
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: UNI

Results in the term's title:

·  Adaptive Communication Environment
·  Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program
·  Advanced Communications Function
·  Advanced Data Communications Control Protocol
·  Advanced Program-to-Program Communications
·  Algebra of Communicating Processes
·  alpha/beta pruning
·  Apple Attachment Unit Interface
·  Application Protocol Data Unit
·  Arithmetic and Logic Unit
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  Association Française des Utilisateurs d' Unix
·  Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
·  Attachment Unit Interface
·  Bell Communications Research, Inc
·  Berkeley Unix
·  bottom-unique
·  BSD Unix
·  Calculus of Communicating Systems
·  California State University San Marcos
·  Call Unix
·  Carnegie Mellon University
·  central processing unit
·  Chalmers University of Technology
·  channel service unit
·  channel service unit/data service unit
·  Comite Europeen des Postes et Telecommunications
·  Common Communication Services
·  Communicating Functional Processes
·  Communicating Sequential Processes
·  Communications Decency Act
·  Communications of the ACM
·  communications port
·  Communications Server
·  communications software
·  communication system
·  Community of Massive Gaming Agency
·  complete unification
·  Computer Mediated Communication
·  Contextually Communicating Sequential Processes
·  control unit
·  Coordinated Universal Time
·  Cornell University
·  Data Communication Equipment
·  data communications analyst
·  Data Communications Equipment
·  data service unit
·  Defense Communications Agency
·  Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital European Cordless Telecommunications
·  digital service unit
·  discriminated union
·  disjoint union
·  Dwarf Storage Unit
·  Eastern Washington University
·  Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
·  European Telecommunications Standards Institute
·  Floating-Point Unit
·  functional unit
·  Global System for Mobile Communications
·  Han Unification
·  High Performance Computing and Communications
·  Hotline Communications Ltd.
·  IMS/Data Communications
·  Information and Communication Technology
·  Institute for Global Communications
·  International Telecommunications Union
·  Inter-process Communication
·  Irvine Research Unit in Software
·  Java Community Process
·  Language for Communicating Systems
·  Logical Unit
·  Logical Unit 6.2
·  Logical Unit Number
·  MasPar Unity
·  Maximum Transmission Unit
·  Media Access Unit
·  Memory Management Unit
·  MIX Communications
·  Mosaic Communications Corporation
·  most general unifier
·  Multistation Access Unit
·  Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.
·  Netscape Communications Corporation
·  Network Addressable Unit
·  New York University
·  Non-Uniform Memory Access
·  non-uniform quantising logarithmic compression
·  Non-Uniform Rational B Spline
·  Open University
·  Opportunity Management System
·  Paged Memory Management Unit
·  Personal Communication Network
·  Personal Communication Services
·  Princeton University
·  Protocol Data Unit
·  Purdue University
·  Queen' s University
·  reliable communication
·  Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem
·  Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
·  runic
·  Serial Communications Interface
·  Sperry Univac
·  Stanford University
·  State University of New York
·  stock-keeping unit
·  system unit
·  Système International d' Units
·  Telecommunication Display Device
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  Telecommunications Industry Association
·  UNI
·  Unicode
·  unicos
·  Uniface
·  unification
·  Unified Han
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  unifier
·  Uniform Naming Convention
·  Uniform Resource Citation
·  Uniform Resource Locater
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  Uniform Resource Number
·  Unify
·  unify
·  Unify Corporation
·  Unihan
·  uninstaller
·  uninteresting
·  Uninterruptible Power Supply
·  union
·  Unipalm Group plc
·  Unipress Software, Inc.
·  uniprocessor
·  Unique ID Listing
·  unique key
·  unique sales point
·  Unir Tech
·  Unisys Corporation
·  United Kingdom Unix Users Group
·  United Technologies Research Cente
·  Unit Separator
·  unit testing
·  Univac
·  Universal algebra
·  Universal Character Set
·  Universal Communications X
·  Universal Debugger
·  Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
·  Universal Disk Format
·  universal quantifier
·  Universal Resource Identifier
·  Universal Resource Locator
·  Universal Serial Bus
·  universal thunk
·  Universal Time
·  Universal Time Coordinated
·  universe of discourse
·  University of Arizona
·  University of California at Berkeley
·  University of Durham
·  University of East London
·  University of Hawaii
·  University of Iceland
·  University of London Computing Centre
·  University of Michigan
·  University of Michigan Digital Library Project
·  University of Minnesota
·  University of Nijmegen
·  University of Pennsylvania
·  University of Tasmania
·  University of Twente
·  Unix box
·  Unix brain damage
·  Unix conspiracy
·  Unix International
·  Unixism
·  Unix man page
·  Unix manual page
·  Unix System V
·  Unix to Unix Copy
·  UnixWare
·  Unix weenie
·  Unix wizard
·  USG Unix
·  Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
·  Visual Display Unit
·  Voters Telecommunications Watch
·  Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

Results in the term's text:

·  386BSD
·  3Com Corporation
·  56 kbps
·  56k line
·  5ESS Switch
·  5th Glove
·  610
·  64-bit
·  A#
·  A-0
·  aard
·  A&B
·  ABC
·  ABCL/1
·  abort
·  abstract syntax
·  accept
·  accumulator
·  ACE
·  ACF
·  ACK
·  ACM
·  acoustic coupler
·  ACP
·  Active Language I
·  actor
·  Actors
·  Ada/Ed
·  Ada-O
·  adaptive answering
·  Adaptive Communication Environment
·  Adaptive Digital Pulse Code Modulation
·  address
·  addressed call mode
·  addressee
·  address space
·  Aditi
·  AdLog
·  Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program
·  Advanced Communications Function
·  Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
·  Advanced Interactive eXecutive
·  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
·  Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
·  Advanced Program-to-Program Communications
·  Adventure Definition Language
·  ae
·  aflex
