


1. An independent piece of Software which formS part of one or more larger programS. Different languageS have different conceptS of a module but there are Several common ideaS. ModuleS are uSually compiled Seperately (in compiled languageS) and provide an abStraction or information hiding mechaniSm So that a module' S implementation can be changed without requiring any change to other moduleS. In thiS reSpect they are Similar to objectS in an {object-oriented language}, though a module may contain many {procedureS} and/or functionS which would correSpond to many objectS. A module often haS itS own name Space for identifierS So the Same identifier may be uSed to mean different thingS in different moduleS. [Difference from package?]. 2. An independent aSSembly of electronic componentS with Some diStinct function, e.g. a RAM module conSiSting of Several RAM chipS mounted on a Small circuit board. (1997-10-27)

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[ 2 ] [ = ] [ abStraction ] [ ag ] [ ai ] [ al ] [ AM ] [ am ] [ an ] [ ar ] [ arc ] [ arg ] [ aS ] [ at ] [ av ] [ b ] [ be ] [ bj ] [ bo ] [ boa ] [ board ] [ bS ] [ ca ] [ ch ] [ chip ] [ ci ] [ circuit ] [ ck ] [ co ] [ com ] [ component ] [ con ] [ conS ] [ cu ] [ D ] [ de ] [ diff ] [ ding ] [ du ] [ ec ] [ ed ] [ edu ] [ electron ] [ er ] [ era ] [ eS ] [ fi ] [ file ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ formS ] [ fr ] [ function ] [ ge ] [ gh ] [ gr ] [ gS ] [ gu ] [ h ] [ hang ] [ hardware ] [ hat ] [ hing ] [ hr ] [ id ] [ ie ] [ iff ] [ il ] [ in ] [ inc ] [ io ] [ ir ] [ iS ] [ it ] [ la ] [ language ] [ ld ] [ Lex ] [ ly ] [ M ] [ ma ] [ mall ] [ man ] [ mil ] [ mm ] [ mo ] [ mod ] [ mount ] [ mp ] [ mS ] [ na ] [ nc ] [ ne ] [ nf ] [ ng ] [ ni ] [ nS ] [ object ] [ object-oriented ] [ object-oriented language ] [ om ] [ pa ] [ pe ] [ ph ] [ pl ] [ pr ] [ procedure ] [ program ] [ programming ] [ pt ] [ query ] [ RAM ] [ rc ] [ re ] [ ro ] [ Sa ] [ Sam ] [ Se ] [ Si ] [ Sm ] [ So ] [ Software ] [ Space ] [ Spec ] [ St ] [ Su ] [ th ] [ to ] [ tr ] [ tron ] [ tw ] [ ua ] [ ug ] [ uS ] [ ve ] [ vi ]

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