
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: table

Results in the term's title:

·  Acceptable Use Policy
·  Adaptable User Interface
·  CD-Rewritable
·  colour look-up table
·  Compact Disc Rewritable
·  computable
·  countable
·  deductive tableau
·  Directly Executable Test Oriented Language
·  effective computable
·  executable
·  executable content
·  File Allocation Table
·  Gentleman' s Portable Coroutine System
·  hash table
·  irrefutable
·  Logic for Computable Functions
·  portable
·  Portable AIRTIME
·  Portable Commodore 64
·  Portable Common Loops
·  Portable Common Tool Environment
·  Portable Document Format
·  Portable Forth Environment
·  Portable Network Graphics
·  Portable Object Adapter
·  Portable Operating System Interface
·  Portable Pixmap
·  Portable Scheme Debugger
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  Portable Standard Lisp
·  Portable Tool Interface
·  process table
·  refutable
·  Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
·  table
·  table locking
·  truth table
·  uncountable
·  Volume Table Of Inhalts
·  wavetable
·  wavetable synthesis

Results in the term's text:

·  A#
·  a1
·  ABC
·  abstract class
·  Accent
·  Acrobat
·  actor/singer/waiter/webmaster
·  Adaptable User Interface
·  Adaptec
·  ad-hockery
·  Advanced Audio Coding
·  Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Alan Turing
·  algebraic
·  ALGOL 60
·  amateur packet radio
·  Aminet
·  AND
·  Andrew Toolkit
·  angry fruit salad
·  antivirus software
·  Apple Newton
·  Application Executive
·  Application Portability Architecture
·  Application Visualisation System
·  Architecture Neutral Distribution Format
·  archive
·  Arjuna
·  array
·  array processor
·  ASCIIbonics
·  aspect-oriented programming
·  asynchronous logic
·  Atari
·  attribute
·  Attribute Translation System
·  AUI
·  AUP
·  autoconf
·  automagically
·  axiomatic semantics
·  Axiom of Choice
·  Babbage
·  backbone site
·  Bad command or file name
·  barf
·  Basic Input/Output System
·  egin
·  Berkeley Software Design, Inc
·  Big bag of pages
·  Bigloo
·  binary file
·  BinHex
·  bit
·  blit
·  blivet
·  Block Started by Symbol
·  blow up
·  Bluetooth
·  Bohr bug
·  boot disk
·  bootstrap
·  breath-of-life packet
·  briefcase
·  byte-code
·  Byzantine
·  c2man
·  camera ready
·  Caml Light
·  Cantor
·  Capabilities Maturity Model
·  case sensitivity
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  CDL
·  CD-Read-Write
·  CD-Rewritable
·  CD-RW
·  cepstrum
·  channel
·  character encoding
·  chiclet keyboard
·  Classless Inter-Domain Routing
·  CLiCC
·  CLU
·  CMZ
·  Coco Language
·  colour palette
·  Comma
·  command interpreter
·  comma separated values
·  Commodore SX64
·  Common Intermediate Format
·  Common Intermediate Language
·  CommonLoops
·  Common Object File Format
·  Compact Disc Read-Write
·  Compact Disc Recordable
·  Compact Disc Rewritable
·  compile time
·  Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
·  complexity analysis
·  complexity class
·  compress
·  compression
·  computability theory
·  computer ethics
·  concrete class
·  constructive
·  content-free
·  control
·  converse
·  cooperative multitasking
·  cough and die
·  countable
·  countably many
·  counted
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  crash and burn
·  C-Refine
·  Crypt Breakers Workbench
·  cursor
·  cycle crunch
·  cyclic redundancy check
·  database normalisation
·  data dictionary
·  data dictionary file
·  data segment
·  data service unit
·  DataStage
·  dd
·  deadlock
·  DECtape
·  Decus cpp
·  deductive tableau
·  default route
·  delete
·  Difference Engine
·  Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
·  Digital Lempel Ziv 1
·  Digital Versatile Disc
·  Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory
·  Dining Philosophers Problem
·  dinosaurs mating
·  display hack
·  docking station
·  domain theory
·  DOS requester
·  DS1
·  Duplex High Speed Data
·  Dynamically Linked Library
·  Dynamic Drive Overlay
·  Dynix
·  Eggdrop
·  EL1
·  Electrostatic Discharge
·  elvish
·  English
·  Enterprise JavaBeans
·  environment variable
·  Envoy
·  ergonomics
·  error detection and correction
·  Euclidean norm
·  EXE
·  executable
·  executable content
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  extended memory
·  Extended Memory Specification
·  Extensible Markup Language
·  F68K
·  FAT
·  FAT32
·  fat binary
·  fdlibm
·  Federal Information Processing Standards
·  Feel
·  Fiber Distributed Data Interface
·  field
·  field-programmable gate array
·  File Allocation Table
·  file descriptor
·  file system
·  fixed-point
·  flat file
·  floppy disk
·  Flow
·  foreign key
·  fork bomb
·  FrameMaker
·  Fredette' s Operating System Interface Language
·  fudge
·  gang bang
·  Garnet
·  GCC
·  GCL
·  GE Information Services
·  General Electric
·  General Packet Radio Service
·  generic programming
·  generic type variable
·  Gentleman' s Portable Coroutine System
·  Glasgow Haskell Compiler
·  GNU
·  Gnuplot
·  Gofer
·  Gray
·  Groupwise
·  GTK+
·  Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
·  Hal/S
·  hash coding
·  hash collision