·  agent
·  aggregate type
·  Agner Krarup Erlang
·  A Hardware Programming Language
·  A Language for Attributed Definitions
·  Alan Turing
·  A-law
·  Aleph
·  algebraic data type
·  Algebraic Logic Functional language
·  Algebra of Communicating Processes
·  ALGOL 68C
·  Alice
·  Aloha
·  Aloha Net
·  Alpha
·  ALU
·  AM
·  amateur packet radio
·  Amber
·  Amdahl Corporation
·  American National Standards Institute
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  American Wire Gauge
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  Amiga E
·  Amoeba
·  Ampere
·  ampersand
·  Amplitude Modulation
·  amp off
·  anchor
·  Andrew Fluegelman
·  Andrew Project
·  Andrew Tanenbaum
·  Angel
·  ANNotated Ada
·  Anthony Hoare
·  ANU
·  Apache
·  APC
·  Apollo Computer
·  Apple Attachment Unit Interface
·  Appletalk
·  AppleTalk Filing Protocol
·  Application Configuration Access Protocol
·  application program
·  Application Protocol Data Unit
·  Application Service Element
·  Application Visualisation System
·  Applicative Language for Digital Signal Processing
·  A Programming Language
·  archie
·  Archimedes
·  archive
·  arena
·  Arithmetic and Logic Unit
·  Arjuna
·  ARM7
·  ARM710
·  array processor
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  ASCIIbonics
·  Ashmedai
·  ASL+
·  ASpecT
·  aspect
·  aspect-oriented programming
·  Assembly Language
·  assembly language
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  Association Française des Utilisateurs d' Unix
·  Association of C and C++ Users
·  Astral
·  asymmetrical modulation
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
·  asynchronous
·  Asynchronous Balanced Mode
·  Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
·  asynchronous logic
·  Asynchronous Transfer Mode
·  ATA point
·  ATM
·  attenuation
·  attoparsec
·  Attribute Translation System
·  audiographic teleconferencing
·  AUI
·  Austin Kyoto Common Lisp
·  authentication
·  automatic baud rate detection
·  Automatic Number Identification
·  Automatic Repeat Request
·  Autonomous System Number
·  A/UX
·  avatar
·  awk
·  axiomatic set theory
·  Axiom of Choice
·  ayacc
·  B
·  B-0
·  babbling error
·  backbone site
·  back door
·  Back End Generator
·  background
·  backing store
·  back quote
·  backslash
·  backup software
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  balanced tree
·  bandwidth
·  bang
·  bang path
·  banner
·  bar code
·  baseband
·  bash
·  Basic Language for Implementation of System Software
·  Basic Multilingual Plane
·  Basic Object System
·  Basic Rate Interface
·  batch file
·  baud
·  Baudot code
·  BBC Microcomputer
·  BC
·  beamer
·  bearer channel
·  Bellcore
·  Bell Laboratories
·  BER
·  Berkeley
·  Berkeley EDIF200
·  Berkeley FP
·  Berkeley Internet Name Domain
·  Berkeley Logo
·  Berkeley Network
·  Berkeley Quality Software
·  Berkeley Software Design, Inc
·  Berkeley Software Distribution
·  berklix
·  Berzerkeley
·  best effort
·  beta testing
·  big-endian
·  Bigloo
·  binary file
·  Binary Synchronous Transmission
·  Binhex 4.0
·  BinProlog
·  bipolar
·  Birds Of a Feather
·  Bison
·  bit
·  bit bucket
·  Bit Error Rate
·  bitmap display
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit pattern
·  bit rate
·  bits per inch
·  bits per second
·  bit twiddling
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  blinkenlights
·  block
·  Block Started by Symbol
·  block-structured
·  Bloggs Family, the
·  BogoMips
·  bogosity
·  bomb
·  bonk/oif
·  Boolean algebra
·  bootstrap
·  Borland Software Corporation
·  Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Code
·  bottom-unique
·  Bourne shell
·  box
·  boxen
·  Boycott Apple
·  Brain Aid Prolog
·  brain fart
·  Branch and Hang
·  Branch on Chip Box Full
·  break
·  British Telecom
·  broadband
·  broken arrow
·  Brooks' s Law
·  bulletin board system
·  Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
·  Burroughs Corporation
·  bus
·  bus error
·  Business Analyst
·  Business Software Alliance
·  Business Systems Analyst
·  bus master
·  bwBASIC
·  byte
·  C
·  C*
·  C++
·  C+@
·  c2man
·  c386
·  cable modem
·  cache line
·  Calculus of Communicating Systems
·  callback
·  Call Unix
·  Caml Light
·  Campus Wide Information System
·  candidate key
·  CAP
·  capacity
·  Carl Friedrich Gauss
·  Carnegie Mellon University
·  Carriage Return
·  Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation
·  carrier signal
·  case
·  case sensitivity
·  CAT
·  cat
·  category
·  C-BC
·  C Beautifier
·  CCITT HIgh-Level Language
·  CCS
·  CDA
·  cd tilde
·  Cedar
·  Cellular
·  Cellular Digital Packet Data
·  cellular multiprocessing
·  Cellular Neural Network
·  central office
·  Central office exchange service
·  central processing unit
·  centum call second
·  cextract
·  cforth
·  CFP
·  chain
·  Chalmers University of Technology
·  channel
·  channel service unit
·  channel service unit/data service unit
·  character encoding
·  character set
·  checksum
·  child process
·  Chimera
·  chmod
·  chroot
·  chunker
·  Church-Rosser Theorem
·  C-Interp
·  CIP-L
·  circuit
·  CIRcuit CALculus
·  circuit switching
·  Class Oriented Ring Associated Language
·  Clausal Language
·  Clean
·  CLiCC
·  client-server
·  Client-Server Analyst Programmer
·  CLiP
·  Clipper
·  clobber
·  clone
·  closure
·  Clover
·  CLP(R)
·  CLU
·  cluster
·  Cluster 86
·  CMC
·  CMU
·  CMU Common Lisp
·  CMZ
·  CNC
·  Coco/R
·  Code 2.0
·  coded character set
·  Code Division Multiple Access
·  coder/decoder
·  code segment
·  Columbia AppleTalk Package
·  Comite Europeen des Postes et Telecommunications
·  command interpreter
·  command line interface
·  command line option
·  Commercial Internet eXchange
·  COMmon Algorithmic Language
·  common carrier
·  Common ESP
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
·  Common Lisp
·  Common Object File Format
·  Common Object Request Broker Architecture
·  Communicating Functional Processes
·  Communicating Sequential Processes
·  Communications Decency Act
·  communications port
·  communications software
·  communication system
·  Compatible Timesharing System
·  complete unification
·  com port
·  compress
·  compression
·  Compusult Ltd.
·  computer
·  Computer Associates International, Inc.
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  computer ethics
·  Computer Graphics Metafile
·  computer law
·  computer literacy
·  Computer Mediated Communication
·  Computing Devices Canada Ltd.
