
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: tee

Results in the term's title:

·  Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
·  Federal Geographic Data Committee
·  guaranteed scheduling
·  Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
·  Guy Steele
·  Internet Engineering Steering Group
·  Internet Research Steering Group
·  Joint Technical Committee
·  National Television Standards Committee
·  Objecteering
·  Steelman
·  tee

Results in the term's text:

·  100BaseT
·  100BaseVG
·  120 reset
·  16 bit
·  ad hoc
·  ad-hockery
·  admissible
·  Aluminum Book
·  AMD 29000
·  AMD Am2901
·  ANSI X12
·  A* search
·  ATM Forum
·  atomic
·  backbone
·  backward combatability
·  best effort
·  bit bucket
·  bit stuffing
·  bogosity
·  Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
·  burn-in period
·  buzz
·  C++
·  call-by-name
·  Call-Level Interface
·  canonical
·  Case Integration Services
·  cellular multiprocessing
·  chomp
·  CI$
·  Classic C
·  CLtL1
·  Comite Europeen des Postes et Telecommunications
·  COmmon Business Oriented Language
·  Common Lisp
·  Concurrent Scheme
·  Connection Machine LISP
·  connection-oriented
·  Continuation Passing Style
·  Coordinated Universal Time
·  Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
·  Cornell University
·  crawling horror
·  Data Interchange Standards Association
·  Debian
·  decidability
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  deprecated
·  drunk mouse syndrome
·  Eh
·  El Camino Bignum
·  elevator controller
·  Eric Conspiracy
·  Exabyte
·  exponential-time algorithm
·  Fetch
·  Fibre Channel
·  Fortran
·  Freenet
·  frequently asked question
·  General Public License
·  generic type variable
·  glass tty
·  GLS
·  Go
·  Godwin' s Law
·  gray code
·  grix
·  guaranteed scheduling
·  Guy Steele
·  head normalisation theorem
·  heuristic
·  hexadecimal
·  hexit
·  High Performance Computing and Communications
·  High Performance Fortran
·  hill climbing
·  IEEE 488
·  IEEE 802.3u
·  IEEE 802.3z
·  Intel 4004
·  Intel 487SX
·  intelligent database
·  intelligent key
·  internationalisation
·  International Standard
·  Internet
·  Inter-process Communication
·  Ironman
·  isochronous
·  jaggies
·  John von Neumann
·  Joint Photographic Experts Group
·  JTC
·  Kyoto Common Lisp
·  Lazy Standard ML
·  learning curve
·  least fixed point
·  Linux Documentation Project
·  lithium lick
·  manularity
·  marketroid
·  Mean Time To Recovery
·  MiNT
·  monty
·  Motorola 68000
·  Moving Picture Experts Group
·  Multiple Master
·  Multiprotocol Label Switching
·  multitasking
·  munchkin
·  nastygram
·  netiquette
·  New York University
·  NSA line eater
·  Object Management Group
·  octal forty
·  open source
·  Orange Book
·  Parkinson' s Law of Data
·  partial evaluation
·  @-party
·  pastie
·  PDP-10
·  phase of the moon
·  Pilot European Image Processing Archive
·  ping
·  plumbing
·  polynomial-time algorithm
·  Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
·  quux
·  Rate monotonic scheduling
·  RCA 1802
·  real-time
·  Real-Time Operating System
·  Real-Time Transport Protocol
·  reliable communication
·  Request For Comments
·  robot
·  rot13
·  RRS
·  samurai
·  SC
·  Scalable Coherent Interface
·  Scheme
·  snarf
·  spoiler
·  Steelman
·  Stephen Kleene
·  Strawman
·  stubroutine
·  surrogate key
·  T
·  tee
·  termination analysis
·  Tinman
·  Uninterruptible Power Supply
·  University of Durham
·  User Datagram Protocol
·  user interface copyright
·  UTF-8
·  Vannevar Bush
·  video compression
·  videotex
·  Vint Cerf
·  wall follower
·  wannabee
·  weenie
·  Westmount
·  Woodenman
·  X3J16
·  Yellow Book, Jargon
·  Zilog Z8000
·  broadcast quality video
·  brute force


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