
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: service

Results in the term's title:

·  application enablement services
·  Application Service Element
·  application service provider
·  ARI Service
·  Association Control Service Element
·  Case Integration Services
·  Central office exchange service
·  channel service unit
·  channel service unit/data service unit
·  Common Applications Service Element
·  Common Communication Services
·  Common Management Information Services
·  CompuServe Information Service
·  connection-oriented network service
·  Dataless Management Services
·  Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
·  Dataphone Digital Service
·  data service unit
·  Dialled Number Identification Service
·  Digital Data Service
·  digital service unit
·  directory service
·  Enhanced Directory Service
·  File Service Protocol
·  GE Information Services
·  General Packet Radio Service
·  Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface
·  GEnie Services
·  Internet Service Provider
·  Internet Telephony Service Providers
·  JANET IP Service
·  Java Message Service
·  Knowbot Information Service
·  name service switching
·  National Information Services and Systems
·  Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.
·  Netware Directory Services
·  Network Information Service
·  Personal Communication Services
·  Plain Old Telephone Service
·  Print Services Facility
·  professional services
·  quality of service
·  Record Management Services
·  Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
·  Remote Access Services
·  Remote Operations Service Element
·  same-day service
·  service
·  serviceability
·  Service Access Point
·  Service Advertising Protocol
·  Service Discovery Protocol
·  service provider
·  Short Message Service
·  Storage Management Services
·  Switched Multimegabit Data Service
·  Terms Of Service
·  Transport Service Access Point
·  Web Service Definition Language
·  Web Services
·  Windows Internet Naming Service
·  Windows Open Service Architecture
·  XEROX Network Services

Results in the term's text:

