
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: line

Results in the term's title:

·  56k line
·  Adaline
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  America' s Multimedia Online
·  An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
·  baseline
·  bondage-and-discipline language
·  cache line
·  command line interface
·  command-line interpreter
·  command line option
·  constant linear velocity
·  dedicated line
·  differential line
·  Digital Linear Tape
·  Digital Subscriber Line
·  Digital Subscriber Line Access Module
·  Dual In-Line
·  Dual In-line Memory Module
·  Dual In-Line Package
·  earliest deadline first
·  End Of Line
·  go flatline
·  High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  Hotline
·  Hotline Communications Ltd.
·  Hotline Connect
·  Imago On-line
·  inline
·  inline image
·  International Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  Internex On-Line
·  Language for the On-Line Investigation and Transformation of Abstractions
·  leased line
·  line
·  line 666
·  linear address space
·  linear argument
·  linear assignment
·  linear function
·  Linear Graph Notation
·  linear logic
·  linear map
·  linear programming
·  linear space
·  linear transformation
·  linear type
·  line conditioning
·  line eater
·  line editor
·  line feed
·  line noise
·  line printer
·  line probing
·  lines of code
·  lines per minute
·  line starve
·  Madaline
·  magnetostrictive delay line
·  mercury delay line
·  Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
·  MPEG-4 Harmonics, individual lines and noise
·  Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.
·  Never Offline
·  newline
·  nonlinear
·  Non-Uniform Rational B Spline
·  NSA line eater
·  off-line
·  off-line world
·  one-line fix
·  one-liner wars
·  on-line
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
·  On-Line Computer system
·  Online Media
·  On-line Process Synthesizer
·  Online Public Access Catalog
·  On-Line Transaction Processing
·  outline font
·  phase alternating line
·  pipeline
·  pipeline break
·  Pipeline Burst Cache
·  pipelined
·  Pipelined Burst Cache
·  pipeline stall
·  Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  scan line
·  serial line
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  Serial Line IP
·  Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line
·  Single In-line Memory Module
·  Single Inline Pin Package
·  Single-line Digital Subscriber Line
·  Single-pair High Speed Digital Subscriber Line
·  Small Outline DIMM
·  superpipelined
·  T1 line
·  T3 line
·  trampoline
·  Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  What' s a spline?
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance

Results in the term's text:

·  32-bit application
·  56k line
·  6510
·  8N1
·  A20 handler
·  ABC
·  Acorn Computer Group
·  acoustic coupler
·  Adaline
·  Aditi
·  Adobe Type Manager
·  Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
·  Advanced RISC Computing Specification
·  Advantage Gen
·  affine transformation
·  Agner Krarup Erlang
·  ALC
·  algebra
·  aliasing
·  Aloha Net
·  Aluminum Book
·  amateur packet radio
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  America' s Multimedia Online
·  Amiga E
·  AMO
·  analogue
·  anchor
·  ANSI X12
·  AOL
·  Apple Computer, Inc.
·  application program
·  application service provider
·  artificial neural network
·  assembly language
·  assignment problem
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  asymmetrical modulation
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
·  Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
·  awk
·  Axiom of Choice
·  backplane
·  backslash
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  balun
·  Banach inverse mapping theorem
·  bash
·  batch file
·  baud barf
·  Baudot code
·  beamer
·  Bezier
·  Bezier curve
·  binary file
·  Binary Synchronous Transmission
·  BinHex
·  BinProlog
·  bipolar
·  bit bang
·  bitmap display
·  bit slice
·  blast
·  blinkenlights
·  blow up
·  Bobo the Webmonkey
·  bogosity
·  Bookreader
·  Boolean algebra
·  Bourne shell
·  boustrophedonic
·  boxed comments
·  braille display
·  branch prediction
·  break
·  broadband
·  broken arrow
·  BRS
·  btoa
·  BTRIEVE Technologies, Inc.
