


(Or "contraction") The process of transforming an expression according to certain reduction rules. The most important forms are beta reduction (application of a {lAMbda abstraction} to one or more argument expressions) and {delta reduction} (application of a mathematical function to the required number of arguments). An evaluation strategy (or reduction strategy), determines which part of an expression (which redex) to reduce first. There are many such strategies. See graph reduction, string reduction, {normal order reduction}, {applicative order reduction}, {parallel reduction}, {alpha conversion}, {beta conversion}, {delta conversion}, {eta conversion}. (1995-02-21)

In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ = ] [ abstraction ] [ ai ] [ al ] [ alpha conversion ] [ AM ] [ an ] [ app ] [ application ] [ applicative order reduction ] [ ar ] [ arc ] [ arg ] [ argument ] [ at ] [ b ] [ bd ] [ be ] [ beta ] [ beta conversion ] [ beta reduction ] [ bs ] [ ca ] [ cat ] [ cc ] [ ch ] [ co ] [ con ] [ contraction ] [ de ] [ delta ] [ delta conversion ] [ delta reduction ] [ ding ] [ du ] [ ed ] [ edu ] [ ee ] [ eg ] [ er ] [ es ] [ et ] [ eta conversion ] [ eta reduction ] [ evaluation ] [ evaluation strategy ] [ expression ] [ fi ] [ file ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ forms ] [ function ] [ gi ] [ gr ] [ graph ] [ graph reduction ] [ gu ] [ gy ] [ h ] [ hr ] [ id ] [ ie ] [ il ] [ import ] [ in ] [ io ] [ ir ] [ la ] [ lAMbda abstraction ] [ Lex ] [ li ] [ lt ] [ lu ] [ ma ] [ man ] [ mo ] [ mod ] [ module ] [ mp ] [ ms ] [ na ] [ nc ] [ ne ] [ ng ] [ no ] [ norm ] [ normal order reduction ] [ ns ] [ nu ] [ O ] [ pa ] [ parallel reduction ] [ ph ] [ pl ] [ port ] [ pr ] [ process ] [ query ] [ rc ] [ re ] [ redex ] [ reduction strategy ] [ ro ] [ ru ] [ S ] [ se ] [ si ] [ st ] [ string ] [ string reduction ] [ su ] [ T ] [ th ] [ to ] [ tr ] [ ua ] [ um ] [ va ] [ ve ] [ version ]

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