
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: rm

Results in the term's title:

·  access permission
·  Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding
·  affine transformation
·  Architecture Neutral Distribution Format
·  ARM
·  ARM610
·  ARM7
·  ARM710
·  ARM7500
·  ARM8
·  ARM800
·  ARM Ltd
·  armour-plated
·  Augmented Backus-Naur Form
·  Bachman Information Systems
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  Backus Normal Form
·  bioinformatics
·  Bird-Meertens Formalism
·  broadcast storm
·  Bull Information Systems
·  Caltech Intermediate Form
·  Campus Wide Information System
·  CASE Data Interchange Format
·  Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
·  CHARM++
·  Charme
·  Chief Information Officer
·  Chinese Army technique
·  closed term
·  Coalition for Networked Information
·  Codd' s First Normal Form
·  Common Hardware Reference Platform
·  Common Information Model
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  Common Intermediate Language
·  Common Management Information Protocol
·  Common Management Information Services
·  Common Object File Format
·  Compiler Language for Information Processing
·  complementary nondeterministic polynomial
·  Compulink Information eXchange
·  CompuServe Information Service
·  Conjunctive Normal Form
·  considered harmful
·  constant applicative form
·  content-based information retrieval
·  Cooperative Information System
·  CRM
·  cross-platform
·  Customer Information Control System
·  Customer Information Systems
·  Darms
·  database normalisation
·  Datastorm Technologies, Inc.
·  Data Terminal Equipment
·  Data Terminal Ready
·  Defense Data Network Network Information Center
·  Defense Information Systems Agency
·  Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada
·  deterministic
·  deterministic automaton
·  discrete cosine transform
·  discrete Fourier transform
·  Disjunctive Normal Form
·  disk farm
·  display terminal
·  Drawing eXchange Format
·  DRM
·  dumb terminal
·  Ecole Normale Superieure
·  Electronic Performance Support System
·  Euclidean norm
·  European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology
·  Extended Backus-Naur Form
·  Extensible Firmware Interface
·  Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
·  farm
·  farming
·  Fast Fourier Transform
·  Federal Information Exchange
·  Federal Information Processing Standards
·  Fermat prime
·  fifth normal form
·  fill-out form
·  Financial Information eXchange
·  Firmware
·  firmy
·  first normal form
·  formal argument
·  Formal Description Technique
·  formal methods
·  Formal Object Role Modeling Language
·  formal review
·  FORMAT-Fortran
·  Formatting Output Specification Instance
·  Formes
·  form factor
·  form feed
·  form function
·  forms
·  formula
·  Formula ALGOL
·  For Your Information
·  Fourier transform
·  fourth normal form
·  GE Information Services
·  Geographical Information System
·  Geographic Information System
·  German
·  gorilla arm
·  Graphics Interchange Format
·  Graphics Interface Format
·  Great Worm
·  Head Normal Form
·  head normalisation theorem
·  Herman Hollerith
·  Hermes
·  Hierarchical Data Format
·  High Performance Computing and Communications
·  High Performance File System
·  High Performance Fortran
·  High Performance Parallel Interface
·  High Performance Routing
·  High Performance Serial Bus
·  Hollerith, Herman
·  hypermedia
·  image formats
·  Informatics Corporation
·  Information Algebra
·  Information and Communication Technology
·  Information Appliance
·  Information Builders
·  Information Engineering Facility
·  information highway
·  Information Innovation
·  information island
·  Information Management
·  Information Management System
·  information overload
·  Information Processing Language
·  Information Resource Management
·  information superhighway
·  Information Systems Factory
·  Information Technology
·  Information Technology Infrastructure Library
·  Informix
·  Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
·  Integrated Information Technology
·  Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance index
·  intelligent terminal
·  Interchange File Format
·  Intermedia
·  Intermedia Interchange Format
·  intermediate code
·  Intermediate Distribution Frame
·  Intermediate Programming Language
·  Intermediate System
·  Intermediate System-Intermediate System
·  intermercial
·  Intermetrics, Inc.
·  intermodulation distortion
·  International Federation for Information Processing
·  International Olympiad in Informatics
·  International Traffic in Arms Regulation
·  Internet Information Server
·  Internet Network Information Center
·  Internet Worm
·  Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
·  IRM
·  Java 2 Platform
·  Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
·  JPEG File Interchange Format
·  Kermit
·  Knowbot Information Service
·  Language for the On-Line Investigation and Transformation of Abstractions
·  Lawrence Livermore Labs
·  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
·  linear transformation
·  link farm
·  Logical Interchange Format
·  Lotus Notes Formula Language
·  Maker Interchange Format
·  Management Information Base
·  Management Information System
·  Mathematics in Recognizable Form Automatically Compiled
·  Metadata Information Partners
·  metainformation
·  Microsoft Internet Information Server
·  MPEG-4 Harmonics, individual lines and noise
·  MPEG-4 Harmonic Vector eXCitation
·  Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  National Information Services and Systems
·  Natural Language Information Analysis Method
·  Network Information Center
·  Network Information Service
·  Network Information System
·  network layer reachability information
·  network storm
·  Network Termination
·  nondeterminism
·  nondeterministic
·  nondeterministic automaton
·  nondeterministic polynomial time
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  Non-Uniform Memory Access
·  non-uniform quantising logarithmic compression
·  Non-Uniform Rational B Spline
·  norm
·  normal distribution
·  normal form
·  normalisation
·  normalised
·  normal order reduction
·  normed space
·  null-terminated multibyte string
·  Open Document Interchange Format
·  Open Telecom Platform
·  ORM
·  papermail
·  parm
·  ParMod
·  permanent link
·  Permanent Virtual Circuit
·  Permanent Virtual Connection
·  permission
·  permutation
·  platform
·  Platform for Internet Inhalt Selection
·  Platform Independent Graphical User Interface
·  point of sale terminal
·  Portable Document Format
·  PowerPC Platform
·  PowerPC Reference Platform
·  processor farm
·  Program Information File
·  program transformation
·  RenderMan Shading Language
·  Rich Text Format
·  RMI
·  RMS
·  Root Normal Form
·  Routing Information Protocol
·  Run-Time Type Information
·  search term
·  second normal form
·  Selective Dissemination of Information
·  Siemens Nixdorf Informationssteme, AG
·  smart terminal
·  SPARC Xterminal 1
·  StarMOD
·  storm
·  StrongARM
·  Structure of Management Information
·  Summary Object Interchange Format
·  Tagged Image File Format
·  termcap
·  terminak
·  terminal
·  Terminal Access Controller
·  terminal adapter
·  Terminal Adaptor
·  terminal brain death
·  terminal emulation
·  terminal emulator
·  terminal illness
·  terminal junkie
·  terminal node
·  Terminal Oriented Real Time Operating System
·  Terminal Oriented Social Science
·  Terminal Productivity eXecutive
·  terminal server
·  Terminal User Interface
·  Terminate and Stay Resident
·  termination analysis
·  terminator
·  term rewriting system
·  Terms Of Service
·  third normal form
·  tourist information
·  transformation
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  UCS transformation format
·  Uniform Naming Convention
·  Uniform Resource Citation
·  Uniform Resource Locater
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  Uniform Resource Number
·  Universal Disk Format
·  unnormalised
·  Very Small Aperture Terminal
·  video display terminal
·  video terminal
·  warm boot
·  Warm Silence Software
·  Wasserman
·  Waveform Generation Language
·  Weak Head Normal Form
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  World-Wide Web Worm
·  worm
·  wormhole
·  wormhole routing
·  Xilinx Netlist Format
·  xterm
·  X terminal
·  Zermelo Fränkel set theory
·  Zermelo set theory

Results in the term's text:

·  100BaseTX
·  100BaseVG
·  10base5
·  1394
·  16 bit
·  16-bit application
·  1NF
·  1.TR.6
·  2NF
·  32-bit application
·  3DO
·  3NF
·  4NF
·  56 kbps
·  5NF
·  5th Glove
·  64-bit
·  A#
·  A3D
·  ABC
·  ABCL/1
·  abduction
·  abort
·  abstract data type
·  abstract interpretation
·  abstraction
·  abstract machine
·  abstract syntax
·  abstract syntax tree
·  Abstract Window Toolkit
·  AC2
·  AC3
·  Accelerated Graphics Port
·  accelerator
·  acceptance testing
·  Access Control List
·  access permission
·  accumulator
·  ACK
·  Acrobat
·  acronym
·  Act1
·  Active Monitor
·  Active Reconfiguring Message
·  Active Server Pages
·  actual argument
·  Ada 95
·  Ada/Ed
·  Adaptive Server Enterprise
·  Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding
·  Adaptor
·  Ada Semantic Interface Specification
·  address bus
·  addressed call mode
·  addressee
·  addressing mode
·  address mask
·  address space
·  ad-hockery
·  Aditi
·  adjacency
·  Administration Management Domain
·  chefistrative distance
·  Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program
·  Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
·  Advanced Encryption Standard
·  Advanced Function Presentation
·  Advanced Intelligent Tape
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  Advantage Gen
·  affine transformation
·  agent
·  aggregator
·  Agner Krarup Erlang
·  AI-complete
·  A Language for Attributed Definitions
·  Alan Turing
·  A-law
·  alert
·  Alfl
·  algebra
·  algebraic data type
·  Algebraic Logic Functional language
·  algebraic structure
·  ALGOL 60
·  ALGOL 68C
·  ALGOL 68-R
·  ALGOL 68 Revised
·  algorithm
·  Algorithmic Test Case Generation
·  aliasing
·  Allegro
·  all-elbows
·  Alpha
·  alpha conversion
·  Alphard
·  alt
·  Altair 8800
·  am
·  amateur packet radio
·  AMD 29000
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  Amoeba
·  Analytical Engine
·  Analytical Solutions Forum
·  anchor
·  An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming
·  angry fruit salad
·  Animated GIF
·  ANNotated Ada
·  annotation
·  Annual Change Traffic
·  anonymous FTP
·  ANSI X12
·  ANSI Z39.50
·  anti-aliasing
·  AOS
·  Apache
·  Apple Newton
·  applet
·  Application Developer
·  application layer
·  application program
·  Application Program Interface
·  Application Protocol Data Unit
·  Applications Development Manager
·  application service provider
·  Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
·  applicative order reduction
·  approximation algorithm
·  A Programming Language
·  arc
·  archie
·  Archimedes
·  architecture
·  Architecture Neutral Distribution Format
·  archive
·  argument
·  Arithmetic and Logic Unit
·  arj
·  ARM610
·  ARM7
·  ARM710
·  ARM7500
·  ARM8
·  ARM800
·  array processor
·  arrow key
·  artificial intelligence
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  as31
·  AS/400
·  asbestos longjohns
·  Ashmedai
·  aspect-oriented programming
·  assembly language
·  assigned numbers
·  assignment
·  assignment problem
·  Association for Computing
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  Association of C and C++ Users
·  Association of Lisp Users
·  AST Computers, LLC
·  Astra Digital Radio
·  AST Research, Inc.
