
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: tools

Results in the term's title:

·  A Tools Integration Standard
·  Automatically Programmed Tools
·  CASE tools
·  CSTools
·  Cygnus Tcl Tools
·  ShapeTools
·  sun-stools
·  toolsmith

Results in the term's text:

·  aard
·  Adamakegen
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  application program
·  APT
·  Arjuna
·  ARM7
·  AS/400
·  Attributed File System
·  autoconf
·  autoconfiscate
·  automated testing
·  Automatically Programmed Tools
·  balanced computing
·  bare metal
·  Big Gray Wall
·  B-Toolkit
·  buglix
·  Business Systems Analyst
·  Call-Level Interface
·  CAS 8051 Assembler
·  CASE Data Interchange Format
·  CASE framework
·  CASE tools
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  Computer Aided Software Engineering
·  Computer Mediated Communication
·  Computer Supported Cooperative Work
·  Consortium for Lexical Research
·  Co-operative Development Environment
·  Crypt Breakers Workbench
·  database chefistrator
·  data communications analyst
·  data mining
·  DDE Manager
·  Decision Support Systems
·  Delivered Source Instruction
·  delta
·  depeditate
·  design
·  development environment
·  diff
·  DinnerBell
·  domain engineering
·  Dragon Book
·  dsp56k-gcc
·  EDL
·  eHelp Corporation
·  Electronic Design Automation
·  Eli Compiler Construction System
·  elite
·  Enterprise Resource Planning
·  Erlang
·  esim
·  European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH
·  Excelerator
·  Extensible HyperText Markup Language
·  ezd
·  fascist
·  field-programmable gate array
·  Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
·  flat file
·  Flex++
·  Foresight
·  Free Software Foundation
·  fuzzy logic
·  Garnet
·  General Public Virus
·  Gensym Standard Interface
·  glue language
·  GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction
·  GNU
·  Good Thing
·  Gupta Corporation
·  ICONIX Software Engineering, Inc.
·  Institute for Global Communications
·  Integrated Project Support Environment
·  Intel 8048
·  interactive development environment
·  Interactive Software Engineering
·  Internet Information Server
·  Isabelle
·  Java 2 Software Development Kit
·  JavaBeans
·  Java Open Language Toolkit
·  Java Run-Time Environment
·  Joint Test Action Group
·  Jughead
·  kit
·  lexical analysis
·  Loglan' 82
·  Macromedia
·  manularity
·  marbles
·  Mei
·  memory leak
·  Meta-CASE tool
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  Microsloth Windows
·  Microsoft Excel
·  Microsoft Office
·  Microsoft Project
·  ML-lex
·  mode
·  Moof
·  mtc
·  multiple perspective software development
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork
·  nslookup
·  Nu Thena
·  Objective CAML
·  Omega test
·  Open DataBase Connectivity
·  Open DeathTrap
·  Open Telecom Platform
·  Oracle*CASE
·  Parallel C
·  Parsley
·  PKWARE, Inc.
·  plug-in
·  Portable Common Tool Environment
·  Portable Tool Interface
·  Powersoft Corporation
·  ProDoc
·  Program Composition Notation
·  project assurance
·  project management
·  prototyping
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  Rapid Application Development
·  RATional Fortran
·  religious issues
·  s///
·  safety-critical system
·  San Francisco
·  Sather
·  Scorpion
·  ScumOS
·  sendmail
·  Small Outline DIMM
·  software engineering
·  Software Engineering Environment
·  Software through Pictures
·  Software Verification Research Centre
·  spyware
·  SQL
·  @stake
·  static analysis
·  sun-stools
·  superprogrammer
·  surfing
·  system software
·  Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
·  terminak
·  tool
·  toolbar
·  Tool Builder Kit
·  Tower Technology Corporation
·  Turbo C++
·  Ulm' s Modula-2 System
·  uninteresting
·  Unipress Software, Inc.
·  Universal Debugger
·  UTF-8
·  VAXset
·  Virtual Software Factory
·  Visual dBASE
·  visualisation
·  Watcom C/C++
·  wav
·  WebObjects
·  Wind River Systems
·  World-Wide Web Worm
·  Xilinx Netlist Format
·  Yaa
·  Yet Another Compiler Compiler
·  Yet Another Yacc
·  FreeBSD


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