
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Search Results

Search Results for: RTI

Results in the term's title:

·  alpha particle
·  Artifex
·  artificial intelligence
·  Artificial Intelligence Lab
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  Artisoft, Inc.
·  Artistic license
·  assertion
·  Automatische Rechenplanfertigung
·  bipartite graph
·  Certificate Authority
·  complete partial ordering
·  Consortium for Lexical Research
·  equivalence class partitioning
·  equivalence partitioning
·  insertion sort
·  intermodulation distortion
·  International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium
·  Low Insertion Force
·  Martian
·  Martin Marietta Laboratories Moorestown
·  Microsoft Certified Solution Developer
·  Microsoft Certified System Engineer
·  Microsoft Certified Systems Developer
·  Partial Differential Equation LANguage
·  partial equivalence relation
·  partial evaluation
·  partial function
·  partial key
·  partially ordered set
·  partial ordering
·  Partial Response Maximum Likelihood
·  partition
·  partitioned data set
·  Portable AIRTIME
·  porting
·  RTI
·  SCPI Consortium
·  Service Advertising Protocol
·  sorting
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  Tcl Consortium
·  vertical application
·  vertical bar
·  vertical encoding
·  vertical loop combination
·  vertical microcode
·  Vertical Redundancy Check
·  vertical refresh rate
·  vertical scan rate
·  W3 Consortium
·  World Wide Web Consortium
·  X Consortium
·  Zero Insertion Force

Results in the term's text:

·  2.PAK
·  3Station
·  64-bit
·  6502
·  8514
·  88open
·  A#
·  abort
·  abscissa
·  abstract interpretation
·  abstraction
·  abstract machine
·  accumulator
·  activation record
·  Active Reconfiguring Message
·  ActiveX
·  Adam7
·  Adaptive Server Enterprise
·  addressing mode
·  address mask
·  Advanced Computing Environment
·  Advanced RISC Machine
·  Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
·  Advantage Gen
·  AGM Theory for Belief Revision
·  AI
·  AI-complete
·  Aimnet
·  AL
·  Alan Turing
·  A-law
·  algebraic
·  algebraic data type
·  alife
·  A-Life
·  all-elbows
·  Altair 8800
·  Alta Vista
·  AM
·  AMD 29000
·  American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
·  Andrew Fluegelman
·  animation
·  ANNotated Ada
·  annotation
·  anonymous FTP
·  anti-aliasing
·  antichain
·  antisymmetric
·  any key
·  Apache Software Foundation
·  Apollo Computer
·  application layer
·  Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
·  Application Visualisation System
·  Applicative Language for Digital Signal Processing
·  architecture
·  Ariel
·  Arithmetic and Logic Unit
·  Artifex
·  artificial intelligence
·  Artificial Life
·  artificial neural network
·  Artisoft, Inc.
·  aspect-oriented programming
·  Assembly Language for Multics
·  assertion
·  assignment problem
·  Association for Computational Linguistics
·  Association for Progressive Communications
·  Asynchronous Balanced Mode
·  Atanasoff-Berry Computer
·  ATM Forum
·  atomic
·  attenuation
·  attribute
·  aubergine
·  Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
·  autoprojector
·  A/UX
·  axiomatic semantics
·  Babbage
·  backing store
·  backport
·  backward analysis
·  backward compatibility
·  bamf
·  bar code
·  bare metal
·  barfulation
·  Baroque
·  baud barf
·  Baudotbetical order
·  belief revision
·  Bertrand Meyer
·  Berzerkeley
·  Bezier curve
·  Bezier surface
·  bible
·  big-endian
·  bigot
·  bindery
·  binding-time analysis
·  bit bucket
·  bit rot
·  black art
·  Black Data Processing Associates
·  Bletchley Park
·  blit
·  blow away
·  bogon
·  boink
·  Boolean algebra
·  boot virus
·  Borland Software Corporation
·  boundedly complete
·  Brain Aid Prolog
·  brain dump
·  broadband
·  Broadway