·  computron
·  ConC
·  concatenate
·  concentrator
·  Concurrent C
·  Concurrent Euclid
·  Concurrent Massey Hope
·  Concurrent ML
·  Conferencing over IP
·  congestion
·  connect
·  connectionless protocol
·  connection-oriented
·  considered harmful
·  console
·  Consortium for Lexical Research
·  Constraint Handling In Prolog
·  Constraint Logic Programming
·  content addressable memory
·  content-free
·  Contextually Communicating Sequential Processes
·  continuous wave
·  control-C
·  Convergent Technologies
·  Convergent Technologies Operating System
·  cooked mode
·  cookie jar
·  Coordinated Universal Time
·  Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
·  coordination language
·  copious free time
·  copyright
·  core
·  core dump
·  Core Protocol Stack
·  Core War
·  Cornell University
·  cosmic rays
·  cost control callback
·  CParaOps5
·  C preprocessor
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  cproto
·  CPU
·  CPU Info Center
·  crack root
·  CrApTeX
·  crayon
·  creeping featurism
·  C-Refine
·  crock
·  cron
·  cross-assembler
·  cross-platform
·  crunch
·  crypt
·  Crypt Breakers Workbench
·  C shell
·  CSK Software
·  CSO
·  CSP
·  CSP/80
·  CSU
·  CTI
·  CTS
·  CTY
·  cu
·  current
·  curses
·  CU-SeeMe
·  Customer Information Control System
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  CUT
·  cutover
·  cybernetics
·  cycle
·  cycle of reincarnation
·  daemon
·  Darwin
·  database chefistrator
·  data channel
·  Data Communication Equipment
·  data communications analyst
·  Data Communications Equipment
·  data driven
·  Data Encryption Standard
·  data flow analysis
·  Data Interchange Standards Association
·  Datakit
·  Dataless Management Services
·  Data Link Provider Interface
·  Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
·  Dataparallel-C
·  data path
·  Dataphone Digital Service
·  data rate
·  data segment
·  data service unit
·  Data Terminal Equipment
·  Data Terminal Ready
·  data transfer rate
·  date
·  DB2
·  DB-25
·  DC
·  DCA
·  DCE
·  dd
·  DE-9
·  deadlock
·  Death Star
·  Debian
·  DECmate I
·  DEC Wars
·  dedicated line
·  deductive tableau
·  Deep Blue
·  deep space
·  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
·  Defense Data Network
·  Defense Information Systems Agency
·  Defense Trade Regulations
·  Delaunay triangulation
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  Delphi
·  delta
·  Delta-Prolog
·  demand paging
·  demigod
·  demodulation
·  demon
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  DeMorgan' s theorem
·  demo version
·  Dennis Ritchie
·  dereference
·  derived type
·  descriptor
·  Devil Book
·  /dev/null
·  Dialled Number Identification Service
·  Didot point
·  diff
·  digital audio
·  digital carrier
·  Digital Data Service
·  Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
·  Digital Equipment Corporation
·  Digital European Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Library Initiative
·  Digital Radio Mondiale
·  digital service unit
·  Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data
·  Digital Subscriber Line
·  Digital Switched Network
·  Dilbert
·  DIN-8
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  dinosaur
·  dinosaurs mating
·  diplex
·  Direct Inward Dialing
·  directional coupler
·  Directory Access Protocol
·  directory service
·  Directory System Agent
·  discriminated union
·  disjoint union
·  disk controller
·  disk operating system
·  display hack
·  Display Screen Equipment
·  display terminal
·  Distributed Component Object Model
·  DMU
·  docking station
·  Domain Name System
·  dongle-disk
·  dot file
·  dot notation
·  doubled sig
·  double-duplex
·  double quote
·  Douglas Engelbart
·  Doug Lenat
·  download
·  d-Prolog
·  dragon
·  Dr. James H. Clark
·  droid
·  drop-outs
·  DrScheme
·  drum
·  DS0
·  DS1
·  DS1C
·  DS2
·  DS3
·  DSE
·  DSL
·  DS level
·  DSU
·  du
·  dual-attached
·  Dual Tone Multi Frequency
·  dump
·  duplex
·  dup loop
·  Dyalog APL
·  Dylperl
·  Dynamic Address Translation
·  Dynamic Data Exchange
·  Dynamic HTML
·  dynamic translation
·  Dynix
·  E1
·  E2
·  E3
·  E4
·  E5
·  Eastern Washington University
·  E-carrier system
·  echo
·  Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation
·  ECMA International
·  Econet
·  ed
·  Edinburgh Multi Access System
·  Edison
·  Edward Yourdon
·  Eggdrop
·  egrep
·  EIA-232
·  EIA-232C
·  EIA-422
·  EIA-423
·  EIA-449
·  EIA-485
·  EIA-530
·  Eiffel
·  eight-bit clean
·  El Camino Bignum
·  electron
·  electronic commerce
·  electronic data interchange
·  Electronic Frontier Foundation
·  electronic funds transfer
·  electronic mail
·  electronic mail address
·  electronic meeting
·  ELF
·  Eli Compiler Construction System
·  elm
·  Elvis
·  EM-1
·  Emacs Lisp
·  EMBLA Pro
·  Emerald
·  emoticon
·  empire
·  emTeX
·  Emulator program
·  EMX
·  encapsulation
·  encryption
·  End Of Line
·  Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
·  Enterprise JavaBeans
·  EntireX
·  entity-relationship model
·  environment variable
·  Envoy
·  EOF
·  ephemeral port
·  epoch
·  equational logic
·  ERGO-Shell
·  Erlang
·  error detection and correction
·  Estelle
·  ET++
·  ETM
·  Eudora
·  Eurisko
·  European Academic and Research Network
·  European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH
·  European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology
·  evil and rude
·  evolution strategy
·  Exabyte
·  exabyte
·  exception
·  exception handler
·  EXE
·  exec
·  EXEC 2
·  EXEC 8
·  executable
·  Execute Channel Program
·  executive
·  expanded memory
·  expansion card
·  expect
·  eXperimental LISP