·  asymmetrical modulation
·  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
·  Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
·  asynchronous logic
·  Atanasoff-Berry Computer
·  Atari
·  atomic
·  A Tools Integration Standard
·  attenuation
·  attribute
·  Attributed File System
·  ATX
·  aubergine
·  audio
·  audiographic teleconferencing
·  Audio IFF
·  AudioOne
·  Augmented Backus-Naur Form
·  Austin Kyoto Common Lisp
·  authoring
·  Autocode
·  autoconf
·  autoconfiscate
·  Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
·  automatic baud rate detection
·  Automatic Mathematical TRANslation
·  Automatic Network Routing
·  Automatic Number Identification
·  Automatic Send Receive
·  automaton
·  Autopass
·  auxiliary storage
·  avatar
·  AverStar
·  awk
·  axiom
·  axiomatic semantics
·  axiomatic set theory
·  Axiom of Choice
·  Axiom of Comprehension
·  Bachman Information Systems
·  back door
·  back-end
·  Back End Generator
·  background
·  backing store
·  back-propagation
·  backside cache
·  backtracking
·  backup
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  Backus Normal Form
·  backward analysis
·  backward combatability
·  backward compatibility
·  Bad Thing
·  balanced tree
·  balun
·  bamf
·  Banach space
·  banana label
·  banana problem
·  bandwidth
·  bang
·  banner
·  bar code
·  bare metal
·  barf
·  baroque
·  base 64
·  base class
·  Basic Encoding Rules
·  Basic Input/Output System
·  Basic Language for Implementation of System Software
·  Basic Programming Support
·  batch processing
·  bathtub curve
·  baud
·  baud barf
·  Baudotbetical order
·  beam
·  beam search
·  BeBOP
·  egin
·  Be Inc
·  belief revision
·  bell
·  bell curve
·  bells, whistles, and gongs
·  benchmark
·  Benoit Mandelbrot
·  Berkeley EDIF200
·  Berkeley Network
·  Berkeley Quality Software
·  Bertrand
·  Berzerkeley
·  Best Fit
·  beta abstraction
·  beta conversion
·  beta testing
·  Bezier
·  Bezier curve
·  Bezier surface
·  BibTeX
·  BiCapitalisation
·  big iron
·  Bigloo
·  bignum
·  big win
·  bijection
·  binary
·  binary file
·  binary package
·  binary search
·  Binary Synchronous Transmission
·  bindery
·  BinHex
·  Binhex 4.0
·  BinProlog
·  bioinformatics
·  BioMeDical Package
·  Birds Of a Feather
·  bit
·  bit bashing
·  bit bucket
·  bitmap
·  bitmap display
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit pattern
·  bit plane
·  bit rate
·  bit slice
·  bits per pixel
·  bit string
·  bitty box
·  bitwise
·  bixie
·  black art
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  bletcherous
·  Bletchley Park
·  Blind Carbon Copy
·  blinkenlights
·  blit
·  blitter
·  blivet
·  block transfer computations
·  blow an EPROM
·  blow away
·  BLT
·  Blue Book
·  Blue Screen of Life
·  bm
·  B-Method
·  BMF
·  bmp
·  BNF
·  boat anchor
·  bogon
·  bomb
·  bookmark
·  book titles
·  Boolean algebra
·  Boolean search
·  Booster
·  boot block
·  boot disk
·  bootstrap
·  borf
·  Borland Software Corporation
·  bot
·  bottom
·  bounce
·  bounce message
·  bound variable
·  boustrophedonic
·  boxology
·  bozotic
·  bracket abstraction
·  Brain Aid Prolog
·  brain-dead
·  brain dump
·  brain fart
·  Brainfuck
·  branch prediction
·  Brazil
·  bread crumbs
·  break
·  break statement
·  breath-of-life packet
·  bridge
·  briefcase
·  brightness
·  British Library Method
·  brittle
·  broadband
·  broadcast storm
·  brochureware
·  broken arrow
·  brouter
·  Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem
·  btoa
·  B-Toolkit
·  BTRIEVE Technologies, Inc.
·  bubble memory
·  bucky bits
·  bug fix
·  buglix
·  Bull
·  bulletin board system
·  bulletproof
·  burble
·  Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
·  burn-in period
·  Burroughs Corporation
·  bus
·  bus error
·  Business Analyst
·  Business Application Programming Interface
·  Business Process Re-engineering
·  Business Systems Analyst
·  bus master
·  bus network
·  buzz
·  bwBASIC
·  by hand
·  byte
·  byte-code
·  bytesexual
·  Byzantine
·  C
·  C+-
·  C+@
·  c2man
·  cache
·  CAF
·  CAiSE
·  Calculus of Communicating Systems
·  call-by-name
·  call-by-need
·  calling convention
·  Call-Level Interface
·  Call Unix
·  Cambridge Lisp
·  Campus Wide Information System
·  Cancelpoodle
·  candidate key
·  canonical
·  Canonical Encoding Rules
·  canonical name
·  can' t happen
·  card
·  cargo cult programming
·  Caribou CodeWorks
·  Carl Friedrich Gauss
·  cascade
·  Cascading Style Sheets
·  case
·  case and paste
·  case based reasoning
·  Case Integration Services
·  CASE*Method
·  case sensitivity
·  CAT
·  cat
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  category
·  cathode ray tube
·  cationic cocktail
·  Cauchy sequence
·  Cayenne Software
·  C-BC
·  C Beautifier
·  CCITT HIgh-Level Language
·  cd
·  CDA
·  CDF
·  cdr
·  Celeron
·  cell
·  cellular multiprocessing
·  CEN
·  central office
·  central processing unit
·  cepstrum
·  Ceramic Pin Grid Array
·  Ch
·  chad
·  Chadless keypunch
·  Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
·  channel hopping
·  channel op
·  channel service unit
·  channel service unit/data service unit
·  chaos
·  character set
·  CHARM++
·  Charme
·  cheapernet
·  checkpoint
·  Chernobyl packet
·  chess
·  Chief Information Officer
·  child process
·  Chimera
·  chmod
·  chomp
·  Christmas tree packet
·  Christopher Strachey
·  chrome
·  Church-Rosser Theorem
·  CI$
·  CIF
·  CIL
·  CIM
·  CIO
·  CIP-L
·  CIR
·  circuit
·  CIS
·  CIX
·  CJK
·  class
·  Class Oriented Ring Associated Language
·  clause
·  Clean
·  CLiCC
·  click
·  client-server
·  Client To Client Protocol
·  clipboard
·  Clipper
·  clock rate
·  closed term
·  closure
·  closure conversion
·  cloysism
·  Cluster 86
·  CLX
·  CNI
·  Coalition for Networked Information
·  cocktail shaker sort
·  Cocol/R
·  Coco/R
·  Codd' s First Normal Form
·  CodeCenter
·  Code Division Multiple Access
·  code grinder
·  code police
·  code position
·  coder/decoder
·  coefficient of X
·  cognitive architecture
·  cold boot
·  ColdFusion
·  co-location
·  Colossus
·  colour palette
·  Columbia AppleTalk Package
·  combination
·  combinator
·  command
·  command line interface
·  comma separated values
·  comment
·  commercial at
·  Commercial Internet eXchange
·  Commodore 1581
·  Commodore Business Machines
·  Common Architecture for Next Generation Internet Protocol
·  Common Command Set
·  Common Hardware Reference Platform
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  Common Internet File System
·  Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
·  Common Lisp
·  Common Management Information Protocol
·  Common Management Information Services
·  Common Object File Format
·  Common Object Request Broker Architecture
·  communications software
·  communication system
·  Community of Massive Gaming Agency
·  Compact Disc
·  Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
·  Compact Disc Recordable
·  Compact Disc Rewritable
·  compatible
·  Compiled HTML
·  Compiler Target Language
·  compile time
·  complete theory
·  Complex Instruction Set Computer
·  complex number
·  Component Integration Laboratories
·  Compound Document Architecture
·  compound key
·  Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
·  compress
·  compression
·  Compu$erve
·  CompuServe Corporation
·  CompuServe Information Service
·  Compusult Ltd.
