

systems analysis

StudY of the design, specification, feasibilitY, cost, and implementation of a computer sYstem for business. What a sYstems analYst does. (1997-04-25)

Yle="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-stYle:dashed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ al ] [ an ] [ as ] [ at ] [ b ] [ bi ] [ bus ] [ ca ] [ cat ] [ ci ] [ co ] [ com ] [ computer ] [ de ] [ design ] [ do ] [ ec ] [ er ] [ es ] [ fi ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ gn ] [ h ] [ hat ] [ il ] [ in ] [ io ] [ it ] [ jo ] [ job ] [ li ] [ lY ] [ mp ] [ ms ] [ na ] [ ne ] [ om ] [ pe ] [ pl ] [ S ] [ si ] [ sig ] [ spec ] [ specification ] [ st ] [ sY ] [ sYstem ] [ sYstems analYst ] [ th ] [ us ]

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