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  Extended ML
·  Extended Self-containing Prolog
·  Extended Tcl
·  Extended Tiny
·  Extensible Shell
·  Extension Language Kit
·  extranet
·  face-to-face
·  facsimile
·  Fairchild F8
·  fall back
·  fall forward
·  fandango on core
·  farming
·  fatal exception
·  Fax over IP
·  feature key
·  Federal Information Processing Standards
·  feedback
·  Feel
·  feep
·  fence
·  Ferranti F100-L
·  fetch-execute cycle
·  fgrep
·  Fibre Channel
·  FidoNet
·  field servoid
·  file
·  file descriptor
·  filename extension
·  file server
·  file system
·  Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
·  File Transfer Protocol
·  filter
·  Finagle' s Law
·  finger
·  Finite State Machine
·  FIR
·  firewall machine
·  first class module
·  first-in first-out
·  first-order logic
·  fish
·  fixed-point
·  Fjolnir
·  flame
·  flarp
·  flash
·  flat
·  flat thunk
·  floating-point
·  floating-point accelerator
·  Floating-Point Unit
·  Flow
·  flow control
·  FM
·  FOD
·  foogol
·  foreground
·  fork
·  fork bomb
·  forked
·  Formal Description Technique
·  Forsythe
·  Fortran 90
·  Fortran D
·  fortune cookie
·  for values of
·  forward
·  Forward Error Correction
·  fossil
·  FP
·  FP2
·  fpc
·  FPU
·  fragmentation
·  frame
·  Frame Check Sequence
·  Frame Relay
·  Frame Relay Access Device
·  frames per second
·  Framework 4
·  framing specification
·  Fredette' s Operating System Interface Language
·  Freenet
·  freerexx
·  Free Software Foundation
·  frequency division multiplexing
·  Frequency Modulation
·  Frequency Shift Keying
·  Fresh
·  frob
·  frobnicate
·  Frobozz Magic Programming Language
·  frogging
·  front-end processor
·  front side bus
·  fsck
·  FTX
·  FUD wars
·  full-duplex
·  fully qualified domain name
·  function
·  functional unit
·  Function Graph Language
·  FunnelWeb
·  funny money
·  G
·  Gambit
·  games
·  GAPLog
·  gate
·  Gauss
·  gawk
·  GB
·  Gb
·  gb
·  GC
·  GDB
·  GEA
·  General Magic
·  General Packet Radio Service
·  generate
·  generic thunk
·  generic type variable
·  gensym
·  George Boole
·  Georg Simon Ohm
·  German
·  getty
·  Ghostscript
·  gigabit
·  gigabits per second
·  gigabyte
·  gigaflops
·  GigaHertz
·  gilley
·  gillion
·  Ginger
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  Glish
·  glob
·  Global Positioning System
·  Global System for Mobile Communications
·  GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction
·  GMT
·  GNU
·  GNU archive site
·  GNU assembler
·  GNU Network Object Model Environment
·  Gnuplot
·  GNU Problem Report Management System
·  GNU sed
·  Godzillagram
·  Gofer
·  Goffin
·  go flatline
·  gopher
·  gorets
·  go root
·  go voice
·  GP
·  GPX
·  grammar analysis
·  granularity
·  Graphical Kernel System
·  Graphics Interchange Format
·  Graphics Language Object System
·  greater than
·  Green Book
·  green machine
·  Greenwich Mean Time
·  grep
·  grind
·  grind crank
·  group
·  group identifier
·  GSM
·  Guide
·  Gupta Corporation
·  guru
·  guru meditation
·  GVL
·  Gypsy
·  gzip
·  H.323
·  Habitat
·  hacker
·  hacker ethic
·  Hacking X for Y
·  hakspek
·  half-duplex
·  Han character
·  handle
·  handshaking
·  haptics
·  hard disk
·  hard link
·  hardware handshaking
·  Harvard Mark II Machine
·  Hayes-compatible
·  heavyweight
·  heisenbug
·  hello packet
·  hello, world
·  henry
·  HEPiX
·  here document
·  Herman Hollerith
·  Hermes
·  Hewlett-Packard
·  Hewlett-Packard Visual Engineering Environment
·  Hierarchical Music Specification Language
·  High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  High-level Data Link Control
·  high moby
·  High Performance Computing and Communications
·  High Performance Fortran
·  High Performance Serial Bus
·  High Speed Circuit Switched Data
·  High-speed Net Connect
·  high speed serial interface
·  HiLog
·  holy wars
·  homogeneous
·  Hope
·  Hope+
·  horizontal encoding
·  horizontal tabulation
·  Horn clause
·  hosed
·  host
·  Host Control Interface
·  hostname
·  Hotline
·  Hotline Connect
·  hot spot
·  house wizard
·  HP-UX
·  Hubnet
·  Human Interface Technology Laboratory
·  humma
·  hung
·  Hurd
·  HyperBase
·  Hyper-Man
·  hyperspace
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  Hypertext Transfer Protocol
·  HyperText Transmission Protocol, Secure
·  Hytelnet
·  i860
·  IAS
·  IBM 3720
·  IBM 701
·  IBM 7090
·  IBM PCjr
·  ICI
·  ICMP Router Discovery Protocol
·  Icon
·  Icon-Based Parser Generation System 2
·  IC Prolog II
·  ICT
·  Idealized CSP
·  IFP
·  IGC
·  Imago On-line
·  Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
·  IMProved Mercury autocode
·  in-band
·  indent style
·  inetd
·  inews
·  Information and Communication Technology
·  Information Innovation
·  Information Management System
·  information superhighway
·  Information Technology
·  InfoWord Office
·  Infrared Data Association
·  injection
·  inode
·  IN point
·  input/output
·  input/output redirection
·  insanely great
·  installable file system
·  installer
·  instantiation
·  Institute for Global Communications
·  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
·  Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
·  instruction scheduling
·  instruction set architecture
·  Intel 486
·  Intel 486DX
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel 80286
·  Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance index
·  Intel Corporation
·  IntelDX4
·  Intel i960
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  intelligent key
·  intelligent terminal
·  Intelsat
·  Interactive Data Language
·  Interactive Voice Response
·  inter-exchange carrier
·  interface
·  Interface Definition Language
