
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: input

Results in the term's title:

·  Basic Input/Output System
·  Input
·  input
·  input device
·  input/output
·  input/output redirection
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  Netware Input/Output Subsystem
·  standard input/output

Results in the term's text:

·  1802
·  abscissa
·  abstract machine
·  Address Strobe
·  ad-hockery
·  A Language for Attributed Definitions
·  Alex
·  Alexis
·  algebra
·  analogue computer
·  Analytical Engine
·  Apple Newton
·  Application Executive
·  arrow key
·  artificial neural network
·  ASCII art
·  automated testing
·  automaton
·  Back End Generator
·  background
·  back-propagation
·  backspace
·  backward analysis
·  barf
·  barrel shifter
·  base 64
·  binary counter
·  bipolar transistor
·  bit bang
·  boundary scan
·  buffer
·  buffer overflow
·  Busy Beaver
·  byte
·  cellular automaton
·  Cellular Neural Network
·  central processing unit
·  choke
·  chunker
·  Coco Language
·  Cocol/R
·  combinatory logic
·  command
·  command line interface
·  comment
·  compiler
·  Compiler-Compiler
·  complexity
·  compress
·  compression
·  computability theory
·  Computational Adequacy Theorem
·  computer
·  concentrator
·  concrete syntax
·  Constructive Cost Model
·  context clash
·  context-sensitive menu
·  control code
·  control flow
·  cooked mode
·  cough and die
·  C preprocessor
·  C shell
·  cyclic redundancy check
·  cyclomatic complexity
·  data
·  data flow analysis
·  data glove
·  data processing
·  data set organization
·  date
·  deadlock
·  delete
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  demon
·  deterministic automaton
·  die horribly
·  diff
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  Digital Lempel Ziv 1
·  Digital to Analog Converter
·  domain-specific language
·  drop-ins
·  drop-outs
·  D-type flip-flop
·  DVI
·  Envoy
·  EOF
·  equivalence class partitioning
·  event
·  exhaustive testing
·  expect
·  Extensible HyperText Markup Language
·  extensional
·  feedback
·  feedback control
·  fencepost error
·  field-programmable gate array
·  file descriptor
·  filter
·  Finite Impulse Response
·  Finite State Machine
·  first generation language
·  flip-flop
·  foreground
·  forward analysis
·  forward compatibility
·  frogging
·  functional specification
·  Function Point Analysis
·  FunnelWeb
·  gamma correction
·  Garbage In, Garbage Out
·  Garnet
·  glitch
·  GNU E
·  gorilla arm
·  grammar
·  Graphical Kernel System
·  Great Runes
·  halting problem
·  hard-coded
·  hardware
·  head-strict
·  Helen Keller mode
·  hidden flag
·  history
·  Hopfield network
·  Human Interface Device
·  I2O
·  IBM 3270
·  IBM 650
·  imake
·  Infinite Impulse Response
·  injection
·  input
·  input device
·  input/output redirection
·  Intel 80186
·  Intelligent I/O
·  intensional
·  interactive
·  Interactive CourseWare
·  Interactive Voice Response
·  intermodulation distortion
·  internal field separators
·  interpolation
·  interpreter
·  interrupt request
·  I/O
·  I/O redirection
·  isometric joystick
·  JK flip-flop
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  keyboard
·  keyword
·  Klerer-May System
·  latch
·  lazy list
·  legal
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  level-sensitive scan design
·  Lex
·  lexical analyser
·  lexical analysis
·  Liana
·  line noise
·  listless
·  local echo
·  logic gate
·  Lossless Predictive Audio Compression
·  lots of MIPS but no I/O
·  LZ77 compression
·  m4
·  MAC-360
·  main loop
·  makefile
·  manual testing
·  McCulloch-Pitts neuron
·  memory mapped I/O
·  metaprogram
·  microprocessor
·  Milarepa
·  modal
·  Model View Controller
·  monad
·  monitor
·  mouse ahead
·  MPC Level 1 Specification
·  MPEG-21
·  multilayer perceptron
·  multiplexing
·  mumble mode
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  nondeterministic automaton
·  nondeterministic polynomial time
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  nonlinear
·  NOR
·  NOT
·  nroff
·  occam
·  ordinate
·  outer join
·  output
·  output device
·  outside-in testing
·  page mode
·  paper tape
·  parallelism
·  paranoid programming
·  parser
·  partial function
·  pathological
·  pattern matching
·  perceptron
·  Personal Digital Assistant
·  Petri net
·  pipe
·  pipeline
·  plumbing
·  pnambic
·  pocket calculator
·  pointing device
·  poll
·  power hit
·  printer port
·  processing
·  Programmable Array Logic
·  race condition
·  Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter
·  random testing
·  redirection
·  referential transparency
·  Remote Desktop Protocol
·  Report Program Generator
·  reverse engineering
·  rl
·  robust
·  round-robin
·  Row Address Strobe
·  rsh
·  run-length encoding
·  run-time error
·  sanity check
·  scanf
·  scanner
·  scan path
·  scan register
·  SC/MP
·  screen saver
·  screen scraper
·  second generation computer
·  Server Message Block
·  shar
·  shell variable
·  side-effect
·  silo
·  Similix
·  Simple Network Paging Protocol
·  Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line
·  special-case
·  sponge
·  spool
·  spreadsheet
·  SR flip-flop
·  standard input/output
·  standard I/O
·  stderr
·  stdin
·  stdio
·  stdio.h
·  stdout
·  stored procedure
·  stream
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  system
·  talk
·  tcsh
·  tee
·  tickle a bug
·  time-sharing
·  T. Kohonen
·  touch screen
·  transparent
·  trap
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  Trilogy
·  tri state
·  troff
·  truth table
·  two-valued logic
·  type-ahead
·  typographical error
·  unshar
·  user interface
·  uuencode
·  Virtual Storage Extended
·  Visual Interface
·  wavetable
·  well-behaved
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  windows messaging
·  window system
·  Xilinx Netlist Format
·  XML User-Interface Language
·  XPL
·  xterm
·  Graphical User Interface


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