


simple language for analytic geometry, with graphic output. "LG: A Language for Analytic Geometry", J. Reymond, CACM 12(8) (Aug 1969).

style="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-style:dashed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ ACM ] [ ag ] [ al ] [ an ] [ C ] [ CA ] [ CACM ] [ CM ] [ et ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ G ] [ ge ] [ gr ] [ graph ] [ gu ] [ h ] [ it ] [ J ] [ la ] [ language ] [ ly ] [ M ] [ mo ] [ mp ] [ na ] [ ng ] [ om ] [ output ] [ ph ] [ pl ] [ s ] [ th ] [ tp ] [ tr ] [ ua ] [ ug ] [ yt ]

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