·  Intermedia
·  intermodulation distortion
·  internal field separators
·  International Atomic Time
·  internationalisation
·  International Organization for Standardization
·  International Phonetic Alphabet
·  International Telecommunications Union
·  Internet
·  Internet Adapter
·  Internet address
·  internet address
·  Internet backbone
·  Internet Engineering Task Force
·  Internet Express
·  Internet Monthly Report
·  Internet Network Information Center
·  Internet Protocol version 6
·  Internet Public Library
·  Internet Relay Chat
·  Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
·  Internet Society
·  Internet Telephony Service Providers
·  Internetwork Packet eXchange
·  Internet Worm
·  interoperability
·  interoperable database
·  Inter-process Communication
·  InterViews
·  intranet
·  intuitionistic probability
·  IPC
·  Iperf
·  IP Telephony
·  IrDA Control
·  iron box
·  Irvine Research Unit in Software
·  Isabelle
·  ISAPI filter
·  ISL
·  ISLisp
·  ISO 10646
·  isochronous
·  ISO/IEC 10646-1
·  ISO Pascal
·  ITS
·  ITU
·  ITU-T
·  ITU-T X.680
·  IXI Limited
·  James' DSSSL Engine
·  Janus
·  Java archive
·  JavaBeans
·  JavaServer Pages
·  Java servlet
·  JCP
·  Job Control Language
·  John Gilmore
·  John Vincent Atanasoff
·  John von Neumann
·  Joint Academic NETwork
·  Jughead
·  Just a Bunch Of Disks
·  K
·  K56flex
·  Kaleidoscope
·  kanji
·  Karel
·  ken
·  Ken Thompson
·  Kermit
·  kernel
·  Kevo
·  keyboard
·  Keyboard Commando
·  key field
·  keypal
·  Khornerstone
·  kibibyte
·  kill file
·  kilobaud
·  kilobit
·  kilobits per second
·  kilobyte
·  kiloflops
·  kit
·  Klerer-May System
·  Knowbot Information Service
·  Knowledge Management System
·  Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
·  Knowledge Systems Laboratory
·  Korn Shell
·  kremvax
·  Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
·  Kyoto Common Lisp
·  L0
·  LaborNet
·  LambdaMOO
·  Lambda Prolog
·  LAN chefistrator
·  languages of choice
·  latency
·  LAU
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  lcc
·  LCL
·  lclint
·  LCS
·  ld
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  Lean
·  leap second
·  learning curve
·  leased line
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  less than
·  letterbomb
·  Lex
·  lexeme
·  lexical scope
·  liar paradox
·  Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms
·  Life
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  Linc
·  Linda
·  line conditioning
·  line editor
·  line feed
·  line noise
·  lines of code
·  lines per minute
·  linker
·  link farm
·  Link State Routing Protocol
·  lint
·  Linux Network Administrators' Guide
·  Linux User Group
·  Lions Book
·  liquid crystal display
·  Lisp Machine
·  Listproc
·  Listserv
·  little-endian
·  Little Smalltalk
·  Live Free Or Die!
·  LML
·  load balancing
·  local area network
·  local echo
·  local exchange carrier
·  locality
·  local loop
·  lock-in
·  Loebner Prize
·  Logical Link Control
·  Logical Unit
·  Logical Unit 6.2
·  Logical Unit Number
·  logic programming
·  logic variable
·  log in
·  Loglan
·  Loglan' 82
·  Loglan-88
·  logon
·  Lolli
·  longitudinal parity
·  Longitudinal Redundancy Check
·  Looking Glass
·  loop through
·  lossless
·  lots of MIPS but no I/O
·  Lout
·  low-bandwidth
·  low earth orbit
·  lpr
·  LPS
·  LPT
·  ls
·  L-Soft
·  LU6.2
·  Lucent Technologies
·  LUN
·  Lycos
·  lynix
·  Lynx
·  LynxOS
·  M
·  m4
·  M5
·  Macaulay
·  Mach
·  Machiavelli
·  machine code
·  Mach Interface Generator
·  macro
·  MacTCP
·  Mad/1
·  Madaline
·  magic cookie
·  magic number
·  Magma
·  mail
·  mail filter
·  .mailrc
·  mail user agent
·  Mail Users' Shell
·  mainframe
·  Majordomo
·  Make
·  Makedoc
·  makefile
·  man
·  Manchester Autocode
·  Manchester encoding
·  man page
·  Manufacturer Resource Planning
·  manularity
·  Maple
·  Marc Andreessen
·  Mark 1
·  Mars
·  marshalling
·  Mary
·  MAS
·  MasPar Unity
·  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
·  Massey Hope
·  Matchmaker
·  Matrix Compiler
·  Matrix Math eXtensions
·  MAU
·  maximum segment size
·  Maximum Transmission Unit
·  MB
·  MCC
·  MCI
·  MCI Mail
·  MCP-1600
·  mcvax
·  mcvert
·  meatspace
·  Media Access Unit
·  Media Gateway Control Protocol
·  megabits per second
·  megabyte
·  megaflop
·  megaflops
·  MegaHertz
·  megapenny
·  meme
·  memo function
·  memory location
·  memory management
·  Memory Management Unit
·  memory mapped I/O
·  memory protection
·  Memory Type Range Registers
·  Mentat
·  mercury delay line
·  Mesa
·  message passing
·  Message Passing Interface
·  Message Transfer Agent
·  Messaging Application Programming Interface
·  meta bit
·  MetaCard
·  metre
·  Michigan Algorithm Decoder
·  mickey
·  microcode
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  microfortnight
·  MicroGnuEmacs
·  Micro Interpreter for Knowledge Engineering
·  microLenat
·  micrometre
·  Micro ML
·  Micro$oft
·  microprocessor
·  Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
·  microsecond
·  Microsoft Access
·  Microsoft Data Access Components
·  Microsoft SQL Server
·  MicroStation
·  middleware
·  mill
·  millihelen
·  milliLampson
·  millisecond
·  mimencode
·  MIME type
·  minimax
·  MiNT
·  MIPS Technologies, Inc.
·  Miranda
·  misbug
·  Missed' em-five
·  MIT Scheme
·  MIX Communications
·  MJS
·  ML
·  ML Kit
·  ML Threads
·  mmap
·  MML
·  MMU
·  moby
·  mockingbird
·  *MOD
·  modal logic
·  mode
·  modem
·  Modula-2*
·  molly-guard
·  monad
·  monitor
·  Mono
·  Moore' s Law
·  Mosaic
·  Mosaic Communications Corporation
·  Moscow ML
·  most general unifier
·  Motorola 14500B
·  Motorola, Inc.