·  5ESS Switch
·  Access Control List
·  Active Directory
·  Administration Management Domain
·  Advanced Function Presentation
·  Advantage Gen
·  aggregator
·  amateur packet radio
·  AMD
·  Amdahl Corporation
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  America On-Line, Inc.
·  anonymous FTP
·  ANSI Z39.50
·  antivirus software
·  Apple Open Collaboration Environment
·  Application Binary Interface
·  application enablement services
·  Application environment specification
·  Application Program Interface
·  Application Service Element
·  application service provider
·  ARI Service
·  ASE
·  ASP
·  Association for Computing
·  AST
·  AST Computers, LLC
·  AST Research, Inc.
·  Atherton Technology
·  A Tools Integration Standard
·  Automatic Number Identification
·  availability
·  back door
·  bar code
·  Basic Rate Interface
·  BBC Microcomputer
·  best effort
·  blivet
·  British Telecom Research Laboratories
·  brochureware
·  buffered write-through
·  bulletin board system
·  Business Process Re-engineering
·  C+@
·  cable modem
·  Cadence Design Systems
·  callback
·  Campus Wide Information System
·  canonical name
·  CCS
·  Central office exchange service
·  Centrex
·  Certificate Authority
·  channel
·  channel service unit
·  channel service unit/data service unit
·  CI$
·  CIS
·  CityScape
·  C Language Integrated Production System
·  Classless Inter-Domain Routing
·  client
·  Code Division Multiple Access
·  co-location
·  Columbia AppleTalk Package
·  Commercial Internet eXchange
·  Common Applications Service Element
·  common carrier
·  Common Internet File System
·  Common Management Information Protocol
·  Common Management Information Services
·  Compatible Timesharing System
·  Competitive Access Provider
·  Compu$erve
·  CompuServe Corporation
·  CompuServe Information Service
·  Computer Emergency Response Team
·  Compuware Corporation
·  connection-oriented
·  consultant
·  Continuous System Simulation Language
·  contract programmer
·  Cooperative Information System
·  Core Protocol Stack
·  Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
·  CSO
·  CSU
·  Customer Relationship Management
·  daemon
·  Darwin
·  Datakit
·  dataless management utility
·  Data Over Cable Systems Interface Specifications
·  Dataphone Digital Service
·  data service unit
·  data set organization
·  DDS
·  DECdns
·  Defense Data Network Network Information Center
·  Defense Information Systems Agency
·  Delphi
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  Desktop Management Interface
·  desktop manager
·  device driver
·  Dialled Number Identification Service
·  Digital Data Service
·  Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
·  digital service unit
·  Digital Subscriber Line
·  Direct Inward Dialing
·  directory service
·  Directory System Agent
·  Directory User Agent
·  Distributed Data Management
·  DMS
·  DNS
·  Domain Name System
·  DOS Protected Mode Interface
·  DS3
·  DS level
·  DSR
·  DSU
·  DTS
·  Duplex High Speed Data
·  Dynix Automated Library Systems
·  Ebone
·  EDS
·  edutainment
·  electronic commerce
·  electronic mail address
·  Enhanced Directory Service
·  Enterprise JavaBeans
·  EOU
·  EUnet Ltd.
·  Euro-ISDN
·  EuropaNET
·  expert system
·  extranet
·  fatal error
·  field circus
·  field servoid
·  File Allocation Table
·  File Service Protocol
·  firewall machine
·  Formal Description Technique
·  Frame Relay
·  Freenet
·  Free Software Foundation
·  frequency division multiplexing
·  frequently asked question
·  FSP
·  FTP by mail
·  fuzzball
·  GE Information Services
·  General Public License
·  Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface
·  GEnie Services
·  Gensym Corporation
·  glitch
·  Global Network Navigator
·  Global System for Mobile Communications
·  Google
·  Graphics Interchange Format
·  Group-Sweeping Scheduling
·  H.261
·  HAL
·  Hewlett-Packard
·  High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
·  High Performance Routing
·  High Performance Serial Bus
·  High Speed Circuit Switched Data
·  hostname
·  hub
·  Hurd
·  IBM 3720
·  Imago On-line
·  inetd
·  Information Innovation
·  Information Management
·  Information Resource Management
·  information superhighway
·  Information Technology
·  InfoSeek
·  InfoStreet, Inc.
·  infrastructure
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  International Computers Limited plc
·  International Telecommunications Union
·  Internet
·  Internet Access Provider
·  Internet backbone
·  Internet Express
·  Internet Foundation Classes
·  Internet Information Server
·  Internet Network Information Center
·  Internet Open Trading Protocol
·  Internet provider
·  Internet Public Library
·  Internet Server Application Programming Interface
·  Internet Service Provider
·  Internex On-Line
·  interrupt handler
·  intranet
·  IP Telephony
·  ISO 8649
·  ISO 8650
·  ISO 9000
·  ISO 9072
·  isochronous
·  ISO Development Environment
·  ISP
·  ITS
·  Java Message Service
·  Java servlet
·  JMS
·  Joint Academic NETwork
·  KIS
·  Knowbot Information Service
·  Lan Manager
·  Leaf Distribution Limited
·  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
·  Link Access Procedure on the D channel
·  Linux Network Administrators' Guide
·  Listserv
·  Logical Block Addressing
·  Logical Link Control
·  Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol
·  log in
·  low earth orbit
·  Lynx
·  Macromedia
·  MacTCP
·  magic smoke
·  mail server
·  maintainer
·  mall
·  MBS
·  MCI Mail
·  Message Handling System
·  Messaging Application Programming Interface
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  MIX Communications
·  Mosaic
·  Motorola, Inc.
·  mouse arrest
·  Multiple Master
·  Multiprotocol Label Switching
·  National Information Services and Systems
·  NDS
·  netaddress
·  NetBios over TCP/IP
·  .NET framework
·  netmask
·  netpipes
·  NetWare Core Protocol
·  Netware Directory Services
·  Netware Input/Output Subsystem
·  Network Address Translation
·  Network Information Center
·  network redirector
·  Network Solutions, Inc.
·  network, the
·  network transparency
·  Neutral Interconnect
·  Never Offline
·  New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork
·  NIS
·  nslookup
·  on-line
·  Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
·  Open Systems Interconnection
·  Oracle Corporation
·  O' Reilly and Associates
·  OS/390
·  outsourcing
·  overrun
·  packet driver
·  packet radio
·  pager
·  PC Pursuit
·  PCS
·  PeaceNet
·  peer
·  Personal Communication Network
·  Personal Communication Services
·  PH
·  Phoenix
·  phreaking
·  ping
·  Plain Old Telephone Service
·  Plan 9
·  Platform for Internet Inhalt Selection
·  Plexus
·  Pluggable Authentication Module
·  PNP
·  Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
·  POP3
·  port
·  portal
·  Post, Telephone and Telegraph chefistration
·  PowerOpen Environment
·  Private Branch Exchange
·  Prodigy
·  Programmable Interrupt Controller
·  proprietary
·  Prospero
·  protocol layer
·  protocol stack
·  PSF
·  QoS
·  quality
·  quality of service
·  RAS
·  re
·  RedNet Ltd.
·  register dancing
·  Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
·  Reliable Data Protocol
·  Remote Access Services
·  Remote Desktop Protocol
·  Resource Reservation Protocol
·  RFC 1568
·  RFC 1825
·  Rich Site Summary
·  RMS
·  robot
·  Réseaux IP Européens
·  SAC
·  sacadm
·  SAP
·  scratch monkey
·  SDP
·  Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
·  Security Administrator' s Integrated Network Tool
·  Security Association
·  Selective Dissemination of Information
·  Sendmail Inc.
·  serve
·  server
·  service
·  serviceability
·  Service Access Point
·  Service Advertising Protocol
·  Service Discovery Protocol
·  service provider
·  Short Message Service
·  Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
·  Slingshot
·  SlipKnot
·  SMS
·  snail mail
·  social engineering
·  solution
·  SPARC International, Inc.
·  Sprintnet
·  SPSS, Inc.
·  Storage Allocation and Coding Program
·  Stratus
·  sucking mud
·  SuperJanet
·  Switched Multimegabit Data Service
·  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
·  Synchronous Optical NETwork
·  system call
·  T1
·  T3
·  telco
·  telecommuting
·  TelEnet
·  Telephony Application Programming Interface
·  Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol
·  Terminal Adaptor
·  Terms Of Service
·  The Microsoft Network
·  thin client
·  top-level domain
·  TOS
·  Tower Technology Corporation
·  Transport Service Access Point
·  twirling baton
·  two-binary, one-quaternary
·  U-NET Limited
·  Unipress Software, Inc.
·  Unisys Corporation
·  Universal Communications X
·  Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
·  University of Arizona
·  University of London Computing Centre
·  Upper Layer Protocol
·  URouLette
·  Usenet
·  user
·  User Datagram Protocol
·  user name
·  V.23
·  Value Added Network
·  vector
·  vertical application
·  videotex
·  Vine Technology
·  Vint Cerf
·  virtual 86 mode
·  virtual circuit
·  virtual host
·  virtual path
·  virtual server
·  Voice over IP
·  Web Service Definition Language
·  Web Services
·  well-connected
·  White pages
·  whois
·  Wide Area Information Servers
·  Windows 95
·  Windows 98
·  Windows Open Service Architecture
·  Wind River Systems
·  wireless
·  X.21
·  X.217
·  X.219
·  X.227
·  X.229
·  X.400
·  X.500
·  X client
·  XEROX Corporation
·  Xerox Network System
·  XNS
·  Yellow Pages
·  Yourdon, Inc.
·  YP
·  Zynet Ltd.
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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