
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: machine

Results in the term's title:

·  abstract machine
·  Abstract Machine Notation
·  Acorn RISC Machine
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  Analytical Machine
·  Association for Computing Machinery
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  Commodore Business Machines
·  Connection Machine LISP
·  database machine
·  Data Driven Machine
·  Finite State Machine
·  firewall machine
·  green machine
·  Harvard Mark II Machine
·  home machine
·  International Business Machines
·  Java Virtual Machine
·  Lisp Machine
·  LISP Machine LISP
·  machine
·  machine code
·  machine language
·  machine learning
·  MIT Lisp Machine
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  parallel random access machine
·  Parallel Virtual Machine
·  SECD machine
·  Sequential Parlog Machine
·  S-K reduction machine
·  Stack Environment Control Dump machine
·  state machine
·  Tabulating Machine Company
·  Target-Machine Description Language
·  Thinking Machines Corporation
·  Turing Machine
·  Virtual Machine
·  virtual machine
·  Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System
·  Virtual Machine Environment
·  Virtual Machine/ESA
·  Virtual Machine/System Product
·  Virtual Machine/XA
·  von Neumann machine
·  washing machine

Results in the term's text:

·  32-bit application
·  A#
·  ABC
·  abstract machine
·  Abstract Machine Notation
·  abstract syntax
·  acceptor
·  Acorn Computer Group
·  Acorn RISC Machine
·  Active Monitor
·  Ada/Ed
·  addressing mode
·  Aditi
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  AI koan
·  Alan Turing
·  Algebraic Logic Functional language
·  ALgorIthmic ASsembly language
·  Altair 8800
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  analogue computer
·  Apollo Computer
·  Archimedes
·  ARM
·  ARM610
·  ARM7
·  ARM710
·  ARM8
·  ARM800
·  ARM Ltd
·  AS/400
·  assembler
·  assembly language
·  Association for Computing
·  Atanasoff-Berry Computer
·  ATM
·  atomic
·  Automatically Programmed Tools
·  automaton
·  backbone site
·  back-end
·  BeOS
·  big blue
·  binary file
·  blinkenlights
·  block transfer computations
·  B-Method
·  Brilliant
·  bucky bits
·  bus error
·  Busy Beaver
·  byte
·  byte-code
·  byte-code interpreter
·  C*
·  carrier scanner
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  cellular automaton
·  cellular multiprocessing
·  Cellular Neural Network
·  cfortran.h
·  chicken head
·  chine nual
·  CHIP-8
·  Cichlid
·  Cirrus Logic
·  Clean
·  code
·  Code-Generator Generator Language
·  code segment
·  Colossus
·  Commodore 128
·  Commodore 1570
·  Commodore 1571
·  Commodore 1581
·  Commodore 64
·  Common Lisp
·  Communications of the ACM
·  compiler
·  Compiler Target Language
·  computer
·  computer ethics
·  computron
·  Connection Machine LISP
·  Control and Status Register
·  Control Program
·  control structure
·  control unit
·  Conversational Monitor System
·  cookie monster
·  Core War
·  CPU Wars
·  crack root
·  crank
·  crash and burn
·  Cray instability
·  cross-assembler
·  cruncha cruncha cruncha
·  Crystal
·  cube
·  cybernetics
·  cycle server
·  database machine
·  Data definition language
·  Data Driven Machine
·  data flow
·  data hierarchy
·  David Turner
·  DDM
·  DDT
·  decidability
·  Deep Blue
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  demo
·  DFA
·  dialup
·  Diamond
·  diff
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  Digital Equipment Corporation
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  dink
·  dinosaur
·  Direct Inward Dialing
·  disk farm
·  Disk Operating System
·  distributed system
