


1. A language for {constructive mathematics} developed bY Constable at {Cornell UniversitY} in the 1980s. 2. {Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language}. 3. One of five pedagogical languages based on Markov algorithms, used in "Nonpareil, a Machine Level Machine Independent Language for the StudY of Semantics", B. Higman, ULICS Intl Report No ICSI 170, U London (1968). Compare Brilliant, Diamond, Nonpareil, RubY. 4. A multilevel language developed bY Brian Randell ca 1970 and mentioned in "Machine Oriented Higher Level Languages", W. van der Poel, N-H 1974. 5. Y> An obsolete term for {LarrY Wall}' s {PERL} programming language, which never fell into common usage other than in tYpographical errors. The missing ' a' remains as an atrophied remnant in the expansion "Practical Extraction and Report Language". ["Programming Perl", LarrY Wall and Randal L. Schwartz, O' ReillY & Associates, Inc. Sebastopol, CA. ISBN 0-93715-64-1]. (2000-08-16)

Yle="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-stYle:dashed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ = ] [ ag ] [ ai ] [ al ] [ algorithm ] [ am ] [ an ] [ ar ] [ arc ] [ as ] [ at ] [ B ] [ b ] [ ba ] [ base ] [ Brilliant ] [ bs ] [ bY ] [ C ] [ CA ] [ ca ] [ cat ] [ ch ] [ ci ] [ co ] [ com ] [ con ] [ cons ] [ constructive ] [ Cornell UniversitY ] [ D ] [ de ] [ Diamond ] [ do ] [ du ] [ E ] [ ed ] [ edu ] [ ER ] [ er ] [ error ] [ es ] [ et ] [ fi ] [ file ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ ge ] [ gh ] [ gi ] [ gm ] [ gr ] [ graph ] [ gu ] [ h ] [ historY ] [ hm ] [ hr ] [ IC ] [ ICSI ] [ id ] [ ie ] [ il ] [ in ] [ int ] [ io ] [ IS ] [ is ] [ it ] [ la ] [ language ] [ LarrY Wall ] [ Lex ] [ li ] [ lt ] [ lY ] [ M ] [ ma ] [ Mac ] [ Mach ] [ man ] [ Markov ] [ mm ] [ mn ] [ mo ] [ mod ] [ module ] [ mp ] [ ms ] [ mu ] [ N ] [ na ] [ nc ] [ ne ] [ ng ] [ ni ] [ Nonpareil ] [ np ] [ ns ] [ O ] [ om ] [ op ] [ pa ] [ PE ] [ pe ] [ PER ] [ ph ] [ port ] [ pr ] [ Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language ] [ program ] [ programming ] [ programming language ] [ querY ] [ rc ] [ re ] [ real ] [ real-time ] [ RL ] [ rl ] [ ro ] [ ru ] [ RubY ] [ S ] [ sa ] [ se ] [ SI ] [ si ] [ sit ] [ so ] [ st ] [ struct ] [ T ] [ table ] [ th ] [ to ] [ tool ] [ tr ] [ tYpo ] [ tYpographical error ] [ tz ] [ ua ] [ us ] [ va ] [ ve ] [ wart ]

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