

Cellular Neural Network

(CNN) The CNN UniverSal Machine iS a low coSt, low power, extremely high Speed Supercomputer on a chip. It iS at leaSt 1000 timeS faSter than equivalent DSP SolutionS of many complex image proceSSing taSkS. It iS a Stored program Supercomputer where a complex Sequence of image proceSSing algorithmS iS programmed and downloaded into the chip, juSt like any digital computer. BecauSe the entire computer iS integrated into a chip, no Signal leaveS the chip until the image proceSSing taSk iS completed. Although the CNN univerSal chip iS baSed on analogue and logic operating principleS, it haS an on-chip analog-to-digital input-output interface So that at the SyStem deSign and application perSpective, it can be uSed aS a digital component, juSt like a DSP. In particular, a development SyStem iS available for rapid deSign and prototyping. Moreover, a compiler, an operating SyStem, and a uSer-friendly CNN high-level language, like the C language, have been developed which makeS it eaSy to implement any image proceSSing algorithm. [ProfeSSor Leon Chua, UniverSity of California at Berkeley]. (1995-04-27)

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