·  brochureware
·  Brooks' s Law
·  bubble sort
·  bucky bits
·  BWQ
·  by hand
·  byte-code
·  C++
·  CA
·  cache
·  cache line
·  Caliban
·  camera ready
·  Cancelmoose
·  Cancelpoodle
·  case based reasoning
·  casting the runes
·  category
·  cathode ray tube
·  CDL
·  cellular multiprocessing
·  Cellular Neural Network
·  central processing unit
·  Certificate Authority
·  chad
·  Chadless keypunch
·  chain
·  Chalmers University of Technology
·  channel op
·  character set
·  chroot
·  circular buffer
·  clean
·  CLiP
·  closure
·  CLR
·  CLU
·  Coalition for Networked Information
·  code police
·  coefficient of X
·  Cognitech
·  cokebottle
·  Columbia AppleTalk Package
·  comment
·  comm mode
·  Commodore 1541
·  Commodore 1581
·  Common Lisp
·  Communications of the ACM
·  communication system
·  complete
·  complete graph
·  complete lattice
·  complete partial ordering
·  Complex Instruction Set Computer
·  component architecture
·  Compressed SLIP
·  computer ethics
·  Computer Graphics Metafile
·  Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
·  computer vision
·  computron
·  conceptualisation
·  condom
·  configuration management
·  configuration programming
·  configure
·  connector conspiracy
·  considered harmful
·  Consortium for Lexical Research
·  constant applicative form
·  constant folding
·  constraint satisfaction
·  consultant
·  content-free
·  context-sensitive menu
·  control structure
·  coordination language
·  copybook
·  core gateway
·  Core Protocol Stack
·  Core War
·  Corporation for Open Systems
·  cosmic rays
·  Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria
·  country code
·  CPL
·  cpo
·  CrApTeX
·  crayon
·  crock
·  cross-post
·  crosstalk
·  curried function
·  cursor
·  CU-SeeMe
·  cut a tape
·  cybercrud
·  cybernetics
·  cyberpunk
·  cyberrhea
·  cyberspace
·  Cyc
·  cyclebabble
·  dancing frog
·  database normalisation
·  datagram
·  data hierarchy
·  Data Link Connection Identifier
·  data service unit
·  data set organization
·  data structure
·  dd
·  deadlock
·  death code
·  Death Star
·  deboursification
·  De Bruijn graph
·  DECdesign
·  Decus cpp
·  dedicated line
·  deductive tableau
·  de facto standard
·  Defense Data Network
·  Defense Information Systems Agency
·  Defense Trade Regulations
·  delta
·  demo mode
·  demon
·  Demon Internet Ltd.
·  demo version
·  denotational semantics
·  design pattern
·  Desktop Management Task Force
·  deterministic automaton
·  development environment
·  device independent bitmap
·  diddle
·  differential line
·  digest
·  Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
·  Digital Linear Tape
·  Digital to Analog Converter
·  dike
·  directional coupler
·  directory service
·  Directory System Agent
·  disclaimer
·  Discordianism
·  discussion group
·  display hack
·  Distributed Data Management
·  dithering
·  Document Style Semantics and Specification Language
·  Domain Analysis
·  domain engineering
·  domain model
·  domain-specific language
·  domain theory
·  dongle
·  DOS/360
·  dot matrix printer
·  dot pitch
·  Double Data Rate Random Access Memory
·  doubled sig
·  Doug Lenat
·  drag and drop
·  dread high bit disease
·  droid
·  drum
·  dual boot
·  Dual In-Line Package
·  Dylperl
·  dynamic binding
·  Dynamic HTML
·  Edward Yourdon
·  EIA-232
·  Eiffel
·  eigenvector
·  eighty-twenty rule
·  EL1
·  El Camino Bignum
·  electron
·  Electronic Frontier Foundation
·  electronic magazine
·  electronic meeting
·  ELIZA effect
·  elvish
·  embedding
·  emoticon
·  Emulator program
·  encoder
·  -endian
·  English
·  Enterprise JavaBeans
·  equivalence class
·  equivalence class partitioning
·  equivalence partitioning
·  equivalence relation
·  Eris
·  escape sequence
·  Ethernet
·  ETL
·  Euclid' s Algorithm
·  EUnet Ltd.
