
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: Object-oriented

Results in the term's title:

·  Concurrent Object-Oriented C
·  Concurrent Object-Oriented Language
·  Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System
·  Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System
·  object-oriented
·  object-oriented analysis
·  object-oriented database
·  object-oriented design
·  Object-Oriented Fortran
·  object-oriented language
·  Object-Oriented Pascal
·  object-oriented programming
·  object-oriented programming language
·  Object-oriented SQL
·  Object-Oriented Turing
·  Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling
·  Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems

Results in the term's text:

·  6.001
·  A#
·  ABCL/1
·  ABCL/c+
·  ABCL/R2
·  abstract class
·  Abstract-Type and Scheme-Definition Language
·  Actor
·  actor
·  Ada++
·  Advanced Software Environment
·  Adventure Definition Language
·  Alan Kay
·  Alcool-90
·  Amber
·  AppleScript
·  Arjuna
·  A Tools Integration Standard
·  A' UM
·  BeBOP
·  Bertrand Meyer
·  BLAZE 2
·  Bob
·  Booch method
·  Business Application Programming Interface
·  C#
·  C*
·  C++
·  C+@
·  Cantor
·  Cecil
·  CHARM++
·  C Language Integrated Production System
·  class
·  Classic-Ada
·  class library
·  class method
·  Class-Relation Method
·  CLU
·  Cluster 86
·  CO2
·  Coad/Yourdon
·  Common LISP Object System
·  CommonLoops
·  Common Objects
·  component architecture
·  concrete class
·  ConcurrentSmalltalk
·  ConstraintLisp
·  constructor
·  cooC
·  CooL
·  database
·  Demeter
·  derived class
·  design
·  design pattern
·  Desktop Management Task Force
·  destructor
·  DinnerBell
·  DOE
·  DSM
·  dynamic binding
·  DYnamic LANguage
·  Echidna
·  Eden
·  Edward Yourdon
·  Eiffel
·  Ellie
·  Emerald
·  encapsulation
·  eXperimental LISP
·  Extended Self-containing Prolog
·  Flavors
·  flavour
·  F-Logic
·  Formes
·  framework
·  Fresco
·  Frobozz Magic Programming Language
·  G
·  Garnet
·  Hierarchical Music Specification Language
·  hierarchy
·  Hungarian Notation
·  Hybrid
·  ICONIX Software Engineering, Inc.
·  Idealized CSP
·  [incr Tcl]
·  inheritance
·  InnovAda
·  instance variable
·  instantiation
·  Interactive Software Engineering
·  InterViews
·  IQL
·  Iris
·  ISLisp
·  Jade
·  Java Virtual Machine
·  Kaleidoscope
·  Kevo
·  Leda
·  Liana
·  Liskov substitution principle
·  Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System
·  Loglan' 82
·  Loglan-88
·  Lore
·  LotusScript
·  MCS
·  Mentat
·  message
·  message passing
·  method
·  Mode
·  module
·  MooZ
·  Mops
·  multiple inheritance
·  Neon
·  New Flavors
·  Newton
·  NewWave
·  O2
·  Oaklisp
·  object
·  Object Constraint Language
·  Object Data Management Group
·  Objecteering
·  Objective PASCAL
·  Object Lisp
·  ObjectLOGO
·  Object Management Group
·  Object Modelling Technique
·  Object Oberon
·  object-orientation
·  object-oriented
·  object-oriented analysis
·  object-oriented database
·  object-oriented design
·  Object-Oriented Fortran
·  object-oriented language
·  object-oriented programming
·  object-oriented programming language
·  Object-Oriented Turing
·  Objectory
·  ObjectPAL
·  Object Pascal
·  Objectworks
·  ObjVlisp
·  Obliq
·  Oblog
·  O-Logic
·  Omega
·  Ondine
·  Ontic
·  OO
·  OOA
·  OOD
·  OOF
·  OOP
·  Opal
·  OpenStep
·  Orient84/K
·  O' small
·  Oz
·  PAL
·  Parasol
·  Parlog++
·  Pascal Plus
·  PC-Scheme
·  Polka
·  polymorphism
·  POOL2
·  POP++
·  PopTalk
·  Probe
·  PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems
·  Prolog++
·  ProTalk
·  Ptolemy
·  Python
·  Real-Time Mentat
·  refactoring
·  reuse
·  ROOM Methodology
·  Rosette
·  RTC++
·  Sather
·  Sather-K
·  Schlaer-Mellor
·  Self
·  SIMULA 67
·  single inheritance
·  Siri
·  Smalltalk
·  SmallWorld
·  Software AG
·  Solution Based Modelling
·  Solve
·  spaghetti inheritance
·  Spool
·  STk
·  subject-oriented programming
·  Taligent
·  Teamwork
·  Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
·  T-gen
·  Think C
·  Thomas
·  Trellis
·  Tuple Space Smalltalk
·  Turbo Pascal
·  type
·  UFO
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  variable
·  VDM++
·  vector graphics
·  Visual BASIC Script
·  Visual Component Library
·  VML
·  wango
·  Watcom VX*REXX
·  Waterfall Model
·  Wild_LIFE
·  Windows NT 4
·  XDL
·  XScheme
·  Yellow Box
·  Yerk
·  Yet Another Compiler Compiler
·  Z++


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