

The following contents are available in "Free On-line Dictionary of Computing":

 · G · G2
 · G3 · G4
 · GA · ga
 · Gabriel · gabriel
 · Gabriel, Richard · GADS
 · Gaelic · gag
 · Galaxy · Galileo
 · Gambit · games
 · game tree · GAMMA
 · gamma correction · GAMS
 · gamut · GAN
 · GANDALF · gang bang
 · GAP · GAPLog
 · garbageabetical order · garbage collect
 · garbage collection · Garbage In, Garbage Out
 · Gargoyle · Garnet
 · GARP · garply
 · Gartner Group · gas
 · GASP · gas plasma display
 · gate · gated
 · Gates · gateway
 · Gateway 2000 · Gauss
 · Gaussian distribution · gawk
 · GB · Gb
 · gb · g-bell
 · gbps · GC
 · GCL · G-Code
 · GCR · GCT
 · gd · GDB
 · GDBPSK · Gödel, Kurt
 · GDPL · GE
 · ge · GEA
 · GECOS · Gedanken
 · gedanken · geef
 · geek · geek out
 · GEI · GE Information Services
 · GEM · gen
 · gender mender · Gene Amdahl
 · General Activities Simulation Program · General Aerodynamic Simulation Program
 · General Electric · General Electric Comprehensive Operating System
 · General Magic · General Packet Radio Service
 · General Protection Failure · General Protection Fault
 · General Public Licence · General Public License
 · General Public Virus · General Purpose Graphic Language
 · General Purpose Interface Bus · General Purpose Language
 · General Purpose Macro-generator · General Recursion Theorem
 · generate · generation
 · Generic Array Logic · Generic Expert System Tool
 · generic identifier · genericity
 · generic markup · generic programming
 · Generic Routing Encapsulation · Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface
 · generic thunk · generic type variable
 · Genesia · genetic algorithm
 · genetic algorithms · genetic programming
 · GEnie Services · Genken Programming Language
 · GENOVA · gensym
 · Gensym Corporation · Gensym Standard Interface
 · Gentleman' s Portable Coroutine System · GEN-X
 · Geographical Information System · Geographic Information System
 · George Boole · Georg Simon Ohm
 · Gerald · Gerald Sussman
 · German · GEST
 · Get a life! · Get a real computer!
 · · getty
 · gf · g file
 · GFS · gh
 · GHC · ghost
 · Ghostscript · ghostview
 · GHz · GI
 · gi · Gibson, William
 · gid · GIF
 · GIF89 · GIF89a
 · GIFF · gig
 · giga- · gigabit
 · gigabits per second · gigabyte
 · gigaflop · gigaflops
 · GigaHertz · GIGO
 · gilley · gillion
 · Gilmore, John · GIM-1
 · Ginger · GIP
 · GIS · GKS
 · GKS-3D · GL
 · gl · Glammar
 · glark · Glasgow Haskell Compiler
 · GLASS · glass
 · glass box testing · glassfet
 · glass tty · GLB
 · glibc · Glish
 · Glisp · glitch
 · glob · global index
 · globalisation · Global Network Navigator
 · Global Positioning System · Global System for Mobile Communications
 · glork · GLOS
 · GLU · glue
 · glue language · glyph
 · Glypnir · gm
 · GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction · GMT
 · gn · gnarly
 · Gnat · GNATS
 · Gnome Computers · GNU
 · GNU archive site · GNU assembler
 · GNU awk · GNU BC
 · GNU C · GNU C Library
 · GNU Emacs · GNU General Public License
 · GNUMACS · GNU mirror site
 · GNU Network Object Model Environment · Gnuplot
 · GNU Privacy Guard · GNU Problem Report Management System
 · GNU public licence · GNUS
 · GNU sed · GNU Smalltalk
 · GNUStep · GNU superoptimiser
 · Go · goal
 · Go Back N · gobble
 · Godwin' s Law · Godzillagram
 · Goedel · go-faster stripes
 · Gofer · Goffin
 · go flatline · GO-GO
 · go gold · GOL
 · golden · golf ball printer
 · GOM · gonk
 · gonkulator · GOOD
 · Good Thing · Google
 · googol · googolplex
 · gopher · Gopher client
 · Gopher object type · Gopherspace
 · gorets · gorilla arm
 · go root · gorp
 · GOSIP · Gosling, James
 · GOSMACS · Gosperism
 · GOSPL · gotcha
 · goto · Gottlob Frege
 · gov · Government OSI Profile
 · go voice · GP
 · gp · GPF
 · GPV · GPX
 · gq · gr
 · GRAAL · Grace Hopper
 · GRAF · Graffiti
 · grain · GRAM
 · grammar · grammar analysis
 · grammatical inference · Grandfather, Father, Son
 · granularity · Grapes
 · Grapevine · graph
 · Graph Algorithm and Software Package · graph coloring
 · graph colouring · Graphic ALGOL
 · Graphical Kernel System · Graphic Display Interface
 · Graphic Language · graphics accelerator
 · graphics adapter · graphics adaptor
 · graphics card · Graphics Interchange Format
 · Graphics Interface Format · Graphics Language Object System
 · graphic workstation · Graph-Oriented Object Database
 · graph plotter · graph reduction
 · graph rewriting system · GRAPPLE
 · GRASPIN · grault
 · Gray · graybar land
 · gray code · gray-scale
 · GRE · greater than
 · greatest common divisor · greatest lower bound
 · Great Renaming · Great Runes
 · Great Worm · greek
 · greeking · Green
 · Green Book · Green Book CD-ROM
 · green bytes · green card
 · green lightning · green machine
 · green monitor · Green' s Theorem
 · Greenwich Mean Time · Greg Olson
 · grep · grey-scale
 · Greystone Technologies · GRG
 · GRIB · grick
 · grilf · Grim File Reaper
 · GRIND · grind
 · grind crank · GRIP
 · gripenet · gritch
 · grix · groff
 · grok · gronk
 · gronked · group
 · Group 3 · Group 4
 · Group Code Recording · group identifier
 · Group Separator · Group-Sweeping Scheduling
 · Groupware · Groupwise
 · grovel · grunge
 · gry · GS
 · gs · GSBL
 · GSI · GSL
 · gt · gtg
 · GTK+ · GTL
 · GT/SQL · gu
 · guaranteed scheduling · guard
 · Guarded Horn Clauses · gubbish
 · Guide · Guide to Available Mathematical Software
 · guiltware · gun
 · gunch · Gunning Transceiver Logic
 · gunzip · Gupta Corporation
 · gurfle · guru
 · guru meditation · Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
 · Guy Steele · GVL
 · gw · GW-Ada
 · GW-BASIC · gweep
 · gy · Gypsy
 · gz · gzip
 · Graphical User Interface 

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