·  computability theory
·  Computational Adequacy Theorem
·  computational molecular biology
·  computer
·  computer confetti
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  computer ethics
·  computer geek
·  Computer Graphics Metafile
·  computer literacy
·  Computer Output to Laser Disk
·  Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
·  Computer + Science NETwork
·  compute server
·  Computing Devices Canada Ltd.
·  computron
·  con
·  concatenate
·  Concrete Data Structure
·  Concurrent Massey Hope
·  Concurrent Prolog
·  Concurrent Versions System
·  Conferencing over IP
·  confidence test
·  configure
·  Conjunctive Normal Form
·  connection-oriented network service
·  connective
·  connector conspiracy
·  Co-NP
·  considered harmful
·  console
·  console jockey
·  Constraint Handling In Prolog
·  constraint satisfaction
·  constructed type
·  constructive
·  Constructive Cost Model
·  consultant
·  content-based information retrieval
·  content-free
·  context clash
·  context-sensitive menu
·  context switch
·  Continuation Passing Style
·  continuation passing style
·  continuous wave
·  Control and Status Register
·  control flow
·  control-O
·  control structure
·  control unit
·  Convergent Technologies
·  converse
·  conversion to iteration
·  convex hull
·  cooked mode
·  cookie
·  cookie file
·  cookie jar
·  cookie monster
·  Cooperative Information System
·  cooperative multitasking
·  Copper Distributed Data Interface
·  coprocessor
·  copy and paste
·  copybook
·  copyright
·  core
·  core gateway
·  Core War
·  Corporation for National Research Initiatives
·  Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
·  cosmic rays
·  Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria
·  Cougar
·  countable
·  counted
·  coupling
·  CPL
·  CPS
·  CPU Info Center
·  CPU Wars
·  cracker
·  crank
·  CrApTeX
·  crash
·  crash and burn
·  crayola
·  crayola books
·  creationism
·  creeping featurism
·  creeping featuritis
·  crippleware
·  critical section
·  cross-compiler
·  cross-platform
·  cross-post
·  crosstalk
·  crudware
·  crunch
·  crypt
·  CS-4
·  .cshrc
·  CSK Software
·  CTY
·  curried function
·  curses
·  cursor dipped in X
·  cuspy
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  cut-through switching
·  CWI
·  cyberbunny
·  cybernetics
·  cybersex
·  cyberspace
·  cyberspastic
·  cyber-squatting
·  Cyc
·  cycle
·  cycle crunch
·  cycle of reincarnation
·  cycle server
·  cyclic redundancy check
·  cyclomatic complexity
·  cylinder
·  CypherText
·  Cyrix 6x86
·  daemon
·  daisy chain
·  dancing frog
·  dangling pointer
·  dark-side hacker
·  Darms
·  Darwin
·  data
·  data abstraction
·  Data Address Generator
·  database chefistrator
·  database manager
·  database normalisation
·  database query language
·  database server
·  data bus
·  data channel
·  Data Communication Equipment
·  Data definition language
·  data dictionary
·  data dictionary file
·  data driven
·  data flow
·  data flow analysis
·  data glove
·  datagram
·  data hierarchy
·  Datakit
·  Data Link Connection Identifier
·  data link layer
·  data mart
·  data model
·  data path
·  data processing
·  data service unit
·  data set
·  data set organization
·  Data Terminal Equipment
·  Data Terminal Ready
·  data transfer rate
·  DataViews
·  data warehouse
·  date
·  DAU
·  dBASE
·  DCE
·  D. C. Power Lab
·  DCT
·  DDE Manager
·  DDT
·  de
·  deadlock
·  dead tree
·  deboursification
·  De Bruijn notation
·  debugging
·  decay
·  decidability
·  decision problem
·  decision support database
·  decision theory
·  declarative language
·  DECmate I
·  DEC Wars
·  dedicated line
·  deductive database
·  deep magic
·  deep space
·  Defense Communications Agency
·  Defense Data Network
·  Defense Data Network Network Information Center
·  Defense Information Systems Agency
·  deflate
·  deforestation
·  degrees of freedom
·  delete
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  delta
·  Delta-Prolog
·  delta reduction
·  demand driven
·  demand paging
·  DeMarco
·  demented
·  De-Militarised Zone
·  demon
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  DeMorgan' s theorem
·  denotational semantics
·  deprecated
·  derived type
·  descent function
·  Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada
·  design
·  design recovery
·  Desktop Management Interface
·  Desktop Management Task Force
·  desktop publishing
·  deterministic automaton
·  device driver
·  device independent bitmap
·  Devil Book
·  /dev/null
·  DFA
·  DFT
·  DG/L
·  Dhrystone
·  dictionary flame
·  die horribly
·  diff
·  differential line
·  digest
·  DigiCash
·  digital audio
·  Digital Audio Tape
·  Digital Control System
·  digital dashboard
·  Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
·  Digital Library Initiative
·  Digital Linear Tape
·  Digital Multimeter
·  Digital Radio Mondiale
·  Digital Signal Processing
·  Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data
·  Digital Subscriber Line Access Module
·  Digital Versatile Disc
·  Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory
·  Dijkstra' s guarded command language
·  dike
·  DIN
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  dinosaurs mating
·  diode
·  Direct-Access Storage Device
·  Directed Oc
·  Direct Inward Dialing
·  direct mapped cache
·  Direct Memory Access
·  directory service
·  Directory System Agent
·  DirectX
·  dirtball
·  disc
·  discrete cosine transform
·  discrete Fourier transform
·  Disjunctive Normal Form
·  disk
·  disk drive
·  diskless workstation
·  disk operating system
·  display hack
·  Display PostScript
·  Dissociated Press
·  Distributed Data Management
·  distribution
·  disusered
·  diverge
·  divisor
·  DjVu
·  DNF
·  docking station
·  DOCMaker
·  document
·  Document Examiner
·  Document Style Semantics and Specification Language
·  Domain Analysis
·  domain calculus
·  domainist
·  domain model
·  Domain Name System
·  domain-specific language
·  Donald Knuth
·  dongle
·  dongle-disk
·  dot file
·  dot notation
·  double bucky
·  Double Data Rate Random Access Memory
·  doubly linked list
·  down
·  DP
·  DPer
·  dpSather
·  Draft Once ReUse Many
·  dragon
·  Dragon Book
·  drain
·  Drawing eXchange Format
·  driver
·  drop-ins
·  drugged
·  dry run
·  DS1
·  DS1C
·  D-shell connector
·  DTE
·  DTR
·  dual
·  dual-attached
·  dual boot
·  Dual In-line Memory Module
·  dual ported
·  dual-stack
·  Dual Tone Multi Frequency
·  Duff' s device
·  dumb terminal
·  dump
·  dumpster diving
·  duplex
·  Duplex High Speed Data
·  dup loop
·  dusty deck
·  DVI
·  Dvorak
·  Dwarf Storage Unit
·  dweeb
·  dwg
·  DXF
·  dynamic adaptive routing
·  Dynamic Address Translation
·  dynamic binding
·  Dynamic Data Exchange
·  Dynamic HTML
·  Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System
·  Dynix
·  Dynix Automated Library Systems
·  eager evaluation
·  Easter egging
·  E-carrier system
·  Ecash
·  ECMA International
·  Econet
·  EDI analyst
·  EDP auditor
·  Edward Yourdon
·  effective computable
·  Effort Adjustment Factor
·  EFI
·  Eggdrop
·  eHelp Corporation
·  EIA-232
·  EIA-422
·  EIA-423
·  EIA-449
·  EIA-485
·  EIA-530
·  Eiffel
·  Eiffel source checker
·  eigenvalue
·  eigenvector
·  eight-bit clean
·  eighty-twenty rule
·  elder days
·  electromigration
·  Electronic Commerce Dictionary
·  electronic data interchange
·  Electronic Frontier Foundation
·  electronic funds transfer
·  Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale
·  electronic magazine
·  electronic mail
·  electronic mail address
·  Electronic Performance Support System
·  electron tube
·  elephantine
·  ELF
·  elite
·  ELIZA effect
·  elvish
·  EM-1
·  Emacs Lisp
·  Embedded Mode
·  embedded system
·  EMBLA Pro
·  EMD Enterprises, Inc.
