
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: average

Results in the term's title:

·  average seek time

Results in the term's text:

·  access time
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  approximation algorithm
·  ARM710
·  average seek time
·  bit rate
·  chaos
·  chicken head
·  cluster
·  computer ethics
·  constraint satisfaction
·  curried function
·  data transfer rate
·  decision support database
·  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
·  dirty power
·  disk drive
·  dragon
·  electron
·  Federation Against Software Theft Limited
·  fractal dimension
·  Function Point Analysis
·  Greenwich Mean Time
·  Jaz Drive
·  Mean Time Between Failures
·  Mean Time To Recovery
·  Microsoft Access
·  Moore' s Law
·  MPC Level 1 Specification
·  MPC Level 2 Specification
·  nastistical
·  Nyquist Theorem
·  PROM monitor
·  Quicksort
·  Red Brick Intelligent SQL
·  rotational latency
·  scalability
·  seek time
·  SPECmark
·  superprogrammer
·  TAA
·  Turing test
·  Usenet
·  wizard
·  Zynet Ltd.


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