·  buffer overflow
·  bulletin board system
·  by hand
·  byte
·  Byzantine
·  c386
·  cable modem
·  cache
·  cache block
·  cache line
·  callback
·  Call Unix
·  Cancelmoose
·  Carl Friedrich Gauss
·  Carriage Return
·  Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation
·  Cascading Style Sheets
·  cat
·  central office
·  channel service unit/data service unit
·  chaos
·  Chimera
·  Christmas tree
·  CI$
·  C Language Integrated Production System
·  Clarion
·  Claris
·  CLI
·  clock rate
·  CLP(R)
·  CLV
·  code police
·  coefficient of X
·  co-location
·  Column Address Strobe
·  Command Control Processor
·  command line interface
·  command line option
·  comma separated values
·  comment out
·  comm mode
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  Community of Massive Gaming Agency
·  Compact Disc Rewritable
·  CompuServe Corporation
·  CompuServe Information Service
·  computational geometry
·  computer dictionary
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  computing dictionary
·  configuration management
·  ConflictNet
·  constant angular velocity
·  constant linear velocity
·  control
·  control code
·  Convergent Technologies Operating System
·  Core War
·  C preprocessor
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  CPU Wars
·  cross-post
·  cryptography
·  C shell
·  cursor dipped in X
·  cybernetics
·  cyberpunk
·  cyberspace
·  CyberZine
·  cyclomatic complexity
·  Cyrix 6x86
·  database chefistrator
·  data channel
·  Data Communication Equipment
·  data communications analyst
·  data flow analysis
·  Dataphone Digital Service
·  Data Terminal Equipment
·  DDT
·  Debian
·  DEC Alpha
·  dedicated line
·  delayed control-transfer
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  Denis Howe
·  de-rezz
·  descender
·  design
·  dialup
·  Dictionary of Computing
·  die
·  Difference Engine
·  difference equation
·  differential driver
·  differential line
·  digital audio
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  digital carrier
·  Digital Lempel Ziv 1
·  Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data
·  Digital Subscriber Line
·  Digital Subscriber Line Access Module
·  Digital Subscriber Loop
·  Dijkstra' s guarded command language
·  DIL
·  DIP
·  Direct Inward Dialing
·  directional coupler
·  direct mapped cache
·  DL/1
·  DLL
·  DLT
·  doc
·  documentation
·  Document Examiner
·  domain engineering
·  dongle
·  doubly linked list
·  drain
·  dread high bit disease
·  drop-ins
·  DS3
·  DSL
·  D-type
·  dual
·  Dual In-Line
·  Dual In-line Memory Module
·  Duplex High Speed Data
·  Dynamic Execution
·  Dynix
·  Dynix Automated Library Systems
·  earliest deadline first
·  eat flaming death
·  echo cancellation
·  ed
·  EDA
·  EDF
·  Edward Yourdon
·  Eggdrop
·  EIA-232
·  EIA-422
·  EIA-423
·  EIA-485
·  EIA-530
·  Eiffel source checker
·  eigenvalue
·  eigenvector
·  eighty-column mind
·  eighty-twenty rule
·  Electronic Frontier Foundation
·  electronic mail
·  emoticon
·  End Of Line
·  ENQ
·  environment variable
·  Envoy
·  EOL
·  Eric Conspiracy
·  Ethernet
·  EUnet Ltd.
·  executable
·  Executive Systems Programming Oriented Language
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  fall back
·  fascist
·  Fast Fourier Transform
·  fat electrons
·  feature
·  fetch-execute cycle
·  Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
·  filter
·  finger
·  firefighting
·  firewall machine
·  first-order logic
·  flag
·  flat
·  font
·  fork bomb
·  Formal Description Technique
·  formula
·  Fortran
·  fractal
·  fractal dimension
·  frame
·  Frame Relay
·  frequency division multiplexing
·  Frequency Shift Keying
·  frogging
·  full-duplex
·  functional database
·  function application
·  Function Point Analysis
·  funky
·  fuzzball
·  gamma correction
·  gang bang
·  Garnet
·  GE Information Services
·  George Boole
·  getty
·  g file
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  glitch
·  glyph
·  Gnuplot
·  go flatline
·  gopher
·  goto
·  go voice
·  graphics accelerator
·  Graphics Interchange Format
·  Graphics Language Object System
·  gray code
·  greek
·  grep
·  grind
·  Group 3
·  Group 4
·  Guide
·  Habitat
·  Hackintosh
·  hack mode
·  Halt and Catch Fire
·  hard-coded
·  hardware handshaking
·  Harvard Mark II Machine
·  Helen Keller mode
·  Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
·  Hierarchical Data Format
·  High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  High Performance Serial Bus
·  high speed serial interface
·  history
·  StartPNA
·  horizontal scan rate
·  Hotline
·  Hotline Communications Ltd.
·  Hotline Connect
·  Human-Computer Interface
·  hypercube
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  IBM 1710
·  ICQ
·  I didn' t change anything!
·  IEEE 488
·  IEEE Floating Point Standard
·  image formats
·  image recognition
·  Imago Europe plc
·  impact printer
·  infinite
·  Infrared Data Association
·  inline
·  inline image
·  inner product
·  input device
·  input/output redirection
·  inquiry/response system
·  Insignia Solutions, Inc.