·  EML
·  emote
·  emoticon
·  empeg
·  emTeX
·  emulation
·  emulator
·  EMX
·  Encapsulated PostScript
·  encapsulation
·  encode
·  encryption
·  -endian
·  English
·  enhanced parallel port
·  Enhanced Small Disk Interface
·  Enigma
·  ENS
·  Enterprise JavaBeans
·  Enterprise Resource Planning
·  EntireX
·  entropy
·  Envoy
·  EOF
·  epoch
·  epsilon squared
·  equational logic
·  equivalence class
·  equivalence class partitioning
·  Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  Erlang
·  error-based testing
·  error detection and correction
·  escape sequence
·  escrow
·  Estelle
·  eta conversion
·  ETL
·  Euclid
·  Euclidean norm
·  Eureka step
·  Eurocard
·  European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH
·  European Computer Manufacturers Association
·  European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology
·  Eva
·  evaluation
·  evaluator
·  evolutionary algorithm
·  evolutionary programming
·  evolution strategy
·  Exabyte
·  exception
·  exec
·  executable
·  executive
·  expect
·  Experimental Physics Control Systems
·  expert system
·  explicit parallelism
·  explicit type conversion
·  exponential-time algorithm
·  expression
·  extend
·  Extended Affix Grammar
·  Extended ALGOL
·  Extended Architecture
·  Extended Backus-Naur Form
·  Extended BNF
·  Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  Extended Fortran Language
·  eXtended Graphics Array
·  Extended System Configuration Data
·  Extended Tiny
·  extensible
·  Extensible Firmware Interface
·  Extensible HyperText Markup Language
·  Extensible Stylesheet Language
·  Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
·  extensional equality
·  Extension Language Kit
·  Exterior Gateway Protocol
·  external memory
·  extranet
·  facsimile
·  failover
·  failure
·  fall through
·  farm
·  farming
·  fascist
·  Fast Fourier Transform
·  fatal
·  fatal error
·  fatal exception
·  fat binary
·  fat electrons
·  fault tolerance
·  fault tree analysis
·  FDT
·  feature
·  featurectomy
·  feature key
·  Federal Information Processing Standards
·  Federation Against Software Theft Limited
·  feedback
·  feedback control
·  feep
·  feeper
·  feeping creaturism
·  fence
·  fencepost error
·  Fermat prime
·  ferrite core memory
·  fetch-execute cycle
·  FF
·  FFP
·  FFT
·  Fiber Distributed Data Interface
·  Fibonacci sequence
·  Fibre Channel
·  field
·  field effect transistor
·  field-programmable gate array
·  field servoid
·  fifth normal form
·  file
·  File Allocation Table
·  File Composition
·  file control block
·  filename extension
·  File Service Protocol
·  file system
·  Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
·  file transfer
·  file type
·  fill-out form
·  film at 11
·  finger
·  Finite State Machine
·  finn
·  firefighting
·  FireWire
·  fireworks mode
·  Firmware
·  first class module
·  first generation language
·  first normal form
·  first-order logic
·  FIX
·  fixed-point
·  flag day
·  flame
·  flap
·  Flash
·  flash
·  flat
·  flat ASCII
·  flatten
·  flavour
·  Flex
·  Flex++
·  flip-flop
·  floating-point
·  floating-point accelerator
·  flood
·  floppy disk
·  flow chart
·  flush
·  FM
·  FOD
·  folder
·  followup
·  font
·  foobar
·  fool file
·  Fools' Lisp
·  Foonly
·  ForceOne
·  foreground
·  for free
·  forked
·  for loop
·  formal argument
·  Formal Description Technique
·  formal methods
·  Formal Object Role Modeling Language
·  Formes
·  form factor
·  form feed
·  form function
·  forms
·  formula
·  Formula ALGOL
·  Forsythe
·  Forth Modification Lab
·  Fortran
·  Fortran 77
·  Fortran Matrix Abstraction Technique Fortran
·  forward analysis
·  forward compatibility
·  Forward Error Correction
·  For Your Information
·  fossil
·  four-colour glossies
·  Fourier transform
·  fourth generation computer
·  fourth generation language
·  fourth normal form
·  FP2
·  FP/M
·  fractal
·  fractal dimension
·  fragmentation
·  frame
·  frame buffer
·  FrameMaker
·  Framework 4
·  Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
·  FreeHEP
·  Freenet
·  Free Software Foundation
·  free variable
·  freeze
·  frequency division multiplexing
·  frequently asked question
·  fried
·  fritterware
·  frob
·  frobnicate
·  frobnitz
·  frogging
·  front end
·  FSL
·  fudge
·  fudge factor
·  Fuel-can
·  full-duplex
·  full laziness
·  full-motion video
·  fully associative cache
·  fully qualified domain name
·  function
·  functional dependency
·  functional programming
·  functional requirements
·  function application
·  function key
·  Function Point Analysis
·  funny money
·  fusion
·  futz
·  fuzzy logic
·  fweep
·  FYI
·  G
·  Gambit
·  game tree
·  GAN
·  gang bang
·  garbage collection
·  Gartner Group
·  gate
·  gated
·  gateway
·  Gauss
·  Gaussian distribution
·  GCC
·  G-Code
·  gedanken
·  GEI
·  GE Information Services
·  Gene Amdahl
·  General Magic
·  General Packet Radio Service
·  General Public Virus
·  generic markup
·  generic programming
·  generic type variable
·  genetic algorithm
·  genetic programming
·  GEnie Services
·  gensym
·  Geographical Information System
·  Geographic Information System
·  George Boole
·  Georg Simon Ohm
·  German
·  Get a life!
·  getty
·  g file
·  ghost
·  GIF
·  GIF89
·  gigabits per second
·  gilley
·  GIM-1
·  GIS
·  Glammar
·  glark
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  glass tty
·  Glish
·  glitch
·  Global Positioning System
·  glue
·  GMD
·  Gnat
·  GNU archive site
·  GNU assembler
·  GNU E
·  Gnuplot
·  Goedel
·  Goffin
·  go flatline
·  golf ball printer
·  gonk
·  gopher
·  Gopher client
·  gorets
·  gorilla arm
·  go root
·  Gosperism
·  goto
·  Gottlob Frege
·  Grace Hopper
·  grammar
·  Grandfather, Father, Son
·  granularity
·  Grapes
·  Graphical Kernel System
·  graphics accelerator
·  Graphics Interchange Format
·  Graphics Interface Format
·  Graphics Language Object System
·  graph reduction
·  graph rewriting system
·  gray code
·  Great Renaming
·  Great Runes
·  Great Worm
·  greek
·  Green Book
·  Green Book CD-ROM
·  green bytes
·  green card
·  green lightning
·  green machine
·  Greenwich Mean Time
·  grep
·  grey-scale
·  grick
·  grind
·  grind crank
·  gripenet
·  group identifier
·  Group-Sweeping Scheduling
·  Groupwise
·  grovel
·  grunge
·  gry
·  GTK+
·  Guarded Horn Clauses
·  gun
·  Gunning Transceiver Logic
·  guru meditation
·  gweep
·  gzip
·  H.323
·  Habitat
·  hack
·  hackathon
·  hacked off
·  hacked up
·  hacker
·  hacker ethic
·  hacker humour
·  hacking run
·  Hacking X for Y
·  hackishness
·  hack value
·  ha ha only serious
·  hair
·  HAL
·  half-duplex
·  Hal/S
·  Halt and Catch Fire
·  halting problem
·  Han character
·  hand-hacking
·  handle
·  hand-roll
·  handshaking
·  handwave
·  haque
·  hard boot
·  hard-coded
·  hard disk
·  hard link
·  hard sector
·  hardware
·  hardware handshaking
·  hard-wired
·  hash
·  hash coding
·  Haskell B
·  has the X nature
·  HDF
·  Head Normal Form
·  head normalisation theorem
·  heap
·  heat sink
·  heavyweight
·  heavy wizardry
·  HEPiX
·  Herman Hollerith
·  Hermes
·  hexadecimal
·  Hierarchical Data Format
·  Hierarchical Music Specification Language
·  High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  high-level language
·  High Performance Computing and Communications
·  High Performance Fortran
·  High Performance Routing
·  High Voltage Differential
·  hill climbing
·  HiLog
·  HiPAC
·  hiragana
·  hit
·  Hitachi 6309
·  HL7
·  hlp
·  hog
·  HOL
·  Hollerith, Herman
·  holy wars
·  homogeneous
·  hook
·  hop
·  Hope+
·  hose
·  hosed
·  host
·  hostname
·  Hot Fix
·  HotJava
·  Hotline Connect
·  hotlink
·  hot spot
·  house wizard
·  Houston Automatic Spooling Program
·  HPcode
·  HPF
·  HPR
·  HP-UX
·  HTTP cookie
·  HTTPd
·  HTTP server
·  hue
·  hue, saturation, brightness
·  hue, saturation, value
·  Huffman coding
·  Human Interface Technology Laboratory
·  Hungarian Notation
·  Hunt the Wumpus
·  HyperCard
·  Hyperion
·  Hyperscript
·  Hyperstrict
·  HyperTalk
·  hypertext
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  Hypertext Transfer Protocol
·  Hytelnet
·  HyTime
·  IA
·  IAD
·  IAS
·  IBM 3270
·  IBM 370ESA
·  IBM 701
·  IBM 709
·  ICBM address
·  ICE
·  iCOMP
·  Icon
·  icon
·  ICQ
·  ICT
·  Idealized CSP
·  idempotent
·  IDF
·  I didn' t change anything!
·  IEEE 1394
·  IEEE 488
·  IEEE 802.3
·  IEEE Floating Point Standard
·  IF1
·  IF2
·  IFF
·  If you want X, you know where to find it.
·  IGL
·  IIS
·  IIT
·  I-Link
·  ill-behaved
·  Illiac IV
·  image
·  image formats
·  image map
·  image recognition
·  IMD
·  impact printer
·  imperative language
·  Imperial Software Technology
·  implicit parallelism
·  implicit type conversion
·  import
·  IMS
·  IMS/Data Base
·  in-band
·  incantation
·  indent style
·  inetd
·  infant mortality
·  infinite
·  infix notation
·  Infobahn
·  infobot
·  Information Algebra
·  Information and Communication Technology
·  Information Appliance
·  information highway
·  Information Innovation
·  information island
·  Information Management
·  information overload
·  Information Processing Language
·  Information Resource Management
·  information superhighway
·  Information Technology
·  infrastructure
·  initgame
·  Initial Operational Test and Evaluation
·  inline
·  inline image
·  inode
·  inquiry/response system
·  Insignia Solutions, Inc.
