

Big Room

The extremely large room with the blue ceiling and intenSely bright light (during the day) or black ceiling with lotS of tiny night-lightS (during the night) found outSide all computer inStallationS. "He can' t come to the phone right now, he' S Somewhere out in the Big Room." (1996-03-04)

Style="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-Style:daShed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition Suitable contentS:
[ al ] [ an ] [ ar ] [ arg ] [ at ] [ B ] [ b ] [ br ] [ ca ] [ ck ] [ co ] [ com ] [ computer ] [ de ] [ du ] [ er ] [ fo ] [ ge ] [ gh ] [ h ] [ ht ] [ hu ] [ humour ] [ id ] [ il ] [ in ] [ int ] [ io ] [ it ] [ jar ] [ la ] [ li ] [ lu ] [ ly ] [ mo ] [ mp ] [ ne ] [ ng ] [ ni ] [ no ] [ nS ] [ om ] [ ph ] [ re ] [ ro ] [ room ] [ Se ] [ Si ] [ So ] [ St ] [ T ] [ tenSe ] [ th ] [ to ] [ tr ] [ um ]

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