·  domainist
·  domain-specific language
·  DOS/360
·  down
·  download
·  DPL
·  drag and drop
·  dread high bit disease
·  dual-stack
·  dynamic translation
·  EDS+
·  Electronic Data Processing
·  electronic funds transfer
·  engine
·  EXEC 2
·  executable
·  exponential-time algorithm
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  Extended Self-containing Prolog
·  eXternal Data Representation
·  facsimile
·  fall through
·  fandango on core
·  farming
·  F-code
·  fear and loathing
·  fepped out
·  fetch-execute cycle
·  FFP
·  FidoNet
·  Finite Automata
·  Finite Automaton
·  Finite State Automata
·  Finite State Automaton
·  Finite State Machine
·  firewall
·  firewall machine
·  fireworks mode
·  first generation language
·  Flash Lights Impressively
·  flavour
·  Fleng
·  flood
·  flush
·  flytrap
·  Foonly
·  Fortran-Plus
·  fourth generation computer
·  FP/M
·  front end
·  front-end processor
·  frotzed
·  FSM
·  Function Graph Language
·  G-Code
·  Generic Expert System Tool
·  Genken Programming Language
·  gilley
·  GNU archive site
·  Godzillagram
·  go flatline
·  goto
·  Grim File Reaper
·  grind
·  grind crank
·  Group Code Recording
·  GSL
·  guru meditation
·  hakspek
·  Halt and Catch Fire
·  hamster
·  handshaking
·  hang
·  Harvard Mark II Machine
·  heartbeat
·  Helen Keller mode
·  Herman Hollerith
·  Hermes
·  hexadecimal
·  high-level language
·  high moby
·  HOL
·  Hollerithabetical order
·  home box
·  home machine
·  hop
·  hose
·  hosed
·  hostname
·  HotJava
·  Hurd
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  IAS
·  IBM
·  IBM 370XA
·  IBM 701
·  IBM 705
·  Idealized Instruction Set
·  ill-behaved
·  Illiac IV
·  imake
·  indirection
·  infant mortality
·  infinite loop
·  Insignia Solutions, Inc.
·  instruction mnemonic
·  instruction set
·  instruction set architecture
·  Intermediate Programming Language
·  Internal Translator
·  Internet Adapter
·  Internet Worm
·  interoperability
·  interpreter
·  interrupt
·  IrDA Control
·  iron box
·  Irvine Dataflow
·  ITS
·  jack in
·  Jacquard loom
·  Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
·  Java Native Interface
·  Java Run-Time Environment
·  Java VM
·  John von Neumann
·  jump
·  JVM
·  killer micro
·  killer poke
·  KL1
·  Knowbot Information Service
·  L0
·  LAP4
·  LAU
·  laundromat
·  leaf site
·  Life
·  LIS
·  *LISP
·  Lispkit
·  Lisp Machine
·  live data
·  LLM3
·  LML
·  LM-Prolog
·  Logical Interchange Format
·  logical shift
·  loose bytes
·  lots of MIPS but no I/O
·  low-level language
·  luser
·  machinable
·  machine
·  machine code
·  machine language
·  machine learning
·  magic cookie
·  Magic Switch Story
·  MagmaLISP
·  mail gateway
·  mailing list
·  mail user agent
·  mainframe
·  main memory
·  marbles
·  Maril
·  Mars
·  Mary
·  masquerading
·  maximum Maytag mode
·  M-Code
·  mcvax
·  meatware
·  memo function
·  memory
·  memory leak
·  Mercury Autocode
·  message passing
·  meta bit
·  metafile
·  Met-English
·  microcode
·  microprocessor
·  Microsoft Extended
·  MIT Lisp Machine
·  MIX
·  ML
·  MMI
·  MML
·  moby
·  Modula-3pi
·  moria
·  Motorola 68000
·  Moving JPEG
·  Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility
·  Multipop-68
·  multithreading
·  mumble
·  munching squares
·  native compiler
·  NCR Corporation
·  netCDF
·  .NET framework
·  NetHack
·  Network Address Translation
·  NFA
·  Nightmare File System
·  nML
·  noddy
·  nondeterministic automaton
·  nondeterministic polynomial time
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  Nonpareil
·  no-op
·  NP-complete
·  nude
·  NUXI problem
·  OBJ
·  object code
·  Objective CAML
·  Object-Oriented Turing