·  inspection
·  installable file system
·  Institute for Global Communications
·  instruction scheduling
·  instruction set
·  integrated circuit
·  integration testing
·  Intel 4004
·  Intel 486
·  Intel 486SX
·  Intel 8008
·  Intel 80186
·  Intel 80386
·  Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance index
·  Intel Corporation
·  IntelDX4
·  Intel i960
·  intellectual property
·  intelligent database
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  intelligent terminal
·  interactive
·  Interactive CourseWare
·  Interagency Interim National Research and Education Network
·  Interchange File Format
·  Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics
·  interface
·  Interface Description Language
·  Interior Gateway Protocol
·  Intermedia Interchange Format
·  intermediate code
·  Intermediate System
·  intermodulation distortion
·  International Federation for Information Processing
·  internationalisation
·  International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium
·  International Organization for Standardization
·  International Smalltalk Association
·  International Telecommunications Union
·  Internaut
·  Internet
·  Internet Adapter
·  Internet address
·  Internet Control Message Protocol
·  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
·  Internet-Draft
·  Internet Explorer
·  Internet Express
·  Internet Foundation Classes
·  Internet Information Server
·  Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
·  Internet Message Access Protocol
·  Internet Network Information Center
·  Internet Open Trading Protocol
·  Internet Public Library
·  Internet Registry
·  Internet Research Task Force
·  Internet Worm
·  InterNIC
·  interpolation
·  interpreter
·  Inter-process Communication
·  interrupt
·  interrupt handler
·  interrupt request
·  interstitial
·  interworking
·  intranet
·  Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
·  Intrusive Testing
·  intuitionistic probability
·  intuitionist logic
·  Inverse Address Resolution Protocol
·  inverse comment convention
·  inverted index
·  IOI
·  IPL
·  IPsec
·  IrDA Control
·  IRM
·  iron
·  Iron Age
·  IS
·  Isabelle
·  ISF
·  IS-IS
·  ISO 8859
·  ISO 9000
·  isochronous
·  IT
·  Iterated Function System
·  iteration
·  iterator
·  ITS
·  IVY
·  IWay
·  J2EE
·  J2ME
·  J2SE
·  jack in
·  Janus
·  Jargon File
·  Java 2
·  Java 2 Platform
·  Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
·  Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
·  Java 2 Software Development Kit
·  Java archive
·  Java Development Kit
·  Java Remote Method Protocol
·  Java Run-Time Environment
·  JavaServer Pages
·  Java servlet
·  Java Virtual Machine
·  jiffy
·  job
·  Job Entry System
·  joe
·  John McCarthy
·  John Tukey
·  John von Neumann
·  Joint Academic NETwork
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  Joint Photographic Experts Group
·  Joint Test Action Group
·  JPEG-2000
·  JPEG File Interchange Format
·  Jughead
·  jump
·  jumper
·  jump off into never-never land
·  Just a Bunch Of Disks
·  kanji
·  katakana
·  KC-85/1
·  KC85/2
·  KC85/3
·  KC85/4
·  Kermit
·  kernel
·  Kernel Parlog
·  key
·  keyboard
·  Keyboard Commando
·  keyboard plaque
·  Keyboard Send Receive
·  key field
·  KeySpell
·  kh
·  Kid
·  killer micro
·  kiosk
·  KIS
·  kit
·  Kleene star
·  Klerer-May System
·  kludge
·  kluge
·  knapsack problem
·  Knights of the Lambda-Calculus
·  knowbot
·  Knowbot Information Service
·  knowledge
·  knowledge base
·  knowledge-based system
·  knowledge level
·  Knowledge Management System
·  Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
·  knowledge representation
·  Known Lazy Bastard
·  Konrad Zuse
·  kremvax
·  Kyoto Common Lisp
·  label edge router
·  label switching
·  LaborNet
·  Lace
·  lambda abstraction
·  lambda-calculus
·  lambda expression
·  lambda lifting
·  Lambda Prolog
·  LAN chefistrator
·  Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification
·  Larch
·  Larch/C++
·  larval stage
·  laser printer
·  last call optimisation
·  LaTeX
·  laundromat
·  Lawrence Livermore Labs
·  lazy evaluation
·  lclint
·  leading
·  leaf
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  Lean
·  leapfrog attack
·  learning curve
·  leased line
·  legacy system
·  legalese
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  lenient evaluation
·  let floating
·  letterbomb
·  level-sensitive scan design
·  Lex
·  lexical analyser
·  lexical scope
·  lexiphage
·  Liana
·  library
·  LIF
·  Life is hard
·  lifted domain
·  light-emitting resistor
·  light-weight
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  LINCtape
·  linear argument
·  linear function
·  linear map
·  linear type
·  line conditioning
·  line feed
·  line noise
·  line starve
·  Link Control Protocol
·  linked list
·  linker
·  link farm
·  Link State Routing Protocol
·  lint
·  Linux Network Administrators' Guide
·  lion food
·  Lions Book
·  liquid crystal display
·  Liskov substitution principle
·  Lisp Machine
·  list comprehension
·  List Enhanced
·  listless
·  Listserv
·  literate programming
·  lithium lick
·  little-endian
·  live data
·  Live Free Or Die!
·  liveware
·  LL
·  LLGen
·  load balancing
·  lobotomy
·  local area network
·  locale
·  local echo
·  local exchange carrier
·  lock-in
·  logical
·  Logical Block Addressing
·  Logical Interchange Format
·  Logical Link Control
·  logic bomb
·  logic programming
·  log in
·  Loglan
·  Loglan-88
·  logon
·  log out
·  Lolli
·  Longitudinal Redundancy Check
·  look and feel
·  loop combination
·  loose bytes
·  LOP
·  loser
·  loss
·  lossage
·  lossless
·  lossy
·  lost in the noise
·  Lout
·  low-bandwidth
·  Low Bandwidth X
·  Low Voltage Differential
·  L-Soft
·  LTR3
·  Lucent Technologies
·  lump uncurrying
·  lurking
·  luser
·  Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool
·  Lynx
·  m2
·  M2toM3
·  m4
·  MacBinary
·  machine
·  machine code
·  machine learning
·  machoflops
·  Macintosh file system
·  Macintosh Operating System
·  Macintrash
·  macro
·  Macromedia
·  maggotbox
·  magic
·  magic bullet
·  magic cookie
·  magic number
·  Magma2
·  magnetic disk
·  magnetic stripe
·  magnetostrictive delay line
·  Magritte
·  mail
·  mailing list
·  mail server
·  mail user agent
·  mainframe
·  main memory
·  maintainer
·  maintainer script
·  maintenance
·  Makedoc
·  makefile
·  Maker Interchange Format
·  Management Information Base
·  Management Information System
·  Manager of Business Applications
·  Manchester encoding
·  mandelbug
·  manged
·  marbles
·  marginal
·  markup
·  Martian
·  Mask Read-Only Memory
·  MasPar Unity
·  massage
·  Material Requirements Planning
·  math-out
·  Matrix
·  Matrix Math eXtensions
·  maximum seek time
·  M-Code
·  MCP-1600
·  mcvax
·  Mean Time Between Failures
·  Mean Time To Recovery
·  Media Gateway Control Protocol
·  megaflops
·  megapenny
·  meme
·  meme plague
·  memetic algorithm
·  memetics
·  memory
·  memory management
·  Memory Management Unit
·  memory mapped I/O
·  memory protection
·  memory smash
·  menu
·  menu bar
·  message passing
·  Messaging Application Programming Interface
·  mess-dos
·  meta bit
·  Meta-CASE tool
·  Meta-Crystal
·  Metadata
·  meta-data
·  META element
·  metafile
·  Metal Oxide Semiconductor
·  Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
·  method
·  methodology
·  me too
·  MIB
·  MIB Variable
·  mickey
·  mickey mouse program
·  microcode
·  MicroDroid
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  microfloppies
·  microlog
·  Micron Electronics, Inc.
·  microperation
·  microphone
·  microprocessor
·  Microserf
·  Microsloth Windows
·  Microsoft Access
·  Microsoft Corporation
·  Microsoft Data Access Components
·  Microsoft Extended
·  Microsoft IIS
·  Microsoft Internet Information Server
·  Microsoft Office Small Business Edition
·  microtape
·  Microwave Hardware Description Language
·  middle-endian
·  middleware
·  MIF
·  MII
·  mil
·  Milarepa
·  MIME type
·  minicomputer
·  Mini Disc
·  minifloppy
·  MiNT
·  minus
·  MIPS R4000
·  MIPS Technologies, Inc.