·  mount
·  Mozilla
·  MPC
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 3
·  msgGUI
·  mtc
·  MTU
·  Mu
·  mudhead
·  mu-law
·  multicast backbone
·  Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility
·  multician
·  Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers
·  Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data
·  Multiple Virtual Storage
·  multiplexing
·  Multipop-68
·  Multistation Access Unit
·  Multisystem eXtention Interface Bus
·  Multi-User Shared Hallucination
·  MUP
·  MU-Prolog
·  Musical Instrument Digital Interface
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  MZ
·  named
·  named pipe
·  namespace
·  nano-
·  nanoacre
·  nanofortnight
·  nanometre
·  nanosecond
·  narrowband
·  narrowing
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  National Information Services and Systems
·  National Institute of Standards and Technology
·  National Research and Education Network
·  National Science Foundation Network
·  natural language
·  NAU
·  NCP
·  negation by failure
·  negative acknowledgement
·  NetBSD
·  Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.
·  .NET framework
·  NetHack
·  netmask
·  netpipes
·  Netscape
·  Netscape Communications Corporation
·  Netscape Navigator
·  netstat
·  Netware Directory Services
·  network
·  network address
·  Network Administrator
·  network byte order
·  Network Definition Language
·  Network extensible Window System
·  Network Information Service
·  network layer
·  network layer reachability information
·  Network Node Interface
·  network operating system
·  network operator
·  network segment
·  network, the
·  New Jersey
·  newline
·  NewsClip
·  newsgroup
·  Newsqueak
·  .newsrc
·  New Storage System
·  NewWave
·  New York University
·  Nightmare File System
·  NIH
·  Ninety-Ninety Rule
·  nn
·  noise
·  noise shaping
·  Non Return to Zero Inverted
·  nontrivial
·  NorCroft
·  NORDUnet
·  normalisation
·  Not-a-Number
·  Novell, Inc.
·  Novell NetWare
·  NQS
·  nroff
·  nslookup
·  ntalk
·  NTU
·  stealthportal
·  null
·  null modem
·  Nuprl
·  nurbs
·  NUXI problem
·  Nyquist Theorem
·  Oberon-2
·  Object-code Buffer Overrun Evaluator
·  Object Data Management Group
·  object identifier
·  object-oriented programming
·  Object Request Broker
·  Object Z
·  oblique stroke
·  Oblog
·  occam
·  Occam' s Razor
·  occurs check
·  Octave
·  Ohm
·  ohnosecond
·  Omega
·  OMS
·  Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
·  Online Media
·  ontology
·  Opal
·  open
·  OpenBSD
·  open/closed principle
·  Open DataBase Connectivity
·  Open Desktop
·  Open Distributed Processing
·  Open Graphics Library
·  Open Software Foundation
·  Open Source Initiative
·  Open Telecom Platform
·  operating system
·  Opportunity Management System
·  OPS5
·  optical fibre
·  Oracle Rdb
·  Orange Book
·  Orca
·  O' Reilly and Associates
·  orphaned i-node
·  orphan process
·  OS/390
·  OS-9
·  O' small
·  OTP
·  Ousterhout' s dichotomy
·  out-of-band
·  outside-in testing
·  overhead
·  overrun
·  Ox
·  Oz
·  P3L
·  Packed Encoding Rules
·  packet
·  packet driver
·  packet radio
·  packet switching
·  padded cell
·  Paged Memory Management Unit
·  pager
·  paging
·  panic
·  paper tape
·  Paradigms of AI Programming
·  Paradise
·  Parallaxis
·  Parallel C
·  Parallel Fortran
·  parallel processor
·  Parallel Virtual Machine
·  paraML
·  parent process
·  Pari
·  parity
·  parity bit
·  parity error
·  Parlog
·  parser generator
·  partition
·  @-party
·  Pascal Plus
·  password
·  path
·  pathname
·  pathname separator
·  PC-ism
·  PCN
·  PCS
·  PCS/Geneva
·  PC support
·  PDP-10
·  PDP-11
·  PDP-7
·  PDU
·  peer
·  peer-to-peer
·  Pentium II Xeon
·  Peripheral Technology Group
·  perl-byacc
·  Perl profiler
·  permission
·  Personal Communication Network
·  Personal Communication Services
·  person of no account
·  perspective
·  petabyte
·  petaflops
·  PH
·  phacker
·  Phoenix
·  Phonetastic
·  phreaking
·  physical address
·  Physical Transport Network
·  PIC
·  pi-calculus
·  picosecond
·  Pilot European Image Processing Archive
·  ping
·  pipe
·  pipeline
·  pistol
·  Plain Old Telephone Service
·  plain TeX
·  Plan 9
·  plan file
·  Platon
·  play by electronic mail
·  plesiochronous
·  Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Pluggable Authentication Module
·  plumbing
·  point
·  point of presence
·  Point-to-Point Protocol
·  Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
·  Poly
·  polylithism
·  Ponder
·  Pop-11
·  POP3
·  pornography
·  port
·  Portable AIRTIME
·  Portable Operating System Interface
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  Portable Standard Lisp
·  Port Address Translation
·  Port Language
·  PostScript
·  Postscript point
·  Post, Telephone and Telegraph chefistration
·  PowerBuilder
·  power save mode
·  PPL
·  precedence lossage
·  predicate logic
·  pre-emptive multitasking
·  prefix
·  presentation layer
·  Pretty Amazing New Stuff
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  Princeton University
·  principal type
·  Printer Access Protocol
·  printf
·  priority scheduling
·  Prisoner of Bill
·  Private Automatic Branch eXchange
·  Private Branch Exchange
·  Private Manual Branch eXchange
·  process identifier
·  processor
·  processor farm
·  processor time
·  process table
·  Procomm
·  profile
·  program counter
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  programming
·  Programming Language/Cornell
·  Prograph
·  progressive coding
·  Prolog
·  Prolog-III
·  Prolog/Mali
·  ProSet
·  Prospero
·  protocol analyser
·  protocol layer
·  prowler
·  pseudo-tty
·  PSK
·  pt
·  public-key encryption
·  Public Key Infrastructure
·  Public Switched Telephone Network
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  push
·  Python
·  Q
·  Q' NIAL
·  QNX
·  QPE
·  quad
·  quadruplex
·  quality of service
·  quantifier
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  quantum computer
·  Queen Mary and Westfield College
·  Queen' s University
·  Query By Example
·  Quest
·  question mark
·  queue
·  quintillion
·  Quty
·  quux
·  race condition
·  random numbers
·  RapidCAD
·  rare mode
·  RAS
·  RATional Fortran
·  rc
·  RC4
·  rc file
·  rcp
·  rdb
·  re
·  README file
·  RealAudio
·  real estate
·  real operating system
·  Real Soon Now
·  Real Time Streaming Protocol
·  Real World
·  recipient
·  recursive acronym
·  Red Book
·  Reduced Instruction Set Computer
·  redundancy
·  Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
·  referential transparency
·  Regina
·  register allocation
·  Register Transfer Language
·  relational algebra
·  relational data model
·  relational language
·  relatively prime
·  reliability
·  reliable communication
·  religion of CHI
·  Remote Access Services
