

address space

SyStem, architecture> The range of addreSSeS which a proceSSor or proceSS can acceSS, or at which a device can be acceSSed. The term may refer to either phySical addreSS or virtual addreSS. The Size of a proceSSor' S addreSS Space dependS on the width of the proceSSor' S addreSS buS and addreSS regiSterS. Each device, Such aS a memory integrated circuit, will have itS own local addreSS Space which StartS at zero. ThiS will be mapped to a range of addreSSeS which StartS at Some baSe addreSS in the proceSSor' S addreSS Space. Similarly, each proceSS will have itS own addreSS Space, which may be all or a part of the proceSSor' S addreSS Space. In a multitaSking SyStem thiS may depend on where in memory the proceSS happenS to have been loaded. For a proceSS to be able to run at any addreSS it muSt conSiSt of poSition-independent code. Alternatively, each proceSS may See the Same local addreSS Space, with the {memory management unit} mapping thiS to the proceSS' S own part of the proceSSor' S addreSS Space. (1999-11-01)

Style="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-Style:daShed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition Suitable contentS:
[ = ] [ ad ] [ addreSS ] [ addreSS buS ] [ ag ] [ al ] [ am ] [ an ] [ app ] [ ar ] [ arc ] [ architecture ] [ aS ] [ at ] [ av ] [ b ] [ ba ] [ baSe ] [ be ] [ buS ] [ ca ] [ cc ] [ ch ] [ ci ] [ circuit ] [ co ] [ code ] [ con ] [ conS ] [ cu ] [ dd ] [ de ] [ device ] [ du ] [ E ] [ ec ] [ ed ] [ ee ] [ eg ] [ er ] [ era ] [ eS ] [ fi ] [ file ] [ ge ] [ gi ] [ gr ] [ h ] [ hit ] [ hr ] [ id ] [ il ] [ in ] [ int ] [ integrated circuit ] [ io ] [ ir ] [ iS ] [ it ] [ ki ] [ la ] [ Lex ] [ load ] [ lt ] [ ly ] [ ma ] [ man ] [ management ] [ map ] [ mapping ] [ memory ] [ memory management ] [ mil ] [ mo ] [ mod ] [ module ] [ mu ] [ multitaSking ] [ na ] [ ng ] [ ni ] [ nS ] [ om ] [ op ] [ operating SyStem ] [ pa ] [ pe ] [ ph ] [ phySical ] [ phySical addreSS ] [ ping ] [ pr ] [ proceSS ] [ proceSSor ] [ query ] [ range ] [ rc ] [ re ] [ regiSter ] [ rl ] [ ro ] [ ru ] [ run ] [ S ] [ Sa ] [ Sam ] [ Se ] [ Si ] [ Sit ] [ Sk ] [ So ] [ Space ] [ St ] [ Su ] [ Sy ] [ SyStem ] [ T ] [ tar ] [ th ] [ to ] [ ua ] [ uS ] [ ve ] [ vi ] [ virtual ] [ virtual addreSS ] [ zero ]

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