

domain theory

A branch of mathematics introduced by Dana Scott in 1970 as a mathematical theory of programming languages, and for nearly a quarter of a century developed almost exclusively in connection with denotational semantics in computer science. In denotational semantics of programming languages, the meaning of a program is taken to be an element of a domain. A domain is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of values (or "points") and an ordering relation, <= on those values. Domain theory is the study of such structures. ("<=" is written in LaTeX as subseteq) Different domains correspond to the different types of object with which a program deals. In a language containing functions, we might have a domain X -> Y which is the set of functions from domain X to domain Y with the ordering f <= g iff for all x in X, f x <= g x. In the pure lambda-calculus all objects are functions or applications of functions to other functions. To represent the meaning of such programs, we must solve the recursive equation over domains, D = D -> D which states that domain D is (isomorphic to) some {function space} from D to itself. I.e. it is a {fixed point} D = F(D) for some operator F that takes a domain D to D -> D. The equivalent equation has no non-trivial solution in {set theory}. There are many definitions of domains, with different properties and suitable for different purposes. One commonly used definition is that of Scott domains, often simply called domains, which are omega-algebraic, consistently complete CPOs. There are domain-theoretic computational models in other branches of mathematics including dynamical systems, fractals, measure theory, integration theory, probability theory, and stochastic processes. See also abstract interpretation, bottom, {pointed domain}. (1999-12-09)

In addition suitable contents:
[ 2 ] [ = ] [ abstract interpretation ] [ ag ] [ ai ] [ al ] [ algebra ] [ algebraic ] [ am ] [ an ] [ app ] [ application ] [ ar ] [ arc ] [ as ] [ at ] [ av ] [ b ] [ ba ] [ bd ] [ be ] [ bi ] [ bj ] [ bo ] [ bot ] [ bottom ] [ br ] [ branch ] [ bs ] [ by ] [ C ] [ ca ] [ cat ] [ ch ] [ ci ] [ cl ] [ co ] [ com ] [ complete ] [ computer ] [ con ] [ connect ] [ cons ] [ consistently complete ] [ CP ] [ cu ] [ D ] [ de ] [ denotational semantics ] [ diff ] [ ding ] [ do ] [ domain ] [ du ] [ ec ] [ ed ] [ ee ] [ eg ] [ element ] [ er ] [ era ] [ es ] [ et ] [ excl ] [ fi ] [ file ] [ fix ] [ fixed point ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ fr ] [ fractal ] [ function ] [ ga ] [ ge ] [ gh ] [ gr ] [ gu ] [ h ] [ hat ] [ hose ] [ hr ] [ ht ] [ id ] [ ie ] [ iff ] [ il ] [ in ] [ inc ] [ int ] [ integration ] [ io ] [ is ] [ isomorphic ] [ it ] [ ke ] [ ken ] [ la ] [ lambda-calculus ] [ language ] [ LaTeX ] [ lc ] [ Lex ] [ li ] [ ls ] [ lu ] [ lv ] [ ly ] [ ma ] [ man ] [ measure ] [ meg ] [ mega- ] [ mm ] [ mo ] [ mod ] [ mode ] [ model ] [ module ] [ mp ] [ ms ] [ mu ] [ na ] [ nc ] [ ne ] [ ng ] [ ni ] [ nl ] [ nn ] [ no ] [ ns ] [ O ] [ object ] [ om ] [ op ] [ operator ] [ ordering ] [ pa ] [ pe ] [ ph ] [ pl ] [ ply ] [ point ] [ pointed domain ] [ pr ] [ process ] [ program ] [ programming ] [ programming language ] [ pure lambda-calculus ] [ quarter ] [ query ] [ rc ] [ re ] [ recursive ] [ relation ] [ rl ] [ ro ] [ ru ] [ S ] [ sc ] [ Scott domain ] [ se ] [ semantics ] [ set ] [ set theory ] [ si ] [ so ] [ solution ] [ space ] [ st ] [ state ] [ stochastic ] [ struct ] [ su ] [ subseteq ] [ suit ] [ sy ] [ system ] [ T ] [ table ] [ th ] [ theory ] [ to ] [ tr ] [ tt ] [ type ] [ ua ] [ us ] [ va ] [ value ] [ ve ] [ vi ] [ X ] [ Y ]

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