
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Header

Results in the term's title:

·  header
·  Start Of Header

Results in the term's text:

·  Active Reconfiguring Message
·  addressee
·  Application Protocol Data Unit
·  Blind Carbon Copy
·  cat
·  cextract
·  Compressed SLIP
·  C Programmer' s Disease
·  cybercrud
·  deboursification
·  electronic mail
·  EMX
·  encapsulation
·  fall through
·  followup
·  fool file
·  frame
·  generic markup
·  idempotent
·  IEEE 802.3
·  inews
·  Interchange File Format
·  Internet Protocol version 6
·  kill file
·  LessTif
·  Logical Interchange Format
·  Lout
·  lzexe
·  magic number
·  mail filter
·  masquerading
·  Maximum Transmission Unit
·  Message Transfer Agent
·  META element
·  Multiprotocol Label Switching
·  netiquette
·  overrun screw
·  pilot error
·  polylithism
·  recipient
·  RFC 822
·  Scalable Coherent Interface
·  scrog
·  search engine
·  Security Association ID
·  shar
·  signature
·  snail mail
·  SOH
·  Start Of Header
·  stdio.h
·  Time to Live
·  topic drift
·  topic thread
·  TP/IX
·  unshar
·  URL redirection
·  Virtual Private Network
·  virtual server
·  voice-net
·  web page


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