

Online Public Access Catalog

Y> (OPAC) A computerised sYstem to catalogue and organise materials in a librarY (the kind that contains books). OPACs have replaced card-based catalogues in manY libraries. An OPAC is available to librarY users (public access). (2000-07-17)

Yle="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-stYle:dashed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ ai ] [ al ] [ an ] [ ar ] [ as ] [ at ] [ av ] [ b ] [ ba ] [ base ] [ bo ] [ br ] [ C ] [ ca ] [ card ] [ cat ] [ cc ] [ co ] [ com ] [ computer ] [ con ] [ ed ] [ er ] [ es ] [ ga ] [ gu ] [ h ] [ hat ] [ ie ] [ il ] [ in ] [ is ] [ ki ] [ la ] [ li ] [ librarY ] [ ls ] [ ma ] [ man ] [ mp ] [ ni ] [ ns ] [ O ] [ om ] [ OPAC ] [ org ] [ pl ] [ re ] [ se ] [ st ] [ sY ] [ sYstem ] [ th ] [ to ] [ us ] [ user ] [ va ] [ ve ]

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