·  Olivetti
·  operand
·  operating system
·  operational semantics
·  operation code
·  OS
·  OS/2
·  O' small
·  Ousterhout' s dichotomy
·  overrun
·  P4
·  packet driver
·  panic
·  Paradise
·  Parallaxis
·  parallel random access machine
·  Parallel Virtual Machine
·  Paris
·  patch space
·  path
·  P-code
·  PC-ware
·  PDL
·  PDP-10
·  PDP-20
·  Pentium Pro
·  Personal Identification Number
·  Philips
·  Pilot European Image Processing Archive
·  ping
·  PL-11
·  play by electronic mail
·  pm2
·  polynomial-time algorithm
·  POOL2
·  pornography
·  portability
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  Portable Standard Lisp
·  portmapper
·  postmaster
·  power cycle
·  preventive maintenance
·  primitive
·  privileged instruction
·  programming language
·  Programming Language/Systems
·  provocative maintenance
·  proxy ARP
·  proxy gateway
·  pubic directory
·  punched card
·  PVM
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  quantum computer
·  quine
·  rain dance
·  Rambus DRAM
·  Real Programmer
·  RediLisp
·  Reduced Instruction Set Computer
·  register spilling
·  Register Transfer Language
·  removable disk
·  Resource Description Framework
·  rice box
·  Richard Hamming
·  routed
·  Ruby
·  rusty memory
·  SA-110
·  Samba
·  Scheme-to-C
·  Scientific Data Systems
·  scratch
·  scratch monkey
·  screen saver
·  SDL
·  SECD machine
·  second generation computer
·  segment
·  sequencer
·  Sequential Parlog Machine
·  SEX
·  shebang
·  SIL
·  Sinclair Research
·  Sketchpad
·  S-K reduction machine
·  SML
·  sneakernet
·  softcopy
·  software
·  software interrupt
·  software law
·  Solaris
·  source code
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  SPARC International, Inc.
·  SPECfp92
·  Special Interest Group
·  SPECint92
·  SPECrate_fp92
·  SPECrate_int92
·  speech recognition
·  SPL
·  Split-C
·  SPM
·  Squeak
·  stack
·  Stack Environment Control Dump machine
·  stack puke
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
·  state
·  state machine
·  state transition diagram
·  Stone Age
·  StrongARM
·  subroutine
·  sucking mud
·  sum
·  Symbolics, Inc.
·  Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  synflood
·  system call
·  System Management Server
·  Target-Machine Description Language
·  Tbl
·  Tcode
·  telephony
·  The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus
·  thin client
·  Thinking Machines Corporation
·  threaded code
·  Thread Language Zero
·  Thumb
·  thunk
·  time bomb
·  TL/I
·  TM
·  toast
·  toaster
·  TOPS-10
·  TOS
·  toy
·  toy language
·  transducer
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  TRS-80
·  Turing Machine
·  Turingol
·  Turing tar-pit
·  Turing test
·  U-Code
·  UFO
·  Ultra64
·  U-NET Limited
·  Unix to Unix Copy
·  Usenet
·  user interface copyright
·  V.27 ter
·  V.29
·  VAL
·  Valid
·  vanity domain
·  vannevar
·  Vannevar Bush
·  variable
·  VAX
·  veeblefetzer
·  Venus flytrap
·  Very Long Instruction Word
·  virtual host
·  virtual machine
·  Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System
·  Virtual Machine/ESA
·  Virtual Machine/System Product
·  Virtual Machine/XA
·  Virtual Storage Extended
·  virus
·  visible bell
·  VisualWorks
·  Vlisp
·  VM
·  VME
·  VM/SP
·  VM/XA
·  voice mail
·  von Neumann architecture
·  Vulcan nerve pinch
·  walking drives
·  WAM
·  washing machine
·  Whetstone
·  white trash
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  Windows NT
·  WordPerfect
·  Xerox Data Systems Model 940
·  XPL
·  XSB
·  XT bus architecture
·  Yaa
·  Yu-Shiang Whole Fish
·  Z3
·  Zed
·  ZetaLisp
·  ZIL


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