·  Remote Desktop Protocol
·  remote echo
·  Remote Job Entry
·  remote login
·  Remote Reference Layer
·  Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem
·  repeater
·  replication
·  replicator
·  Report Program Generator
·  Request For Comments
·  resolution
·  retrocomputing
·  Return To Zero
·  Revision Control System
·  revolutions per minute
·  RFC 1630
·  Rhapsody
·  Richard Gabriel
·  Richard Hamming
·  RISC System/6000
·  RJ-11
·  RL
·  rl
·  RLaB
·  rlogin
·  Rockwell Protocol Interface
·  roff
·  rogue
·  root
·  root bridge
·  route
·  routed
·  router
·  RPM
·  RPT
·  RS-232D
·  rsh
·  RT-PC
·  runic
·  run-length encoding
·  Run-Time Type Information
·  ruptime
·  rwho
·  sacadm
·  Sales Force Automation
·  salt
·  Samba
·  samizdat
·  sample rate
·  Santa Cruz Operation
·  SB-Prolog
·  scalability
·  Scalable Coherent Interface
·  scan design
·  scanf
·  Schachter' s Hypothesis
·  Schematik
·  Scheme
·  Scheme84
·  Scheme-Linda
·  Scheme-to-C
·  Schoonschip
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  SCL
·  SCM
·  SC/MP
·  Scorpion
·  scratch monkey
·  screaming tty
·  screen
·  screen popping
·  scribble
·  scripting language
·  scroll bar
·  scrolling
·  SCSI adaptor
·  ScumOS
·  SDL
·  search engine
·  secondary cache
·  second generation computer
·  Secure Shell
·  Secure Sockets Layer
·  Security Association
·  security through obscurity
·  Sed
·  seggie
·  segment
·  segmentation
·  segmentation fault
·  SEI
·  Self
·  semaphore
·  sendmail
·  sensor
·  Sequenced Packet Exchange
·  serialise
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  Serial Peripheral Interface
·  serial port
·  server
·  Server Message Block
·  service provider
·  session
·  set
·  SETL2
·  Set Priority Level
·  set-top box
·  sgmls
·  shambolic link
·  Shape_VC
·  ShapeTools
·  shar
·  shared memory
·  shareware
·  shebang
·  shell
·  shell out
·  shell script
·  shell variable
·  shim
·  Short Code
·  shortcut
·  SI
·  sig block
·  signal
·  signalling rate
·  Signalling System 7
·  signal-to-noise ratio
·  signature
·  Silicon Graphics, Inc.
·  Simple Gateway Control Protocol
·  simple multicast protocol
·  Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
·  simplex
·  simplex printer
·  Simplified Multicast Routing Protocol
·  Sinclair Research
·  Single ASsignment Language
·  single-duplex
·  Single Instruction/Multiple Data
·  Single-line Digital Subscriber Line
·  single quote
·  single sourcing
·  singleton variable
·  siod
·  SIR
·  Skel-ML
·  Sketchpad
·  SKsh
·  SKU
·  slack
·  S-Lang
·  slashdot effect
·  sleep
·  SlipKnot
·  Small-C
·  sml2c
·  snacc
·  SNAFU principle
·  snarf
·  SNR bandwidth product
·  socket
·  Software AG
·  software bloat
·  software enabling
·  software handshaking
·  software law
·  software patent
·  Solaris
·  sorcerer' s apprentice mode
·  sort
·  SPARC International, Inc.
·  SPARC Xterminal 1
·  spawn
·  special-case
·  speculative execution
·  Sperry Corporation
·  Sperry Univac
·  spin
·  splot
·  spod
·  sponge
·  spool file
·  SpoolView
·  SQL
·  Squeak
·  squirt the bird
·  SRI International
·  stac compression
·  stale pointer bug
·  standard
·  standard input/output
·  Standard ML of New Jersey
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  Stanford University
·  Staple
·  State University of New York
·  static nested scope
·  statistical time division multiplexing
·  Stephen Jobs
·  Stephen Kleene
·  Steve' s Shell
·  sticky bit
·  stiffy
·  STk
·  stock-keeping unit
·  stop bit
·  Storage Management Services
·  Stratus
·  stream
·  streaming
·  strict
·  string
·  StrongARM
·  su
·  subject-oriented programming
·  Subset-Equational Language
·  sum
·  Sun-2 Workstation
·  Sun-3 Workstation
·  Sun-4 Workstation
·  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
·  SunOS
·  supercombinators
·  supercomputer
·  SuperJanet
·  superprogrammer
·  superscalar
·  superuser
·  Supplementary Ideographic Plane
·  surrogate key
·  SVR4
·  swab
·  symbolic link
·  synchronous
·  Synchronous Data Link Control
·  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Syntax-Case
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  Sysplex
·  system call
·  Systeme International
·  System International
·  System Management Bus
·  system unit
·  System V
·  System V Interface Definition
·  Système International d' Units
·  T
·  T1
·  T3
·  tail circuit
·  tail recursion modulo cons
·  talk
·  tanked
·  tar
·  tar and feather
·  Task Control Block
·  tautological probability
·  tautological set
·  T-carrier system
·  tcsh
·  TDD
·  tee
·  TEI
·  telco
·  Telecommunication Display Device
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  Telecommunications Industry Association
·  telecommuting
·  teledildonics
·  telematics
·  Telephone Application Program Interface
·  telephony
·  Telephony Application Programming Interface
·  Telephony User Interface
·  Telescript
·  Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol
·  Ten15
·  tenured graduate student
·  terabyte
·  teraflop
·  termcap
·  terminal
·  Terminal Adaptor
·  terminal emulator
·  Terminal Productivity eXecutive
·  test
·  Test coverage
·  TeX point
·  The Microsoft Network
·  The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus
·  thin client
·  third generation computer
·  three-tier
·  throughput
·  thunk
·  TIA
·  tick
·  Tickle
·  tiger team
·  tight loop
·  tilde
·  TILE Forth
·  Tim Berners-Lee
·  time bomb
·  time division multiplexing
·  time slice
·  TIP
·  T. Kohonen
·  TL1
·  tn
·  toaster
·  toasternet
·  token
·  tool
·  toolsmith
·  top-level domain
·  Toshiba Corporation
·  tourist information
·  Toy/Ada
·  TPS
·  traceroute
·  transaction
·  Transmission Control Protocol
·  Transport Layer Interface
·  Transport Layer Security protocol
·  travelling salesman problem
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  Trellis
·  Trilogy
·  trit
·  troff
·  troglodyte mode
·  troll
·  Truchet point
·  TS
·  TTD
·  tty
·  TUB
·  TUI
·  tunafish
·  tune
·  tuple
·  tuple calculus
·  Tuple Space Smalltalk
·  Turing
·  Turing Machine
·  Turing tar-pit
·  Twente Compiler Generator System
·  twip
·  two-binary, one-quaternary
·  type
·  type inference
·  TZ
·  uC++
·  UCB
·  U-Code
·  UCS
·  UCS transformation format
·  UCX
·  udb
·  UDF
·  UFO
·  UI
·  uid
·  uk
·  UKC
·  Ulm' s Modula-2 System
·  Ultrix
·  um
·  UMB
·  UML
·  UNC
·  undefined external reference
·  UNI
·  Unicode
·  unicos
·  Uniface
·  unification
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  unifier
·  Uniform Resource Locater
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  Uniform Resource Number
·  Unify
·  unify
·  Unify Corporation
·  uninstaller
·  uninteresting
·  union
·  Unipalm Group plc
·  Unipress Software, Inc.