·  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
·  instruction prefetch
·  instruction scheduling
·  Integrated Database Management System
·  Intel 486SX
·  intelligent terminal
·  interactive development environment
·  Interactive Voice Response
·  interlacing
·  intermodulation distortion
·  internal field separators
·  Internet
·  Internet Access Provider
·  Internet Public Library
·  interpolation
·  Intersil 6100
·  Iomega Corporation
·  jaggies
·  Jargon File
·  Job Control Language
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  Joint Photographic Experts Group
·  Joint Test Action Group
·  jump trace buffer
·  KA9Q
·  Ken Thompson
·  keyboard
·  kill file
·  kremvax
·  Kvikkalkul
·  Language for the On-Line Investigation and Transformation of Abstractions
·  languages of choice
·  laser printer
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  leading
·  legal
·  lexical analysis
·  LF
·  LGN
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  Lincoln Reckoner
·  line
·  line 666
·  linear address space
·  linear argument
·  linear function
·  Linear Graph Notation
·  linear logic
·  linear map
·  linear programming
·  linear space
·  linear transformation
·  linear type
·  line conditioning
·  line eater
·  line editor
·  line feed
·  line noise
·  line printer
·  line probing
·  lines of code
·  lines per minute
·  line starve
·  linked list
·  Linux Documentation Project
·  Linux Network Administrators' Guide
·  Lisp Machine
·  Little Smalltalk
·  live data
·  LO
·  LOC
·  localisation
·  logical
·  logical complement
·  Lolli
·  Lorenz attractor
·  Low Bandwidth X
·  lpm
·  lpr
·  lp spooler
·  LPT
·  LTL
·  m2
·  Madaline
·  magic number
·  magnetostrictive delay line
·  Mail Users' Shell
·  Mathematical Analysis without Programming
·  McCulloch-Pitts neuron
·  menuitis
·  mercury delay line
·  MESI protocol
·  Metadata
·  META element
·  methodology
·  Methods
·  metre
·  Micro Channel Architecture
·  Microcom Networking Protocol
·  Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
·  MIPS project
·  MIPS R2000
·  MIPS R4000
·  miswart
·  moby
·  modal logic
·  modem
·  Moscow ML
·  Motorola 14500B
·  Motorola 68000
·  Motorola 68020
·  Motorola 68040
·  mouse arrest
·  MPC Level 1 Specification
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-21
·  MPL
·  mumble
·  natural deduction
·  natural language
·  net.-
·  .NET framework
·  netiquette
·  NetLingo
·  Netscape Navigator
·  Network Device Interface Specification
·  Network Termination
·  Never Offline
·  newline
·  Nibble Mode DRAM
·  NOL
·  nonlinear
·  Non-Maskable Interrupt
·  non-uniform quantising logarithmic compression
·  non-volatile storage
·  NorthWestNet
·  Novell DOS
·  nroff
·  NSA line eater
·  nurbs
·  Oberon-V
·  Octave
·  off-line
·  off-side rule
·  OLC
·  OLE custom controls
·  Omega test
·  one-line fix
·  one-liner wars
·  on-line
·  Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
·  Online Media
·  On-line Process Synthesizer
·  Open DataBase Connectivity
·  open source
·  operations support technician
·  OPS
·  optimal
·  option
·  Oracle Corporation
·  orthogonal
·  OS
·  outline font
·  overhead
·  overrun
·  Packet Assembler/Disassembler
·  PAL
·  Paper Feed Control Character
·  paper tape
·  path coverage testing
·  PB Cache
·  PCB
·  PCS/Geneva
·  PDP-10
·  Pentium
·  Pentium II
·  Pentium Pro
·  phacker
·  phase alternating line
·  phase of the moon
·  piggybacking
·  pipe
·  pipeline
·  pipeline break
·  Pipeline Burst Cache
·  pipelined
·  Pipelined Burst Cache
·  pipeline stall
·  pipelining
·  plan file
·  plotter
·  plumbing
·  point of presence
·  poll
·  polynomial
·  POP-1
·  portability
·  Portable Network Graphics
·  Portable Pixmap
·  posting
·  PowerOpen Environment
·  priority inheritance
·  Private Automatic Branch eXchange
·  Procomm
·  Prodigy
·  proglet
·  Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  Programmer' s Switch
·  programming
·  programming language
·  Programming Language/Systems
·  Public Switched Telephone Network
·  punt
·  push media
·  quantum cell wire
·  quine
·  Radio Frequency Interference
·  radiosity
·  random-access memory
·  raster
·  Rate monotonic scheduling
·  ray casting
·  ray tracing
·  Real Programmer
·  record
·  RedNet Ltd.
