


1. Computer Definition [Design?] Language. A hardware desCRIption language. "Computer Organisation and Microprogramming", Yaohan Chu, P-H 1970. 2. Command Definition Language. Portion of ICES used to implement commands. Sammet 1969, p.618-620. 3. Compiler DesCRIption Language. C.H.A. Koster, 1969. Intended for implementation of the rules of an affix grammar by recursive procedures. A procedure may be a set of tree-structured alternatives, each alternative is executed until one successfully exits. Used in a portable COBOL-74 compiler from MPB, mprolog system from SzKI, and the Mephisto chess computer. "CDL: A Compiler Implementation Language", in Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation, C.H.A. Koster, LNCS 47, Springer 1977, pp.341-351. "Using the CDL Compiler Compiler", C.H.A. Koster, 1974. Versions: CDL2, CDLM used at Manchester. 4. Common Design Language. "Common Design Language", IBM, Software Engineering Inst, Sept 1983. 5. Control Definition Language. Ideas which contributed to Smalltalk. ["Control Structures for Programming Languges", David A. Fisher, PhD Thesis, CMU 1970].

In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ af ] [ ag ] [ al ] [ Algorithmic Language ] [ alt ] [ am ] [ an ] [ ao ] [ ar ] [ as ] [ at ] [ av ] [ B ] [ b ] [ be ] [ by ] [ C ] [ cc ] [ CD ] [ CE ] [ Ch ] [ ch ] [ chess ] [ CM ] [ CMU ] [ co ] [ COBOL ] [ com ] [ Comma ] [ comma ] [ command ] [ compiler ] [ Computer ] [ computer ] [ con ] [ cr ] [ cu ] [ D ] [ de ] [ DLM ] [ du ] [ E ] [ ec ] [ ed ] [ edu ] [ ee ] [ er ] [ es ] [ et ] [ exec ] [ execute ] [ fi ] [ fix ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ fr ] [ ga ] [ ge ] [ gi ] [ gn ] [ gr ] [ grammar ] [ gu ] [ h ] [ hardware ] [ hm ] [ hu ] [ IBM ] [ IC ] [ ICE ] [ ICES ] [ Id ] [ id ] [ il ] [ in ] [ io ] [ is ] [ it ] [ K ] [ la ] [ language ] [ lk ] [ lt ] [ ly ] [ M ] [ ma ] [ mall ] [ man ] [ Methods ] [ mm ] [ mo ] [ mp ] [ N ] [ na ] [ NC ] [ nc ] [ NCS ] [ ne ] [ ng ] [ ni ] [ ns ] [ O ] [ om ] [ op ] [ ph ] [ pl ] [ port ] [ portable ] [ pr ] [ procedure ] [ program ] [ programming ] [ pt ] [ re ] [ recursive ] [ ro ] [ ru ] [ S ] [ sa ] [ sc ] [ sCRIpt ] [ se ] [ set ] [ sh ] [ si ] [ sig ] [ Smalltalk ] [ st ] [ struct ] [ su ] [ sy ] [ system ] [ T ] [ table ] [ talk ] [ th ] [ to ] [ tr ] [ tree ] [ tw ] [ ua ] [ ug ] [ us ] [ V ] [ ve ] [ vi ] [ Y ]

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