·  Eurisko
·  evaluation
·  evolutionary computation
·  exception handler
·  expert system
·  Express
·  extended memory
·  Extensible Stylesheet Language
·  extensional
·  extensional equality
·  Extension Language Kit
·  fact
·  fall through
·  farkled
·  fascist
·  feature
·  feep
·  fence
·  ferrite core memory
·  Ferroelectric Random Access Memory
·  field
·  field-programmable gate array
·  fifth generation language
·  Fight-o-net
·  File Allocation Table
·  filename extension
·  file system
·  film at 11
·  finger
·  Finite State Machine
·  firewall machine
·  first-order logic
·  FISH queue
·  flag
·  flame
·  flapping router
·  flat ASCII
·  floating-point
·  flush
·  font
·  fontology
·  Foonly
·  fork bomb
·  Formal Description Technique
·  forward analysis
·  fourth generation language
·  FP2
·  frame
·  Frame Relay
·  Framework 4
·  Free Software Foundation
·  Fresco
·  fried
·  frobnitz
·  frogging
·  fudge
·  fully lazy lambda lifting
·  function
·  functional programming
·  function application
·  funny money
·  fusion
·  fuzzball
·  fuzzy logic
·  FX-90
·  Gambit
·  gamma correction
·  GAP
·  garbageabetical order
·  Garnet
·  gate
·  GCC
·  gedanken
·  geek out
·  GE Information Services
·  General Recursion Theorem
·  Generic Expert System Tool
·  genetic programming
·  Geographic Information System
·  George Boole
·  Gerald Sussman
·  Global Network Navigator
·  glyph
·  Gnat
·  Goedel
·  go flatline
·  Google
·  goto
·  go voice
·  Gray
·  greek
·  Green Book
·  grok
·  gronk
·  group
·  hack attack
·  hacker
·  hacker ethic
·  Hacking X for Y
·  halting problem
·  hamster
·  Han character
·  handwave
·  hard-wired
·  header
·  heap
·  heavy wizardry
·  Hebbian learning
·  heisenbug
·  HEP
·  higher-order macro
·  high moby
·  High Performance Fortran
·  High-speed Net Connect
·  hiragana
·  hit
·  hog
·  Hollerithabetical order
·  holy wars
·  Hope
·  Hopfield network
·  horizontal application
·  horizontal encoding
·  Horn clause
·  hostname
·  house wizard
·  Huffman coding
·  Hugh Loebner
·  Human Interface Technology Laboratory
·  Hungarian Notation
·  Hunt the Wumpus
·  Hypertext Markup Language
·  icon
·  I didn' t change anything!
·  IEEE 488
·  IEEE 802
·  IEEE 802.2
·  ill-behaved
·  image processing
·  image recognition
·  IMD
·  Imperial Software Technology
·  incantation
·  include
·  incremental analysis
·  indent style
·  indirection
·  induction
·  inews
·  infinity
·  Information Innovation
·  information overload
·  infrastructure
·  insertion sort
·  installable file system
·  instantiation
·  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
·  instruction set
·  Integrated Database Management System
·  Intelligent Input/Output
·  intensional
·  interactive development environment
·  interlacing
·  intermodulation distortion
·  internationalisation
·  Internet
·  Internet Access Provider
·  Internet Experiment Note
·  Internet Message Access Protocol
·  Internet Monthly Report
·  Internet Registry
·  interpreter
·  interrupt
·  interstitial
·  intuitionistic logic
·  inverted index
·  IPsec
·  ircop
·  IrDA Data
·  Isabelle
·  ISO 9000
·  isomorphism class
·  iterative deepening
·  ITS
·  JaM
·  JavaBeans
·  Java Message Service
·  Java Run-Time Environment
·  JavaServer Pages
·  job security
·  jock
·  joe code
·  John McCarthy
·  Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
·  J. Random
·  jupiter
·  Kali
·  Ken Thompson
·  key
·  Keyed-Hashing Message Authentication
·  keyword
·  killer poke
·  kill file
·  kluge
·  kluge around
·  knowledge
·  knowledge base
·  knowledge-based system
·  knowledge level
·  Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
·  knowledge representation
·  Knowledge Systems Laboratory
·  kremvax
·  Kvikkalkul
·  lambda-calculus
·  LANtastic
·  Larch
·  latency
·  lattice
·  lazy evaluation
·  League for Programming Freedom
·  learning curve
·  Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
·  liar paradox
·  LIF
·  Life
·  line conditioning
·  line eater
·  line editor
·  liquid crystal display
·  Lisp
·  LISP 2
·  list comprehension
·  LL
·  local echo
·  locality
·  local variable
·  Locus
·  Loebner Prize
·  logical complement
·  Logical Link Control
·  logic programming
·  log in
·  Loglan
·  Longitudinal Redundancy Check
·  loop combination
·  Lorenz attractor
·  lossage
·  Lotus Notes Formula Language
·  lower set
·  LSA
·  LSL
·  Lucent Technologies
·  luser
·  Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool
·  LZ78 compression
·  machine code
·  Macintosh Common Lisp
·  MagmaLISP
·  magnetic stripe
·  magneto-optical disk
·  mail bomb
·  mailbox
·  Mail Exchange Record
·  makefile
·  mall
·  manularity
·  Marlais
·  Martian
·  MasPar Unity
·  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
·  Matrix Math eXtensions
·  McCulloch-Pitts neuron
·  meme
·  memetic algorithm
·  Memex
·  memory location
·  memory mapped I/O
·  META element
·  MIB Variable
·  microcode
·  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
·  Micro Interpreter for Knowledge Engineering
·  Microsoft Access
·  Microsoft Certified System Engineer
·  Microsoft Certified Systems Developer
·  MII
·  mimencode
·  mind uploading
·  Mini Disc
·  MIPS Technologies, Inc.
