
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: .Net

Results in the term's title:

·  .NET framework

Results in the term's text:

·  ABC
·  Advantage Gen
·  Adventure Definition Language
·  Aegis
·  Alan Turing
·  Algebraic Logic Functional language
·  AM
·  America' s Multimedia Online
·  A Programming Language
·  arbitrary precision calculator
·  archive site
·  Atari
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  BlackIce
·  brute force attack
·  Certificate Authority
·  CLX
·  country code
·  C-Refine
·  database normalisation
·  Datakit
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  Dhrystone
·  Digicom
·  Digital Express Group, Inc.
·  DOCMaker
·  eager evaluation
·  EC++
·  Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory
·  es
·  EUnet Ltd.
·  Eurisko
·  EuroNet
·  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
·  File Allocation Table
·  File Service Protocol
·  GNU archive site
·  grammar analysis
·  Great Renaming
·  Hugh Loebner
·  Hyper-C
·  HyperText Transmission Protocol, Secure
·  I-Comm
·  inews
·  Information Innovation
·  International Telecommunications Union
·  Internet
·  Internet Foundation Classes
·  Internet Network Information Center
·  Iperf
·  JANET IP Service
·  Joint Academic NETwork
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  linear type
·  Loebner Prize
·  Lout
·  Marc Andreessen
·  mcvax
·  Modelsim
·  Mono
·  museum
·  NetBSD
·  Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.
·  .NET framework
·  NetHack
·  Netscape Communications Corporation
·  Netscape Navigator
·  network management
·  Net:X
·  NORDUnet
·  Object Role Modeling
·  On-Line Analytical Processing
·  pagelet
·  Parasol
·  PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
·  Playstation
·  Plumber
·  Point-to-Point Protocol
·  Portable Forth Environment
·  PowerBuilder
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  RefLisp
·  Remote Desktop Protocol
·  Request For Comments
·  Semi-Automatic Ground Environment
·  sgmls
·  STD
·  toasternet
·  top-level domain
·  Unique ID Listing
·  UTF-8
·  Valencia Simple Tasker
·  Visual BASIC
·  x86 processor socket
·  xbeeb


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