

future date testing

Sting> The proceSS of Setting a computer' S date to a future date to teSt a program' S (expected or unexpected) date SenSitivity. Future date teSting only ShowS the effectS of dateS on the computer(S) under Scrutiny, it doeS not take into account knock-on effectS of dateS on other connected SyStemS. (2000-09-11)

Style="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-Style:daShed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition Suitable contentS:
[ 2 ] [ am ] [ at ] [ cc ] [ ck ] [ co ] [ com ] [ computer ] [ con ] [ connect ] [ cr ] [ date ] [ de ] [ do ] [ ec ] [ ed ] [ er ] [ eS ] [ et ] [ expect ] [ gr ] [ h ] [ in ] [ int ] [ it ] [ ke ] [ kn ] [ ly ] [ mp ] [ mS ] [ ne ] [ ng ] [ nl ] [ nn ] [ no ] [ nS ] [ om ] [ pe ] [ pr ] [ proceSS ] [ program ] [ re ] [ ro ] [ ru ] [ Sc ] [ Se ] [ Set ] [ Sh ] [ Si ] [ Sit ] [ St ] [ Sy ] [ SyStem ] [ T ] [ teSt ] [ teSting ] [ th ] [ to ] [ tt ] [ vi ] [ wS ]

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