·  misfeature
·  Missed' em-five
·  MIT AI Lab
·  mmap
·  mode
·  model checking
·  Model View Controller
·  modem
·  Modula-2
·  Modular C
·  monkey up
·  Monte Carlo
·  monty
·  Moof
·  Moore' s Law
·  morphing
·  Moscow ML
·  motherboard
·  mouse around
·  mouse droppings
·  mouse mat
·  MPEG-4
·  MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding Scalable Sampling Rate
·  MPLS domain
·  mq
·  multicast backbone
·  Multimedia Personal Computer
·  multiple perspective software development
·  Multipop-68
·  multitasking
·  My Favourite Toy Language
·  naive
·  nanobot
·  nastygram
·  national characters
·  natural deduction
·  natural language
·  natural language processing
·  navigating
·  neats vs. scruffies
·  neep-neep
·  net.-
·  NetBios over TCP/IP
·  netburp
·  netiquette
·  netmask
·  Netware Directory Services
·  network
·  network address
·  network byte order
·  network engineer
·  Network News Transfer Protocol
·  neural nets
·  neural network
·  neuron
·  newgroup wars
·  news reader
·  Nightmare File System
·  NIL
·  nn
·  nondeterministic automaton
·  nonlinear
·  non-volatile storage
·  notwork
·  nude
·  Ob-
·  Object Data Management Group
·  Object Management Group
·  object-oriented programming
·  off-by-one error
·  offset
·  OIL
·  Omega-algebraic
·  Online Media
·  ontology
·  Open Distributed Processing
·  Open Graphics Library
·  open source
·  Open source license
·  Operating System/Multiprogramming of Fixed Tasks
·  operation code
·  Optical Storage Technology Association
·  optimising compiler
·  Oracle Parallel Server
·  ordering
·  outline font
·  Oz
·  P1754
·  partial evaluation
·  partial function
·  partial key
·  partially ordered set
·  partial ordering
·  Partial Response Maximum Likelihood
·  partition
·  partitioned data set
·  Pascal P4
·  patch space
·  pattern matching
·  pattern recognition
·  P-code
·  PDS
·  PER
·  permanent link
·  Personal Communication Network
·  Petri net
·  phase
·  Plan 9
·  platform
·  pling
·  plokta
·  plotter
·  plug-in
·  pnambic
·  pointer
·  Point Of Contact
·  poll
·  Ponder
·  Poplar
·  pornography
·  portability
·  portal
·  poset
·  post
·  PostScript
·  Post, Telephone and Telegraph chefistration
·  powerdomain
·  PowerOpen Environment
·  pre-order
·  prepaging
·  Pretty Good Privacy
·  Private Branch Exchange
·  process
·  processor farm
·  programming language
·  progressive coding
·  projective plane
·  Project MAC
·  Prolog
·  Prolog-Linda
·  protocol layer
·  proxy server
·  pSather
·  psyton
·  Public-Key Cryptography Standards
·  Public Key Infrastructure
·  punched card
·  Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set
·  push-button
·  push media
·  QNX
·  quality of service
·  Quicksort
·  random
·  Rapid Application Development
·  raster
·  rasterising
·  ray tracing
·  RC4
·  RCA 1802
·  real number
·  Real Programmer
·  Recursive Functional Algorithmic Language
·  reduction strategy
·  redundancy
·  Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
·  refactoring
·  referential integrity
·  reflexive
·  refresh rate
·  relation
·  relational database
·  relational data model
·  Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
·  removable disk
·  rendering
·  repeating group
·  Request For Comments
·  resolution
·  Resource Description Framework
·  rete
·  return from interrupt
·  Rhapsody
·  rich object
·  Rockwell Protocol Interface
·  rollback
·  run-length encoding
·  run time
·  run-time system
·  SA-110
·  safe
·  safe mode
·  Samba
·  same-day service
·  samurai
·  sanity check
·  SAP
·  SB AWE32
·  scan line
·  Schlaer-Mellor
·  Science and Engineering Research Council
·  Scott domain
·  scratch disk
·  scroll
·  scroll bar
·  SDL
·  segmented address space
·  selector
·  sendmail
·  sensor