·  uniprocessor
·  Unique ID Listing
·  Unir Tech
·  Unisys Corporation
·  United Kingdom Unix Users Group
·  unit testing
·  Univac
·  Universal Character Set
·  Universal Communications X
·  Universal Resource Locator
·  Universal Serial Bus
·  Universal Time
·  Universal Time Coordinated
·  University of Arizona
·  University of Durham
·  University of East London
·  University of Hawaii
·  University of Michigan
·  University of Michigan Digital Library Project
·  University of Nijmegen
·  University of Twente
·  Unix brain damage
·  Unix conspiracy
·  Unix International
·  Unixism
·  Unix man page
·  Unix manual page
·  Unix to Unix Copy
·  UnixWare
·  Unix weenie
·  Unix wizard
·  unproto
·  unshar
·  unshielded twisted pair
·  UN*X
·  UPenn
·  upload
·  Upper Side-Band modulation
·  UPS
·  URC
·  URI
·  URL
·  URN
·  US
·  us
·  USAModSim
·  USB
·  USB 2.0
·  USB Adapter Card Support
·  Usenet
·  user
·  User Datagram Protocol
·  user identifier
·  user interface copyright
·  user name
·  User Network Interface
·  Use the Source Luke
·  USG Unix
·  USL
·  USP
·  usr
·  UTC
·  UTF-8
·  uucp
·  uudecode
·  uuencode
·  V.10
·  V.11
·  V.17
·  V.21
·  V.23
·  V.25
·  V.25 bis
·  V.27 ter
·  V.28
·  V.29
·  V.32
·  V.32bis
·  V.35
·  V.42
·  V.42bis
·  VAL
·  Valencia Simple Tasker
·  vanilla
·  VAX
·  vaxism
·  VDU
·  Version 7
·  vertical bar
·  vertical encoding
·  Vertical Redundancy Check
·  Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  Very Large Memory
·  Very Long Instruction Word
·  Very Small Aperture Terminal
·  V.FC
·  video conferencing
·  video dial tone
·  video display terminal
·  Video on Demand
·  video terminal
·  Vienna Fortran
·  ViewPoints
·  Vint Cerf
·  virtual cache
·  virtual connection
·  Virtual LAN
·  Virtual Machine
·  Virtual Memory System
·  Virtual Private Network
·  virtual shredder
·  Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
·  virus
·  visible bell
·  Visual Display Unit
·  Visual Interface
·  visualisation
·  visual programming language
·  vocoder
·  Voice over IP
·  voltage
·  von Neumann architecture
·  Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
·  V series
·  VTW
·  VUE
·  WA-12
·  wabbit
·  Wafe
·  wait state
·  wall
·  wallpaper
·  wank
·  wannabee
·  wavelength division multiplexing
·  wavelet
·  WaZOO
·  WE
·  Web-Based Enterprise Management
·  WebCrawler
·  WebObjects
·  wedged
·  weenie
·  Weenix
·  Western Digital Corporation
·  whacker
·  whatis
·  What You See Is All You Get
·  wheel bit
·  wheel wars
·  When It' s Done
·  whitespace
·  whois
·  wiki
·  Wild_LIFE
·  wild card
·  William Joy
·  Windows 98
·  windows messaging
·  Windows Open Service Architecture
·  wintel
·  wirehead
·  Wireless Application Protocol
·  wireless local area network
·  wizard
·  WizDOM
·  Wolfram Research, Inc.
·  woman
·  woofer
·  word
·  WordPerfect
·  World Time
·  World Wide Web Consortium
·  World-Wide Web Worm
·  wps
·  write
·  WTF
·  X
·  X-1
·  X2
·  X.21
·  X.25
·  X.400
·  X.680
·  X.75
·  xbeeb
·  X.desktop
·  Xemacs
·  Xerox Data Systems Model 940
·  Xerox Network System
·  XFree86 Project, Inc.
·  xnf2ver
·  XPL
·  Xpress Transport Protocol
·  XSB
·  X Window System
·  Y
·  Yahoo
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  yank
·  Yerk
·  Yet Another
·  Yet Another Compiler Compiler
·  Yet Another Yacc
·  yottabyte
·  You are not expected to understand this
·  You know you' ve been hacking too long when...
·  Yourdon, Inc.
·  Your mileage may vary
·  YTalk
·  Yu-Shiang Whole Fish
·  Z
·  Z3
·  Zermelo Fränkel set theory
·  Zermelo set theory
·  zero
·  zettabyte
·  zigamorph
·  ZIL
·  Zilog
·  zip
·  ZOG
·  zombie process
·  Zork
·  zorkmid
·  Z shell
·  Zulu time
·  zxnrbl
·  broadcast quality video
·  brute force
·  FreeBSD
·  Graphical User Interface
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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