
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: UMA

Results in the term's title:

·  Human-Computer Interaction
·  Human-Computer Interface
·  Human Interface Device
·  Human Interface Technology Laboratory
·  humanist technology
·  John von Neumann
·  MuMath
·  von Neumann architecture
·  von Neumann integer
·  von Neumann, John
·  von Neumann machine
·  von Neumann ordinal

Results in the term's text:

·  Abstract-Type and Scheme-Definition Language
·  agent
·  AI-complete
·  alphabetic language
·  artificial intelligence
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  Atanasoff-Berry Computer
·  automation
·  axiomatic set theory
·  background
·  bang path
·  batch processing
·  Baudot code
·  bgh
·  binary file
·  bit bang
·  bitmap
·  bits per pixel
·  bot
·  botwar
·  braille
·  bytesexual
·  Capabilities Maturity Model
·  chatbot
·  Church integer
·  code grinder
·  cognitive architecture
·  comma
·  comment
·  Computer-Based Training
·  computer ethics
·  cookbook
·  Cooperative Information System
·  core dump
·  CPU Wars
·  C shell
·  Cyc
·  Darms
·  data
·  Data definition language
·  deep space
·  deprecated
·  dink
·  drag and drop
·  droid
·  ed
·  eighty-column mind
·  ELIZA effect
·  embedded system
·  exec
·  expert system
·  Extension Language Kit
·  failover
·  feedback control
·  fetch-execute cycle
·  FFP
·  flame
·  flame on
·  four colour map theorem
·  FP
·  frame rate
·  fry
·  furigana
·  Garbage In, Garbage Out
·  German
·  gigabyte
·  go flatline
·  gorilla arm
·  hair
·  hand-hacking
·  haptics
·  Harvard architecture
·  HCI
·  hexit
·  HID
·  Human-Computer Interaction
·  Human-Computer Interface
·  Human Interface Device
·  Human Interface Technology Laboratory
·  humanist technology
·  IAS
·  image recognition
·  Information Technology
·  Institute for Global Communications
·  International Phonetic Alphabet
·  ircop
·  Johnniac
·  John von Neumann
·  kanji
·  Kernel User Interface Package
·  kiosk
·  LaborNet
·  language
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  Life
·  lion food
·  livelock
·  local echo
·  logic programming
·  Loglan
·  lots of MIPS but no I/O
·  machine code
·  Macintosh Operating System
·  magic number
·  mailing list
·  manual testing
·  Mars
·  meme
·  Mentat
·  MetaCard
·  mind mouse
·  MML
·  modem
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 3
·  multimedia
·  Murphy' s Law
·  MuSimp
·  nanobot
·  natural language
·  neats vs. scruffies
·  niladic
·  Non-Uniform Memory Access
·  non-uniform quantising logarithmic compression
·  NSA line eater
·  Nyquist Theorem
·  ohnosecond
·  ontology
·  optical fibre
·  Oracle Co-operative Applications
·  PAW++
·  PeaceNet
·  PeopleSoft
·  perfect programmer syndrome
·  perspective
·  Picture Quality Scale
·  play by electronic mail
·  plotter
·  pnambic
·  Pop-11
·  prettyprint
·  processing
·  proxy server
·  pseudo
·  Public Switched Telephone Network
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  quantum dot
·  recursion theory
·  redocumentation
·  Resource Description Framework
·  RFC 1960
·  RGB
·  Rhapsody
·  robot
·  RSA encryption
·  safety-critical system
·  say
·  Schachter' s Hypothesis
·  Scheduling Application Programming Interface
·  scratch monkey
·  screen scraper
·  secondary damage
·  Setext
·  SGML Tagger
·  silo
·  slack
·  slop
·  smoke and mirrors
·  software
·  spamdex
·  speech synthesis
·  spelling flame
·  spider
·  state
·  stemmer
·  Stupids
·  superprogrammer
·  symbolic inference
·  symbolic mathematics
·  syntactic sugar
·  TCVN 5773
·  TCVN 6056
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  teledildonics
·  third generation language
·  tired iron
·  transparent audio coding
·  tree
·  tree-killer
·  Triton VX
·  Turing test
·  universe of discourse
·  user interface
·  Vannevar Bush
·  Vietnamese
·  virus
·  von Neumann architecture
·  von Neumann integer
·  von Neumann, John
·  von Neumann machine
·  von Neumann ordinal
·  Wafe
·  waldo
·  wall follower
·  wedged
·  weighted search
·  wetware
·  wizard
·  writing system
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  broadcast quality video
·  Graphical User Interface


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