·  MIS
·  MIS Director
·  misfeature
·  miswart
·  MIT AI Lab
·  MIT Scheme
·  mk
·  ML
·  ML Kit
·  mm
·  moby
·  mod
·  *MOD
·  modal logic
·  mode
·  model checking
·  modem
·  moderator
·  Modified Frequency Modulation
·  Modula-3pi
·  module
·  monad
·  monadic
·  Mongolian Hordes technique
·  monitor
·  monochrome
·  monoid
·  monty
·  Moof
·  Moore' s Law
·  morphing
·  Mosaic
·  Moscow ML
·  Motorola 68010
·  Motorola 68020
·  Motorola 68060
·  mouse droppings
·  mouse mat
·  Moving Picture Experts Group
·  Moxie
·  Mozilla
·  MPC Level 2 Specification
·  MPEG-1
·  MPEG-1 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2
·  MPEG-21
·  MPEG-2.5 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 AAC Low Profile
·  MPEG-2 audio layer 3
·  MPEG-2 Low Sampling Frequencies Extention
·  MPEG-2 Multi Channel Extention
·  MPEG-3
·  MPEG-4
·  MPEGplus
·  mpg
·  MSG.84
·  MTA
·  mudhead
·  mu-law
·  Mule
·  Mul-T
·  multicast backbone
·  Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility
·  multician
·  MultiLisp
·  multimedia
·  Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group
·  MultiMedia Compact Disc
·  Multimedia Personal Computer
·  Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data
·  Multiple Master
·  multiple perspective software development
·  multiple value
·  Multiplexor Channel
·  Multipop-68
·  Multiprotocol Label Switching
·  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
·  multisync
·  Multisystem eXtention Interface Bus
·  multitasking
·  Multi-tasking Program for Microcomputers
·  multithreading
·  Multi-Version Concurrency Control
·  mumble
·  mumble mode
·  munch
·  munching squares
·  munchkin
·  mung
·  munge
·  Murphy' s Law
·  Musical Instrument Digital Interface
·  mutant
·  Mutation Testing
·  mutex
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  MZ
·  N
·  nadger
·  Nagling Coalescence
·  naive
·  name capture
·  named pipe
·  nanobot
·  nanotechnology
·  Napier
·  narrowband
·  narrowing
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  National Information Services and Systems
·  National Institute of Standards and Technology
·  National Research and Education Network
·  National Television Standards Committee
·  natural deduction
·  Natural English
·  NCR Corporation
·  neat hack
·  neats vs. scruffies
·  neep-neep
·  negative acknowledgement
·  netaddress
·  NetBSD
·  netCDF
·  Netfind
·  .NET framework
·  netlag
·  NetLingo
·  Netmarq Limited
·  netmask
·  Netscape Communications Corporation
·  NetWare Link State Protocol
·  Network Addressable Unit
·  network byte order
·  Network Computing Devices
·  network engineer
·  Network Information Center
·  network layer
·  network management
·  Network News Transfer Protocol
·  Network Operations Center
·  network segment
·  network storm
·  Network Termination
·  network, the
·  neutrosophic logic
·  neutrosophic probability
·  neutrosophic set
·  newbie
·  newgroup wars
·  newline
·  New Storage System
·  New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork
·  NIC
·  Nightmare File System
·  NII
·  niladic
·  NIS
·  NLX
·  nML
·  nn
·  noddy
·  noise
·  noise shaping
·  nondeterminism
·  nondeterministic
·  nondeterministic automaton
·  nondeterministic polynomial time
·  Nondeterministic Turing Machine
·  nonintrusive testing
·  non-optimal solution
·  nontrivial
·  non-uniform quantising logarithmic compression
·  Non-Uniform Rational B Spline
·  Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
·  non-volatile storage
·  NOR
·  NorCroft
·  norm
·  normal distribution
·  normal form
·  normalisation
·  normalised
·  normal order reduction
·  northbridge
·  NoteCards
·  not ready for prime time
·  notwork
·  Novell DOS
·  Novell, Inc.
·  NP
·  NP-complete
·  NPL
·  NP time
·  nroff
·  nslookup
·  NT
·  NT1
·  NTU
·  nude
·  stealthportal
·  null-terminated multibyte string
·  number crunching
·  Nuprl
·  nurbs
·  Nyquist Theorem
·  Oberon-V
·  OBJ
·  ObjectCenter
·  Object Constraint Language
·  Objective CAML
·  Object Linking and Embedding
·  Object Management Group
·  Object management system
·  object-oriented programming
·  Object Role Modeling
·  observational equivalence
·  occurs check
·  octet
·  ODA
·  off-line world
·  ogg
·  ohnosecond
·  -oid
·  OLAP Council
·  old fart
·  Omega test
·  One-Time Password
·  one-way hash function
·  on-line
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
·  Online Media
·  ontology
·  op
·  Opal
·  open
·  Open Distributed Processing
·  Open Graphics Library
·  open source
·  Open Source Definition
·  Open source license
·  OpenStep
·  Open Systems Interconnection
·  operating system
·  operational requirements
·  operational test and evaluation
·  operational testing
·  operation code
·  Opportunity Management System
·  OPS5
·  optical fibre
·  Optical Mark Reader
·  Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
·  optimise
·  optimising compiler
·  Oracle Corporation
·  Oracle Parallel Server
·  Oracle Rdb
·  Orange Book
·  Order Code Processor
·  O' Reilly and Associates
·  Organic Mode
·  Original Equipment Manufacturer
·  orphan process
·  orthogonal
·  orthogonal instruction set
·  OS2
·  OS/2
·  OS/390
·  O' small
·  OTP
·  outline font
·  out-of-band
·  output device
·  Outside Awareness Port
·  outside-in testing
·  outsourcing
·  overclocking
·  overflow pdl
·  overhead
·  overrun screw
·  overuse strain injury
·  Oz
·  oz
·  P3L
·  P4
·  packet
·  Packet Assembler/Disassembler
·  packet driver
·  packet radio
·  packet switching
·  PackIt
·  Paddle
·  pagelet
·  page mode
·  pager
·  Pam
·  Pandora
·  Paper Feed Control Character
·  paraconsistent probability
·  Paragon
·  Paralation
·  parallel reduction
·  Parallel Virtual Machine
·  param
·  parameter
·  Parlance
·  Parlog
·  parm
·  ParMod
·  parser
·  parser generator
·  partial evaluation
·  partial key
·  Partial Response Maximum Likelihood
·  partition
·  partitioned data set
·  Pascal-P
·  Pascal P4
·  Pascal/R
·  passphrase
·  password
·  Password Authentication Protocol
·  pastie
·  patch space
·  pathological
·  pattern matching
·  pattern recognition
·  PC-1834
·  PC-7150
·  PCA
·  P-code
·  PC Pursuit
·  PC-Scheme
·  PC-ware
·  pcx
·  PDF
·  pdksh
·  PDS/MaGen
·  PeaceNet
·  Peano arithmetic
·  Pegasus
·  pencil and paper
·  penis war
·  Pentium
·  Pentium II
·  Pentium III
·  Pentium Pro
·  perfect programmer syndrome
·  peripheral
·  Peripheral Technology Group
·  Perl5
·  permanent link
·  Permanent Virtual Circuit
·  Permanent Virtual Connection
·  permission
·  permutation
·  Persistent Functional Language
·  personal computer
·  petaflops
·  phage
·  phase
·  phase alternating line
·  phase of the moon
·  Philips SCC68070
·  Phonetastic
·  PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
·  phreaking
·  physical memory
·  Physical Sequential
·  pi-calculus
·  pictogram
·  pif
·  PIM
·  ping
·  pipeline
·  pipeline break
·  pistol
·  PKWARE, Inc.
