
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: variant

Results in the term's title:

·  invariant

Results in the term's text:

·  10base2
·  10baseT
·  ALGOL 68C
·  ALgorIthmic ASsembly language
·  Animated GIF
·  ASL+
·  ATA point
·  axiomatic semantics
·  Backus-Naur Form
·  Bell 103
·  Berkeley Yacc
·  Bezier curve
·  BinProlog
·  bit bucket
·  bit-paired keyboard
·  bit rot
·  bixie
·  blast
·  blinkenlights
·  boink
·  boxed comments
·  bread crumbs
·  brute force and ignorance
·  BSL
·  Burst Extended Data Out DRAM
·  Canonical Encoding Rules
·  can' t happen
·  Categorical Abstract Machine Language
·  CIP-L
·  Clean
·  C-Linda
·  CMS-2
·  Concurrent Prolog
·  ConcurrentSmalltalk
·  Constraint Logic Programming
·  creeping featuritis
·  DECtape
·  Didot point
·  Digital Signature Standard
·  Eiffel
·  empire
·  Euclid
·  Extended C++
·  fascist
·  Fast SCSI
·  fgrep
·  Finagle' s Law
·  Foonly
·  fork
·  fprintf
·  frobnicate
·  frobnitz
·  functional database
·  Gambit
·  GDB
·  General Purpose Language
·  Genken Programming Language
·  GNU E
·  grep
·  hack attack
·  haque
·  heap
·  high-level language
·  hosed
·  hue, saturation, brightness
·  huff
·  hyperspace
·  HyperText Transmission Protocol, Secure
·  hysterical reasons
·  IFP
·  Info BASIC
·  IN point
·  Intel 486
·  Intel i960
·  intelligent terminal
·  invariant
·  lambda-calculus
·  Lempel-Ziv compression
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  LINCtape
·  Lisp
·  LML
·  LPC
·  LZ77 compression
·  LZ78 compression
·  M2toM3
·  metasyntax
·  mimencode
·  ML-Twig
·  Motorola 68000
·  Motorola 68010
·  MPEG-2
·  MPEG-3
·  MPEG-4 Harmonics, individual lines and noise
·  MPEG-4 Harmonic Vector eXCitation
·  Murphy' s Law
·  MuSimp
·  Mutation Testing
·  newbie
·  normal form
·  NSA line eater
·  Oberon
·  Oberon-2
·  Objective CAML
·  ObjectLOGO
·  outer join
·  Parallel Haskell
·  parallel reduction
·  Pascal-P
·  P-code
·  Pentium
·  Pepper
·  Petri net
·  PIL/I
·  Portable Operating System Interface
·  Portable Pixmap
·  Postscript point
·  printf
·  quine
·  RapidCAD
·  Ratatosk
·  README file
·  return from interrupt
·  RTM
·  Run Length Limited
·  Samba
·  save as
·  ScumOS
·  shared memory
·  shebang
·  sig virus
·  Sinclair Research
·  single sourcing
·  Skel-ML
·  smash the stack
·  SML
·  snail mail
·  SPECbase_fp92
·  SPECbase_int92
·  SPECbaserate
·  SPECrate_base_fp92
·  SPL
·  spoo
·  strength reduction
·  Super Pascal
·  syntactic sugar
·  sys-frog
·  talk
·  terminal junkie
·  TeX point
·  tits on a keyboard
·  Truchet point
·  tunafish
·  turist
·  typed lambda-calculus
·  unicos
·  Universal Character Set
·  untyped
·  V.21
·  Vector C
·  Visual BASIC Script
·  voice-net
·  Vulcan death grip
·  What You See Is All You Get
·  What You See Is What You Get
·  Wide SCSI


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