

PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems

(PROGRES) A very high level language based on graph grammars, developed by Andy Scheurr and Albert Zuendorf of RWTH, Aachen in 1991. PROGRES supports structurally object-oriented specification of attributed graph structures with multiple inheritance hierarchies and types of types (for {parametric polymorphism}). It also supports declarative/relational specification of derived attributes, node sets, binary relationships (directed edges) and Boolean constraints, rule-oriented/visual specification of parameterised graph rewrite rules with complex application conditions, nondeterministic and imperative programming of composite graph transformations (with built-in backtracking and cancelling arbitrary sequences of failing graph modifications). It is used for implementing abstract data types with graph-like internal structure, as a visual language for the graph-oriented database GRAS, and as a rule-oriented language for prototyping nondeterministically specified data/rule base transformations. PROGRES has a formally defined semantics based on "PROgrammed Graph Rewriting Systems". It is an almost statically typed language which additionally offers "down casting" operators for run time checked type casting/conversion (in order to avoid severe restrictions concerning the language' s expressiveness). Version RWTH 5.10 includes an integrated environment. [A. Scheurr, "Introduction to PROGRES, an Attribute Graph Grammar Based Specification Language", in Proc WG89 Workshop on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science", LNCS 411, Springer 1991]. for Sun-4. (1993-11-02)

In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ = ] [ @ ] [ abstract data type ] [ ad ] [ ag ] [ ai ] [ al ] [ am ] [ an ] [ app ] [ application ] [ ar ] [ arc ] [ archie ] [ AS ] [ as ] [ at ] [ attribute ] [ av ] [ B ] [ b ] [ ba ] [ backtracking ] [ base ] [ be ] [ bi ] [ binary ] [ bit ] [ bj ] [ Boolean ] [ bs ] [ built-in ] [ by ] [ C ] [ ca ] [ cast ] [ cat ] [ cell ] [ ch ] [ ci ] [ ck ] [ cl ] [ co ] [ com ] [ composite ] [ Computer ] [ con ] [ cons ] [ constraint ] [ data ] [ database ] [ data type ] [ dd ] [ de ] [ dec ] [ deterministic ] [ do ] [ down ] [ du ] [ E ] [ ec ] [ ed ] [ eg ] [ environment ] [ er ] [ era ] [ es ] [ et ] [ fi ] [ file ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ G ] [ ge ] [ gh ] [ gr ] [ grammar ] [ graph ] [ GRAS ] [ GRE ] [ gu ] [ h ] [ hop ] [ hr ] [ ht ] [ id ] [ ie ] [ il ] [ in ] [ inc ] [ include ] [ inheritance ] [ int ] [ io ] [ ir ] [ iron ] [ is ] [ it ] [ ke ] [ ki ] [ ksh ] [ la ] [ language ] [ lb ] [ Lex ] [ li ] [ ls ] [ lt ] [ lu ] [ ly ] [ ma ] [ mall ] [ man ] [ meter ] [ metric ] [ mm ] [ mo ] [ mod ] [ module ] [ mp ] [ ms ] [ mu ] [ multiple inheritance ] [ N ] [ na ] [ NC ] [ nc ] [ NCS ] [ ne ] [ nf ] [ ng ] [ ni ] [ no ] [ node ] [ nondeterministic ] [ ns ] [ O ] [ object ] [ object-oriented ] [ om ] [ op ] [ operator ] [ pa ] [ param ] [ parameter ] [ parametric polymorphism ] [ pe ] [ ph ] [ ping ] [ pl ] [ polymorphism ] [ port ] [ PR ] [ pr ] [ program ] [ programming ] [ PROGRES ] [ prototyping ] [ pt ] [ query ] [ RAS ] [ rc ] [ RE ] [ re ] [ relation ] [ restriction ] [ ro ] [ ru ] [ run ] [ run time ] [ rw ] [ S ] [ se ] [ semantics ] [ set ] [ sh ] [ si ] [ sit ] [ sm ] [ so ] [ Spec ] [ spec ] [ specification ] [ st ] [ statically typed ] [ strict ] [ struct ] [ su ] [ Sun ] [ support ] [ T ] [ th ] [ to ] [ tp ] [ tr ] [ track ] [ tracking ] [ transformation ] [ tt ] [ type ] [ ua ] [ up ] [ us ] [ V ] [ ve ] [ version ] [ vi ] [ visual language ] [ WG ] [ write ] [ WTH ] [ Z ]

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