·  plaid screen
·  Plain Old Documentation
·  plain TeX
·  plaintext
·  Plan 9
·  plan file
·  Plankalkül
·  platform
·  Platform for Internet Inhalt Selection
·  play by electronic mail
·  plesiochronous
·  Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Pleuk grammar development system
·  Plexus
·  PL/I
·  plokta
·  plonk
·  Plug Compatible Manufacturer
·  plug-in
·  Plumber
·  plumbing
·  pnambic
·  PNP
·  pocket calculator
·  pod
·  point
·  pointed domain
·  pointer
·  Poisson distribution
·  polymorphism
·  polynomial-time algorithm
·  POOL2
·  POP-2
·  POP3
·  pornography
·  port
·  portability
·  Portable Document Format
·  Portable Forth Environment
·  Portable Network Graphics
·  Portable Pixmap
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  portmapper
·  postfix notation
·  PostgreSQL
·  Post Office Protocol
·  PostScript
·  PowerBuilder
·  power hit
·  Power Macintosh
·  PowerOpen Association
·  PowerOpen Environment
·  PowerPC
·  PowerPC 601
·  PowerPC G3
·  PowerPC Platform
·  PowerPC Reference Platform
·  PRA
·  pragma
·  prefix
·  prefix notation
·  preprocessor
·  presence detect
·  presentation layer
·  prestidigitization
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  primary cache
·  primary key
·  primary management domain
·  prime time
·  Princeton University
·  printf
·  print server
·  priority interrupt
·  Prisoner of Bill
·  probabilistic
·  probabilistic automaton
·  problem state
·  procedural language
·  process
·  process identifier
·  processing
·  processor farm
·  process table
·  Procomm
·  production system
·  Program Composition Notation
·  program counter
·  Program Design Language
·  Program Information File
·  Programmable Airline Reservation System
·  Programmable Array Logic
·  Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  Programmable Read-Only Memory
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  programmer
·  programming language
·  Programming Language/Cornell
·  Programming Language/Systems
·  Prograph
·  progressive coding
·  Progressive JPEG
·  projective plane
·  Project MAC
·  Prolog
·  Prometheus
·  PROM monitor
·  Pronunciation
·  proof
·  proof theory
·  proprietary
·  ProSet
·  protocol
·  protocol converter
·  Protocol Data Unit
·  protocol layer
·  protocol stack
·  provocative maintenance
·  proxy ARP
·  proxy server
·  PS
·  Pseudocode
·  pseudoprime
·  PseudoScheme
·  pseudo-tty
·  psyton
·  P-TAC
·  PUB
·  Public-Key Cryptography Standards
·  public-key encryption
·  Public Switched Telephone Network
·  pull-down menu
·  pull media
·  Pulse Code Modulation
·  pumpkin
·  punched card
·  punt
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  push-button
·  push media
·  PVC
·  QPE
·  quad
·  quality assurance
·  quality of service
·  quantifier
·  Quantify
·  quantum bogodynamics
·  quantum computer
·  quantum dot
·  Quantum-dot Cellular Automata
·  query
·  Query By Example
·  query expansion
·  QuickDraw
·  Quicktime
·  quine
·  quote chapter and verse
·  Qu-Prolog
·  quux
·  race condition
·  Raddle
·  Radio Frequency Interference
·  rainbow series
·  rain dance
·  Rambus DRAM
·  random
·  random-access memory
·  Rapid Application Development
·  Rapidly Extensible Language, English
·  raster burn
·  rasterising
·  raster subsystem
·  rave
·  ray casting
·  RC4
·  read-eval-print loop
·  README file
·  Read-Only Memory
·  read-only user
·  RealAudio
·  real number
·  Real Programmer
·  Real Soon Now
·  Real-Time Euclid
·  Real Video
·  reboot
·  record
·  Record Management Services
·  recurse
·  recursion
·  Recursive Macro Actuated Generator
·  Red
·  Red Book
·  redocumentation
·  Reduced Instruction Set Computer
·  reduction
·  reduction strategy
·  redundancy
·  Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
·  re-engineering
·  re-entrant
·  referential transparency
·  referer
·  refutable
·  Regina
·  register allocation
·  register assignment
·  register dancing
·  register set
·  Register Transfer Language
·  relational calculus
·  relational database
·  relational language
·  relevance
·  reliability
·  Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
·  reliable communication
·  religion of CHI
·  religious issues
·  REM
·  Remote Access Services
·  Remote Database Access
·  Remote Desktop Protocol
·  remote login
·  Remote Method Invocation
·  remote monitoring
·  Remote Reference Layer
·  Remote Write Protocol
·  removable disk
·  RenderMan Shading Language
·  repeating group
·  repeat loop
·  replacement algorithm
·  Replay
·  replication
·  replicator
·  Report Program Generator
·  Request For Comments
·  Requirements Acquisition and Controlled Evolution
·  requirements analysis
·  resolver
·  Resource Description Framework
·  restructuring
·  retcon
·  retronym
·  return from interrupt
·  reverse engineering
·  Revision Control System
·  RFC 1058
·  RFC 1123
·  RFC 1156
·  RFC 1208
·  RFC 1213
·  RFC 1388
·  RFC 1444
·  RFC 1778
·  RFC 1959
·  RFC 1960
·  RFC 2048
·  RFC 2234
·  RFC 822
·  Richard Hamming
·  Richard Stallman
·  Rich Site Summary
·  Rich Text Format
·  right-click
·  Right Thing
·  RIP
·  RiscPC
·  RJ-11
·  RJ-45
·  rl
·  RLaB
·  RNF
·  roach
·  Robert T. Morris
·  robot
·  rococo
·  roff
·  rollback
·  Rom Kernel Manual
·  room-temperature IQ
·  root
·  root bridge
·  Root Normal Form
·  Roskind grammars
·  round-robin
·  route
·  routed
·  routeing
·  routeing domain
·  router
·  routing
·  Routing Information Protocol
·  Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
·  RSL
·  RTF
·  RTL/2
·  RTM
·  Run Length Limited
·  run time
·  run-time library
·  run-time system
·  Run-Time Type Information
·  Russell
·  Russell' s Paradox
·  SA-110
·  sacred
·  safe
·  safe mode
·  safety-critical system
·  salescritter
·  salt substrate
·  same-day service
·  samizdat
·  sandbox
·  San Francisco
·  sanity check
·  SAS System
·  Sather
·  save
·  save as
·  say
·  scalability
·  scan
·  scan design
·  scanf
·  scan path
·  scan register
·  Schachter' s Hypothesis
·  Schematik
·  Scheme
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  SCL
·  SCM
·  scratch
·  scratch monkey
·  Screamer
·  screaming tty
·  screen
·  screen popping
·  screen scraper
·  Screenwrite
·  Scribe
·  scripting language
·  scrollable list
·  scrool
·  SCSI-2
·  SCSI-3
·  SCSI adaptor
·  SCSI initiator
·  SCSI target
·  ScumOS
·  SDF
·  SDI
·  Seagate Technology
·  search engine
·  search term
·  secondary storage
·  second generation computer
·  second normal form
·  second-system effect
·  Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
·  Security Administrator' s Integrated Network Tool
·  security through obscurity
·  segmentation
·  segmentation fault
·  segmented address space
·  Selective Dissemination of Information
·  Self
·  Self Extracting Archive
·  SEM
·  semantic gap
·  semantic network
·  semantics
·  Semi-Automatic Ground Environment
·  semiconductor
·  Semidetached Mode
·  sendmail
·  sensor
·  Sequenced Packet Exchange
·  sequential coding
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  Serial Peripheral Interface
·  serial port
·  Serial Storage Architecture
·  server
·  server-parsed HTML
·  server room
·  server-side
·  service
·  serviceability
·  Service Access Point
·  Service Advertising Protocol
·  session
·  Session Initiation Protocol
·  set associative cache
·  set theory
·  sgmls
·  shar
·  Share and enjoy!
·  shareware
·  shortcut
·  Shorten
·  Shub-Internet
·  Siemens
·  signal
·  signal-to-noise ratio
·  signature
·  SIL
·  silo
·  SimCity
·  Similix
·  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
·  Simple Network Management Protocol
·  Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
·  Simple Network Paging Protocol
·  simplex method
·  simplex printer
·  simulated annealing
·  Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line
·  Sinclair Research
·  sine wave
·  single-attached
·  Single Connection Attach
·  Single Electron Tunneling
·  Single Electron Tunneling Technology
·  Single Instruction/Multiple Data
·  Single-line Digital Subscriber Line
·  single program/multiple data
·  single quote
·  single sign-on
·  single sourcing
·  single static assignment
·  singleton variable
·  Skel-ML
·  SkipJack
·  skolemisation
·  slack
·  slashdot effect
·  SLD resolution
·  sliding-window
·  Slingshot
·  slopsucker
·  Small-C
·  small-office/home-office
·  SmallVDM
·  Smart Battery Data
·  smart card
·  Smartdrive
·  smart terminal
·  SMG
·  SMI
·  sml2c
·  smoke and mirrors
·  smoke test
·  smurf
·  SNAFU principle
·  snarf
·  snark
·  sneakernet
·  snert
·  SNI
·  social engineering
·  Socket 370
·  Socket 7
·  softcopy
·  Softlab
·  software
·  Software AG
·  software bloat
·  software interrupt
·  Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
·  software law
·  Software Methodology
·  software patent
·  software reliability
·  software theft
·  softy
·  SOL
·  solution
·  Somar DumpAcl
·  Sonata
·  sorcerer' s apprentice mode
·  source code
·  source of all good bits
·  source route
·  southbridge
·  SP/2
·  space-cadet keyboard
·  space complexity
·  space leak
·  spaghetti code
·  SPARC International, Inc.
·  SPECfp92
·  special-case
·  specific markup
·  SPECint92
·  SPECmark
·  SPEC rate
·  speculative evaluation
·  speech synthesis
·  Sperry Corporation
·  Sperry Univac
·  spider
·  spike
·  splash screen
·  SPL/I
·  spod
·  spoiler
·  spool
·  SpoolView
·  spreadsheet
·  sprite
·  spyware
·  SQL
·  SQL Module Language
·  SQL server
·  SQR
·  square tape
·  Squeak
·  Squiggol
·  SRC Modula-3
·  SR flip-flop
·  SRI International
·  stack
·  Stack Environment Control Dump machine
·  stack traceback
·  @stake
·  stale pointer bug
·  standard deviation
·  standard input/output
·  Standard Instrument Control Library
·  standard semantics
·  Standard Widget Toolkit
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  Stanford Research Institute
·  start bit
·  state
·  stateless
·  static analysis
·  static database management system
·  static link
·  static nested scope
·  statistical time division multiplexing
·  STD
·  STD 2
·  steam-powered
·  stemmer
·  sticky analysis
·  sticky bit
·  sticky content
·  stiffy
·  STk
·  stock-keeping unit
·  Stone Age
·  stone knives and bearskins
·  stop bit
·  stoppage
·  store and forward
·  stored procedure
·  storm
·  Streaming SIMD Extensions
·  strict
·  strict evaluation
·  string
·  String Oriented Symbolic Language
·  string reduction
·  StrongARM
·  structural recursion
·  Structure of Management Information
·  stub
·  Student PL/I
·  studly
·  studlycaps
·  Stuffit
·  Stupids
·  subject index
·  subroutine
·  Subset-Equational Language
·  substrate
·  Summary Object Interchange Format
·  sun lounge
·  Super 7
·  supercompilation
·  supercomputer
·  superhighway
·  SuperJanet
·  superprogrammer
·  superscalar
·  superuser
·  surfing
·  suspension
·  S-Video
·  swab
·  swap
·  swap space
·  switched virtual connection
·  swizzle
·  Symantec
·  Symbolic Link
·  symbolic logic
·  symbolic mathematics
·  symmetric
·  symmetric multiprocessing
·  Symphony
·  SYN
·  Synchronous Data Link Control
·  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  synchronous key encryption
·  synonym ring
·  syntactic salt
·  syntactic sugar
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  synthesis
·  Synthesizer Specification Language
·  SyQuest Technology, Inc.