·  Serial Line Internet Protocol
·  Serial Storage Architecture
·  Server Message Block
·  Service Advertising Protocol
·  service provider
·  Session Initiation Protocol
·  SEX
·  SGML Tagger
·  shambolic link
·  shared memory
·  shelfware
·  signal-to-noise ratio
·  signature
·  Similix
·  Simple Object Access Protocol
·  simplex printer
·  simulated annealing
·  simulation
·  since time T equals minus infinity
·  Sinclair PC200
·  Single Electron Tunneling Technology
·  sleep
·  sliding-window
·  Small Outline DIMM
·  smart
·  smoking clover
·  SNAFU principle
·  ' Snooze
·  software
·  software enabling
·  software interrupt
·  software laser
·  Software Methodology
·  SOL
·  sort
·  SOS
·  source of all good bits
·  specialisation
·  SPEC rate
·  spelling flame
·  spider
·  spike
·  spoiler
·  spreadsheet
·  Sprite
·  spyware
·  SQL
·  SQL3
·  sqsubseteq
·  Stack Environment Control Dump machine
·  stacking order
·  Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
·  Standard Lisp
·  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
·  Stanford University
·  Station Management
·  sticky content
·  stored procedure
·  strided
·  String Oriented Symbolic Language
·  structural recursion
·  subnet
·  subnet address
·  subroutine
·  substrate
·  suit
·  SuperJanet
·  super source quench
·  surrogate key
·  swung dash
·  symbolic inference
·  symbolic logic
·  symmetric key cryptography
·  Symmetric LISP
·  Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
·  SyQuest Technology, Inc.
·  Systems Analysis Definition
·  system software
·  Système International d' Units
·  talk
·  tall card
·  tape head
·  taste
·  Tcl Consortium
·  Ten15
·  terminal emulator
·  terminal junkie
·  Test coverage
·  text
·  Text Encoding Initiative
·  texture
·  The Cuckoo' s Egg
·  theory change
·  Tim Berners-Lee
·  tired iron
·  T. Kohonen
·  to a first approximation
·  top-down design
·  Top-Down Model
·  top-level domain
·  TOS
·  total function
·  total ordering
·  touchpad
·  Tower Technology Corporation
·  traceroute
·  Transaction Processing Facility
·  transducer
·  transitive
·  travelling salesman problem
·  Tree Transformation Language
·  troff
·  tty
·  tune
·  Turing
·  Turing Machine
·  Turing test
·  twm
·  type inference
·  TZ
·  ubiquitous computing
·  unary
·  Unicode
·  Unified Modeling Language
·  Uniform Resource Name
·  union
·  Unipress Software, Inc.
·  universal thunk
·  University of Durham
·  Unix International
·  Upper Layer Protocol
·  usability
·  Usenet
·  user identifier
·  usr
·  vadding
·  Vannevar Bush
·  VAX
·  VCC filtering
·  Versa Module Europa
·  version
·  vertical application
·  vertical bar
·  vertical encoding
·  vertical microcode
·  video compression
·  video memory
·  ViewPoints
·  Vine Technology
·  virtual
·  Virtual Machine
·  Virtual Memory System
·  virtual path
·  Virtual Private Network
·  virtual reality
·  Virtual Storage Extended
·  virus
·  VisiCalc /vi' zi-calk/
·  visionary
·  visualisation
·  visual programming language
·  VMEbus
·  vocoder
·  voltage
·  Voronoi diagram
·  voxel
·  VRC
·  VT
·  W3C
·  W3 Consortium
·  waldo
·  walking drives
·  wank
·  wannabee
·  warchalk
·  warlording
·  wavelength division multiplexing
·  webmaster
·  WebObjects
·  website
·  What You See Is What You Get
·  White pages
·  wiggles
·  William Gibson
·  Windows 3.0
·  windows messaging
·  Windows NT
·  Windows NT 3.1
·  Windows Open Service Architecture
·  wizard
·  word
·  Work Breakdown Structure
·  World Wide Web Consortium
·  write-only memory
·  WTF
·  X Consortium
·  xnf2ver
·  X/Open
·  XTP Forum
·  X Window System
·  Xy-pic
·  YAML Ain' t Markup Language
·  YTalk
·  Zed
·  Zermelo set theory
·  ZIF
·  Zuse
·  ZX-80
·  zxnrbl


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