·  hash function
·  hello, world
·  Hermes
·  Hierarchical Data Format
·  High Performance Fortran
·  High Performance Routing
·  Hopfield network
·  hotlist
·  HTTP cookie
·  hue, saturation, brightness
·  Human Interface Device
·  Hyperion
·  IBM 3720
·  Icon
·  icon
·  Id Nouveau
·  IFP
·  ill-behaved
·  image map
·  implies
·  inner join
·  input device
·  Intel 80186
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  intelligent key
·  International Business Machines
·  internationalisation
·  interpolation
·  interpreter
·  interrupt
·  Iomega Corporation
·  irrefutable
·  Isabelle
·  Ivan Sutherland
·  jadeTeX
·  Java Run-Time Environment
·  Java servlet
·  John von Neumann
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  key
·  key field
·  Kvikkalkul
·  laptop computer
·  lazy sml2c
·  lcc
·  LCF
·  Le-Lisp
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  Liana
·  library
·  linker
·  Link State Routing Protocol
·  liquid crystal display
·  Lisp
·  Lisp Machine
·  literal
·  live data
·  Local Area Transport
·  logical complement
·  Look Ahead Left-to-right parse, Rightmost-derivation
·  lossless audio compression
·  Lout
·  lzexe
·  magic number
·  mail gateway
·  Manufacturing Automation Protocol
·  Maril
·  MCS
·  MDL
·  Memory Management Unit
·  Mentat
·  Message Passing Interface
·  Metadata
·  metafile
·  methodology
·  me too
·  MicroEmacs
·  MicroGnuEmacs
·  microprocessor
·  Microsoft Access
·  Microsoft Basic
·  minicomputer
·  Mini Disc
·  Miracula
·  ML
·  mod
·  modem
·  Modula-2*
·  Moscow ML
·  mouse mat
·  Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  MZ
·  N
·  National Information Infrastructure
·  netiquette
·  netstat
·  Nightmare File System
·  NOR
·  NOT
·  ntalk
·  Nuprl
·  Oaklisp
·  object code
·  Objective CAML
·  Oblog
·  OD390
·  Omega-algebraic
·  Online Media
·  Open Distributed Processing
·  optimism
·  OR
·  Oracle Corporation
·  Oracle Toolkit
·  Organic Mode
·  O' small
·  outer join
·  Page Description Language
·  paging
·  parameter RAM
·  path
·  path coverage testing
·  pathological
·  PCL
·  PDF
·  PDP-10
·  Pentium II
·  Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
·  Personal Digital Assistant
·  PFE
·  pForth
·  phreaking
·  Physics Analysis Workbench
·  plan file
·  Platform Independent Graphical User Interface
·  plumbing
·  PNG
·  POA
·  point-and-drool interface
·  pointing device
·  Pong
·  Pop-11
·  portability
·  Portable Commodore 64
·  Portable Common Loops
·  Portable Document Format
·  Portable Forth Environment
·  Portable Network Graphics
·  Portable Operating System Interface
·  Portable Scheme Interpreter
·  Portable Standard Lisp
·  PostgreSQL
·  power save mode
·  PPM
·  precedence lossage
·  pre-sales support rep
·  priority inversion
·  processor farm
·  process table
·  Program Composition Notation
·  programming language
·  Pronunciation
·  PSD
·  PSI
·  PSL
·  PTI
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  Python
·  Q' NIAL
·  race condition
·  random
·  Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter
·  randomness
·  raster blaster
·  RC4
·  Real-Time Operating System
·  recursive type
·  refutable
·  regexp
·  register dancing
·  Register Transfer Language
·  relation
·  relational algebra
·  relational database
·  relational data model
·  removable disk
·  repeating group
·  Report Program Generator
·  requirements
·  resolution
·  reverse engineering
·  RFC 1778
·  router
·  row-level locking
·  Ruby
·  run-time library
·  rusty iron
·  sacred
·  Samba
·  Sather
·  save
·  scan design
·  Schema Definition Set
·  Scheme Library
·  Scheme-to-C
·  scribble
·  scrolling
·  scrool
·  segment
·  separate compilation
·  set theory
·  Seymour Cray
·  shebang
·  shortcut
·  SIL
·  Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
·  Sinclair Research
·  siod
·  slop
·  snacc
·  software
·  SPECmark
·  SPEC rate
·  SQL
·  Squeak
·  SR flip-flop
·  Standard Lisp
·  Starset
·  static random access memory
·  sticky bit
·  stored procedure
·  suit
·  Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
·  synchronous
·  Synchronous Optical NETwork
·  Syntax/Semantic Language
·  system catalog
·  Systems Development Life Cycle
·  table locking
·  tab-separated values
·  tar and feather
·  Target-Machine Description Language
·  Tbl
·  text
·  text file
·  thinko
·  third generation computer
·  Tickle
·  Towers of Hanoi
·  TPL
·  tracker ball
·  trampoline
·  Translation Look-aside Buffer
·  transparent
·  trap
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  TRS-80
·  truth table
·  tuple
·  twisted pair
·  two-valued logic
·  UCS transformation format
·  uncountable
·  underflow
·  Unix conspiracy
·  UTF-8
·  Vannevar Bush
·  viewer
·  virtual machine
·  Virtual Memory System
·  visual programming language
·  Vlisp
·  wango
·  wav
·  wavetable
·  wavetable synthesis
·  wiggles
·  Wild_LIFE
·  wizard mode
·  X.3
·  XFree86 Project, Inc.
·  xor
·  XPL
·  Y
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  yoyo mode
·  zip
·  Zip Drive
·  zombie process
·  zoo
·  zxnrbl
·  brute force
·  Start Phoneline Networking Alliance


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