·  Reduced Instruction Set Computer
·  refactoring
·  refresh rate
·  relational algebra
·  relational data model
·  release
·  REM
·  remote login
·  Report Program Generator
·  RJ-11
·  Row Address Strobe
·  runes
·  Sather
·  Saturday-night special
·  save
·  say
·  scalability
·  Scan-EDF
·  scan line
·  SC/MP
·  screaming tty
·  screen saver
·  scroll
·  scroll bar
·  second generation computer
·  sector mapping
·  semiconductor
·  serial line
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  Serial Line IP
·  serial port
·  set associative cache
·  SETL2
·  set-top box
·  sgmls
·  shebang
·  shell variable
·  Show-And-Tell
·  Shub-Internet
·  Sierra
·  signature
·  silo
·  simplex method
·  Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line
·  Single In-line Memory Module
·  Single Inline Pin Package
·  Single-line Digital Subscriber Line
·  Single-pair High Speed Digital Subscriber Line
·  single sourcing
·  slave tty
·  SLD resolution
·  Smartdrive
·  SMG
·  smoking clover
·  snail mail
·  snarf & barf
·  ' Snooze
·  Socket 370
·  software life-cycle
·  SOJ
·  sort
·  SP/2
·  SPECbase_fp92
·  SPECbase_int92
·  SPECbaserate
·  specific markup
·  SPECrate_base_fp92
·  speedometer
·  spider
·  SPL
·  splat
·  spod
·  spoiler
·  spool
·  spyware
·  sqsubseteq
·  stack puke
·  start bit
·  state transition diagram
·  statistical time division multiplexing
·  Stone Age
·  stop bit
·  strided
·  studly
·  studlycaps
·  subseteq
·  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
·  superpipelined
·  superprogrammer
·  superscalar
·  switch
·  symbolic logic
·  Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory
·  symmetric
·  Symmetric LISP
·  Synchronous Data Link Control
·  SyQuest Technology, Inc.
·  System Account Manager
·  system catalog
·  System Management Bus
·  system software
·  System V
·  T1
·  tab-separated values
·  tail circuit
·  talk
·  tar
·  T-carrier system
·  tcsh
·  tee
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  Telecommunications Industry Association
·  Telerat
·  temporal logic
·  tensor product
·  termcap
·  terminal
·  terminal server
·  Terms Of Service
·  terpri
·  Texinfo
·  The Microsoft Network
·  the X that can be Y is not the true X
·  this dictionary
·  thunk
·  time bomb
·  Time Domain Reflectometer
·  TIP
·  tourist information
·  toy language
·  tracking
·  trampoline
·  Transaction Processing Facility
·  tri state
·  trit
·  Triton
·  troff
·  TRS-80
·  True BASIC
·  TrueType
·  tunafish
·  tune
·  Turbo C
·  Turbo C++
·  Turing tar-pit
·  turtle graphics
·  tweening
·  typeface
·  type inference
·  underscore
·  unfold
·  Unisys Corporation
·  University of London Computing Centre
·  Unix brain damage
·  Unix manual page
·  Unix to Unix Copy
·  unshar
·  user interface
·  uuencode
·  V.10
·  V.11
·  V.32bis
·  V.34
·  V.42bis
·  V.90
·  Value Added Network
·  vannevar
·  VCC filtering
·  vector
·  vector font
·  vector graphics
·  veeblefetzer
·  Version 7
·  vertical bar
·  Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  V.FC
·  VIC-20
·  video compression
·  virtual connection
·  Virtual Machine
·  Virtual Private Network
·  voice mail
·  vt100
·  vt220
·  wabbit
·  wait state
·  wart
·  Waterfall Model
·  WebCrawler
·  wedged
·  well-behaved
·  When It' s Done
·  whitespace
·  whois
·  Wide Area Network
·  winged comments
·  word wrap
·  World Wide Web Consortium
·  xDSL
·  XPL
·  XRemote
·  You know you' ve been hacking too long when...
·  YTalk
·  Z-buffer
·  zero
·  Zilog Z8000
·  Zilog Z80000
·  Z shell
·  Zuse
·  ZX-80
·  Zynet Ltd.
·  broadcast quality video
·  FreeBSD
·  Graphical User Interface
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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