·  sysape
·  Sysplex
·  System Account Manager
·  system chefistration
·  system call
·  system management
·  System Management Bus
·  System Management Server
·  system mangler
·  system operator
·  System R
·  Systems Analysis Definition
·  Systems Development Life Cycle
·  system testing
·  System V Interface Definition
·  Système International d' Units
·  T
·  T1
·  T3
·  TA
·  tab-separated values
·  Tabulating Machine Company
·  TAC
·  Tactile User Interface
·  tag
·  Tagged Image File Format
·  tail recursion modulo cons
·  tail recursion optimisation
·  tail-strict
·  Taligent
·  talk
·  talk mode
·  Tangible User Interface
·  tar
·  targa
·  Targa Graphics Adaptor
·  Task Control Block
·  tautological set
·  Tbl
·  T-carrier system
·  Tcode
·  TCOL.Ada
·  TDF
·  Teamwork
·  tee
·  TEI
·  Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
·  teledildonics
·  telephony
·  Telerat
·  Telescript
·  teletypewriter
·  temporal logic
·  Ten15
·  ten-finger interface
·  tensor product
·  tenured graduate student
·  termcap
·  terminak
·  terminal
·  Terminal Access Controller
·  terminal adapter
·  Terminal Adaptor
·  terminal brain death
·  terminal emulation
·  terminal emulator
·  terminal junkie
·  Terminal Productivity eXecutive
·  terminal server
·  termination analysis
·  terminator
·  term rewriting system
·  ternary
·  terpri
·  Test coverage
·  Texinfo
·  text editor
·  text file
·  texture
·  tgz
·  thanks in advance
·  The Cuckoo' s Egg
·  The Metadata Company
·  theory
·  theory change
·  thicket
·  thin client
·  thinko
·  third normal form
·  This time, for sure!
·  thrash
·  threaded code
·  thread-safe
·  three-letter acronym
·  three-tier
·  throughput
·  thud
·  Thumb
·  thumbnail
·  thunk
·  tickle a bug
·  tiger team
·  TILE Forth
·  Tim Berners-Lee
·  time bomb
·  time complexity
·  time division multiplexing
·  time-sharing
·  times-or-divided-by
·  Tiny
·  tits on a keyboard
·  TL/I
·  TM
·  (TM)
·  tn3270
·  toasternet
·  token ring
·  toolbar
·  topic drift
·  topic map
·  top-level domain
·  topology
·  TOS
·  Toshiba Corporation
·  touchpad
·  touch screen
·  tourist information
·  Tower Technology Corporation
·  toy language
·  TPL
·  TPX
·  traceroute
·  TrafoLa
·  Trafola-H
·  trampoline
·  Transaction Processing Facility
·  transformation
·  transistor
·  transitive closure
·  transparent
·  transport layer
·  trap
·  travelling salesman problem
·  traversal
·  tree-killer
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  treeware
·  Trellis
·  trillion
·  triple DES
·  tri state
·  trit
·  troff
·  troglodyte
·  troglodyte mode
·  Trojan horse
·  tron
·  Trouble Came Back
·  TRS
·  true colour
·  TSR
·  tty
·  tube
·  tube time
·  TUI
·  Tuki
·  tunafish
·  tuple
·  tuple calculus
·  tupling
·  Turbo C++
·  turn-key
·  Tuxedo
·  tweening
·  twip
·  twm
·  twonkie
·  two-phase commit
·  two-to-the-N
·  two-valued logic
·  TXL
·  type
·  type-ahead
·  typed lambda-calculus
·  typeface
·  U-Code
·  UDF
·  UFO
·  Ulm' s Modula-2 System
·  UMB Scheme
·  unary
·  UNC
·  uncurrying
·  underscore
·  unfold/fold
·  Unicode
·  Uniface
·  unification
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  unifier
·  Uniform Naming Convention
·  Uniform Resource Citation
·  Uniform Resource Locater
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  Uniform Resource Number
·  unify
·  uninstaller
·  Uninterruptible Power Supply
·  union
·  Unique ID Listing
·  unique key
·  Unisys Corporation
·  Univac
·  Universal Resource Locator
·  Universal Time Coordinated
·  universe of discourse
·  University of London Computing Centre
·  Unix brain damage
·  Unix International
·  Unix manual page
·  Unix to Unix Copy
·  UnixWare
·  Unix weenie
·  unnormalised
·  unshielded twisted pair
·  unwind-protect
·  UPS
·  Uranus
·  URC
·  URL
·  URL redirection
·  URN
·  USAModSim
·  Usenet
·  user
·  user acceptance testing
·  user base
·  User Datagram Protocol
·  user identifier
·  user-obsequious
·  usr
·  UTF
·  UTF-8
·  uuencode
·  V.25
·  V.28
·  V.35
·  V.90
·  vadding
·  VAL
·  Value Added Network
·  valve
·  Vannevar Bush
·  vaporware
·  variable
·  vdiff
·  VDT
·  vector graphics
·  veeblefetzer
·  verbiage
·  verification
·  Veronica
·  version
·  Vertical Redundancy Check
·  Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  Very Large Database
·  Very Large Memory
·  Very Large Scale Integration
·  Very Long Instruction Word
·  V.FC
·  VHS
·  Video Compact Disc
·  video compression
·  video conferencing
·  video memory
·  videotex
·  Vienna Definition Language
·  Vienna Development Method
·  Vietnamese
·  ViewPoints
·  VIF
·  Vi Improved
·  Vint Cerf
·  virgule
·  virtual
·  virtual circuit
·  Virtual Device Location
·  Virtual LAN
·  Virtual Loadable Module
·  Virtual Local Area Network
·  virtual machine
·  Virtual Memory System
·  virtual path
·  Virtual Private Network
·  virtual reality
·  Virtual Reality Modeling Language
·  virtual server
·  Virtual Storage Extended
·  virus
·  visible bell
·  VisiCalc /vi' zi-calk/
·  visionary
·  Visual BASIC
·  Visual Component Library
·  Visual Display Unit
·  visual programming
·  visual programming environment
·  visual programming language
·  VML
·  Volume Table Of Inhalts
·  von Neumann architecture
·  von Neumann ordinal
·  voxel
·  Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
·  vt100
·  vt220
·  wabbit
·  WabiServer
·  waldo
·  wall follower
·  wallpaper
·  WAM
·  wannabee
·  -ware
·  warez
·  WarGames
·  warm boot
·  Wasserman
·  Watcom C/C++
·  wav
·  wave a dead chicken
·  wavelength division multiplexing
·  wavelet
·  wavetable
·  Weak Head Normal Form
·  WEB
·  web2c
·  Web-Based Enterprise Management
·  webcasting
·  WebCGM
·  WebCrawler
·  webmaster
·  web page
·  Web Request Broker
·  Web Service Definition Language
·  wedged
·  weenie
·  Weenix
·  weighted search
·  well-behaved
·  Western Digital Corporation
·  WGL
·  whalesong
·  What' s a spline?
·  What You See Is All You Get
·  What You See Is What You Get
·  wheel bit
·  White Book
·  White book CD-ROM
·  white box testing
·  White pages
·  white paper
·  whitespace
·  white trash
·  whois
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  Wideband ATM
·  widget
·  wi-fi
·  wiggles
·  Wild_LIFE
·  wild card
·  William Gibson
·  winchester
·  Windows 98
·  Windows CE
·  Windows for Workgroups
·  window shopping
·  Windows Management Interface
·  Windows Messaging
·  windows messaging
·  Windows NT 3.5
·  Wind River Systems
·  wintel
·  wirehead
·  wireless
·  wireless bitmap
·  wizard
·  wizard mode
·  Wolfram Research, Inc.
·  woofer
·  word spamming
·  workflow
·  Workflow Management Coalition
·  working as designed
·  working set
·  workstation
·  World-Wide Web Worm
·  worm
·  wormhole routing
·  wrapper
·  Write-Once Read-Many
·  write-only memory
·  writing system
·  X.29
·  XA
·  Xbase
·  X Consortium
·  Xerox Network System
·  XFree86 Project, Inc.
·  XML Template Pages
·  XML User-Interface Language
·  XNF
·  xnf2ver
·  XPL
·  xpm
·  XSB
·  X server
·  XT bus architecture
·  xterm
·  X terminal
·  X Window System
·  xyzzy
·  Yahoo
·  yank
·  Yellow Book CD-ROM
·  Yellow Box
·  Yellow Pages
·  Yourdon methodology
·  YP
·  YTalk
·  yu
·  Yu-Shiang Whole Fish
·  Z
·  Z-1013
·  Z3
·  ZAP
·  zap
·  Zermelo Fränkel set theory
·  Zermelo set theory
·  zero
·  Zero and Add Packed
·  ZFC
·  ZF expression
·  zip
·  Zipcode
·  zipperhead
·  ZOG
·  zombie process
·  zoo
·  zorch
·  Zuse
·  ZX-80
·  broadcast quality video
·  brute force
·  Graphical User Interface
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance
·  JavaScript


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