill
·  SL5
·  S-Lang
·  Smalltalk
·  source route
·  SSL
·  S/SL
·  standard semantics
·  Statistical Analysis System
·  structural recursion
·  syntactic sugar
·  syntax
·  Syntax-Case
·  syntax directed translation
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  syntax tree
·  System Control Language
·  tag
·  TDF
·  T-gen
·  TL1
·  TMG
·  transfer syntax
·  tree
·  troff
·  Uranus
·  visual programming environment
·  wart
·  weblint
·  Wild_LIFE
·  write-only language
·  X.208
·  X.409
·  X.680
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  Yet Another Compiler Compiler
·  JavaScript


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